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Detailed Lists, Results and Guides

LOCAL FLOWER SHOWS. 4 UPTON. So far as flower shows have gone this year, during which circumstances generally, and especially the climate, have had a tendency decidedly adverse to horticultural excellence, the Upton Show, held on Wednesday at Hoole Bank, the residence of Mr. C. Wigg, was a success. The method of annually altering the locale of the show no doubt has its advantages, inasmuch as in visiting different parts of the district it in turn favours the residents in the several sections of the neighbourhood with an easier chance of attending, although on the other hand many Cestrians who look upon Upton show as the one of the season, and who generally make up a very large proportion of the assembly, were deterred from being present by the distance the exhibition was held from the city. The walk or drive, however, was a very pretty one, but would have been much improved by finer weather indeed, the gloomy aspect of the sky contributed in no small measure to prevent people arriving in any numbers until six or seven o'clock, when things assumed their usual liveliness. As has been the case at all flower shows in this part of the country this year the entries did not compare favour- ably in point of numbers with the previous year the chief factor in this being the impression among people who should have exhibited that their produce, not quite up to the average owing to the terribly bad season, would have no chance of winning prizes and would prove no credit to them. This, however, was an erroneous view, as all competitors were in the same plight. Miss Wigg distributed the prizes, and together with Mr. Wigg (who kindly lent the ground) was accorded hearty cheers, on the proposal of the Mayor of Chester (Mr. B. C. Roberts). The Rev. A. E. Farrar, on behalf of Miss Wigg, returned thanks. Dancing was afterwards the chief attraction, and lovers of the mazy whirl thoroughly enjoying themselves, the Winsford Temperance Band supplying the music. The exhibits, well staged in tents which might have been arranged in a better and more open situation, presented an appearance far above what was expected. One noticed the floral exhibits in the open classes first, and these, forming the centre line of the tent, were the objects of considerable admiration. The groups of plants arranged for effect were a considerable improvement upon anything the judges had ever seen at Upton, the first-prize group being tastefully arranged, and including good quality plants throughout. The same remark may be applied to the box of plants which was awarded premier honours, the colours in the arrange- ment being wonderfully blended. Fuchsias were fair, while the bright looking zonal geraniums were fine, well-flowered samples of culture. Some capital tuberous begonias were exhibited, and the four stove-plant classes brought out many handsome specimens. The open class for roses was the only one in the show, in which were to be seen flowers of every appearance, the improvement in this respect over the other two sections being great both regarding quality and the style of setting up. This, of course, could only be expected, seeing that cottagers and amateurs have not the facilities which those in better positions can command. To resume, the col- lection of herbaceous blooms sent by Miss Humberston, and which took first prize, was well-grown and of exceptional merit; as were also the carnations exhibited by the same lady. Coming to the fruit, which in the hardy classes was certainly good, gooseberries were of immense size, a peculiarity, if so it may be called, shared by red and white currants, while grapes, white and black, also were fine in size, but tempting as they looked, they would have been better for another fortnight in the vinery. The weakest classes in the whole show were those for plums, and the open section proved no exception to the rule, for the stone fruit in this section cannot be described as much better than poor, in contra- distinction to apples, the quality of which was good, competition being also keen. Cucumbers and tomatoes, especially the latter, were strong classes, the first prize dish of the latter con- taining examples beautifully round and without blemish. Before the section can be left, mention must be made of Messrs. Dicksons' exhibit (not for competition), which was awarded a certificate of merit for a striking misnnllnnnnUR nnl 1 nn nf POAAA, tiarWoAna and stove plants. Another feature was the table decoration which induced three fair competitors to enter the lists. The first prize arrangement was a marvel of taste and skill, being a handsome combination of montbretia crocosmiflora, with foliage of cobia scandens. Carnations in variety formed the pretty groundwork of the second prize arrangement. To come to the cottagers' section one per- ceived on examination that the vegetables as a whole were not quite up to the excellent standard obtaining at Upton show. Carrots and onions were very good for the season, while red and white cabbage, although nothing extra- ordinary in size, were firm, compact specimens, peas and potatoes not being quite up to the average. Celery and the collections of sweet herbs were excellent, the latter being well displayed. Plums are scarce this season, and thus few, and those not of the very best quality, were shewn, pears also not being of the highest order. Some capital dishes of apples were shewn, however, and when this has been said fruit may be dismissed. In regard to the flowers, it may be said that window plants shewed evidence of careful cultivation, but dahlias, asters, stocks, pansies, roses, and carnations were below what might have been exhibited, which is rather a pity considering that most of the flowers named are everybody's flowers, so to speak. Altogether, the amateurs' classes were much the same as the cottagers'. The vegetable collections were good, and quite up to what has hitherto been shewn, the first prize exhibit consisting of specimens which might have been grown in the most favourable season; cucumbers were of fine quality, and some excellent dishes of potatoes were shewn, although the latter class was not exceptionally strong. Peas and beans evidenced here, as in the cottagers' section, the effects of the hot, dry weather, but celery, i again, proved of the best. Fruit was not j > xtensively exhibited, and roses, dahlias, asters, tocks, and carnations shewed the same egrettable failing as in the previous section. jast year, the special prize offered for leeks ,rought out keen competition, and this year, ■gain, the specimens were large, clean, and ;enerally well grown throughout, the contest nee more being well filled. The honey was .nother special feature, in which for the Loney in bottles the exhibits were excellent. LI together the show, in spite of the weakness If various classes, was about the best of its size leld this season in the district, and the com- nittee are to be congratulated upon the results If their efforts. Messrs. N. F. Barnes, T. leaver, and the Rev. Lionel Garnett judged in ;he horticultural section; while Mr. W. E. jittle officiated in the same capacity in the loney classes. The committee was composed of the ollowing gentlemen:—President for the year, ilr. Charles Wigg; vice-president, Mr. Reginald Potts; chairman of committees, Mr. B. C. Etoberts: vice-chairman, Mr. J. L. Kemp; hon. ;reasurer, Mr. Lawrence Booth; hon. secretary, Sir. James H. Dickson; assistant secretary, Mr. F. C. Thornton; auditor, Mr. R. T. Wickham; committee, Messrs. J. Ball, E. Dean, jun., R. Dean, W. Edge, A. Ellams, T. Garner, R. W. Johnson, E. Lockley, E. T. Logan, T. Massey, S. May, A. McLean, C. Moore, B. Moore, J. Morris, H. Price, J. T. Price, G. Smith, J. Taylor, A. l'yrer, R. Wakefield, W. Warburton, and the Rev. W. Sparling. COTTAGERS. VEGETABLES. — Spring onions: 1, Joshua Jones; 2, R. Jones; 3, T. Bailey. Autumn onions 1, J. Jones; 2, G. Darlington 3, W. Tilston. Turnips: 1, T. Plevin; 2, J. Jones; 3, James Hughes. Carrots: 1, T. Bailey; 2, S. Blake; 3, J. Jones. Kidney white potatoes: 1, J. Wright; 2, G. F. Chaloner; 3, G. Darlington. Round white potatoes 1, J. Jones 2, J. Wright; 3, G. F. Chaloner. Potatoes (any kind): 1, G. F. Chaloner; 2, A. Jenkins; 3, G. Darlington. White cabbage 1, S. Blake; 2, Robert Jones 3, Joshua Jones. Red cabbage 1, T. Garner; 2, T. Plevin; 3, G. Darlington. Savoys 1, J. Jones 2, S. Blake; 3, G. Darlington. Lettuce 1, J. Jones; 2, J. Wright. Cauliflowers: 1, F. Macfarlane; 2, J. Jones; 3, W. Tilston. Peas 1, J. Jones 2, S. Blake; 3, A. Jenkins. Broad beans: 1, S. Blake; 2, J. Jones; 3, G. F. Chaloner. French beans 1, Robert Jones 2. T. Plevin; 3, A. Jenkins. Scarlet runners 1, Robert Jones 2, J. Wright; 3, J. Jones. Collection of vegetables: 1, J. Jones; 2, Robert Jones; 3, T. Plevin; extra, S. Blake. Celery (red): 1, T. Bailey; 2, J. Jones; 3, W. Tilston. White celery: 1, T. Bailey; 2, S. Blake 3, C. Hibbert. Cucum- bers 1, G. F. Chaloner; 2, T. Plevin 3, G. Dar- lington. Vegetable marrows 1, G. F. Chaloner 2, S. Blake; 3, T. Bailey. Tomatoes 1, R. Jones; 2, C. Hibbert. Sweet herbs 1, T. Plevin 2, S. Blake 3, J. Jones. Eschalots 1, G. Darlington; 2, T. Plevin; 3, J. Hughes. Parsnips 1, J. J'ones; 2, S. Blake; 3, T. Plevin. FRUIT.—Dessert apples: 1, J. Jones; 2. S. Blake; 3, Mrs. Woodward. Lord Suffield apples G. Darlington. Kitchen apples 1, J. Jones 2, S. Blake; 3, J. Hughes. Dessert pears: 1, A. Jenkins; 2, Mrs. Woodward; 3, J. Hughes. Gooseberries 1, S. Blake; 2, J. Hughes 3, Mrs! Hall. Black currants T. Plevin. Red currants 1, T. Plevin 2, S. Blake. FLOWERS.—Bouquet of cut flowers: G. Darling- ton. Three window plants 1, F. McFarlane 2, A. Jenkins. China Asters 1, J. Jones 2, W. Tilston; 3, A. Jenkins. Stocks 1, G. Darlington; 2, A. Jenkins. Gladioli: 2, R. Jones. Pansies: 2, F. McFarlane. Roses: 1, F. McFarlane; 2, W. Tilston; 3, A. Broady. Carnations and picotees: 1, T. Plevin 2, F. McFarlane; 3, W. Tilston. AMATEURS. VEGETABLES. Collection of vegetables 1, A. McLean; 2, W. Dodd; 3, H. Cheers. Cucumbers: 1, H. Cheers 2, A. McLean 3, W. Payne. Tomatoes: 1, Mrs. Broady; 2, H. Cheers; 3, R. W. Johnson. Vege- table marrows: 1, W. Dodi; 2, W. Payne; 3, A. McLean. Onions 1, A. McLean; 2, W. Dodd 3. H. Cheers. Carrots 1, A. McLean; 2, W. Dodd; 3, H. Cheers. Kidney potatoes (white): 1, Mrs. Broady; 2, A. McLean; 3, W. Dodd. White round potatoes 1, A. McLean 2, W. Dodd; 3, H. Cheers. Cauliflowers: 1, A. McLean; 2, H. Cheers. Peas: 1, R. W. Johnson 2, Mrs. Broady; 3, A. McLean. Broad beans 1, H. Cheers; 2. A. McLean; 3, W. Dodd. Runner beans: 1, A. McLean; 2, W. Dodd; 3, H. Cheers. Red celery 1, A. McLean; 2, W. Dodd. Eschalots: 1, W. Dodd; 2, H. Cheers. FRUIT.-Hardy fruit: 1, A. McLean; 2. W. Dodd 3, H. Cheers. Dessert apples 1, W. Dodd; 2, A. McLean; 3, H. Cheers. Kitchen apples: 1, W. Dodd; 2, A. McLean; 3, Mrs. Broady. Dessert plums 2, H. Cheers. Kitchen plums 1, A. McLean; 2, H. Cheers; 3, W. Dodd. Dessert pears: 1, A. McLean; 2, H. Cheers; 3. W. Dodd. FLOWERS. — Stocks: 1, W. Payne; 2, A. McLean; 3, W. Dodd. Asters: 1, A. McLean 2, W. Payne; 3, W. Dodd. Roses 1, W. Payne; 2, W. Dodd 3, A. McLean. Single dahlias 1. A. McLean; 2, W. Payne 3, Mrs. Broady. Cactus dahlias 1, Mary Jane Warren; 2, W. Payne; 3, A. McLean. Carnations and picotees: 1, W. Payne 2, A. McLean 3, Mrs. Broady. OPEN CLASS. Fuchsias: 1, C. Wigg; 2, A. Tyrer. Zonal geraniums: 1, F. Dresser; 2, C. Wigg; 3, F. Richmond. Ornamental group of plants 1, Mrs. Hudson 2, C. Wigg; 3, B. C. Roberts. Plants in box: 1, B. Glegg 2, A. Tyrer. Stove plants 1, A. Tyrer; 2, B. C. Roberts. Begonias: 1, A. Tyrer; 2, C. Wigg. Roses 1, B. C. Roberts 2, F. Richmond. Tea or Noisette roses: 2, Miss Humberston. China asters: F. Richmond. Humberston. China asters: F. Richmond. Herbaceous blooms: 1, Miss Humberston 2, B. C. Roberts. Carnations and picoteeB: 1, Miss Humberston; 2, C. Wigg. Gloxinias: Mrs. Hudson. Collection of fruit: Miss Humberston. Grapes (white): 1, C. Wigg; 2, F. Richmond. Black grapes: 1, Mrs. Dickson; 2, C. Wigg. Melons: 1, F. Richmond; 2, B. Glegg 3, A. Tyrer. Collection of fruit: 1, C. Wigg; 2, F. Richmond. Kitchen plums Mrs. Logan. Pears 1, Mrs. Logan; 2, B. Glegg 3, Miss Humberston. Dessert apples 1, B. Glegg; 2, Mrs. Logan; 3, F. Richmond. Kitchen apples: 1, B. Glegg 2, Mrs. Logan; 3, B. C. Roberts; h c, F. Richmond and C. Wigg. Collection of vegetables 1, Mrs. Logan; 2, Miss Humberston; 3, F. Richmond 4, C. Wigg. Tomatoes: 1. B. Glegg; 2, A. Tyrer 3, Miss Humberston. Cucumbers: 1, Mrs. Logan; 2, B. C. Roberts 3, B. Glegg. Celery: 1, A. Tyrer; 2, F. Richmond. SPECIALS. Cottager's fat pig: James Hughes. Leeks: 1, J. Jones; 2, A. McLean; 3, S. Blake. Hen eggs: 1, Margaret Lloyd; 2, J. Hughes. Box of herbaceous blooms: 1, F. McFarlane; 2, W. Tilston; 3, A. Jenkins. Chickens 1, Mrs. Wood- ward 2, Mrs. Joshua Jones. Ducks: 1, Mrs. Woodward; 2, Mrs. Jas. Hughes; 3, Mrs. J. Jones. Hand-knitted stockihgs 1, Mrs. Jenkins 2, Mrs. J. Wright; 3, Elizabeth Lewis. Man's shirt: 1, Mrs. M. J. Warren; 2, Mra. J. Wright; 3, Mrs. Jenkins. Loaf of bread: 1, Mrs. J. Wright; 2, Mrs. Lloyd; 3, Mrs. Jenkins. Child's pinafore 1, Maud May 3, Mary McLean. Arrangement of wild flowers: 1, A. McLean; 2, E. Worrall; 3, Leonard Lloyd 4, Nellie Robinson; 5, May Robinson. Collection of wild flowers: 1. Dorothy Thornton; 2, Daisy Woodward; 3, Alice Mayer; 4, Nellie Robinson; 5, Geo. Ward. Child's print frock: Maud May. Flannel petticoat: 1, Maud May 3, Mary McLean. Extracted honey: 1, A. Tyrer; 2, F. Dresser; 3, T. Garner. Honey (sections): 1, F. T. Holland 2, A. Tyrer. Table decoration 1, Miss Dickson; 2, Miss Broadbent; 3, Mrs. Coppack. Best kept and cropped cottage garden 1, S. Blake; 2, T. Bailey; 3, T. Garner; 4, G. Darlington. Best and prettiest flower garden: 1, A. Jenkins; 2, R. Jones; 3, T. Garner. Inside cottage window garden: 1, T. Garner; 2, C. Hibbert. Creepers in front of house: 1, J. Reade 2, R. Hall; 3, A. Broady. Arrange- ment of window boxes in front of house: 1, R. Jones; 2, A. Jenkins; 3, C. Hibbert. ROSSETT. This show was held on Friday, at Trevalyn, in unfavourable weather, the rain greatly interfering with the attendance. A fairly large company attended Mrs. Griffith Boscawen's garden party in the afternoon, however, among those who accepted invitations being Countess Grosvenor, Lady Lettice Grosvenor and party, Sir George Osborne Morgan and Lady Morgan, Mrs. and Miss Jayne, the Dowager Lady Hanmer, Lady and Miss Cunliffe and party, Mr. G. O. V. Lloyd, Miss Rose, Sir Robert, Lady, and Misa Egerton, Mr. P. Yorke (Mayor of Wrexham), General and Mrs. Moncrieff, Hon. Mrs. Tyrwhitt, Sir Thomas, Lady, and Miss Frost, Mrs. Best, Miss Egerton, Major and Mrs. Lloyd, Col. Wilson, Capt. and Mrs. Cole, Mr. Archdale, Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Boscawen, Col. Butlin, Col., Mrs. and Miss Savage, Mrs. and the Misses Jones Parry, Mr. and Mrs. Hogan, Mrs. and Miss Pitcairn Campbell, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Sandbach, Archdeacon and Mrs. Goldwyer Lewis, Mrs. G. Townshend, Mrs. Lloyd, Mr. C. Lloyd, Mrs. Venables Kyrke, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Davies Cooke, Col. and Mrs. Trever Roper, Mr. and Miss Evans, Col., Mrs. and the Misses Hutton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Swetenham, Mr. and Mrs. Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Burton, the Misses Hayes, Mrs. Richardson, the Misses Edwards, Mr. Mrs. and the Misses Barker, Major and Mrs. Leadbetter, Major and Mrs. Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Barker, Mr. and Ms. Poly Didier, Miss Atcherley, Mr. and Miss Oswell Bury, Mrs. Hill, Dr., Mrs. and Miss Mules, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Manisty, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frost, Mrs. and Miss Wright, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Ailing- ton Hughes, Colonel and Mrs. Meredith, Mr. and Misses Dobell, Mrs. Bax, Mr. Bax, Dr. and Mrs. Granger, Mr. and Mrs. Halliday, Mrs. Mid the Misses Duckworth, Mra. and the Misses Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Percy James, Mr. R. James, Mr. and Mrs. Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Potts, the Rev. F. Potts, Mrs. and the Misses Newcome, Mr. and Mrs. Boydell, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffcock, Mr. Jeffcock, Mrs. Webster, the Misses Smith, the Misses Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Finlay, Mr. and Mrs. Sykes, Mrs. and Miss Howell Evans, Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sisson, Mr. Â: H. Stokes Roberts, Miss Falkner, Monsignor Slaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Turbett, the Misses Doune, Mrs. and Miss Tomkinson, Mrs. Sewell, Mr. and Miss Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Done, Mr. and Mrs. A. Evans, the Rev. G. and Mrs. James, Captain and Mrs. Lloyd, Major, Mrs. and Miss Randle Ford, Mrs. Barnston and party, Mrs. and Misses McNaughten, Dr. and Mrs. Palin, Mr., Mrs., and Miss Hughes, Miss Kennedy, Captain Hussey, Mr. P. Rooper, Captain and Mrs. Fenwick, Mr. and Miss Rogerson, Mrs. T. Jones-Parry, Mrs. Gibson, Rev. Ll. Wynne Jones, the Rev. F. and Mrs. James, Mr. and Mrs. Russell, Miss Greenall, Mr. and Mrs. Powell, Mr. P. M. Davies, Miss Barron, Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. R. Williams and party, and others. In regard to the quality of the produce exhibited, little but praise can be said, for the lamentable falling off noticed at other shows was not apparent to any marked degree here. The number of entries was not quite so numerous, however. What fruit was shewn in the amateurs' class was of an average quality, red currants and apricots being fine. There was poor competition in the celery and rhubarb classes, but for vegetable collections things were the other way, and the boxes contained produce of exceptional merit. Potatoes were weak, but carrots and onions were really excellent. The cottagers' vegetables were characterised by the same points as those of the amateurs. Flowers all through were well grown. Mr. A. H. S. Roberts' roses were good considering the season while the arrangements of sweet peas and the table decorations added brightness to an already pleasing display. The various exhibits of stove and greenhouse plants and flowers exhibited by various gentlemen were uniformly tastefully arranged, and, almost without exception, were handsome, carefully-grown specimens. Pretty floral exhibits were sent (not for competition) by Messrs. T. W. Jolliffe, C. W. Townshend, F. Potts, J. S. Boydell, Dicksons Limited, and Strachan and Evans, and Dr. Mules. Mr. J. Cunnah sent a nice exhibit of honey. The judges were Messrs. N. F. Barnes (Eaton), Campbell (Messrs. Dicksons), and Farquharson (Acton Bridge). Mr. E. Babb acted capably as secretary. The following is a list of the prizes:— COTTAGERS. Dessert plums: William Martin. Dessert apples R. Hollings. Culinary apples: 1, W. Allsop 2, T. Bennion 3, William Martin. Goose- berries 1, P. Pierce; 2, T. Bennion 3, T. Crump. Red currants 1, T. H. Mason 2, William Allsop. White currants 1, P. Pierce; 2, W. Levy. Scarlet runners: 1, W. Close; 2, W. Allsop; 3, W. Griffiths. Peas 1, R. Wright; 2, G. Williams 3, Henry Williams. Beans: 1, W. Close; 2, Henry Williams; 3, T. Crump. French beans 1, Henry Williams; 2, T. Smith; 3, G. Williams. Cauli- flowers: 1, T. Bennion; 2, W. Close; 3, G. Williams. Red cabbage 1, T. Smith 2, T. Pate: 3. R. Bellis. White cabbage 1, T. Smith; 2, W. Close; 3, William Martin. Parsnips: 1, R. Wright 2, T. Pate 3, W. Griffiths. Beet: 1, T. Bennion 2, T. Smith 3, Hannah Martin. Carrots: 1, R. Wright: 2, T. Pate 3, T. Bennion. Escha- lots: 1, T. Smith 2, T. Bennion; 3, W. Levy. Celery: 1, T. Bennion; 2, T. Smith; 3, G. Williams. Turnips: 1, W. Close; 2, P. Pierce; 3. T. Bennion. Onions 1, T. Smith 2, P. Pierce 3. W. Close. Round potatoes 1, R. Wright; 2, W. Close 3, Henry Williams. Rhubarb: 1, R. Wright; 2, T. Bennion; 3, R. Jones. Lettuce: 1, T. Bennion; 2. W. Close; 3. Hannah Martin. Kidnevnotatoes: 1, Henry Williams 2, W. CloBe; 3, W. Levy. Onions: 1, T. Bennion; 2, W. Levy; 3, P. Pierce. Collection of vegetables: 1, R. Wright; 2, T. Smith; 3, T. Bennion. White kidney potatoes 1, Henry Williams 2. R. Jones; 3, W. Griffiths. Vegetable marrow 1, R. Wright; 2, T. Pate 3, T. Crump. Collection of herbs 1, R. Jones 2, W. Martin 3, Hannah Martin. Round potatoes 1, R. Wright 2, W. Griffiths; 3, Thos. Smith. Pansies 1, Henry Mason 2, R. Wright; 3, T. Crump. Cut bor- der flowers: 1, T. Crump; 2, H. Williams 3, H. Mason. Double dahlias 1, H. Mason; 2, R. Wright; 3, T. Pate. Cut roses 1, T. H. Mason 2, R. Wright; 3, W. Martin. Stocks: 1, W. Close; 2, H. WilliamB 3, T. Crump. Asters: 1, G. Williams 2, H. Williams 3, R. Wright. Carnations 1, R. Wright 2, H. Williams 3, R. Wright. Three window plants 1, R. Hollings 2, W. Martin 3, R. Wright. Two window plants 1, R. Wright; 2, W. Martin 3, H. Williams. Table bouquet • 1, H. Williams 2, W. Martin. Sweet peas 1. H. Williams; 2, T. Smith; 3, T. Crump. Neatest garden in district: 1, W. Close 2, T. Bennion 3, P. Pierce extra, T. Crump. OPEN CLASS. Collection of plants in box 1, G. W. Summers 2, C. W. Townshend. Hand bouquet: 1, G. S. Boydell; 2, T. James 3, R. Parker. Table decoration 1, G. S. Boydell 2. A. H. Stokes Roberts 3, A. Howell Evans. SPECIAL PRIZES. Pansies: 1, R. Wright; 2, T. H. Mason; 3, J. Jones. Button-hole bouquets 1, G. S. Boydell; 2, F. Potts; extra, E. Topham. Carnations or picotees: 1, P. Parry; 2, R. Parker; 3, J. Jones. Nasturtiums: 1. R. Parker; 2, H. Williams. Roses 1. S. Roberts 2, C. Topham 3, P. Parry. Sweet peas 1, F. Potts 2, T. Crump extra, W. Levy. Butter 1, R. Parker; 2, W. Levy. AMATEURS. Dessert plums: 1. W. Jones; 2, T. Woolrich. Dessert apples: 1, T. Hulmston (Dodleston); 2, J. Taylor. Apricots 1, W. Lewis; 2, R. Parker. Culinary apples: 1, Jos. Jones; 2, Jemima Finchett. Red currants 1, J. W. Jones; 2, S. Roberts. White currants: 1, Samnel Roberts. Gooseberries: 1, J. Randles; 2, T. Thomas; 3, Eliza Millington. Rhubarb: 1, M. Jones; 2,' J. Taylor. Celery: 1, J. Taylor; 2, S. Roberts. Scarlet runners: 1, T. Woolrich 2, T. Lewis. Beans 1. S. Roberts 2, E. Gillam. Peas 1, E. Gillam; 2, W. Lewis. Frenoh beans 1, J. Jones 2, T. Woolrich. Cauliflowers: S. Roberts. Red cabbage: 1, J. Taylor 2, T. Woolrich. White cabbage: 1, T. Woolrich; 2, T. Thomas. Beet- root 1, T. Woolrich 2, S. Roberts. Parsnips 1, T. Woolrich; 2, E. Martin. Round potatoes 1 1, T. Woolrich; 2, T. Thomas. Carrots: 1, T. Woolrich;.2, E. Gillam,. Turnipe,t, 1, T. Wool- rich 2, W. Jervia. Onions 1, E. Gillam; 2, W. Jones; 3, T. Hulmston. Coloured round potatoes 1, T. Woolrich; 2, T. Hulmston; 3, R. Parker. Eschalots: 1, E. Gillam; 2, E. Martin. Cos lettuce: 1, J. Taylor; 2, S. Roberta. Kidney potatoes- 1, T. Thomas; 2, T. Woolrich; 3, ;T. Hulmston. Cabbage lettuce 1, John Taylor 2, T. Woolrich. 2, E. Martin; 3, W. Jones. Cucumbers: 1, J. W. Randles; 2, T. Thomas; 3, W. Jones. Marrows 1, W. Jones 2, W. Lewis. Kidney potatoes 1, T. Woolrich; 2, T. Lewis; 3, T. Hulmston. Collection of vegetables 1, E. Gillam 2, T. Wool- rioh. Double dahlias 1, W. Jones 2, T. Wool- rich. Roses: 1, J. W. Randles; 2, S. Roberts. Stocks 1, T. Woolrich; 2, E. Gillam. Asters 1, T. Woolrich; 2, E. Gillam. Carnations: 1, P. Parry; 2, J. Jones. Pot plant: 1, Jemima Finchett 2. J. Jones. Fancy pansiea: 1, J. Jonea; 2, E. Millington. Sweet peas P. Parry. AMATEURS (CLASS B). Collection of fruit: Capt. Griffith Boscawen. Collection of vegetables 1, C. Topham; 2, J. S. Boydell; 3, Capt. Griffith Boscawen. Collection of potatoes 1, C. Topham 2, Capt. Griffith Bosoawen. Cucumbers 1, A. H. S. Roberts; 2, C. Topham 3, Captain Griffith Boscawen. Marrows 1, J. S. Beydell; 2, A. H. S. Roberts; 3, C. Topham. Cactus dahlias: 1, A. H. S. Roberts; 2, C. Topham. Cut roses 1, A. H. S. Roberts 2, C. Topham; 3, J. S. Boydell. Fancy pansies: 1, A. H. S. Roberts 2, C. Topham. Carnations or picotees 1, A. H. S. Roberts; 2, Mrs. F. James. Stocks: 1, A. H. S. Roberts; 2, Captain Griffith Boscawen. Asters: 1, A. H. S. Roberts; 2, J. S. Boydell; 3, Captain Griffith Boscawen. Sweet peas: 1, Mrs. F. James; 2. J. S. Boydell. SPECIALS (AMATEURS). Six stove or greenhouse plants in flower: 1, J. W. Summers 3, C. W. Townshend. Begonias: 1, J. W. Summers; 2, J. T. Sykes. Four greenhouse plants in flower: 1, J. W. Summers; 2, C. W. Townshend. Melons G. R. Sandbach. Collection of vegetables 1, J. T. Sykes; 2, C. W. Townshend. Cucumbers: 1, C. W. Townshend; 2, F. Potts, Cut roses C. W. Townshend. Exotic ferns 1, J. T. Sykes; 2, J. W. Summers.
