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^10 P.O. TO-DAY FOR 10/6 IFOR H. SAMUEL'S MMfSSmBi d|H |( 1AArAVEU LEVER »|M1I S| A REMARKABLE PRODUCTION VsPstYt i AT A LOW PRICE |80)a l-Mifcfra ||| FI3TE THREE-QUARTER PL5.TE, JEWELLED I iu'll i'llliJmLf B§\ MOV EKE NT, CONTAINED IN EXTRA STRONG ^jp £ r,\ ImwmjBI UlK&S'' P«g CASES EXACTLY RESEMBLING REAL SILVER, !^r \A \J. \/k.IffiKP/fl? jQ§Sf^ ESS ACCURATELY ADJUSTED AND TIMED, GUAR- yjP| T 1 '¥ + j||! AKTEED TO STAND THE HARDEST Y/EAR. V M, J i IS fl SJ»CB BONUS t OF A MAGNIFICENT Hg-L" at,f,Ua • BAVARIAN GOLD Wm^JSKt^ipir ALBERT 'REGISTERED) WITH MEDAL TO MATCH P (AS SilOOT) 13 SENT WITH EACH WATCH. n IS 2°^1 THE ONE PAYMENT OF 10/8 i Bill BARGAIN GUIDE Buys this watch outright, i 1 «« a '<>*«?• "° s • S Nearly 200 Pafas. 3COO Engravings. J j|pj| GOLD 5: SILVER WATCHES, Hall-markad GOLD WE SEND FIRST MAIL Si DRESS KING3 5 5, Solid GOLD BROOCHES, 2/3 FREE PRIZES FOR BL/EBS! gg DRESS KING3 5 5, Solid GOLD BROOCHES, 2/3 FREE PRIZES FOR BL/EBS! gg jj§| f'>, DEpT. MARKET STREET, || Dose ONE AT NIGHT. You MUST take SOMETHING SOMETIMES, I Take CARTER'S: 50 Years' Reputation. no= W;gnhl 0 7M Absolutely Cure I TTLE SICK HEADACHE, j ■ IVER JffljfB \LJ FURRED TONGUE. |HB n^| ■ ■ INDIGESTION. HH DIZZINESS. SALLOW SKIN. 8mall Pill. R S 7 !>—S 8mall Dose. Thsy TOUCH the tt —. J ''J -j. 'j a Small Price. q Genuine Wrapper Printed on d WHITE PAPER, BLUE LETTERS. oe liook for the Signature, r *» The Phyicia.n'6 Cure for Gnut, and Gravel. The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the Safest and niosi. Stomach, Headache, Heartburn. Indigestion, Genae <?™C.11IV' °r Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections. *Ilfants' Delicate lemales, and the j "It the Blood is Diseased, the Rody is Diseased and Enfeebled. Keep 1 your Blood Pure and the Health of the System will follow." II Clarke's BJood Mixture THE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER, I is warranted to Cleanse the Blood from all imparities from whatever cause arising f For Eczema, Scurvy, Scrofula, Bad Legs, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Skin and Blood Diseases, Boils, Pimples, Blotokea, and Sores of all kinds, its Effects are Marvellous It is the only real Specific for Gout and Bheumatio Pains, for it removea the cause from the Blood and Bones. Clarke's Blood Mixture is pleasant to the taste and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, from infancy to old ago and the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of unsolicited testimonials from all parts, such as the fouovftg. Mr. Stephen Morgan writes:—"J have suffered since 1886 with a varicose ulcer- ated leg, and have been under five doctors. I also attended two hospitals, but at one they suggested that I should have my leg off, and at the other that I should have the veins leeched and tied up. Yon may guess my feelings, therefore, to find myself now cured by taking Clarke's Blood Mixture' and applying Clarke's Miraculous Salve especially as I have a family of eight children. My leg measured 18Jin. round against 14in. the other, and part of my work I have done on my knees. The matter coming from my leg was as black as soot, but it has now completely healed up, and I am out of agony, a thing not known to me for the past eight years. I must say I think my case a marvellous one. I commenced taking 1 Clarke's Blood Mixture' in July, 1808, and the cost has been one small bottle to try the effect first, and finding the proper remedy, then ten large ones, also a few pots of the salve, and my leg not off. I have spsnt pounds in other remedies, but they have been no good to me. I shall be pleased to *nt?vrrr any questions, and you can make any use of this letter for the public good.— I 31, Malkern Road, St. John's Road, Upper Holloway, N., May 25th, 1899." Sold by all Chemists and Stores throughout the world. Price 2s. 9d. and lis. 1 1 ner horr'o. Roware of worthless imitations and substitutes. J j -K.-LI ■Ii— -I ART METAL WORK IN GATES AND GRILLES. -] ? £ |i rmiiiirrfTPi tit jg j j j 11 Mi 11 Ut| .1 (, IRON HURDLES, WIRE FENCING, FIELD GATES, CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING &c W. H. PEAKE & SONS, MANUFACTURERS, 25 & 27, SUEL STREET. LIVERPOOL. WOETH A GUINEA A BOX j w w M FOTi ALL Bilious and Nerrous Disorders, SICK HEADACHE, CON SflPATION, WEAK STOMACH, WIND, IMPAI^FD DIGESTION, T'TSOTEDEREP LIVER., AND FEMALE AILMENTS. -I"I Annual Sale Six Million Boxes. In Boxes, Is IJd. and 2s. 9d., contain- ing 56 and 16 Pills repectively, with full directions. PP,EPAP.KI> ONLY BY THE PROPRIETOR, ¡ THOMAS BEECHAMj ST. HELENS, LANCASHIRE. I £ 8 :8:0 Mazeppa Special." CLINCHER TYRES, PLATED RIMS, FREE WHEEL, TWO BRAKES. (BOWDEN on NEW DEPARTURE.) All Accessories. Fully Guaranteed. Supplied on Easy Payments. Write for List. MAZEPPA CjYCLE CO., SCOTLAND ROAD, LIVERPOOL. BORWIGK'S m- Cakes & Pastry. | |JI U ff| The Best DAKINC POWDER in tho World. DONT WAIT *S8 Tha moment the system shows any sign of Irregularity take J rglARTIRP,S PILLS. tedium in tha "world cftn claim BO many constant users. The speedy, pleasant, natural a corrective and adjufitant. Nine-tenths of the J ip Aiartin s PUla soid are purchased by regular I pSl? F^AHHCaI?!sf"0JS™S.tores them'OF < if Fra«, MARTIN, Chemist. Southampton. I IOIZLOO.jn.. KEATING'SvSj t ^^OWDEg \) {Tims3d 6d.I».BELUWs9<j I



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