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Pufciic Aniiauitceiitr-ats. "f"r- ROYALTY THEATRE, CITY ROAD, CHESTER. Sole Proprietor and Responsible Manager: Mr. JAS. W. CARTER. F. R. BENSON'S SHAKESPEARIAN & OLD ENGLISH COMEDY COMPANY. Ãt 7-30. Thus EVENING 1. THE CORSICAN (WEDNESDAY),Sep 22) BROTHERS. THURSDAY, -23. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. FRIDAY, „ 24. THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. SATURDAY, „ 25. THE TAMING OF THE SHREW. ONE OF THE GREAT EVENTS OF THE SEASON.! Special Production of the New and Successful Comic Opera- REGINA B. A/ CHORUS OF FORTY VOICES. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Dress Circle, 4s.; Orchestra Stalls, 3s.; Pit Stalls, 2s.; Pit, Is.; Gallery, 6d. Box Plan now ready at Messrs. PHILLIPSON and GOLDER'S, Eastgate Row. CHESTER MUSICAL SOCIETY. PRACTICES will be RESUMED in th« REFECTORY on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th, at usual times. There are VACANCIES in the CHORUS, and applications should be made to DR. BRIDGE, Northgate. ALTRINCHAM AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. A N N U A~L SHOW, TO-MORROW (THURSDAY), SEPT. 23RD. 3,400 ENTRIES. A RECORD! Trial of Hunters and Jumpers over hurdles and water. Splendid Exhibition of Cattle, Horses, Turn- outs, Cattle, Horseltt Dogs, Poultry, Pigeons, Rabbits, &c. Covered accommodation for thousands of visitors. ADMISSION (all day), 1/ NOTICE. THE CHESHIRE DAIRY FARMERS' ASSOCIATION WILL HOLD ITS GREAT _4_NNJTAL DAIRY SHOW IN THE MARKET HALL, CHESTER, ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19TH & 20TH, 1897. < £ 220 TO E GIVEN IN PRIZES. SPECIAL CLASS for LONG KEEPING < CHEESE. For, pa-rtionlars apply to the Secretary. ENTRIES CLOSE OCTOBER 9TH. For Prize List,&c., apply to the Secretary, ROBERT CHALLINOR, Old Bank Buildings, Chester. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. T^XCURSIONS will run ag,under:- XJ THURSDAY, September 30, DAY TRIP to BIRMINGHAM ^ONION FAIR), leaving 'CHESTER at 7-35 a.m. MONDAY, October,4, LAST OF THE SEASON, 1 to CHELTENHAM and GLOUCESTER, leaving 'CHESTER at 9-0 ajn. LAST OF THE SEASON, to SHREWSBURY, Wellington, Wolverfcacjpton, Worcester, Malvern, .Evesham, BIRMINGHAM, Stratford on Avon, Leamington, OXFORD, LONDON, &c.i. for 5 days, ilaaving CHESTER at 1-35 p.m. Tickets, bills, and pamphlets can be obtained at rthe Stations. J. L. WILKINSON, General Manager. pieasuiK .Cruises. NOTICE, TRE BEND OR iand O.RMONDE *ill NOT RUN after MONDAY, 27th SEPT.. TH DEE STEAM BOAT CO.. The above Company is the only one authorised IbY His Grace the DUKE OF WESTMINSTER, K.G., iornn their STEAMERS regularly to EATON HALL. THE 'ORMONDE' AND 'BEND OR' Are now Running as follows,(Sundays excepted) am am am pm pm pm pm pm Chester .dp 9 0 10301130 1 0 1 30 2 45 3 30!4 30 EcclestonFy 9 50! 1120!1220! 1 50 2 20 3 35i4 20^ 20 Iron Bridge.Jl015|il*5| |5 45 Iron Br*g.dp 10151; 45 Yib EcclestonFy 1040,1210 123511 50:2 20 3 35,4 30iC 10 Chester.arr. 1130|l Oil 25l2 4Qj3 10 4 25|5 20[7 0 FARES Chester to Eccleston, 6d..Bingle; 9d. Return. Iron Bridge, 8d. la. „ Weatber and other causes permitting. M-v- Srjippmg. -MM NEW ZEALAND. REDUCED FARES. Intending Settlers approved by the Agient-General receive Passages at Reduced Rates by the NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING CO.'S and the SHAW, SAVILL & ALBiON CO.'S Steamers. Apply to AGENT-GENERAL FOR NEW ZEALAND, 13, Victoria-street, London, S. W. Also to Agents for the above-mentioned Com- panies.-T. HORAHttN, 16, Newgate-street, Chester. WHITE STAR LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMEES. NOTICE.—The Stealers of this Line follow the specified Outward aDd Homeward Tracks adopted by the leading Liverpool and New York Steamship Companies. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, via QUEENSTOWN, every WEDNESDAY. ■•TEUTONIC.Wed, Sept. 29 *MAJESTIC .Wed., Oct. 13 BRITANNIC..Wed., Oet.« GERMANIC.Wed..Oct.20 Second Cabin will be carried on the voyages marked thus41 .Cotton not carried on Passenger Steamers. Steerage Passage at Low Bates, including Outfit freeof -&arge to New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or Baltimore. Superior accommodation at moderate fares for Saloon fcn £ Second Cabin; also through bookings to China, laman, New Zealand, and Australia. for further particulars apply to W. COVENTRY, 41, Watergate-street, Chester; or to ISMAY, IMRIE, ana CO.,10, Water-street, Liverpool. BEAVER LINE. LIVERPOOL TO QUEBEC AND MONTREAL WEEKLY. Lowest Through Rates to TORONTO, HAMIL- TON, LONDON. WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, CHICAGO, BUFFALO. DETROIT, and the principal towns in NEW BRUNSWICK, &c. Superior Accommodation at lowest rates for Saloon, Second Cabin and Steerage Passages. For Freight or Passage apply to D. & C. MACIVER, Managers, Albert Square, Manchester, and Tower Buildings, Liverpool. COLD IN CANADA. KLONDYKE. AM who desire information t-especting Klondykc and the tKoldfields of Ontario and British Columbia should write to ALLAN BROS. & CO., 19, James St., Liverpool, for their MAPS and LEAFLETS regarding the above and the AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES OF CANADA, which are sent FREE. CALIFORNIA, ARIZONA, MEXICO, TEXAS, For Health. Pleasure, aad Profit. Reliable information as to JKOIT- GROWING, PABMIKG, HUNTING, FISHING, &C., sent free, lours and Single Trips affording choice of geveral routes. Lowest rates for all classes.—Apply to BUD. PALCK, General European Agent, Pacifio ComW. 26, Water-street, Liverpool; 18, Cockapur.straet, S.W., 49, Legdefthall-street, E.C., London. W & F I5R0WN & C°" CABINET MAKERS & UPHOLSTERERS, EASTGATE ROW, CHESTER. H 0 USE AGENTS. PROPRIETORS OF WAREHOUSES FOR STORING FURNITURE. VANS FOR REMOVING FURNITURE. Low PRICE AND RATER. public -aotices. CHESTER j^CHOOL OF SCIENCE AND ART. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. SIX LESSONS in COOKERY FOR INVALIDS will be given on MONDAY AFTERNOONS, at 2.30, commencing 4th October. Fee for course, 6s. TECHNICAL CLASSES. The Class for Household'Cookepv will be held on TUESDAY EVENINGS, from 8 to 9.30, instead of Fridays, commencing 5th October. Fee for 12 lessons, 3s. 6d. A Class in Dresscutting and Making-up will be held on FLtIDLY FvENINGS, from 7 to 9, com- mencing 1st October. Fee for.12. lessons, 5s. C. R. ENOCK, Clerk to Governing Body. HE.CHESHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL offers for Competition a SCHOLARSHIP, tenabte 4ar ten months at the School of Domestic Economy, Chester, to obtain instruction in Cookery, Dressmaking, and Laundry Work. Applications must be sent to the undersigned not later than September 24th. RICHARD P. WARD, Organizing Secretary's Office, Crewe. THE COUNTY COUNCIL offers for Competition a number of SCHOLARSHIPS tenable for ten weeks at the DAIRY INSTITUTE, WORLESTON, and commencing Octobe- 11th, for instruction in Dairy Work, Cookery, Dressmaking, and Laundry Work.—Applications should be sent to me not later: than September 27th. R. P. WARD, Crewe. Organising Secretary. MARY "-SARAH TIBBITS, DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all Persons having any CLAIM or DEMAND against the Estate of MARY SARAH TIBBITS, late of Hawarden, in the County of Flint, Spinster, deceased (who died on the 7th September last), are requested forthwith ;,to send to me, the under- signed, a-t my Office,.No. 36, High-street, Warwick, full particulars thereof, in order that the same may be examined, and, if found correct, duly discharged. Dated this 21st day of September. JOHN TIBBITS, Exceptor. Sennets. oj" ARMY CONTRACTS. TENDERS for the Supply of FORAGE ,and PALL2ASSE STRAW for the period of-six months, from let November, 1897, at the various stations in the North Western District, will;be received at the undermentioned office, until 12 o'clock noon, on Wednesday, the 29th September, 1897. Forms of Tender, with list of Stations, can be obtained on sidplicationto the Assistant Adjutant General. District Head kquvrter Office, Chester. 18th September, ,1897. CHESTER UNION. To MILLERS, RCGJCHBBS, GROCERS, PROVISIOK DEALERS, DRUGGISTS, SPIRIT MERCHANTS, IRONMONGERS, AND OTHERS. THE Guardians .of the Poor of the Chester Union invite TENDERS>from persons willing to supply the following ARTICLES from the 2nd October, 1897, to the 26th March, 1898, viz. Flour, Oatmeal, Bran, Indian Meal, Beef, Mutton, Suet (English fed)-, Fresh Butter, Margarine, Cheese (iEngliah), Bacon, Groceries, Chandlery, Brushei, Drapery Goods, Boots, Shoes, Leather, Straw, Ironmongery, Drugs, Brandy, and for the Sweeping of Chimneys and Flues. Printed Form of Tender (no other can be received), and particulars as to quantities required may be obtained on application to me or to the Workhouse Master. The Articles must he delivered free of charge .at the Workhouse, or such place or places, and in .such quantities as the Guardians -or their officers direct. Accounts amounting to £ 5 and upwards will be paid monthly, under £ 5 quarterly. Sealed Tenders for the Articles required, and samples of the same (if practicable) to be delivered at my office not later than 9. JO a.m. on TUESDAY, the ,28th September, 1897. The Guardians do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. By Order, WILLIAM TURNOCK, Clerk. Union Offices, Hoole, Chester, 21th September, 1897. hotels, H E S W A L L. JJOTEL VICTORIA. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. Delightful climate. Highly recommended by the Medical Profession, being sheltered from the North and East witads by the Heswall Hills. Magnificent views of the River Dee and Welsh Mountains. Healthiest and most picturesque part of Cheshire. SPECIAL TERMS FOR WEEK ENDS. Apply MRS. REES, Manageress. Telephone 2205. HYL.-VISITORS will find every comfort at the NEW MARINE HYDRO during the present season. Close to golf links. Facing the sea. SOUTHPORT SUNNYSIDE HYDRO. Phys.: Dr. BARNARDO. Summer and Winter Residence; one of the handsomest buildings in Kouthport, centrally situated, replete with every eomfort; fine sea view, near parks, pier, and trams. Summer terms from 6s. per day, including Turkish, Russian, and other Baths; Massage and Galvanism. J. BOOCOCK, Proprietor. Publications. JUST PUBLISHED. LONGRIDGE'S GLOSSARY OF MINING TERMS, With Illustrations & Geological Survey Map Signs. PRICE, 2S. 6d. POSTAGE, 2d. It is a book which will naturally be much appreciated among holders of mining shares, as it will render the technicalities of a report intelligible to the uninitiated.' -Financial Times. 'Perhaps the distinctive feature pertaining to this Glossary is the illustrations which are appended, showing various forms of veins, deposits, faults, &c.'—Invention. Of great use to all who nre actively associated with practical mining.—South Africa. 'THE MINING JOURNAL,' 18, Finch Lane, E.C., and 3, Dorset Buildings, Salisbury Square, E.C. New Edition. Just published, post free, 6 stamps. A TREATISE ON NERVOUS DISEASES and WEAKNESS in MEN, with a description of the most common-sense and Scientific Treatment ever introduced. A. J. LEIGH, 92 and 93, Great Russell-st., London. MISS KATE BEESLEY, -1¥_L PROFESSOR OF ELOCUTION (Pupil of Miss BATEMAN, London), RECEIVES PUPILS FOR RECITATIONS, STAGE, &c. CONCERTS AND AT HOMES ATTENDED. Address: Miss KATE BEESLEY, oare of Messrs. Phillipson A Golder, Eastgate Row, Chester. t NORTHGATE BREWERY COMPANY'S A E -R A L E So PRIME CHESTER ALES. SPECIAL HER MAJESTY APPOINTMENT THE QUEEN AND H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. gROWN" & CO., MERCERS, CHESTER. i LATEST NOVELTIES. FRENCH MILLINERY. FRENCH MANTLES, CAPES. TAILOR-MADE COAT AND SKIRTS. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. NEW DRESS FABRICS. EXCELLENT FIT AND LATEST STYLES IN DRESSMAKING. E&ucattonaL _¿- SCHOOL OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS TRAINING COLLEGE, 32, DUKE STREET, AND CITY WALLS (Opposite Floating Bath). A Technical School for Business Training; boys, girls, adults, trained in shortest possible time, at least expense:; appointments found. The Junior School, open to Boys of all ag-es as day pupils and boarders. Sound Commercial Education, including Rapid Business Writing, Book-keeping, Shorthand, Type Writing, &c. Special preparation for all preliminary examina- tions-Legal, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Chartered Accountant, and Dental. Hundreds of -successful candidates. Adults taught in the day or evening. No classes. Ladies or gentlemen can have a private room, enter and leawe the premises without seeing or being seen by other pupils. Full prospectus, containing outline of course of study, forwarded ifree to any address. LOUIS HYDE, Director. THOROUGH TUITION ON THE VIOLIN.— JL HERR VEERMAN, Solo Violinist (late member of Sir Charles Orchestra), begs to announce that he has a few VACANCIES for Pupils. Will also open an Evening Class;for young beginners, on moderate terms, which may be had on applica- tion.-Address Netherland House, King-st., Chester. ART CRAFTS-WOODCARVING, EMBOSSED LEATHERWORK, REPOUSSE, &C. MR. J. HANMER HUTCHINGS, Art Mastsr (S.K) and National Bronze Medallist, &c., conducts CLASSES and takes Private Pupils in the above. Particulars on application to the Studio, ST. PETER'S CHURCHYARD. CHESTER. THE QUEEN'S SCHOOL, CHESTER. A HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Pupils prepared for the Cambridge Local Exams. ;and for the London Maitric., but the school course ia carefully modified to suit delicate or backward girls. Special attention is given to the education of younger Pupils, and one of the mistresses in •the Lower School holds a kindergarten certificate. Boarding-houses can be recommended in connec- tion with the school. For Prospectus and other information apply to ,;be Hon. Secretary, John Thompson, Esq., Nether- ieigh, Chester. The AUTUMN TERM will begin on TUZSPAY, September 21st, and the HEADJ&SSTRESS will be at kome to Visitors on Monday, the 20th, both morning amd afternoon. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL JLy FOR GIRLS. 3., KING'S BUILDINGS, CHESTER. PANCIPAL MRS. STAINTON. NEST TERM will begin on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd. ABBOTS MOUNT, CHESTER. SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, conducted by s MISS M. K. MONTGOMERY, B.A. (Lond.),' and MISS E. K. McCONNELL, M.A. (Victoria). Kindergarten Class under trained and experienced Kindergarten Mistress. NEXT TERM will begin SEPT. 22ND. MISS A. PYE, Certified Art Mistress, GIVES LESSONS in DRAWING and PAINTING., in Chester, Hawarden, &c. Term commences Sept. 20th.- Address: The Studio, 23, Bridge-street Row, Chester. MADAME SABATINI has returned, from Milan, and will RESUME LESSONS in SINGING and VOICE CULTIVATION Sept. 17th. Visits Chester every Friday.—Apply Mrs. DALE, Music Warehouse, Bridge-street Row; or by letter to 9, Canning-street, Liverpool. QAKLEIGH HOUSE SCHOOL, LITTLE SUTTON, CHESHIRE. High-class School for Gentlemen's Daughters. NEXT TERM begins September 20th. Principals: THE MISSES DIXON. ARCYILLE COLLEGE. J-JL EAST PARADE, RHYL. PBIKCIPAL: MISS MERCIER, ASSISTED BY FULLY QUALIFIED BESIDENT AND VISITING TEACHERS. Pupils may be prepared for the following: Universities' LocaJ Examinations, College of Preceptors, South Ken- sington (Science and Art), Boyal College and Academy of Music, and Trinity College; Music. French, German, and Spanish are taught conversa- tionally and grammatically. Entire charge of girls whose parents are abroad. Home comforts and care. TERM SEPTEMBER 21ST. THE ASSOCIATED BOARD OF THE R.A.M. & R.C.M. FOB LOCAL EXAblINATIONS IN MUSIC. President: H.R.H. THE PBINCE OF WALES, K.G. THOMAS THRELFALL, Esq., Chairman. The Hon.G. W SPENCEBLYTTELTON ,C. B,DeplltyChairman. Local Centre Examinations. See Syllabus A. School Examinations. See Syllabus B. Copies of either Syllabus, in which important altera- tions will be found, post free on application to the Central Office, 32, Maddox. street, London, W. SAMUEL AITKEN, Hon. Sec. SEASON 1897-8. rf OMATO~gAUSAGB (ORIGINAL). Now commenced making. LOCH FYNNE KIPPERS. SMOKED ENGLISH TONGUES AND BATH CHAPS. J. LITTLE & gONS, 1, EASTGATE ROW, CHESTER. EDWARD WILLIAMS, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, COLOURER, PAPER-HANGER, &c., 33, NICHOLAS STREET, CHESTER. Paper-Hangings of the Newest Designs kept in Stock. Pattern Books sent out to Select from. Estimates given for Town or Country Work. prospectus* I The LIST OF SI BSCRIPTIONS OPENED on MONDAY, the 2Hh Sept., 1897, and will CLOSE on SATURDAY, the 25th September, 1897. THE PADESWOOD BUCKLEY BRICK ANT COAL CO., LIMITED. iCAPITAL-X20,000 in 4,000 Shares of £5 each, payable as follows: £1 per Share on Applica- tion, L2 per Share on Allotment; And the balance by instalments of 10/- per Share at intervals of not less than two» > onths. 0, W L RECTORS: John H. BillingtoijA1 tisq., Meadow House, Tar- porley, Cheshire. (Managing Director J. H. Billington, Limited, Chester). B. B. Glover, Esq., J.P., 41A, Victoria Buildings, Manchester, Mining Engineer (Chairman, St. Helens and District Tramways Co., Limited). G. R. Griffith, Esq., 30, Hough Green, Chester, Mineral Owner. J. W. White, Esq., Old Public Hall, Widnes, Merchant (Director, Northern Creosoting and Sleeper Company, Limited). *Edward Wheldon Esq., J.P., The Laurels, near Mold. Will join the Board after Allotment. BANKERS: Lloyds Bank Limited, Birmingham; Old Bank, Chester.; and Branches. SOLICITOR G. Herbert Bradley, Esq., King- street, Mold. AUDITORS: Messrs. Knox, Hassal, Dodd & Co., Chartered Accountants,South Crescent Chambers, 6, Lord-street, Liverpool. SECRETARY AND OFFICES: E. Noel Humphreys, A.C.A., 9 and 11, Old Bank Buildings, Eastgate, Chester. ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. This Company has been formed to acquire and work the Padeswood Hall Colliery, now being carried on .by the Vendors, together with the valu- able beds of Coal and Fireclay underlying the land of Messrs. Hancock (Padeswood Hall Estate). Also to take and work the same minerals under the ad joining lands of Colonel Tomkinson, Wilson Carstairs Jones, Esq., and the Lords of Mold. The total area is about 600 acres, and comprises a field for mineral enterprise of a very promising character. The Company will have the advantage of a small capital on which to pay dividends. The Vendors have converted their undertaking into a Company solely for the purpose of obtaining some additional Capital to assist in further development; and it will be seen that they rely almost entirely upon the future profits of the Company for their price,' so sure are they of its soundness. The Colliery is in thorough working order, and is capable of raising from 200 to 250 tons per day of Coal and Slack. The Padeswood Hall Estate, on which the Pits are sunk, has an area of about 200 acres, under which the Vendors have the right to work the Minerals under an agreement for a Lease for 14 years, renewable at the option of the Vendors, at a dead rent merging in a royalty of one-fourteenth for Coal, and X20 per kiln per annum for goods manufactured from Fireclay, the benefits of which will be transferred to the Company. The situation of the Collierj—close to the Wrex- ham, Mold and Connah's Quay Railway with which it is connected by a Branch Line-enables it to com- mand a direct route, with an easy rate of carriage via Wirral Railway, to ,the important Ports of Birkenhead and Connah's Quay ready access is also obtained at Hope Junction to the London and North-Western Railway. Its proximity to the numerous brickworks of the Buckley district has supplied it with an ample and profitable outlet for all slack and nuts; these have proved to be very suitable f brick making and other manufacturing purposes. It in intended to erect brickworks in direct connection with the Colliery, thus providing a more profitable home consump- tion. The Coal raised from the present seam finds a ready market for house consumption. The Colliery and other areas to be acquired have been inspected and favourably reported upon by Mr. Nathanael R. Griffith, of London and Wrexhatn, Associate R.S.M., F.G.8., Engineer of the well- known Kent Coalfields Syndicate Limited, &c.; I Mr. Jenkin Humphries, of Chester, Certificated Colliery Manager, Mineral Surveyor, and Colliery Viewer to Mr. J C. Edwards, Terra Cotta Works, Ruabon; and Mr. W. McCulloch, Mining Engineer, Mold. The following seams of Coal are expected to be worked in easy distance, viz ;— At 120 Yards-Hollin Coal 4ft. 9in. (now being worked). At 150 Yards—Braasey Coal 4ft. Oin. At 190 Yards—Main Coal lift. Oin. Total workable Coal 19ft. 9in. Taking the quantity of Coal in the present seam only, according to the estimate in Mr. N. R. Griffith's supplementary Report, the profit to be anticipated from Coal would be Average selling price, large and small, per ton at the pit. 5s. Od. Cost as per Reports, per ton at the pit, say 4 0 Estimated profit per ton 1 0 allowing 6d. per ton fo» recoupment of Capital, &c. tben 50,000 tons per annum at 6d. per ton, 91,250 per annum. This is from the Hollin Seam, now being worked, alone, and does not include the lower seams, the profit on which would be a clear addition to this. In addition to the seams of Coal the property contains very valuable beds of Fireclay. These seams of Fireclay are pronounced to be the same seams now being worked by brick manufacturers in parts of the Buckley and adjoining districts. The Clay is of ample thickness for profitable work- ing, and is eminently adapted for the manufacture of best Buff Bricks, best Enamelled or Glazed I Bricks, Tiles, and Sanitary Ware. -0 prospectus. The Vendors have hitherto confined themselves to working Coal; but by a comparatively small expenditure of Capital the Company will be able to manufacture high-class Clay Goods, which com- mand a ready and remunerative sale. The Vendors have had a careful estimate made of the cost of erecting four kilns (total capacity 80,000 bricks), brick-making machinery, drying sheds, &c.; and it is considered that the whole brickworks can be erected in working order for about £ 2,000. The Fireclay has been specially examined and reported upon by Messrs. B. B. Glover and Sons, Mining Engineers, Manchester, who say .-— reported upon by Messrs. B. B. Glover and Sons, Mining Engineers, Manchester, who say:- 23rd July, 1897. PADESWOOD HALL ESTATE.—FIRECLAY. I Immediately underneath the Coal is a very fine bed of Fireclay. A borehole has been put down six feet in this without passing through it, and, from sample bricks made therefrom, it is capable of producing the best Buff Bricks and Tiles, which will take a beautiful glaze, and be sure to command very high prices. Bricks for residential purposes will sell at from 403. to 60s. per thousand; cost of production, including every charge, we estimate at 20s. per thousand. The Enamelled T>r Glazed Bricks will sell at from JE7 to X10 per thousand; cost of same, all inclusive, about 45s. per thousand. B. B. GLOVER & SONS. With an output of only 10,000 Enamelled Bricks, 20,000 Best Facing Bricks, and 10,000 Seconds Bricks per week, it will be seen that the profit to be expected is Per week. Enamelled Bricks, 10,000 at 55s. per 1,000 £ 27 10 0 Best Buff Facing Bricks, 20,000 at 20s. per 1,000 20 0 0 Seconds Buff Bricks, 10,000 at 10s. per 1,000 5 0 0 Estimated Profit per week £ 52 10 0 equal to S2,625 per annum, or more than 13 per cent. upon the present issue of £ 20,000. It will be noted that this profit is upon an output of only 40,000 bricks per week and is exclusive altogether of the profits to be derived from the manufacture of Tiles, Sanitary Ware, &c., which are consider- able. Taking the whole undertaking, the following will be seen to be the yield to be anticipated Per annum. Profit on Bricks zC2,625 0 0 Ditto Coal 1,250 0 0 RZ,875 0 0 Deduct Interest on Debentures, X3,000 at 5 per cent. 150 0 0 Leaving to pay Dividend on Ordinary Shares £ 3,725 0 0 Equal to 18 per cent. upon the present issue. The Pits, Plant, Railway Siding, &c., have been valued by Messrs. B. B. Glover & Sons, Mining Engineers, Manchester, at the sum of £ 7,758. The price to be paid to the Vendors (Mr. Edward Wheldon, of The Laurels, near Mold, J.P., Member of the Flintshire County Council, and Mr. John Green, of Lane End, Buckley, Certificated Colliery Manager) for the whole property has been fixed at the low sum of zelo,ooo; of which R3,000 is to be paid in Debentures, and R7,000 in Ordinary Shares. They take no cash on account of their purchase money. This sum does not repay them for the actual expenditure upon the Property, but the Vendors confidently expect that the introduction of the fresh Capital to properly develop the resources of the property will result in large divi- dends to all Shareholders. They are therefore satisfied to let their purchase money practically depend upon the future prosperity of the property they sell. They can give no greater proof of their bond, fides than this affords. No promotion money has been or will be paid by the Company. No shares have been underwritten. Copies of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, and the original Reports, Valuation, and Contract referred to in this Prospectus, may be seen at the Offices of the Company. Prospectuses and Forms of Application may be obtained at the Offices of the Company, or their Solicitor, Bankers, Brokers, and Auditors. Chester, 17th September, 1897. WRIGHT'S HAIRDRESSING ROOMS. Electric Power Hair Brushing. HOT WATER WORK, WROUGHT IRON WORK, HURDLES, FENCING GATES, ORNAMENTAL PALISADING, VERANDAHS, &c. Repairing of all kinds in connection with an Ironmongery Business. Locks, Keys, Wire and Electric Bells. T HOS. WOOD & GON, BRIDGE STREET, CHESTER. I IMPORTANT NOTICE. STORES' PRICES. ALL THE WORKS PERFORMED AT THE CHESTER MUSICAL FESTIVAL CAN BE HAD AT THE LARGE DISCOUNT OF 3D. IN THE Is. FROM A RICHARDSON, 43, BRIDGE STREET ROW, CHESTER, SOLE AGENT FOR THE PIANO RESONATOR (DANIEL MAYOR PATENT), Can be fixed to any Piano at small cost. Read what the greatest authorities in the musical world think of THE PIANO RESONATOR. MARVELLOUS INCREASE OF TONE. CIRCULARS AND PRICES FREE ON APPLICATION TO A RICHARDSON. OUR SHOW-ROOMS ARE REPLETE WITH INSTRUMENTS OF THE BEST MANUFACTURE, ENGLISH AND FOREIGN. By STEINWAY, BECHSTEIN, BLUTHNER, KAPS, WALDEMAR, BROADWOOD, COLLARD, HOPKINSON, &c. THE "CHESTER MODEL" IRON PIANOS BEST VALUE FOR MONEY." 21 GUINEAS CASH;, BY INSTALMENTS 15s. 2D. PER MONTH. OUR POPULAR IRON PIANO, 14 Guineas Cash, by Instalments 10s. 6d. per Month. OUR POPULAR AMERICAN ORGAN, 12 Stops, 2 Knee Swells, High Mirror Top. 12 Guineas Cash, by Instalments 98. 4d. per Month. TUNING AND REPAIRING BY BEST WORKMEN, Singly or by Yearly Contract. THE WONDERFUL Is. PARCEL OF GOOD MUSIC, 20s. WORTH FOR la. -it, OAKES& GRIFFITHS Wholesale and Retail Drapers, &c., ARE NOW MAKING A SHOW OF AUTUMN SPECIALITIES. MANTLES IN ALL THE NEW DESIGNS. HANDSOME FURS. SEALSKIN COATS AND CAPES. MINK CAPES AND SABLE TAILS. SABLE TAIL NECKLETS. FURLINED CLOAKS. DRESS DEPARTMENT. IN THIS DEPARTMENT DRESS GOODS OF GREAT VARIETY OF SHADE ARE BEING EXHIBITED AT MODERATE PRICES. COATINGS. HABIT CLOTHS. SILK MIXTURES. CYCLING CLOTHS. CHECKS. FANCY BLACK MATERIALS. Dress Making in the Highest order of Excellence. JgJASTGATE j^TREET, QHESTER. pHOTOofjRAPHY JL OF THE HIGHEST CLASS ONLY. SPECIALLY SUCCESSFUL IN CHILDREN'S PORTRAITS, WEDDING GROUPS, CRICKET AND ATHLETIC GROUPS G. WATMOUGH WEBSTER. THE STUDIO, 33. BRIDGE-ST. ROW, CHESTER. THE pIONEER (JOMPLETE JWRNISHING STORES, 9 TO 19, BOLD STREET. LIVERPOOL, ONE OF THE LARGEST FURNISHING HOUSES IN THE KINGDOM. THE SECRET OF THE LOW PRICES IS THAT ALL GOODS ARE SOLD FOR CASH ONLY. THE SELECTION FROM AN CUSTOMERS Immense Stock. ENJOY Every Article Marked in THE Plain Figures. FOLLOWING ALL PURCHASES OVER ADVANTAGES. DELWEBED PEEE RAILWAY STATION IN GREAT BRITAIN. Every Requisite for Complete Furnishing AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. CALL AND WALK THROUGH OUR 50 SHOW ROOMS OR SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE P I O N E E R~ Complete Furnishing Stores, 9 to 19, Bold Street, Liverpool. E ADE'S pILLS. EADE'S "pILLS. All who suffer from Gout or BIT»'IRI,«4 TVTCT <? Rheumatism should imme- ADE S T>ILLS. ^Lately have recourse to EADP'S TSIT r 9 TW- Hundrede of A Dili a TjILLS. Testimonials ha»e been received E* T from all sorts and conditions of ADE fc> TjILLS. men testifying to the wonderful E. p.-p.Q T 0 power thei- e Pills have in giving ADE S IflLLS. relief in the very worst cases. .These Pills are purely vegetable ana perfectly safe in their action. INSTANT BELIEF AND RAPIDLY CURE THE WORST FORM OF GOUT, RHEUMATISM, RHEUMATIC GOUT, A PFLNS T?E HEAD, JPACE, AND LIMBS, Aud have the largest recommendation ever given any Patent Medicine of its class. (r°UT "16, Burton-cresent, Dewsbury. HTTTTMATTKvr « r> Mav 2nd, 1894." T) HEUMATISM Dear Sir,-It is with unbounded ^nTTT pleasure I send you a few lines in #iuu± praise of your most excellent Pills. VIhfhmattcjw IV8 Bll years since I first had D HEUMATISM Rheumatic Gout, and i had three ^OTTT in ^ediwith Of course I ■ had the doctor, and he sweated X^TTiTTTTirATTciir ™ a,m?st a skeleton. T3HEUMATISM The next spring I had anothei TVATTT attack and was persuaded by a /JJ.OUT friend to try your Pills. I did so. and am they tirdVpntpH "RHEUMATISM my being laid up again?7 Iver silw G„TTTI when I had the least pain I have OUT taken 2 or 3 Pills. and have been ail right again directlv RHEUMATISM I WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT G TH KM IF THEY COST OUT ONE POUND A BOTTLE. HHPTTVATTCM Toa are quite at liberty to make |_> HEUMATISM what use you like of this, and I Gatt_, shall be pleased to answer any poor sufferer who cares to write me T\nciTTMimTmr tencL'Sing stamped address,, wish- |J ±ij!.u MATISM in4 you every success Tours truly, ALBERT MOUNTAIN. EADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS Are sold by all Chemists, in Bottles, Is. lid. and 2s. 9d or sent post free for Postal Order by the Proprietor, GEORGE EADE, 72, GOSWUL-EQJD, E.C. Ask for ?.ndbe sure you obtain EADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. E ADE'S p ILLS* BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. FOR BLAIR'S GOUT PILLS, RHEUMATISM GOUT, LUMBAGO, BLAIR'S GOUT PILLS. and SCIATICA. The acute pain is JJLAIK'S GOUT PILLS. BLAIB-S GOUT PILLS. BY 8PBCIAL APPOINTMENT TO HUB MAJESTY THE PMNC* R. BOLLAND & SONS, CONFECTIONERS, EASTGATE ROW, CHESTER. FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Cyclists Catered for. Customers' Cyctes Stored without charge. WINES. TURTLE" SOUP. CALF'S-FOOT JELLY. Highly Recommended for Invalids. AFTERNOON TEA. ICES. COOKED HAMS, TONGUES, GALANTINES. PRESSED BEEF, RAISED PIES. Ball Suppers. Wedding Receptions. HrRE OF PLATE, &C. WAITERS. WEDDING CAKES. AU Sizes kept in stock. Illustrated Catalogues Gratis. Telegrams: "BoUands, Chester." Telephone 37. AUTUMN GOODS. JOSEPH BECKETT & CO. Are now prepared with a Large Stock of NEW AUTUMN DRESS FABRICS, COAT AND SKIRT COSTUMES, GOLF CLOAKS AND JACKETS, AUTUMN MILLINERY. FURS. A Large Stock of NEW FURS in Seal Paletots and Capes, Electrique Seal CapeR. Fur-lined Cloaks, Cravats in Sable, Skunk, i-os, ana other Furs. N.B.—Ladies are reminded that the present is the best time for the Altering and Re-modelling of Seal Jackets and other Furs. Estimates furnished. EASTGATE ROW, CHESTER. TELEPHONE 99. ESTABLISHED 1836. HENRY YIGGARS, SEALAND PRODUCE STORES, WATERGATE STREET, Begs to inform his patrons and friends that he has at all times in stock a fresh and carefully-Beleeted variety of BRITISH AND FOREIGN FRUITS, and a large Daily Supply of VEGETABLES & GENERAL MARKET PRODUCE, principally grown on his Sealand Farms. ALL ORDERS CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. THOMAS NORBUR-Y (Fellow of the Institute of Sanitary Engineers), REGISTERED PLUMBER, GLAZIER, AND AUTHORISED GASFITTER, 26, CHARLES STREET, HOOLE. TELEPHONE 173. Any Orders left at NORBURY'S City Dining Rooms, 20, Foregate Street wil receive every attention. HENRY LANCELEY & SON, ENGINEERS, BROOK STREET, CHESTER, MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES, SAW BENCHES, BUILDERS IRONWORK, IRON & BRASS CASTINGS REPAIRS TO STEAM ENGINES OF ALL KINDS GENERAL MACHINERY, &C. THE PROPRIETORS OF THE CHESTER COURANT BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY HAVE AT THEIR PRINTING WORKS, THE CROSS, CHESTER, THE BEST AND LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF NEW TYPE, AND THAT THEY CAN SUPPLY EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Fancy & Commercial Printing WITH PROMPTNESS AND ECONOMY. COMMERCIAL PRINTING. AUCTIONEERS' CATALOGUES, AUCTIONEERS' POSTERS, AUCTIONEERS' STATIONERY. LEGAL PRINTING OF ALL KINDS. MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION, DIVIDEND WARRANTS, PROXY FORMS. GENERAL PRINTING sucir AS NOTE-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, INVOICE FORMS IN EVERY VARIETY, CONCERT PROGRAMMES, CONCERT POSTERS, TRADESMEN'S CIRCULARS, LABELS, TICKETS, &C. BOOKBINDING. LITHOGRAPHY. The Conrant Printing Works, THE CROSS, CHESTER. KEATING'S POWDER. "[^"EATING'S POWDER. L KEATING'S POWDER. Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles. Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles. Kills Fleas, Bugs. Moths, Beetles. THE UNRIVALLED KILLER. THE UNRIVALLED KILLER. rpHE UNRIYALLED KILLER. -L Kills Fleas, Bugs, Motbs, Beetles (Harmless to everything but Insectofil). Sold only in tins, 3d., 6d, and Is. Only be sure you do get Keating's: WORMS IN CHILDREN, WORMS IN CHILDREN, Are easily, sorely, and with perfect safety got, rid of by using KEATING'S WORM TABLETS (has no effect ex- oept on worms). Sold by ail Chemists, in TiRA6 1/1) each.