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flttblir Computus5, &c. | THE SUBSCRIPTION LIST WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, NOVEMBEU 25TH, AND WILL CLOSE AT OR BEFORE 4 P.M. ON THE FOL- LOWING DAY FOR TOWN AND COUNTRY. HH. WARNER AND COMPANY, LIMITED. Incorporated under the Companies' Acts, 1862 to 1885. SHARK CAPITAL. B550,000, in £55,000 Shares of £10 each, of which 20,000 are S8 per Cent. Cumulative Prefer- ence Shares = £200,000 And 35.000 are Ordinary Shares = £350.000 £5:;0,000 One-third of each class of security, being the largest proportion allowed by the Rules of the London Stock, Exchange, wili be taen bthe Vendor in part payment of the purchase-consideration, and the balance viz. :— 13,334 £8 per cent Cumulative Preference Shares of £10 each, £133,340; 23,334 Ordinary Shares of S10 each, and 1,000 S6 per cent. First Mortgage Debentures of J3100 each, are now offered for Public Subscription at Par, payable as follows:— 10s per Share, or 5 per cent. on Debentures, on Application £2 Os or 20.. „ on Allotment 10s It or 25 „ „ on Jan. 7, 1890 £2 10; It or S2 10s „ or „ on Feb. 18,1890 !10 Os £100 The Shares and Debentures may be paid up in full DH the date on which any instalment falls due, and interest will be allowed at the rate of 5 per cent. per anntim on the instalments paid in advance. TRUSTEES FOR THE DEBENTURE HOLDERS. THE HAlLWAY .SHAKE TRUST AND AGENCY COMPANY, LIMITED, 4, Bank-buildings, London, F. C. DIRECTORS. The Right Hon. the Earl of CRAWFORD (Chairman of the London Electric Lighting Corporation, Limi- ted), 2, Cavendish-square, W., Chairman. T. W. BOORD, Esq., M.P. (Messrs Boord and Son, Distillers, Bartholomew-close, E.G.), Deputy-Chair- man. ROBERT BAELZ, Esa., Director of Spratt's Patent, Limited, 14, St. Mary Axe, E.C. D. T. KINGZRTT, Esq., Fellow of the Iustitute of Chemistry, F.C.S. (Managing Director of the Sanitas Company. Limited) i. Colt Lane, Bethual Green, E. C. E. HOWARD VINCENT, Esq., C.B M.P., 1 Gros- venor Square, W. MANAGING 1>IRECTOR.—The Hon. H. H. WARNER, Rochester, New York, U.S.A. (will join the Boards after allotment). AMERICAN COMMITTEE OP MANAGEMENT. General GEuRuE K BATCH WLLER, Acting Assistant-Secretary of the United States Treasury, New Yorfe, U.S.A. FRANK EDSON, Director of the Bank of New York, Ex-Mayor of New York. U.S.A. J. MOREAU SMITH, Eq., President of the Rochester Safe Deposit! Company, Rochester, New York, U.S.A. JOHN M IVES, Esq., Assistant Manager of H. H. Warner and Company, Rochester, New York, U.S.A. BANKERS -The LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK, Limited, Lothbury. E.C. SOLICITORS.—Messrs WILiSON, BRISTOWS, and CARPMAEL, 1, CopthallBuildings, London, E.C. AUDITORS, Messrs TURQUAND. YOUNGS, WEISE, BISHOP & llLARKii, 41, Coiemui-street, London, E.C. BROKERS.—Messrs COATES, SON & CO., 99, Giesham- street, London, E.C. SECRETARY (pro tern.) —W. E. S. WILLINS, Esq. TEMPORARY OFFICES,-2, C'.OLKMAN-STREET, LONDON. E.C. ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. This Company is formed for the purpose of acquiring and further developing the business of Messrs H. H. Warner and Co.. of Rochester, New York, and else- where. 1\11' H. H. Warner is the 150le Proprietor of the proprietary preparations known as Warner's '■ Safe" Remedies, Warner's Log Cab:in Remedies, and Warner's "Safe" Yeast, together with the various properties and businesses in tbe United States, Canada. England, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Australia. These preparations are sold in almost every part of the civilised world. In the United; States, where they have been longest before the public, the total number of voluntary testimonials received. is almost beyond belief. The lare profits derived from proprietary medicines are'well known. PROPERTIES, TRADE MARKS, &C. -The magnificent fire-proof building in Rochester, N.Y., especially constructed for this business of brick, iron, and piate glass, eight stories in height, and having three and one-tenth acres ot flooring (8,478,370 cubic ft. of storage room),is freehold, and will be cOHyeyed free from incumbrances. It is fitted with most modern appliances and machinery for carrying on the busine-s. The premises in London, Toronto, Melbourne, Frank- fort-on-the-Mame, and Pressburg are held on short tenancies. The Trade Names and Marks, which are registered in the principal countries, are of great importance and value. ACCOUNTANTS' CERTIFICATE. The books of tha Vendor have been examined by Messrs Turquand, Y oung, and Co., tue well-known Chartered Accountants, and the following is the certi- ficate given by them ;— 41, Coleman-street, London, E.C., Nov. 1st, 1889. We have examined the books of Mr H. H. Warner, of Rochester, U.S., for the period of seven years, from August 31, 1881, to August 31, 1888, and find that for that period the total sales of the" Safe" Remedies in the United States amounted to 9,356,303'77 dols., and the profits amounted to dols,, or a yearly average of 433,6"9 dols., or at 4 85 dols. per S, £89.416. The total sales in Canada from the commencement of business there in 1883 to December 31st, 1888 (a period of six years), amounted to 437,593*16 dols., and the profits 85,242"65 dols,, cr a yearly average of The total sales in Australia, according to the returns received from the commencement of busine-s there in May, 1885, to April 30, 1888 (a period of three years', imountedto £33,320 lis lid. and' the profits amounted SO B37,579 lls lid, or a yearly average of £12,520 10s8d. ihose for the last year of the period amounting to £ 25,289. Branches of the business were established in London 3n 1886, in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1886, and in Pres- Hungary, in 1888, and a considerable sum has been expended in connection therewith. Tùe sales in E:1h.nd and Germany have been as 101Iows IN ENGLAND. For 11 months ending 31st £12,500 ? 2 „ 12 „ „ 1887 43,479 b 10 „ 12 1888 6è,n7 7 1 IN GERMANY. For 6 months ending 31st Dec., 1886 43,592 25 mks. 12 „ 1887 199,2^2-97 „ 12 „ „ 1888 251.696-14 „ In October. 1885, Mr Warner commenced the mauu- facture, as a separate business, of Warner's "Safe" Yeast, and in October, 1887, he commenced introducing Warner's "Log Cabin" Remedies. A very large amount of expense has been incurred in advertising these articles, the net outlay on the "Safe" Yeast business to December 21st, 1888, having amounted to 207,046 19 dols., and on "Log Cabin" Remedies to August 31st, 1888, to 316,294 34 dols. JSigned) TURQUAND,* OUNGS, WEISE, BISHOP & CLARKE The oertified average annual net profits ot the "Sate" Remedies in the United states for 7 years, as shown above, have been £87.416 The certified average annual net profits of the "Safe" Remedies in Canada for 3 years have been. 2,929 fhe certified average annual net profhs of the "Safe" Remedies ill Australia tor 8 years ba ve been 12,526 Together £1011,871 Add annual profit (guaranteed for three years from 31st July, 1889, by Mr Warner) from the manufacture and sale of Log Cabin" Remedies and Safe Yeast 15,000 £119,871 This estimate includes nothing for the profits to be derived from the businesses established in England, German}-. and Au«tvia-Hnngary, which may reason- ably be expected to largely increase the annual net DroSts in the future. The Annual Interest on £150,000 Debentures at 6 per cent. will require £9,000 The Annual Dividend on £200,000 Preference Shaies at 8 per ent. will reqnire 16,000 A dividend of, say, 15 per cent. on £350,000 Ordinary Shares will absorb 52,500 Together £ 77,COO leaving, on the above estimate of profit, which is helieved to be moderate and safe, and with ^capabili- Lies ot material extension, a surplus of £ 42,371 avail. able for the formation ot a Reserve Fund, paying off Debentures, or for further Dividend un thq Ordiaary Shares, as may hereafter be decided. The price to be paid by the Company for the 2ntire business as a goine; concern, to te taken over as from 31st July, 1839, including the good- will, trade names and marks, prescriptions and recipes, freehold amI leaseliold properties and bUild- Ings in America and elsewhere, fixed and moveable plant and machinery, fixtures anù utensils at Roche- ter, N.Y., and the different branch houses, cash in hand and at bankers, the stocks-in-trade (consí9ting of wholly and partly manufactured stock, raw material and advertising matter), furniture, and all property ilsed in connection with the business, toether with benefit of all current contracts entered into by Mr Warner in relation thereto, is payable *3 to £50,000 in Debentures— one-third of t each issue, and the 66,660 in Fully-paid Preference J largest amount per- Shares „ mitted by the Rules 116,660 in Fully-paid Ordinary i ot the London Stock Shares Exchange. 166,680 in Cash or Preference anu Ordinary Shares, or part of each at the option of the Company, and 300,000 in Cash. £700,000 The Company will not take over any of the liabilities the Vendor prior to 31st July, 1889. Subject to the charge to be given to the Railway Share Trust and Agency Company, Limited, as Trustees for the Debenture Holders, the freehold pro- perty at Rochester. N.Y., will be conveyed to an American Corporation, to be formed iu New York tate, under the control of this Company, or in such other form as may be advised, to comply with the lavs of the State of New York. Mr Warner, who has personally superintended the growth of the business to its present dimensions, and who only dtjsires to be partly relieved of tbe exacting claims upon his time and attention which the exclusive ownership of a concern of uch magnitude involves, retains as large an in tel est in the different securities of the Company as the Rules of the Stock Excùange permit, and has agreed to act as Managing Director for a term of five years, not receiv- in any remuneration in any year unless the net profits amount to £117,000, and then only out of the surplus profits in excess of that sum. and has further agreed while acting in that capacity to hold at least 5,COO of the Ordinary Shares of the company, of the par valuo of £ 50,(j00. Provisions have been inserted in the con. tract of purchase for the protection of the company epainst opposition in trade on his part. The various lepartments and brancbes will be carried Ðn as heretofore under the same experitjnced managers and cGmpetent assistants. For Agreements see full prospectus, which, with Forms of Application, can be obtained at the Tem- porary Offices of the Company, and from the Bankers, Brokers, and Solicitors. London, 21st November, 1889. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT of M-J BEEF For Improved and Economic Cookery. As Stock for Beef Tea, Soups, Made Dishes, Sauces (Game. Fish, &c.), Aspic or Meat Jelly. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT of tj BEEF Keeps for any length of time, and is cheaper and of finer flavour than any other Stock. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT of BEEF. Forty pounds of prime lean beef (value 30s) are used to make one pound of Extract of Beef. COOKERY BOOKS (indispensable for VV ladies) sent free on application to LIEBIG'S EXTRACT of MEAT COMPY. Limited, 9, FENCHURCH-AVENUE, E.C. 4074 ,m:tETH.-Complete Set One Guinea; cJL Single Tooth, 2s 6d. Five years' warranty. Re. models, repairs, &c. Painless Dentistry, Gas, Ac,— JOODMAN AND Co., 1, Old Dock-sfcreat. Newport, and 6 Qneea-st Cardiff. 13041 1114 I PnMtr Cntttpatms, &r. The SUBSCRIPTION LIsT will OPEN on MONDAY, I the 2oth NOVEMBER, and will CLOSE on WED- NESDAY, the 27th NOVEMBER, for both Town j and Country. THE DANUBE COLLIERIES 'AND MINERALS COMPANY, LIMITED (in the | Kingdom of Hungary). I CAPITAL, £15),000, in 150,000 Shares of £1 each, which are now offered for Subscription upon the fol- lowing terms :—Payable, 2s 6d per Share on Applica- S tion; 5s per Share on Allotment; and the Balance on jj February 1st, 1890, | DIRECTORS. j RANDOLPH G. E. WEMYSS, Esq., J.P., D.L., | Wemyss Castle, Fife, Director of the North British j Railway. HENRY L. BOSCAWEN IBBETSON, Esq., J.P., | Alderman for West. Suffolk, Bury St. Edmunds, and Chateau de Beauregard, Switzerland. j Sir ROSE LAMBART PRICE, Bart., Glendale, Skye ERNEST C. HOLDSWORTH, Esq. (Messrs H. ,T. H. Holds n orth and Company), 91), Cannon-street, j London, E.C. GEORGE ARTHUR WARD, Esq,, late of Galatz, > Roumauia (Messrs Monkhouse and Company), 12 Side, Newcastle-on-Tyne. SOLICITORS. [ Messrs HODGE, WESTMACOXX & ROBSON, New- castie-on-Tyne. Messrs J. E. H. SCOTT, 16 and 17, King William- street, London, E.C. AUDITORS.—Messrs MONKHOUSE, GODDARD & I CO., 28, St. Switbin's-line, London, E C., and N ewcastle-on.Tyne. BANKERS.-Messrs BROWN, JANSON & CO" 32, Ahchurch-Iane, London, E.C. j BROKERS.—Messrs JAMES CALVERT & CO., 22, Throgmorton-street, London, E.C., and Stock Exchange. SECRETARY.—WALTER iG. GRIBBON, F.C.A. OFFICES.-5 and 6, Git NAT W IN CHESTER-ST REET I LONDON, E.C. This Company has acquired the valuable Ujbanya I Collieries, which are srtuated at Eibenthal, in the Kingdom of Hungary, and near to the River Danube, with which they are connected by a private railway (10 miles in length and the property of the Company); all the markets of South-Eastern Europe are, therefore', accessible for the output of the mines. The property comprises over 10,000 acres of land, (English measurement), held in perpetuity, andsnbject oniy to a nominal relit, or Government tax, amounting to about £ 100 per aunum, The mining estate may, therefore, be considered as practically freehold. The Ujbanya coal has been known for many Years and a very large sum—about £ 90,000—has bean ex pended by the vendor and his predecessors in title in opening out, proving these collieries, and iu con- structing the connecting railway, which provides means of delivery to the Danube and access to the market. The Mines are now capable of supply- ing Coal to any extent, and as the immediate output is only controlled by the carrying capacity of the Rail- way, the deliveries after about 12 months' working may be fairly estimated at 10J.U00 tons, or 2,000 tons per week, with scopo for still further extension. The Coal is excellent in quality, beiug similar in character to the best Welsh Steam Coal. The present capability of the line is about 50,000 tons per annum, but with an outlay of new plant, powerful locomotives, &c., which expeuditure has been provided for in the working Capital, te anove estimate can be attained. It will be seen from the above that the dividend- earning power of this Company from its Collieries is limited only by its means of access to the River Danube, whence the demand is in excess of any calculable supply from these or from other available Collieries, many of the markets being at present sup- plied by Coal from England. There is abundance of cheap labour, skilled and otherwise, in the district, aud buildins have been erected tor the accommodation ot 300 workmen. The cost of production, including all fixed charges salaries, wear aud tear, and depreciation in plant' &c., upon an output of 1,00J tons per week only, has been carefully estimated at 7s 611 per ton, delivered at the Company's freehold shipping wharf on the Danube. As the fixed charges, &c., are stationary the cost will be reduced as deliveries are increased. The Mines are drained naturally, and, consequently almost exempt from pumping charges. Timber, so largely used in collieries, is at hand, and obtainable at a nominal cost. The following is a list of available markets, with current quotations for coal (in English money). Enormous quantities, moreover, are required for sup- plying the Navigation Companies of the Danube, the State Railways of Hungary and Roumania, and the important new Railway through Belgrade and Sofia to Constantinople, &c., &c, F.O.B. Company's Wharf, Orsova, and locality 16s 8d to 20s BELOW ORSOVA TO GALATZ. Negotin, Calafat Mills, Widdin 25s T. Magurelle Mills, Sistov, Rusichuk, Giur.:evo, Rustchuk and Varua, and for Railway use 303 Turnn l'everin, Craiova Mills, &c., Cincia, Slatina, Bucharest 16s 8d to 203 Braila, Galatz, &c. (these Towns present obtain coal from England) l j™ Price, ABOVE ORSOVA. Semenaria, Belgrade, Panisova 313 Pesth, where they use Prussian Coal, with which the Company can cow- pete 26s 6d to 233 (During the winter months the above quotations are greatly exceeded.) If the freight to the above markets be added to the F.O.B. cost of 7s bd, an average net profit ot 3s per ton is assured, equivalent, on 100,1. OJ tons, to a profit of £40,000 per annum, capable of being increased as the I carrying capacity of the Railway is improved. According to the report of Mr W. Wynn Kendrick, C. & M. E., of Ruabon, the quantity of Coal now in sight, and which forms but a iraction of the reserve of Ceal upon the property, is 4,000,000 tons. This quan- tity, assuming it to be off to produce only a royalty of Is per ton, is sufficient to return £200,000 profit, aud at 8s per ton, the nlari" of profit now obtainable, a profit d £ 1,61)0,OCO. The large area over which the Company possesses Mineral rights includes, besides Coal and other Minerals, enormous deposits of Iron Ore, described bv Mr Kendrick as Black Band, Spathic, and Brown Hematite, and yielding öO per cent. and 70 per cent. of pure Iron. Boch the Iron and also Mmestone for fluxing are convenitjntly situated to the Coliieries and to the Railway thu combining evey requisite for smelting at minimum cost, Pig would command a ready market in competition witb any existing sources of supply. The erection of Iron Works, however, for tbe present, is not within thH scope of the policy of the Directors, neither has any provision been made for the Capital for such an extension of the Company's business The I general improvement in trade, and the reCent advances in the price of Iron in all the markets of the world, point to the probability that capitalists will be found willing to lease these Minerals upon royalties, which, of course, would augment, without risk or liability, the annnal revenue of this Company. The other Minerals referred to are Asbestos, Copper, Crome, and Kaolin. CONTRACTS. The following contract has been entered into, bearing date the 12th day of November, lij89, and made be- tween Charles DicksonIngLs. Captain R.N., of Bury St. Kdwinds aud 101, Warwick-road, Earl's Court, in the County of Middlesex, of the one part, and the Danube Collieries and Minerals Company, Limited, of the other part. The Vendor, who i9 the Promoter of the Company, has fixed the purchase price at £100,000, of which £40,000 only is payable in cash, the balance at the option of the Directors, either in cash 01' shares. lie has, during his negotiations for the purchase of the property and the formation of the company, entered into other contracts ill conllecdon therewith, and with the expemes of forming and procuring the ubscrip- tion of the capital of the company, and applicants for shares shall be deemed to have waived the publication and their right to have any particulars of such con. tract. whether under Section 38 of the Companies' Act, 1867, or otherwise. The Vendor pays all expenses including brokerage up to allotment, leaving £50,000 available fur working capital. In cases where no allotment is made, the Deposits will be returned in full as soon as possible, and where the amount allotted is less than that subscribed for the balance of the Deposit will be applied towards the payment due on allotment.. Failure to pay any instal- ment when due will render the previous payments liable to forfeiture. Copies of the original reports and of the above Contract (also samples of Asbestos) may be seen at the Offices of the Company. It is intende(1 o make application for a quotatioll and settlement upon the London Stock Exchange. Prospectuses and Forms of Application may be ob- tained from any of the Bankers and Brokers of the Company, and Applicaiions, together with Cheques for the Deposit, may be Rent to any of the Bankers. London, 18th November, 1889. 9232 aitfr TO BUILDERS, ~PAINTERS, AND JL OTHERS. THE CRAWSHAY BAILEY ESTATES. TENDERS are invited for the Execution of the fo!lowil1 Works ;— 1-—Painting the Exterior of the Bailey Estate Offices, Ystrad, Rhondda Valley, and the Supply and Fix- ing of a Water Tank to hold 100 Gallons. 2.—Erection of Iron Kailings at Hailey Bridge, Ystrad. 3.-Extension of Stone Culverts and Erection of Stone Retaining Walls and Wooden Fencing at Ystrad. 4.—The Supply and Delivery of 50 Tons Block Stone near Ystrad Rridge. 5.—Repairs to Farm Buildings at Penyrheol Farm, Rhondda Fach Valley, Bryntail Farm, near Tre- forest (including gates), and Tynyffynou Farm, in the parish cf lieiillys, Monmouthshire. Plans and Specifications, with Form of Contract and Conditions of Tender, may be seen, aud Forms of Ten- der obtained, on application at the Bailey's Estate Offices, Ystrad, and every Tender must be made upon a Form. The lowest or any Tender will not of necessity be accepted. Sealed Tenders to be sent on or before the 29th day of November, 1889, to 9238 R. P. MORGAN, Agent, Neath. J-OINT COUNTIES AS YLUM, CAR- MARTHEN, TO BUTCHERS, COAL MERCHANTS, CURRIERS, DRAPERS, FARMERS, GROCERS, MILLERS. &C. TENDERS for supplying the above Asylum with Butchers' Meat, Flour. Butter, Cheese, Potatoes, Groceries, Coal, Clothing, Haberdashery, Drapery, Leather, &c., from the 1st January to the 30th June. 1890 (both days inclusive), are requested to be sent to me, the undersigned, marked "Tenders for in the corner, on or before Tuesday, 3rd_Decembernext. Forms of Tenders can be had on application to me at the Asylum. By order of the Visitors, 9228 K. WILLIAM REED, Clerk. TENDERS are invited for the EREC- JL TION of a NEW SEAMEN'S INSTITUTE at Barry. Drawings amI Specification may now be seen at our offices. Tenders to be sent in to John Cory, Esq., Bute Docks, Cardiff, sealed and endorsed, on or Friday, the 29th inst. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. 9219 JAMES & MORGAN, M.M.S.A., Architects, Jharles-street Chambers, Cardiff. THE QATTYBROOK JgRICK CO" "r TD., TDRISTOL. OFFICES BALD WIN-STREET. (ERNEST E. STREET, C.E. Managing Director,) DARK RED TERRA COTTA. LIGHT RED TERRA COTTA. BUFF TERRA COTTA. RED FACING BRICKS. BUFF FACING BRICKS. BLUE FACING BRICKS. BLUE VITRIFIED GOODS FOR STABLES, STREET PAVING, PLAT. FORMS, and WALL COPINGS. PRESSED AND COMMON 1&UNDLE BRICKS for Hydraulic and Engineer- ing Works. Carriage Paitj to a.ny Railway Station. 4516 I public Maims. QHARLES DICKENS AT SWANSEA. READINGS FROM HIS FATHERS WORKS. DRILL-HALL, NEXT MONDAY. 8 0 CLOCK. 9252 (L I FT 0 N CHAPEL, ROATH. Miss RADCLIFFE, of Liverpool, together with the Rey J. PUGH. will conduct EVANGELISTIC SERVICES HERE TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), at 11, 2.30, and 6.30. All are invited. UT. PETER'S, ROATH.—FOUR SER- K} MONS by FATHER HAYDE on The Nature and Mission of the Catholic Church. First sermon: The Visible Church and its Visible Head. Oa Sunday evening, 24th November. Service at 6.30. 814 SUNDAY AFTERNOON" POPULAR KD SERVICES', PARK HALL. SUNDAY NEXT, the 24tli inst., at 3 p.m. ADDRESS: Rev F. C. SPURR. T. H. STEPHENS, Esq. will preside. Chorus—"Ye Nations" (Mendelsshon) Bass Solo. Conductor, Mr JACOB DAVIES Organist, Mr SYDNEY FIFQOT. 9099 WJiSLEYAN FOEIGN MISSIONS. ROATH-ROAD BRANCH.—ANNIVERSARY SER- VICES TO-MORROW, NOV. 24th. Deputation—Rev Egerton R. Young (of Canada). Services-Morning, 11; Evening, 6.30. An Address to the children in the Afternoon by Mr Young (in Indian costume) at 2.45. The ANNUAL PUBLIC MEETING, MONDAY, Nov. 25th, at 7 p.m., when Rev Egerton R. Young will give an ADDRESS (in Indian costume) on his Life and Adventures as a Missionary among the Iudians of the North-West." Chairman,John Hibbert,Esq, Special Missionary Hymns. Collections. 844 ^G LAMORGANSHIRE AND MON- MOUTHSHIRE INFIRMARY AND DISPENSARY, CARDIFF. INFIRMARY SATURDAY, 1889. The Hon. Treasurer (David Jones, E-q.) and Secre- taries WILL SIT at the TOWN-HALL NEXT SATUR- DAY EVENING, Nov. 23rd, from Seven to Eight p.m. to RECEIVE FURTHER COLLECTIONS. Collecting Books ca.n be had of the Secretary at the Infirmary. NEW ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED. 8828 "VFOTICE. —I,~WILLIAMJONES, of 2, William-street, Pentregethin, will Not be Res- ponsible tor any Debts incurred by my Wife, Martha Jones, after this date, November 22nd. 1889. (Signed) WILLIAM JONKS. 921t2 Witness, 1"RANCIS JONES. CARDIFF FAT CATTLE SHOW, V PRESIDENT, THE RIGHT HON. LORD WINDSOR, Will be held at the ROATH MARKET, CARDIFF, ON DECEMBER 16th and 17th, 1889. Entries Close on December 5th to Mr I.. Go ttwaltz, Hon. Sec., 31, High-street, Cardiff. 9044 ERTHYRr CHRYSANTHEM UM SOCIETY. The FIRST ANNUAL SHOW in connection with tha above Society will be held at the DRILL HALL, MERTHYR TYDFIL, on WEDNESDAY and THURS. DAY, NOVEMBER 27th and 28th, 1889. Schedules of Prizes and entry forms may be had on application to the Hon. Sees., 50, Glebeland-street, Merthyr Tydfil. W. J. JONES, ) „„„ T. J. WEBSTER, £ 773 JOHN FORRESTER, Corresponding) becs- TO FISHERMEN, FISHMONGERS, JL DEALERS IN FISH, AND OTHERS. The FISHMONGICRS' COMPANY, of London, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that all CONSIGNORS of UNSEASONABLE and UNCLEAN SALMON and MIGRATORY FISH of the GENUS SALMON, in- cluding Sea Trout, &c., to the LONDON and PRO- VINCIAL MARKETS, and ail CONSIGNEES and RECEIVERS of such Fish, will be PROSECUTED with the utmost rigour of the law. By Order, J. WRENCH TOWSE, Clerk of the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers, London. Fishmongers' Hall, E.C., September, 1839. 8579 WEST BROMW1CH CORPORATION £ 3 per cent. REDEEMABLE STOCK;— Issue of £ 300,000. The Corooration of West Bromwich are prepared to RECEIVE APPLICATIONS for the above Stock, Minimum price uf issue, £ 97 per cent. Interest payable hali-yeariy on 1st April and 1st October. The Stock will be issued in sums of £ 10 al1ll upwards, being a multiple of £ 10, free of stamp duty and all cl.1arge. All transfers of Stock will be free of stamp duty. Under the Trust Investment Act, 1889, I this stock IS an available invetlDent for every trustee who is n;>t expressly forbidden by th instrument creating the trust to invest in Corporation Stock. Forms of application and any further information will be supplied by the undersigned. WM. BUTTEKWORTH, Registrar. Town-Hall, West Bromwich, October, 1889. 9000 FIVE PER CKNT. INTEREST. THE YICTORIANTREEHOLD BANK JL (LIMITED). HEAD OFFICE-MELBOURNE. Authorised Capital £ 1,000,000 j Paid up £ 153,824 Subscribed 519,240 | Reserve Fund,&c.7i,655 LONDON OFFICES-84 and fca, KING WILHAM- STREET, E.C. LONDON BOARD. SIR EDWIN H. GALSWORTHY. (JUA. MOLYNEUX GiiENFELL, Esq. SIR FREDERICK YOUNU, K.C.M.G. JAMES MARTIN, Eaq. BANKERS. LONDON-Messrs GLYN, MILLS, CURHIE, and CO. Five per Cent. Debentures issued and Depushs re- ceived at 4 to 5 per cent., according to notice. Full particulars on application to the Bankers or to 8352 WILLIAM MARTIN, Secretary. 3RD V. B. THE WELSH REGIMENT^ 2ND CARDIFF DETACHMENT. Orders for the week commencing 24th November, 1889 The annual Distribution of Prizes will take place on Monday, 2oth inst., at 7.30 p.m. Colonel Pearson R. üresswell and Miss Cresswell Ï1avd done the honour to the detachment of consenting to distribute the prizes. Parade in review order at 7.15 p.m. (Signed). E. M. BUUCE VAUGHAN, Captain Commanding Detachment. 3fergaI Notices. JPVE HENRY ANTHONY7DECEASED. ALL PERSONS having Claims on the Estate of the late Mr Henry Anthony, of C3.rdilf and the Henrhiew, near Usk, .Brewer. deceased, are requested to send particulars of the same to Messrs VVALDRON and SON, Solicitor. 9131 74, St. Mwy-street, Cardiff. public appointrnrnts. QTA M O R G A N~S~H IRE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a COUNTY SIJRVEYOR is REQUIRED by the COUNTY COUN- CIl. of GLAMORGAN. The duties of the Surveyor will be to superintend the main roads, bridges, and county buildings of the said county. Salary, £ 750 per annum, which includes all allowance of SIM) per annum for clerks, office, travel- 1in, and all other incidental expenses. The surveyor must be experienced civil engineer, capable of sur. veying and making roads, and reporting thereon of planning and erectinv bridges, and reporting thereon and of generally superintending the county buildings He must devote his whole time to the service of the county, and muse reside at Neath, Pontypridd, or Bridgend the appoiutment to be determinable by three months' notice by either siùe. All further information may be obtained of the undersigned, to whom all- applications, accompanied by original testimonials and a statement of the age of the applicant, must be made by letter only, so asto reach him not later than the 20th day of December, 1889. Auy applicant whose personal attendance before the County Council is at any time required will be duly notified of the fact. R, E. SPENCER, Clerk to the Roads and Bridges Committee of the said Council. 6, Working-street; Cardiff. 9113 LLANFRECHFA UPPER LOCAL JD BOARD. APPOINTMENT OF CLERK. The above Board desire to appoint a Clerk. Salary, £ 25 per annum, Candidates should send in their applications, with testimonials, endorsed Applica- tion for Appointment of Clerk,' on or before tll" 28th inst., addressed to— HENRY W. PARFITT, Clerk to the Board. Bryn Tyrion, Pontnewydd, Moil., Nov. 21,1889. 9233 JpENTYRCH SCHOOL BOARD. WANTED, at the Village School, an ASSISTANT MISTRESS (Article 50), accustomed to teach the lower Standards, and qualified to teach Sewing. Salary, £ 35. Applications, with age, qualifications, and testi- monials, to be sent by the 30ch inst. to n. Y. EVANS, Clerk to the Board, Guildhall-chambers, Cardiff. 14th November, 1889. 9236 v- n_ ijtoø late for JGRIDGEND CHRISTMAS SHOW. THURSDAY NFXT. NOVEMBER 2STH. AT CATTLE MARKET. PRESIDENT: JOHN BLANDY JENKINS; ESQ. LARGE ENTRY OF PRIME STOCK, By the Best Breeders and Graziers, together with a, Splendid Kxhibir, of DAIRY PRODUCE, POULTRY, HONEY, & "ROOTS. Dinner a.t the York Hotel at 3.30 p.m. EDWIN PRICE, Hon. Sec. West House, Bridgend. APPRENTICE to the Drapery Trade. — Wanted, well-educated Youth as abovej; also Improver or smart Junior.-Apply Le Bon March6, Llanelly, APPRENTICE for Drapery.—A respectabltt Welsh Youth wanted state ag and refelence.- Address M. Evans, Golden Key, Ystalyfera. WANTED, good and active Young Man to take charge ot horse and deliver goods; state age amI wages; Welsh indispensable.-Apply, on or he- fore December 3rd, Secretary, Co-operative Stores, Alltwen. WANTED, Steady ami Experienced Hand to W attend to Portable Engine and Mortar Will.— Apply to J. Morgan, Builder, Tonypandy. BUTCHERS.—Wanted immediately, exparienced Man for Frozen Meat Trade good cutter and salesman references required,-New Zealaud Supply, 42, Hannah-street, Porth. WANTED, a Person to look after eight pairs of V v cold rolls assistant provided.—Apply, stating wages expected, age, and experience, to Claybon, Tin- plate Works, Pontavdulais. Telegraphic Address—'1 Wellingtonea, Bristol, WELLINGTON BRASS, COPPER, AND ENGINEERING WORKS. WEST-STREET & WATERLOO-ROAD, BRISTOL. A. G. WILLIAMS & CO, Mr C. J. WILLIAMS, Son. of the late Proprietor of the above old-established Business, havin purchased the PREMISES, GOODWILL, and PLANT, begs to announce that he is carrying on the Business under the OLD STYLE and TITLE, and he hopes that the patronage so liberally accorded to his late Father will. be extended to him. 9046 %nsmgBg i)i)ressts. B Evans AND COMPANY ARE NOW MAKING AN JMPORTANT gHOW OF "yy INTER jpiASHIONS AND JJOVELTIES, The collection contains the LATEST PRO- DUCTIONS of EMINENT PARISIAN and LONDON ARTISTS in BALL and EVEN- ING GOWNS, PROMENADE and TRAVEL- LING COSTUMES, MANTLES, FURS, MIL. LINERY, LADIES'and CHILDREN'S OUT. FITS, &c. I There is also a charming display of Diess Materials, Velvet and Silk Brocades, Passemen- terie, Laces, Gloves, and Fancy Goods. Temple-street, Swansea FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF JJOUSEHOLD JjlURNITURE, IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS, FEATHER AND MILLFUFF BEDS, SPRING AND WOOL MATTRESSES, DINING, DRAWING, AND BEDROOM SUITES, FENDERS, FIREIRONS, LAMPS, CLOCKS, CARPETS, MATTINGS, FLOOR CLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, HEARTHRUGS, Ac. jgEVAN AND COM PAN Y, REGISTERED AS "mHE CARDIFF JpURNISHERS," WHOSE IMMENSE STOCKS AFFORD YOU THE LARGEST SELECTION JN ^TALES, And the continual and rapid extension of whoso Business conclusively proves that the highest satisfac- tion is given as to Prices and Quality. EXCELLENT SATIN WALNUT BEDROOM SUITES, With marble top, tile back, Washstands, and plate- glass doors to Wardrobe, only Seven and Guineas. FULL-SIZED FEATHER BEDS, In linen ticks, £1 12* 6d. COMPLETE DINING, DRAWING, AND BEDROOM SUITES, So 17 6d. Before Purchasing elsewhere see our MARTEL" five-octave HARMONIUM, in organ-shaped cases, FIVE GUINEAS. AMERICAN ORGANS, Ten to Twenty-five Guineas. FJ1HE rjlHIRTY GUINEA jpiANOFORTE Is universally acknowledged to be a magnificent article, and has brass wrest-plank, iron frame, full trichord, three pedals, walnut and lI:old case, and is warranted for ten years. It is fully equal to instruments generally sold by Firms whose heavy expenses have to be met out of the profit of musical instruments alone, at from Forty-five to Fifty Guineas. Common pianoforte from £12 10s. LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES GRATIS AND POST FRTm ON APPLICATION. All Goods Delivered Free by Road or Rail within one Hundred Miles of Cardiff. JgEVAN AND COMPANY, THE LARGEST FURNISHERS IN THE PRINCIPALITY. JQUKE gTREET, AND ST. ARY gTREET> CARDIFF, 176 STAINOLEUM "The Greatest Success of Modern Times" for Re- (JTAINOLEUM !ureaUng Wom FIlrni- Staining Floors and Wain- STAINOLEUM scoting, and Beautifying Everything. Everything. C1 T A T T. TT M Represents at! Kinda o{ QTAINOLEUM Represents all Kinds. of Wood; may be applied UIAOOLEUM SLSS'y V J; superb gloss. JTAINOLEUM Sold everywhere, in 6a & m i x TVT A T "C1 TT T\/T IS bottl69 £ 111 (1 ill CiiTlS) jJTAINOLEUM half-pint, U 5d; pint, 2S quart, 3s 9ii; half l^jTAlN OLEUM gallon, 7s; & gallon, 12s. STATNOLEUM So,e Manufacturer, lAlWUJjUUM TAMES UDMAN, JTAINOLEUM Cambrian uolor Works, JO Bristol. 8461 BUY THE ADAPTED BOOT (REGISTERED) For Gentlemen's Easy Walking made the actual form of the foot; light in weight, pliable, and stylish per- fectly clear inside no sock lining. Every Boot bears tile Adltpted stamp on tile ole. All Sizes and Fittings in Stock for Broad and Narrow Kent. Sizes and Fit- tings are tvoveu in the loops. Same fittings always pro- curablo from tock. Price, 17s 9d Best Quality, 21a. THE WAUKERZ BOOTS Are a medium and high-elass range of Gentlemen's Boots, of the best workmanship and leather that can be produced. Every Pair bears the Registered Trade Mark—" WAUKERZ "—and they are declared to be the Most Comfortable, Economical, and Smartest, Boots placed before the 1:>ublic. A Writtenr Guarantea given with each Pair. Price—10si6d, 13s 6d, 15s 6d, 17s 6d, 18s 6d, 20s. HARD-WEAR SCHOOL BOOTS FOR: BOYS AND GIRLS, Made wittfthe well-known Plugged Soles almost Everlasting Wear. Price—2s lid, 3s 6d, 3s lid, lis lid, 63 6d, 8s 6d 10s 61I, These Special Brands of Boots and Shoes can only be obtained from u, and we bold ourselves responsible tor the good! wear of each pair. JJOYLE AND CO. BOOT MERCHANTS, 19, CHURCH-STREET, 10, CHURCH-STREET, 2, HIGH-STREET, 28, ST. MARY-STREET, 1, BUTE-STREET (HAYES BRIDGE), 24, CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET. WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE — WOMANBY-ST., 13896 CARDIFF. 8327 | £ JAVENDISH HOUSE, CHELTENHAM | £ JAVENDISH HOUSE, CHELTENHAM I Now showing, a superb collection of MANTLES and JACKETS, embracing every high-class Novelty of the ..■Season. Special attention is called to the excellent SHORT SF.AL-SKIN JACKETS, 6i to 15 guineas also FUP.-LINED SEAL-SKIN JACKETS, 6i to 15 guineas also FUP.-LINED i RUSSIAN CLOAKS, price 39s 6d. Sketches and full particulars on application. 1279 CAVENDISH HOUSE COMPANY, LIMITED. business 1\ùressts. ROGERS' AK A LES AND jpORTERS :(In 4! Gallon Casks and upwards}. BREWERY, BRISTOL. CARDIFF STORES. WORKING-STREET. NEWPORT STORES. COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS. CHEPSTOW STORES .BEAUFORT-SQUARE. Application1; for Purchasing Agencies in South Wales to be addressed to J. B. MADDOCKS, PENARTII. 8715 No extra charge fcr Ales and Porters supplied in 4 Gallon Casks. Q.REAT jjDFFE RING AND L 0 S S OF L I F E -&J Through the injurious effects upon the human system of the STORMS OF WINTER Is often prevented by a timely course of GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. This incomparable Vegetable Remedy is now universally admitted to be THE BEST WINTER MEDICINE. Write for descriptive Pamphlet with Testimonials to show how QUININE BITTERS Cured Neuralgia. QUININE BITTERS Cured Tic Doloreux. QUININE BITTERS Cured Erysipelas. QUININE BITTERS Cured Chest Affec- tions. QUININE BITTERS Cured Coughs and Colds. QUININE BITTERS Cured Asthma. QUININE BITTERS Cured Bronchitis. QUININE BITTERS Cured Shortness of Breathing. QUININE BITTERS Cured Inherited Ten- dency to Consumption. There, and similar ailments, more or less due to Exposure to the Weather, Invariably give way under a suitable and timely course of GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Doctors prescribe—Quinine Bitters. Analysts recommend -Quinine Fitters. Chemists approve-Quinine Bitters. Patients demand-Quinine Bitters. Everybody praises-Quinine Bitters. SPECIMENS OF TESTIMONIALS. HEADACHE. 7, Northumberland-street, Scholes, Wigan, April 6, 1689. The Quinine Bitters Company, Limited. Gentlemen,—I am happy to inform you of the great benefit I have derived trom using GWILYM EVANS QUININE BITTERS. I suffered for two year.j with severe headaches, and could not eat my meals. I halt become very weak and low, and had tried various kinds of medicines, but could get no relief. A friend told my husband of the virtues of GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, and he bought a bottle, It did me so much good that he obtained another. The pains have now left my head, and I can now eat my meals with pie .sure, which I could not do for the last two years. I shall use QUININE BITTEUS in future when I feel unwell, I had also a painful cough before taking the Bitters, but now the cougli has left me, thanks again to Quinine Bitters. I shall recommend them to everyone I hear of who is ill or suffering, as I believe there is no medicine in the world to equal GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. You may make what use you please of this voluntary testimonial.—Yours faith- fully, ELIZABETH DERBY. BRONCHITIS. # Mrs Captain Davies, Steam Packet, Llanelly, writing April 18, 18^9, states '• I feel it a duty as well as a pleasure co inform you of the great benefit I received through using your excellent preparation, GWILYM EVANS QUININE BITTERS. I am 57 years old, aud for upwards of seven years have suffered greatly from bronchitis. During that period I have consulted several iiledical nieti, and have taken many kinds of prescriptions, but all were ineffectual in affording rue relief. At last I became so ill that for four months my breathing was very difficult, and at times J was nearly suffocated. For weeks I could eat no so id food, nor coUid I attemp; to sleep exceot in a sitting postuie. It WH.S painful to people iu the same room to hear me ga-ping for breath, At times I thought 1 could not iive five minutes. When ill this low Coll dition I was urged to try jour noted Quinine Bitter. but as so many doctors and such a 1II.tI11(Fr of remeclie; had failed to afford me relief, I had but little faith in it when I commenced. But I O)11 felt that I w" slowly improving, and resolved to persevere with the Quinine Bitters, aud in a shore time I could enjoy refreshing sleep, my appetite WHS returning, and my cough becoming less severe, while my breathing became much easier. 1 continued the use of the Bittars until I ielt that Bronchitis had entirely left me. I am now as well as ever, but believe that I should have ))-.ell ill the grave before this had it not bueu for Gwilym Evans'Quinine Bitters. I cms; this testimony will encourage others who suffer from this painful malady to give a fair trial to what has proved so beneficial to me.—Yours gratefully, SARAH DAVIES. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. I HE RENOWNED VEGETABLE TONIC. At this season cf the year no one should be with i out CtWILYM E7ANS' QUININE BITTERS. A coursetaken now will be invaluable in giving tone to the system, new life to the blood, and in bracing the nerves. Avoid imitations. Itemcmber that none are genuine except ,,C,WII,YME ANS QUININE BITTEHS." See the name Oil the stamp, label, and bottle. Should any difficulty be experienced in procuring it, write to the Proprietors, who wili forward it per return parcels post, carriage paid, to ;iiy address. In Bottles at 2s 6d and 4s 6d each. Sold by all Chemisfs. 1130 2ti Propriotors-QUININE BITTKKS MANUFACTUIUNG COMPANY (Limited), LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. mHE NEW FRUIT CASCARA- JL DYNE.—NATURE'S REMEDY FOR CONSTIPATION.—Pleasant to take, certain in action. Toe NEW FJtUIT not only acts on the bowels, but the charm ot its action is that (from its invaluable great tonic properties) it at once gives tone and energy to the muscular coats of the stomach, gradually restoring to Nature its long-lost power.—Sold cf- by all Chemists in Is lid and 2s 9d boxes, or r-. S direct from T. O. SAN DELL, West Kensington. fq The Policies granted by the STANDARD LIFE OFFICE ADVANTAGEOUS are marked by Liberal Con- ditions, Uniformly Moderate Premiums, Large Bonuses* and iooirmMnir Complete Security. Additions to ASSUKAINCIJ. Pol-cies out of Profits last Valua- tion in 1885, £ 950,000. Funds, Seven Millions—Increasing Yearly. STANDARD LIFE CJFFICE Bristol Office, 67, Broad- street. 3731 JOSEPH JULER, Local Secretary. c ATTO" (xAS J]N0INE O™ 28.000 1™S"" From 2 man to 100 h.p. REFERENCES for ALL TRADES and in ALL TOWN". Second-Hand Engines. Deferred Payment System. QROSSLEY jj3R°S., J^IMITED OPENSHAW, MANOHESTK R.

Family Notices


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