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I 11 i f g ;VA< v/* m M ^SBBS8SH^ Softens Hard Water. y Y T\T For *he Bat^1* Soothes the Skin. 1-i U A For the Toilet. PURIFYING AND REFRESHING. c, A Rnnd HAirwA^h FOP Sn&nip001Il^« U00a nairwas»n- A unique washing preparation made in the form of A Tuxurv in the Bath flakes or wafers. p ^ace and Hosiery. A Luxury in tne tfatn. LUX LIGHTENS LABOUR. J A Pure Preparation. Sold by all Gmcers and oilmen. For Flannels & Woollens LEVER BROTHERS, LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, CHESHIRE. The name Lever on soap is a guapanteo of purity and excsllsnco. Jpro$perity awaitj evfery Wi i 1 i ng Wo r ke r in Ncw land ire FREE lpikirivils OF IL430 ACRES. For latest official Maps, Pamphlets and full particulars, gratis, apply to Mr. W. T. R. PRESTON, I COMMISSIONER OF EMIGRATION, 11-12, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W, or |i Mr. A. F. JURY. OLD CASTLE BUILDINGS, LIVERPOOL. COCKLE'S PILLS. COCKLE'S PILLS. COCKLE'S PILLS. In universal use since the dawn of the century. A tried and trusted family medicine, prescribed by medical men for the common ailments of every* day life, such as ACIDITY. HEARTBURN. INDIGESTION. BILIOUSNESS. SlbK HEADACHE. DISORDERED LIVER. These famous Pills will keep you in perfect health — tho stomach clean, the bowels free, the liver active, the head clear, and the skin and complexion pure and free from blemish. IN USE FOR 92 YEARS. COCKLE'S PILLS. COCKLE'S PILLS. COCKLE'S PILLS. Cockle's Pills are purely vegetable- warranted free from mercury. May be had throughdtit the United Kingdom, in Boxes at is. lid., 2s. gd., 4s. 6d„ us., and 225. 4 Great Ormond Street, London. W.C. I YOU KNOW HIM BY NAME! 'ILI WHY NOT MAKE HIS ACQUAINTANOE! I HE IS ANXIOUS TO KNOW YOU! ■ MEANS OP BRlHaiHG TOU TOGETHER BjT IT PAYS YOU TO KNOW H. His friend* of 80 years a jo are hit firm to send you a HANDSOME BOOK FREE yea wtll and everythint yen want in ita pa<M or H Samuel will Mppty tt from ht< Mermeut tteek en MM!pt wf par- ticulars. 'IJ /ill/t:? I H. SAMUEL ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEES YOU AGAINST LOSS, DISAPPOINTMENT OR DELAY r H HERE ARE A FEW INSTANCES OF THE WONDERFUL MONEY SAVING VALUES. RH KEEN BUYERS WILL FIND IN THE GREAT FREE REFERENCE BOOK:— »9 I SEE PAGE 15. SEE PAGE 85. SEE PAGE 158. |H —————— »- MAGNIFICENT SOLID R /(* Heavily hkctro-plated ■ OC/ THE «IMPERIAL* 0/0 GOLD GEM BETROTH AL U/ U DINNER CRUET—4 best Oil/™ Real ENGLISH LEVER RINGS, set with Pearls,Rubies glass bottles. |H WATCH. Guaranteed equal to or Sapphires. (Hundreds to Enormous Selection. MB watches ordinarily sold at £ 3 select from.) c- n H 10s. ft upwards. Solid massive eer B<AB oe SEE PAGE 174. fB ■ hall-marked Silver cases,fully 81:11 rflut Bb' « POLISHED—WAT,NUT HI H Jewelled full-plate lever move- n/e SOLID 9-CARAT GOLD »/" MANTLE CLOCKS lOHnH ■ =»««• 7 Years'warranty. I/O KEEPER RINGS hand- high, 30 hours striking move- H somely chased. Great variety. ment. SEND A POST CARD AND IN A FEW HOURS THIS BOOK WILL BE IN vou" I HANDa WITHOUT COST AND WITH TEN FREE PRIZE LISTS. Dept- MARKET H. SAM UELY 926 STREETMANCHESTERs For ECZEMA, I SKIN and BLOOD fSURVY' I DISEASES, f lark^ Q s* 1UI GLANDULAR BLOTCHES and SWELLINGS. I SORES Of all kind* Its effects are marvellous. I——i i"E i-i 1^^ J rass,c°&REAt BLOOD IS ■ Ooutand THE LIFE." III Rheumatic Paine, — for it removes the cause .S from the Blood and Bones. CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE has stood the jV ) Test for 30 years, # I and thousands of testimonials of wonderful ■ H — I wrldhaVC 1)6611 received from 311 Parts of the ■ W H ■ I It is pleasant to tbe taste and warranted free and thousands of tstimonials of wonderful m ixture I from anything- injurious to the mcst delicate I constitution of either sex, from infancy to old I and the Proprietors solicit sufferers to crive it a trial to test its value. rt^ea1^;bott:nd°:rfcats«s> containin§ || warranted to || THE WORLD-FAMED SS qu?nt[ty,price It/ sufficient to effect c^anse the Blood from "S mBW cas™ CUre m the »reat raaionty of long-standing all tmfiurities I B| AA •*■■■»■■»■■«■» from WHATEVER blood purifier RFU/ARC worthless imitations CAUSE ARISING. ucwAnc ana .Mbwtutw. II U AMD RESTORER.



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