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Eight little boys were ordered to be whipped at Leicester on Friday for putting sleepers across a railway line in front of a train containing over two hundred navvies. The engine was derailed, but nobody was hurt. EMIGRATION TO CANADA.—The High Com- missioner for Canada is receiving many appli- cations from farm labourers and others accustomed to agricultural work, who desire employment on the proposed Crow's Nest Pass Railway in British Columbia. An arrangement has been made between the Minister of the interior of Canada and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company by which such persons may obtaia work on the new railway for a year or more, subject to the ordinary conditions of such employment. The wages for unskilled labour are 6s. 3d. per day, and the cost of board and lodging per week 16s. 8J. Any persons desiring to take advantage of this offer, are required to pay their passage to Montreal, and they ought to go out at once. If their applica- tions are approved, letters of introduction are given to them to the Canadian Pacific Railway officials, and they will be conveyed by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company from Montreal to the works, the cost of the journey (about JM 17s. 6d.) being deducted out of the wages. They must provide their own food on the railway journey. Free grants of land may be obtained by those who have been engaged on the railway. Forms and full information may be obtained on application to the High Com- missioner for Canada, 17, Victoria-street, London, S.W.; or to Mr. A. F. Jury, Canadian Government Agent, 15, Water-street, Liverpool. NO MORE MEDICINE, PURGING OR EX- PENSE FOR INVALIDS AND CHILDREN. PERFECT DIGESTION, NERVOUS ENERGY, SOUND SLEEP, AND HEALTH RESTORED by Du BARRY'S DELICIOUS REV ALii NT A AKABICA, which cures all disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, the Blood, the Nerves, Lungs, Liver, Bladder, Brain, Voice, and Breath-such as Constipation, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Consumption, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Influenza, Grippe, Acidity, Heartburn, Phlegm, Flatulency, Feverish Breath, Nervous, Bilious, Pulmonary, Glandular, Kidney and Liver Com- plaints, Debility, Cough, Asthma; Scarlet, Gastric, Enteric, Bilious, and Yellow Fevers, Spasms, Nephritis, Impurities and Poverty of Blood, Ague Rheumatism, Gout; Nausea and Vomiting after Eating, during Pregnancy, and at Sea Eruptions, Sleeplessness, Atrophy, Wasting in Adults and Children. 50 years' invariable success with old and young, even in the most hopeless cases. 100,000 annual cures. Four times more nourishing than meat, and assimilating when all other food is re- jected it saves 50 times its cost in medicine. It rears also successfully the most delicate children. Sells-in tins at 2s. 3s. 6d. 21bs., 6s. 51bs., 14s. 121bs., 32s.; or about 2d. per meal. Also Du BARRY'S TONIC RBVALENTA BISCUITS remove Nervous Debility and Sleeplessness in tins 3. 6d. and 6s. All tins carriage free on receipt of P.O.O. Du BARRY & Co., (Limited), No. 77, Regent-street, London, W.; and at all Stores, Grocers and Chemists everywhere. Depot in this town; DUTTON & SONS.