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Fishguard County School. --


Fishguard County School. Mr T. Lewis (chemist) presided at a meet- ing of the Fishguard County School managers < on Friday evening last. Also present Rev J. sV. Maurice, Rev W. Evans, Mr W. James, Mr B. 1 homas, Mr O. Gledhill (headmaster), aud Mr Geo Morris (cLrk). FOR THE INSPECTORS. Mr O. Gletihill informed the governors that lie had the whole of his repiv to the Central Welsh Buard Inspector's report typewritten, and had also fowarded copies to Mr Owen Owen (chief inspector), Miss Thompson (tem- porary inspector), and the Central Welsh Board. He had informed the Inspector that bad the report been in accord with facts he would have had no course open to him but to resign as it was not, be had defended him- self. If on re-consideration the Inspector found the statements untrue, which they were, he had asked that HII amended report be substituted in accord with the facts, lie had received an acknowledgement of the letter to the that it would receive due con- sideration. APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT MASTF.lt. Continuing, Mr Gledhill said he had ap- pointed an assistant-master iu the place of Mr Pease, Mr Walter Ri tellings, B.Sc., Vie., aged 25, of Burnley, Lancashire, und who holds a first-class (with honours) certificate in chemis- try; was assistant demonstrator ot the Burnley Technical Institute holds twenty-six science and art certificates was eighth in the nation- al competition for the Royal College ot Science, and hrld valuable scholarships at Owen's College, Manchester. Mr Gledhill had tried to obtain a Welsh teacher but failed. Mr Ritching was willing to under- take any teaching his qualifications permitted of, and would not shirk woik. The Vicar: You tiied to get a Welshman ? Mr Gledhill I did. One application has come to hand since I made the appointment. No exception was taken to the appointment, t'le ieeling being that the headmaster had made a good selection. OPENING OF PHYSICAL LABORATORY. The Vicar asked it anything had been done towards preparing for the formal opening of the physical laboratory. The Chairman leplied that their diligent clerk (Mr Geo Morris) had, he sorry to say, bten too indisposed to see to the matter. FURNISHING. In respect to furnishing the new laboratory Mr Gledhill reported he had received two tenders, one being much higher than the other but the furniture was more elaborate. He would like first of all to consult the Cookery teacher before ordering. it was decided to accede to the suggestion before ordering. RE-APPOINTMENTS. The Rev J. W. Maurice proposed the re- appointment of Mr J. C. Yorke as chairman ot governors.—Rev W. Evans seconded and it was carried unanimously. Rev \V. Evans proposed that Dr Williams (Drim) be re-elected vice-chairman.—Mr W. rJ»mt-H seconded and it was carried unani- mously. RESIGNATION OF GOYEllNOll. Mr-T. Lewis, who kiudly undertook the clerk's duties for the meeting, read a letter from Dr G. J. Williams, of GiMand, near Carlisle, tendering his resignation and regret- ting he had not done so before leaving Fishguaid. He wished the school every success. The Chaiiman said they wetf losing a valuable and attentive member. The clerk (Mr Morris) said that nomination papers Would be sent to the four Board Schools to be filled up. The appointment of a successor would then be made in the usual way. LODGING-HOUSE COMMITTEE. On the motion ot Mr B. Thomas, seconded by the Rev J. W. Maurice, Mr W. James was added to the lodging-house committee in the place of Dr G. J. Williams The other members are Mrs J. M. Owen, Mr T. Lewis, and the Clerk. APPOINTMENTS. The Rev J. W. Maurice was elected a member of the fimtuce committee. Mr Roberts was appointed treasurer, and Dr Williams as special representative. STAFF AND APPARATUS. It was resolved to tix the amount for the maintenance of the assistant staff at £280, and that the amount for apparatus be deferred. On tfie motion of the Vicar seconded by Rev J. W. Maurice. PRIZE-MONEY. Resolved on ttie motion of the Rev J. W. Maurice seconded by Mr B. Thomas that 30s be devoted to the poz-j fund, together with any profits derived Irom the purchase of stationery. HEADMASTER'S ANNUAL REPORT. Mr Gleiibnl asked, as he had not yet re- ceived the list of marks from the Centra! Welsh Board, to defer the report until the next meeting. SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES. It was decided that the granting and aug- mentation of scholarships be deferred to the next meeting. A letter was read from the uncle of VVm Evans, of St. Nicholas, thanking the governors tor their kindness to his nephew who, be stated, intended returning to school. There were thirteen applications for bur- saries as against ten last year and £40 was available us against £2:3 last year. All the bursaries were granted as per list on the pro position of the Rev J. W. Maurice seconded by Mr W. James. TEACHERS AND GOWNS Mr T. Lewis (chairman) observed that Mr Gledhill would not, he felt, be offended at him remarking that the report of the inspec- tors which had appeared in the Press bad created considerable sensation, and he (Mr Lewis) thought there was a certain amount of feeling among the people interested that the governors did not pay sufficient attention to the school; that they rarely if ever visited the school. He thought, under the circum- stances, that one governor should beappoin'- ed to visit the school peiiodically. Replying to Mr Maurice, Mr Gleihill said he kept a log for his own sake, but was not compelled to do so. Continuing, Mr Lewis said they knew nothing of the actual working of the school, aud when anything cropped up which re- flected on them they were unable to get out of it very well. He considered that every member of the committee ought to be ap- pointed to visit the school in turn but he was simply throwing out a suggestion. Mr Gledhill said he welcomed it. In reply to Mr B. Thomas respecting the appointment of scholars to see to the lavatories being kept tidy, Mr Gledhill said that he himsolf looked atter them aud much better than any boy or girl could. Eventually, on the motion of the Rev J. W. Maurice, secoudsd by the Vicar, it was agreed that each governor visit the school in turn. The Rev J. W. Maurice was then selected as the first visitor for the present month the Rev W Evans for October Mr W James for November Mr T. Lewis for De- cember, and Mr B. Thomas for the following iuouth and so on. Mr W. James opined that the arrangement would strengthen the headmaster's lucds. The Chairman said that, prrs<"»n-.«tly he should be pleased to see the teachers, when at school, appearing in the gowns to which their degrees entitled them. Mr Gledhill said he would not care to en- fOI ce the wearing of gowns in a science demonstration. Chairman With that exception. Ic will lend a certain amount of tone. Mr Gledhill said it. was the exception rather than the rule to wear g;)WL8 when teaching science. The Vicar thought that the gown carried a certain amount of dignity with it, and men- tioned his own experiences as a student at I college. Mr Gledhill said he would carry out the governors' wishes.

Through the Boer War.

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Letterston Cycle Accident.I


Goodwick Harbour Works Rangers.

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