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GOODWICK. Ol-,ituary.-The death was announced on Friday last of Mr W II Towers, the owner of the tugs which for weeks assisted in the salvage of the old dredger Agnes in the hay. Deceased was no relation to Messrs Towers who purchased the "Agues. tie was only 42 years of pge, and a past member and captain of the Swansea Rugby fifteen. The catis, of death was parelysis of the brain. Obscqiiies -Ni:vmerot. schoolmates attend- ed the obsi quies at Khcsyeaeiau ot Sarah Jane Mar tell on Friday last, while the wealth of il'->ral wreaths hid ti e ceffin from view. Beautiful tokens were fcnt by the teachers of Henner in memory of their pupil, alwaj s a favouiite bflame of her kindly disposition. Scholars also sent several pretty designs in flora to mark their affection for one w hm e untimely end they sincerely meum. At the Sunday School of Manorowen ueceated had won the esteem of her teachers, and at the funeral the Rev. T Johns, M.A., officiated in the home, Rev J G James, at ike grave ide. Obitual y.-There died on W ednesday evening of last week Mrs Beyiiisli, wife of Mr John Reynish, p;er worker, Duffryn, at the earlv age of 29, from child-oirtlr Much Bjiupatby is expressed for the bereaved hus- band and eeveial children. The funeral took place on Saturday last at Rhosycaerau, the Rev George James efficiatiug at the house, and alw at the grave-tide. Several floral wreaths were placed on the cotlin by the ceighbours, Mrs ebb contributing two composed of choice rose buds, and attached to which were cards bearing expressions of sincere sympathy. It is worthy of note that the kindly rs W tbb has never yet omitted a floial offeiing whenever the demise of a neighbour hes taken place. 'Ibu is a very commendable custom worthy of emulation. Deceased had been married a little over two 5Tl'anwnda Church—The Rev H Miles. Lian,-tinan, has temporarily succeeded to the curacy of Manorowen and Llanwnda parishes. There is service eveiy Sunday afternoon (at 3 o'clock) at the pieity church of Llanwnd which for the past few Sundays has attracted many worshippers. St Peter's Church. -Those attending the above chuich on Sunday evening last were treated to a beautiful Ecrmon-a several lIemarkcd-by the Rev J T Evans, rector of Stow, Gloucestershire, who bated the fruitful discourse on the 2ord verso of the 15 th chap, of Exodus, They could not drink^ of the waters of Marah for th( y were bitter. The rev gentleman described the bitt(r waters of Marah as the trials and tribulations which the people bad to endure during their j urney tiirough life but they brought them nearer to God who is ever ready to help them. The tiee which Moses was commanded to cast iuto the waters was the cross of Christ, and on which lie died so that 11 is children might be saved. They were all apt to forget the words -1 Thy wi:l be done when the world favoured them, but bitterness brought them to repentance. The sermon throughout was pregnant with good advice, expressed in simple let admirable and convincing terms. No wonder the all too sparse congregation listen- ed with wrapt attention and drauk in every word.—The Rev Henry Miles conducted the service. T ■, Building Materials.—Loads, by rail and 6ea of buildiDg materials are constantly ar- riving at Goodwick for the buildings on the Coo and at Trevwrgu. Capt Thomas' A.T.) was beached on Saturday last and is dis- charging a ca'go of timber for the building of Mr D'Couiey Beamish. Foundations for the bouses on the Coo are being laid, and in the course of two months the grey concrete walls will dcubtless be seen rising above the embryo plants on the heights. Wedding Pre,-ents.-As previously stated the list of wedding presents to Mr and Mrs Vincent Johns was an extensive one, but we regret that the following only have come to hand —Mrs D J Evans, Goodwick Supply Stores, preserve dish Mr and Mrs Mathias, Pencnwc, silver fruit dish Mr J W Evans, ironmonger, Fishguard, brass stand P.C. Jones, Goodwick, electro-mounted oak tray Mr David Nicholas, Goodwick, set of carvers. Heat Wave.—According to reports from the Continent and London the heat wave was due to pass over the British Isles during last week-end. On Monday last this district ex- perienced the hottest day of the year so far. Bathers, both local and from a distance, took advantage of the extraordinary warmth to indulge in a dip in the briny. All along the sands and the beach under the ddI scores of bathers of both sexts, young and matured, were to be seen, like so many ducklings bobbing up and down in the cool sea. The dip was evidently eijoycd to the fullest. Goedwig.—The fishermen from the trawlers attended at Goedwig on Sunday last when the Rev Geo James delivered a bi lingual sermon, and the hymns, for the most part, were in English for the edification of the visitors. Mr°James has it on authority of the fishermen that the majority of them arc Baptists. The Performing Pig.—The pig that looped the !cOD,' or rather the window, last week did not perform its evolutions- at Cilau, but within the walls of another domicile close by. We would urge upon occasional cone spend ents to be as accurate as possible in locating incidents they desire to insert in this column. Iuacouracy leads to confusion and sometimes gives rise to tome little aunoyancc. Mr Lewis, of Cilau, disclaims any connection with the incident published last week. Picnic. Themembeis of the Stop-aud-Call Chanel Sunday School, together with a few friends, enjoyed a picnic to Cardigan on Saturday last. They started early and ar- rived home shortly before eleven o clock per waggonettes. -if,, „ Directors' Visit.—The arrival of the small crimson-funnelled steam pinnace from Milford early on Monday morning last in the bay <*ave rise to some speculation. Just before noon, loomed on the horizon, the double- funnelled steamer 1 Ibex,' belonging to the G.W.R. Company and used chiefly for pus- sender traffic between Weymouth aud the Channel Islands. Like another ship, the O.S. l?-iphurk.' upon which two Fish guardians reached the Islands last July, the Ibex is a floatincy palace,' has engines of 4,000 h p. four triple expansion— and attains something like 20 knots per hour. Anchored broadside to the Parrog the «Ioex,' fresh and bright in ,:) 0 "v paint, formed an attraction seidoiu seen In this locality. Thus the news was not long in buzzing around that the magnificent boat had come to await the arrival of the directors of the G.W.R. Company, and the Fishguard and Rosslare Harbours, on an official inspec- tion of the Goodwick works and, subsequent- ly, of the works at Rosslare. For Goodwick it'was almost a gala day. At the station all was spic and pn. Even the heavy iton fender of the statioamaster'a oilne had re- ceived a coating of gloss, as well as the exposed weighing machine on the platform. In short, in the words of the librettist, Mr Gilbert, 'They had cleaned the windows and swept the lloor, they had polished up the I handle of the big front door.' The locomotives too appeared under the glistening domes of brass; the cleaners had plied their I blne dicks' to some tune on the gl een and red coatings of tbe engines, whose spindles, f hafts, cranks and cylinder ends were polished so that they shimmered in the btilhant rays cf 10ld Sol.' It was noticed, too, how gently the incline from the station to the first cutting was negotiated by the c;ue'ul drivers. There was rone of the haifh, vigorous- throb of steam from the funnel, but with cylinder cocks open they set their engines to work with quiet earnestness, and the puff! puff was practica'ly rnu'ed. The scene as a whole presented something of a. forecast of what Goodwick Station "in be like say two years hence. On the extensive works the cranes were as busy as ever, if not moie so. The Titan clanked its heavy chains in a busi- ness like manner, while the 'sand sucker' emitted dense smoke as though making an extra c!ean sweep of the bottom she is preparing for the concrete blocks. Punctually at 3-30 rumbled into the station the special train from Cardiff, bringing in ab^ut thirty of the directors of the most, important railway system in the United Kingdom. With them was the chairman, Earl Cawdor, aud the general manager, Mr Inglis, who is a'so chief engineer of the mammoth Compmy. In charge of the splendidly equipped special with its magnificent saloons was the able divisional superintendent of the line, Mr J Ilees, loco- motive inspectors, traffic managers, and the veteran Inspector Chapman, who is now a familiar figure on such special occasions at Goodwick. Needless to say the stationmaster, Mr Simon Davies, and staff had everything in readiness so far as the station was concern. ed. No sooner had the party alighted than specially fitted vehicles'—railway wagons— attached to the works' locomotives shunted it to the station and into which many of the gentlemen were conducted by Mr G Lam hcrt Gibson, engineer-in charge of :he works, and his chief assistant, Mr R ymond Carpmael. The improvised vehicles, though wearing the usual outward coating of smoke and travel stain", were comfortable enough inside. Steps led up to the doors and the seats were the acme of neatness and ease. In the space of a few minutes the transition, from the regal elegance of the saloons to the less elaborate wagons, was made and the miniature loco- motives were on their way to the hive of industry and the breakwater. The two engineer escorts, having all the technicalities of the works at their fingers' ends, soon tivetted the attention of the directors to the various sections of the great undertaking which was explained in detail, Meanwhile the contingent of train attendants were trans ferring the baggage from the train to the small j'tty where a very much alive steam pinnace awaited orders luggage and passen- gers for the Ibex.' This latter was the object of much interest, for it is not every d;iy a vessel of such dimensions and class tariies so long. The day was perfect, not a cloud flecked the sky oe'r heid, nor has the fine rug- ged rocks abutting on each side of the pretty bay ever appeared to better advantage. With the fine saloon steamer at anchor and the in- dustrious pinnace scudding to and fro, it was as though the cross-channel traffic had been inaugurated—the beginning of the rosy times which are now anticipated and looked forward to with pleasurable prospects. In the evening the Ambulance Corps went on board the Ioex.' and the members were presentep with certificates of efficiency. Early on Tuesday morning tho fioe steamer weigh'd anchor and proceed to Rosslare. Another report says The general inspec- tion of the Fishguard Harbour and the exten- sions at Rosslare Harbour, the Waterford Liarl-our and the district of the South of Ire- land, as far as Ban try and the connecting railways of the Company's concerned. Sev- eral hours previous. to the arrival of the special Mr J. Dunster, marine superin- tendent of the G. W R., arrived on board the I Ibex,' and Capt Sharp, assistant superin- tendent of the fleet running between Milford acd Ireland came in aboard the steam pin- nace St Davids from Milford. Punctually, the special steamed in, and the directors were received by Mr bnns'er, Mr G Lambert Gib- son, chief engineer of works at Goodwick, and Mr Raymond Carpmael, chief assistant' engineer, Geodwick. The following were the directors of the G.W.R. Company Lord Cawdor (chairman) Mr W Robinson (deputy-chairman); Iloi (lot Edgecombe, Mr Chas Mortimer, Mr b) II Llewellyn, M P Mr Albert Brassey, M P., Mr T II Bolitbo, and Mr D Mclver, M P. Tne officials of the G.W.R. were Messrs J C Inglis, general manager; G. R. Mills, secretary G J White- law, chief accountant of G.\V.R. and secretary to the Fishguard and Rosslare Company C Aldington, one of the chief assistant superin- tendents of the G.W.R line; J Rees, divis- ional superintendent, Swansea, and W T Dunsdon, divisional engineer, Neath. The Great Southern and Western directors ati-I officials were Sir Wm Goulding (chairman) Mr R F S Colville, J.P. (deputy-chairman); Lord Arthur Butler, Mr Percy B Bernard, Mr J G Goodbody, Mr E. Pike, J.P., Mr W Murphey, J.P., Mr W P Geoghegan, Mr C 11 Dent, general manager South Western Railway Mr E A Neale, traffic manager Sir Benjimiu Baker, consulting engiueer° Mr A Gordon, chi f engineer a!jd Mr J Otway, chief assistant engineer. After being cou. ducted to the specially prepared wagons they were escorted over the works to the end of the breakwater, examining ballast crusher, air compressor, building of quay wall, blast: ing, quairying) and the loaoiQg and lipping of rock. Since the last visit of the direclo. -is, just over a year ago, the quay wall has been commenced, and oue-thiid of the requisite number of blocks for its completion have been laid in position while the breakwater has advanced over 400 feet during the inter val, and is now 1220 fl:et in length, only a little over 700 feet being required to complete it. The tour compacted, tne party was con veyed aboard the 4 Ibex' fix tea, after which the directors and onicia;s again cauae ashore and inspected plans and arrangements for the future. Mr Gibson's office formed a gallery of drawings, to scale, of plant and dock equipment. A few details will be interesting, the whol of the woikn, harbour offices and Hotel Wyncliff, are to be lio^te(i el\ctri* city, the generating station f°r which will be erected at the farthest end of the works where the rock is being blasted and excavated. All the hoisting plaut, such as cranes, vviuches, Sec., will be driven by electricity and ou the most modern principles. By Eister, 11)06, these items will be at work.—Lord Cawdor was approached by Mr Gibsou in the matter of presenting the certificates to the members of the Ambulance Corps, and his Lordship readily consented to perform that office. All the members were conveyed on board the Ibex,' and uudJl' the awning of the forward poop the men paraded. Lord Cawdor said he had heard from Mr Gibsan of the very good work of the Ambulance Corps, and it gave Sir Win. Goulding, the Directors, aud himself great pleasure in presenting the certificates of efficiency the corps bad gained. They were very pleased to know the men had taken so deep an interest in the St John's Ambulance classes. Accidents were inevitable on works of that nature and it was very well to have men able to render their fellowmen assistance when necessary and in case of injury. Atter a few words of congratulation Mr B. \V. Edwards, the local secretary of- the corps, called out the names, and his Lordship hand- ed the certificates and medals as follows Second year's examination men. W. J. Can- ning, W. Thomas, O. R. James, N. Cullen, J. Evans, John Miles, Raymond Carpmael. First year's certificates: A. B. Edwards, E. Sansom, A. Stevens, A. G. Lewis. John Evans, G. Wiseman, J. Elias, Hugh Davies, J. Neill, H. Dellar, John Evans, Eben Morgan, James Howlin, W. James, Alf. James, Gwynne James, David Jones, E. Searle. The recipients the stepped aboard the pinnace and as they filed off each received a choice cigar. In drawing away they gave three cheers for Lord Cawdor, and another round went up for the directors and officials. The Earl expressed to Mr Gibson that he was pleased with the smart appearance of the men. At 8 o'clock dinner was served in the splendid saloon of the Ibex, Dr Geo J Williams, as one of the work's medi- cal men, being present. Dr J M Owen, acting in the same capacity, was unable to be pre- sent owing to another engagement.-On Tues- day morning, at 5 o'clock, the Ibex steamed away to Rosslare. The Directors expressed satisfaction with all they saw and with the progress of the works.—During the evening scores of small craft visited the steamer, which was the object of much interest and attrac- tion. There are two ways of making money nowadays. Get a job in the Royal Mint, or buy your food at the O'Connell Cash Stoies Goodwick, near the Duffryn Railway Bridge. —Advt.






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