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GOSSIP FOB LADIES. ♦ It is within the last thirty years that white stockings began to fall eut of favour, black gradually taking their place, but time was when white was the only wear, and ladies who followed the multitude in discarding it invari- ably wore fine white silk under the black of any fabric. This was the more necessary perhaps as lisle thread, in which the new stockings were produced, was found to be, as it is to this day, irritating to the skin, and the finest quality has the same effect. In open work the stockings are ideal to look at, but the feet suffer, the attenuated thread cuts like wire. Since the adoption of black, except for balls and the like, no white has been worn, but last season some advanced dressers appeared in tans, black embroidered, and black and white. This season fashion has gone a step further, and the smartest women at all out-of-door entertainments wore hose to match, or at any rate to harmonise with their gowns. A young debutante wore a pretty fine white serge skirt, which just rounded her ankle, a white satin serge, and lace bolero blouse, with short broad sash of bright blue, blue fixings on the bodice, in the black tulle hat, and blue open work stockings, with strapped shoes and blue Louis XV. heels. With her forget-me-not eyes the young lady was—a poem! For the country and seaside the new plaid and fancy check hose are smartly suitable, and shew up well against the usual fabrics worn on those occasions. Shoes with straps across are almost worn by fashionable women, and these are arranged in many devices, interlaced, and studded. The stockings shew through the interstices with good effect. For a house party with a well-cut tailor-made serge or cheviot, red shoes and red stockings are the latest thing in foot gear out. It would seem that we are going the pace with our feet. The World, in an article on Right slang and wrong slang,' remarks that to the social observer the most embarrassing thing about the fashionable diction' is that it changes as rapidly as the fashionable dress and with as little reason. There is no obvious explanation of this phenomenon. Why is it perfectly correct at the present moment to say that so-and-so puts your back up,' while it is quite out of the question to say that he gives you the fair hump?' The metaphor, you will perceive, is precisely the same in both cases. But the one phrase is right, and the other is wrong. There is no more to be said. Only the man who can explain why women's sleeves are decreasing in bulk can explain why we are dropping the expression to take the cake,' and leaving it to the society of the music-hall and sporting paper from which for a brilliant season it emerged. For fashion bloweth where it listeth, and the coming and the going of the popularis aura are alike mysterious. Why should it no longer be per- missible to you to have a spree,' while no one objects to your having a good time ?' Why may you put on side' without damaging your reputation, and yet be forbidden to come the heavy swell ?' Why may you confess to having come a regular cropper,' or even gone an awful mucker' over the Leger,' and yet never admit that you have got the knock ?" Slang, like perfume, is unendurable when stale. Like perfume, it must be used at the right time, in the right place, and, above all, it must be of the right sort. And herein lies the reason why underbred women whose aspirates are correct, grammar irreproachable, and virtue unquestioned, are yet bewrayed by their slang. For the right sort of slang changes most unaccountably, most suddenly, and most continually; nor can any but the most delicate nostril detect when the word of a season grows stale. When in doubt, it is better to dress plainly than to run the risk of adopting a fashion that has fled; it is better to let your conversation be yea, yea, nay, nay, than to give yourself away by using the wrong slang; for, after all, slang is a linguistic luxury, and is by no means a necessity of speech."

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Cfjester Stock anti Sftare…

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