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IMPORTANT TO ADVEETISHIvB. Y GLORIANYDD." ESTABLISHED 189L 0 F F I C 9 a .?.:) firidge-street, i-ilangefni. TIIE "I WELSH VFVYSPAPER devoted ,o the \TT<?CUL*liRE with a largf* ^IKCLj^\TIO]Si .hail any Paper of the kind amon •il cltwsea w Ang!et!«y and L^rc&rvan»aire. THE "GLORIANYDD" fa tho OXLY WELSH PAPER publuheO. in lø. County. PRICE HALFPENNY. Pnb!i»h«.l every THURSDAY MORNING (Market y &t sM-geanj in time for the Market Ovxs for remote places of the Island. GOOD MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISEMENT'S C'IAK(iES MODERATE. PUBLISHERS: NORTH WALES CHRONICLE" Co., Ltd Y "CLORIANYDD. » bCAL.fcS OF CHARGES. Per Lia. Per Inch. JPariiamear ary Notice* q t Prospectuses of Public Compame# and Ooveriiiaent and Chancery iNotice« ft c n I Election Addresses, Legal ud I Public Notices OX a & I Sales of Real Property, etc. 0 i 2 6 Voocerts, Entertainments, and •Miscellaneous Advertien. 0 2 1 A F4 above AIvertisements are Scaled by Type *%»are, the actual print lineT^'being eousted. TRADE ADVERTISEMENT. These are inserted at Reasonable Rate* varvintr to .pac. Mten and nomber of iiu^w arcd. Single Column Adyertiso- 1DeIlt ia aM 52 insertions at 6d per week. 26 do at 9d do Wnr « T T «* 1« do a lvro Ineh ^.gle Colr.no or an Inch Doubla uHuxou OOlumn 52 insertions at Is per week 4° at Is 6d do m G0 ••• 28 drt War a Taree Inch Single Coinmn or One-and-a-half Inches Double Column 52 insertion. at h: 6d per week. ff <*o ftt 2a 3d do 15 dc at 3s Od dk> A oonÚd(:'rb!e reduction is made when more than "Chree Ixich" taken. PARAGRAPH ADVERTISEMENTS Charged at Ad per line • Special Position* at 6d per line. r line. CHEAP PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS Under the of "Waited," "To Let," or "To ot bold," etc. J 7^ Xhwo>- I 18 o !• d- 6. d. fi 1 0 I B I S 16 2 0 I 2 19 2 6 1 8 20 3o WLATHER8 FRfflY AND READILY. 1 ¡ I CALVERT 8 I No. 5 |CARBOLICI I SOAP. 8 H Unites a pure Soap and a strong Disinfectant, « ■ Most suitable for laundry or household Hf M purposes, a3 it both cleanses and disinfects, Kg saving time, trouble and expense. I ■ CLEANSES CLOTHES WITHOUT LABOUR. JS I CALVERTS 1 Iparaffin SOAP. i The best and tlierefore the cheapest to use. j| J ■ Each sold in 12 oz. twin tablets and 1 lb. bars I I fl by Chemists, Grocers, Stores, etc. B F. C. CALVERT &. Co., Manchester. J ALLblMCE ASSURANCE COMPANY, KSTA'U.ISHED 12. Capital FlVri MILLIONS Invested Funds over 5 Millions. The Right Hon. LORD ROTHSCHILD, Chairman. ROBERT LEWIS, General Manager. Chief Office: — Bartholomew Lane. London. ■JLlJ, i' World-free and Indiaputable Assurancea. Special Kein&tatement and^Nonforfeiture^Plan'i FIRE proposals and Er.quiriesattended to promptly I BOrveys and Plans for Insurance of extensive pro- oerties made free of coat. j Kates moderate Lossepaettled promptly J j BRANCHES at—among other places— I LIVERPOOL: 30, Exchange-street, East, I H. T. OWEN LEGGATT, Secretary. WREXHAM: 28. High-street, JOHN FRANCIS Secretary. J Prospeotuses, etc., may be obtained frosa any o! « £ « Company's Branches or Agents. 19590 EOYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE OOR. PORATION. VB»tabli»hed by Royal Charter, AD. 1720). Chiet Office: Chiet Office: ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON. I Branch. 5, DALE-STREET, LIVERPOOL. Tl* Accumulated Funds Exceeds £ 4,000,00t Claim* Paid Over £ 37,000,000. FIRE. Every Description of Fire Insurance transacted. Losses occasioned by Lightning will be paid Whether the propetty be set on fire or not. I LIFE. The Corporation affords security of the highest 4wd-er, ajid declares Bonuses exceeding the ayer- so dastribation of Amaimace Oompsaiee. The Conditions of Assurance hare been ktelr sevised. A Prospectus, Table of Bonus, sad BaJance aee. will be forwarded on application to Amlwch—Mr S. H. SMITH, Old Bangor—Mr JAMES SMITH, „ Cimarron—Mr G. B. REES, „ f A^eots, i Aq THOMAS & FISHER. IMPERIAL BUILDINGS, LLANDUDNO. Modern and Antique Furniture, Artistic Carpets & Fabrics of all kinds- Curtains, Sheetings and House Linens. Removers and Storers. Furniture HOUSED and INSURED at most reasonable terms. Estimates Free. Prompt attention. J ) 0 0 JONES, THE LOUNGE," Stationer& newsageqt, Fine Art Dealeri AND I Picture Frame Manufacturer A Large Selection of Views of Llandudno and District, Coloured and j in Black and White, Framed, Mounted or Unmounted. A Complete New Stock of Leather GOOds. 48, Mostyn Street, Llandudno. 9523 Axe ImIm Cabinet Maker and Auctioneer's Assistant FURNITURE REMOVER, &c." DEGANWY, LLANDUDNO. POST CARDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. AUCTIONS ATTENDED. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY ST LOW INTEREST By Arrangement with W. H. Jones. !JOSEPH WILEY & SON j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL j Glass, China, and Earthen warewareho use, I 91, Central Mostyn Street, I I All kinds of Glass and China matched and mad* to order. Glas, China and Earthenware lent on hire. Royal Worcester, Royal Crown Derby, Royal Doulton, Wedgwood, Mmton, and Coalport China. ewooa W. H. GOSS' HERALDIC PORCELAIN. I '7,'11 B t 6 dO DEPOTS ALL. in TOWNS. STANDARDS. SPECIALS. 10 Guineas Cash 15 Guineas Cash OR 1 Guinea per Month OR1 Cuineas per Month lit M INSTALMENTS. m 11 INSTALMENTS. I Catalogue and full information post free on application to- 0 RUDGE-WHITWORTH, LIMITED. Head Office, COVENTRY. THirL P OWERsArAREEOm -ONE Poiter COL-MANS Is UN-SURPASSID. aim (x^ PLJUITS BEST BUSTARD intake sure the name of monm"R eOKW^^BIlLlJS BFAD \^M are on ae'LfiREL >\((EprOfvf HO KEfENCE W^AfEVER AnY fiM Wriicrf fiaf 6E/li^ -fffESE iJlSTiyjQTlVE. (DOUBLE S)i>ERFit<E?OF THtStsf mum PLAS MAWR, CONWAY "IM 4 £ **■ >• 1 THE OLD eA ELIZABETHAN PALACE VçYry.vyy- fi Open Daily. — *580 SHIP INN 3t6 and 310, High iSiipeto* Bangor. Richard Williams, PROPRIETOR D REAKFASTS, Luncheons, and Dinners, are 1' always ready. Visitors to Bangor v/iU be ^applied and charge r>, reasonable price at this» b-ttabhshment. J. & S. ROBERTS, Ironmongers, Plumber I Decorators, I GAS, BELL AND HOT WATER FITTERS, FAPERHANGING8. OIL AND COLOUR WAREHOUSE HOUSE Rlj',PAIRS. LLOYD STREET, LLANDUDPO "diDlDlJI 1 -IJI'.1 .u. 1 fm FAILING HEALTH. In failing health the liver and stomach are the first to give way, the nervous system becomes great!y derar.ged, and weakness and general debilitl, These Pil1s P«.mo0 a healthy fracd^ Ld soon I a t. females OP ALL AGES. B Hono^wS *» which accompany each box of I sasfiora ihe I OUR GREATEST TROUBLE, I famous'Pdhc'orrect^^kordp-I 'fTvf fr0? ?eran2™it of the stomach and liver. These i is no medicine Known t&^ Th- I OUR NERVOUS SYSTEM. 1 reauires *SmT J!,T'°US SyStem .dist"rbed no time sho"W be lost in combating with It. It often B S Jails iu suS? m the US £ °f thCSe PiUs t0 ensure a cure- lhis fi"«d medicine I never fails in such cases. DisorXr^Sh ^ROUBLtES OP T H E KIDNEYS. 8 use of these valuable11?^ Sn^T'^t at S°me Besides the I region of the kidneys as salt is fnr^rl Lt-. tJ should be most effectually rubbed over the H organs and promptly thes« I The Pills and Ointment are sold at THOMAS I-IOLLOWAY's Establishment I 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (LATE 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON • 1 II? LseaaLie\7 eSfCt Th Vend0r °f Medidne' in BoxeS and Pots' at ». 9d. 4.6^ 3 times vhe quantity of the smaller Boxes and Pots If t Em p°*' ^can tad ™ *°y'»w- I | t tt0 ,b0T» Mr, the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. I ^Ifci -i | J ere:t SECURITY in y.' (' ^f^ARTER'S 1 .W—.VITTtE ^■SkSI^iliousness. HH #_ jnaMNfij. SICK headache. H| I \g §■ P LIVER. flHB ■ W iLHF 'iJ FURRED TONGUE. M jpratzj m m dm, mm Mindigestion. ■PlILSl "fM LaJ CONST! PAT IO N. J^i JP DIZZINESS SALLOW SKIN. m TL TnaiAii S 9 S small Pill. Small Dosa. Small Price. They TOUCH ths LIV E. R — Be Sure they are CARTER'S ■—— THE OLDEST HORTICULTURAL NEWSPAPER. 3(1 The Gardeners' u8. WEEKLY. YBARLT. 'T Chronicle r. THE "TIMES" OF HORTICULTURE). FOR SIXTY YEAES THE LEADING JOURNAL Its contributors comprise the most Experienced British Gardeners, and many of the most Eminent Men of Science at home and abroad. IT HAS AN INTERNATIONAL REPUTATIQ N FOR ITS ILLUSTRATIONS Or PLANTS. Specimen Copy post free on application to the Publisher, H. G. COVE, 41, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON. May be ordered of dl Bookseilew and Newstizents. and at the Railway BooWk, MOON'S HOTEL, B LLANDUDNO o Cd CD ro Q .200 m o (D o the walk from centre of promenade and station HOST POPULAR PRIVATE Hotw pmrrn NEW BILlI4BD SB RECREATION EOO«f iND PRIVATESITTWG BOOMS, ALSO SUMETOUS il'{? AND kwtit WELL-APPOINTED BEDROOMS. accommodation for hockey, cricket teams, and cyclists OHORAL AND SUNDAY CLASS PABTD^ CYCLISTS. Charges Moderate. W. Winoll, Proprietor. .1D1tr.I"1I&Q Wave Crest, LLANDUDNO. BOARDING ¡ EST A.BLISfll\IENT 7 (EN PENSION). ON GRAND FACING SEA. Mrs WALDE GE A YE ALLENBY Plmoo mm mm n i»<iininwwnim,i 11 wn im wm.Mai—i THE CRAIGYDON Boaiding Establishment (Temperance), LLANDUDNO. Facing the^Sea. Terms Moderate, Misses Hidclleton & Wood, Proprietresses. 87 -4w.U_1II1 H11 I'M < IIMI HI! wwiiim JiIIII. ORMESCLIFFE Boarding Establishment, On GRAND PROMENADE. FACING SEA. Dark Room for Photography. Cycle Accommodation. Moderate Tariff. 10063 Mrs ALLEN SMITH 1Jt:"MØ & a a.. MwM LL D n A! r r r H til! r "FERNDALE" Boardirtn Establishment, H.X^A.3STIDXJ I33STO, NEAR STATION AND CENTRE OF PARADE. Re-Furnished Throughout. Mrs PEARSON, Proprietress. HERSCHEL HOUSIT fiSc^^OLlfcJt3L High-classBoarding Residence Facing Great Orme s Head, Pier, and Promenade. For Tariff Apply 1VIJrs. hugmes, (Late of LYNDHURST, Trinity Square.) !DEGANWY CASTLE HOTEL Half way betwoeia Llandudnc and the Junction, Directly facing Oonwav Castle and Bridges. The nearest Hotel to the celebrated Carnarvonshire Golf Links, and within easy distance of the North Wales Links. VENIENT FOR ALL COACHING AND RAILWAY EXCURSIONS. BOATING, BATHING TENNIS, BILLIARDS, GOLF Good Accommodation for Cyclists. TARIFF ON APPLICATION TO M-s TRITTON, PROPRIETRES "w. -L M t „„ „ I IT'S A Doulets j £ ECONOMICAL REAL HELP! 21d. IN USE Not only cleanses the sily, but is useful for Materials, lathers free- all household purposes /flM V 'y> Md does not run —woodwork, £ Iaa» *nd to nita lik. mo^ metal ware. WjMVV other goap^ LOOK OUT FOR &/ PRIZE SCHEME A. \l\ HAZLEHURST ANNOUNCEMENT /Jy „ S0AP *0**8. NEXT WEEK. 1/ M1 DeaIcrs- N\ RUNCORN.