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Etterarg Notices. ----------------""_''''-'"""r,/''''r--/"..../...'-''-'''''''''''''''-----



Family Notices


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BAND OF HOPI: JUBILEE.—The committee paving charge of the arrangements for the weal celebration had a lengthy sitting at the Temperance Hall on Tuesday evening, Mr. W. Denson presiding. A musical festival has oeen decided upon for Wednesday, November Jrd, and Mr. J. Herbert Roberts, M.P., has promised to take the chair. The orchestra will be occupied by a specially trained choir of children selected from the various Bands of J*°pe, and a number of other musical friends have already promised their assistance. A sub-committee was appointed to give effect to the' Million More' scheme. DEATH OF A CHESTER STATIONER.—The death of Mr. Frederick Parry, stationer, has removed a well-known figure from local trade and Nonconformist circles. The sad event J°ok place on Tuesday night, death ensuing irom pleurisy, from which Mr. Parry had suffered severely for some time. Deceased lived at Gladstone-road, and was highly respected as a £ roi?ineat tradesman, and as being an enthusiastic worker in Primitive Methodism, d *Uneral took place at the Cemetery on Fri- .ay»,^he chief mourners and others present in- cludin Mr. A. Parry (son), Miss M. Latham, r- F. and Mrs. Gill, Mr. and Mrs. Bolton, Gornall, the Revs. Cooper Bowles, Spedding, j. d. Bramwell, Messrs. Barber, Mealing, W. aviee, Hague, W. S. Jones, Gresty, T. Griffiths, utton, and others. The first part of the prvice was conducted at the chapel by the offi* an<* Bramwell, the latter also gating at the graveside. Mr. Parry leaves wid°w, a son, and a little daughter, for aU of whom the utmost sympathy is expressed. OFFENDING CYCLISTS IN CHESHIRE. At Altrincham, on Monday, Ernest Oilier, Bowdon, was summoned for furiously riding a bicycle at Roatherne.-Three officers of the Cheshire constabulary gave evidence, and said that he was going at a speed of 20 miles an hour.—Mr. Watts (a magistrate) asked the officer how he estimated the speed.—Sergeant Howie replied that they were always on the road, and could tell the rate at which cyclists were going.—In reply to the clerk, he said they had tried to stop the defendant and a companion, but they rushed past like the wind: Sergeant Venables informed the Bench that he had cautioned the defendant, who was now trying to break the 'record' between Bowdon and Irnutsford. His machine was geared to 68, a ▼ery high one.—Defendant denied that he was SoiQg to break tbe record. He was a labouring toa.n and could not afford the time. He could Pull up within a few yards.—The Bench said as te night was moonlight there might be some ifliculty in estimating the rate of speed. nder the circumstances they would inflict a Qiall penalty of 2s. 6d., including costs.— rank Lyle, for a similar offence, was fined s. 6d., and an additional 5s. for riding without a -light. ° ESCAPE AND RE-CAPTURE OF A CHESTER —Albert Morton, a Chester youth -known to the Chester police authorities, J remanded at the Police Court on VVednas- •°r a wee^» on a charge of breaking and Mr. Hibbert, timber Cow-lane Bridge. The Chief Con- 2rl ?rrd the Bench thafc °ther cases and flit ?referred against the prisoner, police to ^mandMWaS granted t0 enable he was remn^V cases. In the afternoon be conveyed to KnnH D*00 Cel1, in order to the police P„rn' °™hi,« anility eluded the offleer K™ wlth Kr«»t the direction of Abbe^Ct He Stiv but he raj he 6u,r^ r/ T'al Ha" BuiWi">gs, where police rnnH good his escape. The Police continued their search for the prisoner «aDDJ ev«mng, but were greatly handi- the OT7f»iW11r? ° t'ie 'Pronged streets during Chest Carnival. After a search by the Thur 5- P°iice, Detective Hughes succeeded on old u in recapturing Albert Morton in an jjorf 6 afc the Commercial Hall Buildings. er>„ Was discovered hiding in a dark corner of the stable. NATIONAL FEDERATION OF SUB-POSTMASTERS. ^heste meeting held on Thursday afternoon in a ^arKe number of local and country ^eet 8 .ma8ters and mistresses assembled to Po°l deputation from Manchester and Liver- in j)* ong and useful discussion was joined very J*? wh°le of the members, after which a che8te j address was delivered by the Man- a"counf egate- He gave an interesting Federat- °' the eagerness with which the ti°n w 11 scheme of sub-postmasters associa- popuj *8 being taken up in all centres of P°8tm and esPecially among the rural sub- shin 8ker6 and mistresses, by whom the hard- Th KWere more acutely felt than in the towns. 6 hours of many country offices are from 5-30 a.m. till 8 p.m., and the pay (since the Jubilee concessions were granted) has been considerably reduced on the telegraph business. One sub- postmaster declared that only for his own children being at hand to deliver the great quantity of mtlsages he would have been com- pelled to give up the work, but having great opes that the department intended to listen to h«MUnanim°U8 wish of the Federation he still ia on. Twelves names were added to the jester branch, and it was resolved that a igorous canvass of the whole of the sub- postmaaters and mistresses be undertaken. A denn/fVOter °f tbanks was passed to the th« »?°in- ,°r their Practical addresses, and the useful informatIon imparted to the meeting. A vote of thanks was also accorded to the chair- man for his services. DEESIDE BOWLING CLUB: PRESENTATION TO OF WARMSLEY.—The yearly convivial meeting t>U?eT^ eJ.80fthe Deeeide Bowling Club took £ «*ce at tbe Grosvenor Hotel on Saturday, about irty members and friends being present. Mr. W. J. Heeley (president) occupied the chair, the company also including Mr. J. J. Cunnah, Alder- man Shaw (Birkenhead), Mr. F. J. Warmsley Jhon. sec.), and Mr. A. Wolfenden (hon. treasurer). Various toasts were given, that of the Bowling Club' being proposed by The lrmaU* and resP°nded to by Mr. Cunnah. the n^n°8fc Pleasant feature of the evening was and of a silver tankard, a barometer, *«n £ r\pw,cil cas.e to the hon- sec- (Mr- I'residenf *Q ma,king the presentation the serviCea ,a"Uded to Mr. Warmsley's valuable 8ecretarv the 17 years he had acted as highest e t c*ub* They all held him in the recognia' 8^etQ, and felt the utmost pleasure in acknowilj^ good qualities. Mr. Warmsley TWo ofll the compliment in suitable terms, the -r Presentations were also made during of heVeniQg- The President had offered a set aff t° be competed for on the green that ternoon. Mr. A. O. Roberts finished first, and Was accordingly presented with the prize while 1\1r. John Day, who was second, received another set given by Mr. J. L. Walker. The Proceedings were enlivened by songs contri- ved in excellent style by Messrs. J. L. talker, R. J. Williams, L. Booth, and W. onway, and altogether a most enjoyable ening was spent. firing IN CHESTER.—No one can i with the programme offered this OW r ^r* Benson's Shakespearian and ^English Comedy Company on the grounds h viC^ variety' 'n fact> it is about the best Ul of fare' Mr. Benson has ever pre- sented to us. A commencement was aifd 0n Monday evening with Othello,' j although the performance was engthy one, extending to about a quarter and e^even>it was thoroughly enjoyed by a large appreciative audience, who at the close gave Mr. and Mrs. Benson an enthusiastic Ration. Mr. Benson hardly possesses the P yaique which we are accustomed to associate lth the swarthy Moor, but his conception of the character is a wonderfully fine and scholarly study, and he brings into full play e intense qualities which make up the fierce ^ature of the jealous husband. We liiver ^member to have seen Mrs. Benson to such as in the role of the chaste, but fortunate, Desdemona. She was sweet and io^ng in her affection for her distracted f0r gehtle and pathetic in her pleadings the s^°> while the final scene in which den Play comes to such a tragic was a grand piece of acting b0j.i6e(*> almost too harrowing in its realism) Bl. ,on the part of Mr. and Mrs. Benson. The Bod tribute to the skill of Mr. Frank was perhaps the involuntary anathemas Ia continually escaped from the gallery as It w Wove the web of his horrible villainy. an as a striking and well-executed perform- Prov a ,^i88 Frances Wetherall as Emilia caliK6 er8Glf an emotional actress of no mean Cassf6' Mr- E- Hignett made an admirable CaPahi' the remaining characters were in ther e hands. Yesterday (Tuesday) evening Merrv w-an excellently balanced cast in The initt,itai of Windsor,' Mr. G. R. Weir, that a* Falnf Shakespearian comedian appearing n as Dr. Caius, and Mrs. 80n as MrS. Ford.