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THE BYE-ELECTION. The fight in East Denbighshire is now in full swing, and in all probability the next fortnight will see its close. The Unionists, as will be gathered from a report of their speeches at the splendid meeting at Wrexham on Monday even- ing, are in excellent spirits, which augurs well for the ultimate triumph of their cause. The Radicals, on the other hand, are resorting to artificial means to keep up their courage and to infuse life into their followers by the propaga- tion of malicious slanders of the enemy. The most glaring example oi this is found in the extraordinary reports circulated regarding Mr. Moss and the miners. It will be within the memories of our readers that recently Mr. Moss, in his capacity as a barrister, was engaged to prosecute a miners' agent, EDWARD PETERS, for intimidation. The case resulted in a fine of X10. Nobody possessed of the most moderate intelligence—least of all the Unionist leaders in the division-would have thought for an instant of raking up this old story to the discredit of the Radical candidate. Its utter stupidity and pointlessness would have been sufficient to discredit it in the eyes of all sensible people- Mr. Moss was acting as he did in undertaking the prosecution of one of his pet miners simply in a professional capacity, and was no more setting himself in antagonism in a personal sense to the body of colliers than he was identi- fying himself politically with the Government that ordered the prosecution. Yet in face of all this manifest absurdity it has occurred to some ingenious Radical mind to turn this unpleasant incident to the purposes of election warfare. The story was industriously bruited abroad that the recent prosecution was being resuscitated by the wicked Tories in order to damage Mr. Moss's prospects, whereupon the announcement emanated from Radical prints that the very man who had been prosecuted and fined, no less a personage than Mr. EDWARD PETERS himself, had determined to give the rumour the lie by coming out as an active supporter of Mr. Moss, and would speak for him on various platforms. The whole affair was most admirably planned to achieve theatrical effect, but, as not infrequently happens with careless playwrights, the element of probability was left wholly out of count. It only amounted to setting up a dummy figure so that it might be knocked down immediately, and inasmuch as nobody gave the original story any credence, it has failed in its purpose miserably. Mr. Moss appears to be making Disestablish- ment the main plank in his platform. He was good enough to say in his speech to his supporters on the occasion of his selection that he should not have been surprised had Mr. KENYON declared for Disestablishment also. Mr. Moss will probably make further capital out of a remark dropped by Mr. KENYON on this subject on Mon- day night. Mr. KENYON, while avowing himself a staunch Churchman, admitted that in his view the methods and modes of opposing Disestablishment had not always been of the wisest character, or the likelieat to produce the results desired. In his estimation little was gained, and much dignity and self-respect to the Church were lost, by abuse, and by regarding the attitude of Nonconformists as dictated by mere enmity. This is just the sort of senti- ment one would anticipate Mr. KENYON to utter out of the goodness of his heart. There is much truth in it, and beyond all question the clergy of the Church are more usefully employed in attending to their own duties than in repelling the attacks of their assailants. But it must not be overlooked that the clergy are far less blameable in this matter than the ministers of the Dis- senting bodies. If the Dissenters will persist in abusing the Church on every possible occasion, and in spreading all manner of un- truths regarding the true position of the Church, it is not to be wondered at if now and again a clergyman, goaded beyond endurance by the falseness of the accusations made against his dearly-loved institution, does reply by using the same weapons of abuse as his opponents wield so unscrupulously. It would be much better if the clergy and ministers of religion of all denominations kept clear of party politics, but when we find that politics, especially in Wales, is the breath of the nostrils of the Dissenting ministry, and that they are always the first to attack, is it to be marvelled at that sometimes the defenders of the Establish- ment pay them back in their own kind ? It may not appear in the best spirit, but it is human nature to resist attack, and everybody is not blessed with that charming equanimity which in Mr. KENYON'S case makes him behave as if he really loved his enemies. Mr. KENYON'S advice concerning abandoning the bitterness of politics in matters religious would be tenfold more applicable if it had been administered to the Dissenting preachers, who, as the aggressors in this sort of warfare, are primarily responsible. We are quite prepared to see Mr. Moss seizing on this point, and shewing how even Mr. KENYON, the champion of the Church, has found it necessary to admonish its most ardent defenders, but it is too much to expecta Radical of his stamp to administer a much more urgently needed caution to his own followers on this very subject. Mr. Moss could not afford to do it. He has discovered that Disestablishment is the most pressing of all reforms needed in the Principality. If Mr. Moss is correct, what a comfortable place Wales must be, when it only requires Disestablishment to make its cup of. happiness and contentment overflow

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