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1M PI ,t\ i Al ru ADVEIiTlSEiib. Y CLOIUANYDD. ESTABLISHED 189L 0 F F 1 0 E; 8 Bridge-street, ijlangefni. THE "CLOKIANYDD" WKLWH Ni'W Si'APEK uevoted t-o the eela of AGRICULTURE with a LARGE • RCULA TK)N than any Paper of the kind amork atti classes in Anglesey and Carnarvonehire. THE "CLORIANYDD" b the ONLY WELSH PAPER psbiiiheil in tw County. PRICE HALFPENNY. Pnblittied every THURSDAY MORNING (M&rke. j Day at i taugefni) in time fcr the Market Cars fo; rcnio+e places of the Litand. < GOOD MEDIUM FOR ADVEKTU3EMEN b, CHARGES MODERATE. PUBLISHERS: IlIIB NORTH WALES CHBWHCLS" Co., Ltd I Y "CLORIANYDD.' SCALE OF CHARGES. Per Line Per Inch. „ s. d. a. cL Parliamentary Notices 0 6 fc u Proipectusea of Public Companies ad Govemaent and Chancery Notice* 0 6 5 0 Election Addresses, Legal and Psblic Notices 0 3 I 6 fifties of Real Property, etc. 0 2 2 6 Concerto, Entertainments, and Miscellaneous Advertisements 0 2 1 Miscellaneous Advertisements 0 2 1 By above Advertiaemerrta ere Scaled by Type I jjfaeun, the actnal print lines not beiag connted. TRADE ADVERTISEMENT. Thcw are inserted at Reasonable Raites, varying •cgBrduig to spac*- wta and number of insertion* The Charge for an Inch Single Column Advertise- ment is "follows:- V at 6d per week. 26 do at 9d do 13 do (A In do For a Two Inch SI; I Column or an Inch Doubla Column 52 insertions at Is per Treek j 26 do at la 6d do 13 do et 28 do I Yor a Three Inch Column or One-and-a-half Inches Doubio Column :— 52 ir.isfertionu at la 6d per weak. f 26 do x-vt 29 3d do I. 13 ? dc, at OB Od do !A 00 n.1!(de]"a.bie red^tiou is made whm more than Throe inche* ere I 1" <\ "¡ r oa^.tui-a A J i V EKTISEMENTS Chared at 4d per hoc Special Positions at 6d per lins. CHEAP PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Under the Leal of -Warned," "To Let," or "To n< Sold," etc. Wo«xt Oyua. I'WICB* I'HHICS. IS n 8 d- e- < 18 0 6 1 0 1 6 24 10 16 2 0 13 19 2 6 1 fi 2 0 13 0 -I UTHER8 FREEty AND BEflCILY. I ( 8 I CALVER 5 J CARBOLICl i SOAP. § j Unites a pure Soap a;: J a strong Di.sirtC'cf.isit. R| Most suitable for laundry <;r v.iscJic'M §4 j purposes, as it b *h cleanses rmd disiafocts, H saving time, trouble aid expanse. DM j ■ CLEANSES CLOTHES WITSCUT LABG'JB. jjj 1 CALVERT'S 1 ■ PARAFFIN SOAP.I fl Tbe best and therefore th^ cbe?.pcsl to use. i9j ■ Each sold In 12 oz. t^ia tablets and 1 ib. oars f| ■ by OLemifitSj Grocers, Stores, etc. || |F. C. CALVERT & Co., Manchester, i _d_ ¡ t A, N C. E I 1- j J\ ,i h 1\ 'b Mi\U\TV. i. 1 1 F w Li 1 ■'> 1 it. i. < €api<a -'IV «; MILLIONS I Invested ovc,,r 5 Millions, j Tbe Rigi lico L-<EV> RO fHSCHILD, Chairman. I I%Oj] l.r:T LEWIS, General Manager. | Chief (Mlv.-r — fS^rfcLoloaaew Lane, London. j I JI | V' v"'1 t.i'tj.wuf.able A'itur&aces. L*. H Kxpen'<iture low and limited. "d, I f • urie ;ana. Fihm I tapromptly I Surv'v-e rF'r-tiT-sinoeofextfnei'vepro- f portio- .• I cc-, t. I •• ■'<set; promptly 3 HI* INCHES other places- LlVr Fxchnnge-rtreet. East, 7 OWlrM LEGGATT, Secretary. WR5 h M, 2Sf High-street, ■ H;' FI Secretary. Prosp, mxy be obtained from any oT •fc* Gonv • v s ;■i/jf+.e.s or Agents. 19590 I L s: tjOYA 'GHANGE AS.SURANC7E COR-I J. POTATION. I \<\1 or Koyal OhMrter, A.D. 1720). I Office: EO s &h tiXVUkSGU, LONDON. I naIlch i 5, ^wi-bTllEET, LIVERPOOL. I Ai tuads Exceeds £ 4,000,0ut Paui.Orer £ 37,000,000. j VIliE. } Kverk J ef "Piie Insuracce traoeacied. Losse* by Lightning will be paid irhethei f> propertr bt; set on fire or not. LIFE. The (w affords security of the highest enter, tu .<,J i^;iares« ^onutses exceeding the aver- ag$datr-li ihoti of Agsnrance Companies. The ( of Assurance have been lately ndøed, A Table of Bonus, and. Balance ^hjpei "jJ r forwarded on application to Amlwt f; Mr 8. Bf. 6MITH, Old Back. Bangor—Mx /AMES SMITH, w Owniarvoo-Ak O. B. RiSiS, „ THOMAS & FISHER. i IMPERIAL BUILDINGS, LLANDUDNO. Modern and Antique Furniture, Artistic Carpets & Fabrics of all kinds. Curtains, Sheeti-ros and House Linens. Removers and Storers. Furni. ore HOUSED and INSURED at most reasonable terms. Estimates Free. Prompt attention. -cmv AV-Nib, TVWTjone^, THE LOUNGE," Stationer & Newsq creqt, Firje Art Dealer I 1144b j A^i> j Picture Frame Manufacturer A Large Selection of Views of Llandudno and District, Coloured and in Black and White, Framed, Mounted or Unmounted.. A Complete New Stock of Leather GOOds. 48, Mostyn Street, Llandudno. — 9523 I I J. :ïBTOJNr9 i Cabinet Maker and Auctioneer's Assistant f FDRNITURB REMOVER &0.. DEGANWY, LLANDUDNO. POST CARDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. AUCTIONS ATTENDED r MONEY LENT PRIVATELY AT LOW INTEREST By Arrangement with W. H. Jones. _m JOSEPH WILEY & SON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Glass, China, and Earthenware Warehouse, 91, Central Mostyn Street, 3ri All kinds of Glass and China matched and made to order. Glass, China and Earthenware lent on hire. Royal Worcester, Royal Crown Derby, Royal Doalton, Wedgwood Minton, and Coalport China. W. H. GOSS' HERALDIC PORCELAIN. f î TOWNS. STANDARDS. SPECIALS. 10 Guineas Cash I 15 Guineas Cash OR 1 Guinea per Month 0R VA Guineas per Month IN 1JI IHST.ILHEKTS. IN 12 INSTALMENTS. I Catalogue and full information post free on application to- m RUDGE-WHiTVTORTH, LIMITED. Head Office COVENTRY. | -t. L #FUNS TAIMIsut4 SURPASSED.* /6 ASSES&M/oii wonllo purellase aTmoÎ t CpitMAirs -HIE; s w BUSTARD Iflake sure the name of eOLMWANDTBEBIILS HFan I are on the :AC(Ep1 Off t&° E1EttCE WtfA1E\¡E' ANY TiN wtilol oo^s ffof BEAit THESE Lis-riflC-rivp, MARKS ( D S F • (DOUBLE 5O»ERHHE) 'Mfe*AEOF tjiz. SesT<y)Auf/. PL AS MAWR, CONWAY 1 "If I, THE OLD iiiiTlfla^agarii — ■^gsa»"T*~ t.lSI I ELIZABETHAN PALACE Open Daily. 4609 SHIP INN I J. & S. ROBERTS, 316 and 318, High streb. Ironmongers, Plumber Bangor. Richard Williams, GAS, BELLCAND^HOT'WATER proprietor FITTERS, —— PAPERHANGINGS. P^EAKFASTS, LuncheoM, and Dinners, are 0rL AND OOIjOD:R WAREHOUSE O always ready. Visitors to Bangor will be j — HOUSE REPAIRS. rap plied and charge reasonable price at thi» s——■ I LLOYD STREET, LL^NDUDJIO -+_ ..&.I11III <Co, -¡: .¡ I BAD SORES AND OLD WOUNDS Al!y eoS 7i^ wr!iment:;CldilyCW- bad legS.' bad breasts' .and ulcerations'of all kinSs. |! properties. Hollowav^s PiiL shonH h ljlnl!ent vv.^ promptly yield to its wonderful healing 1' LoLthrou,SXy;oPrK^ These famous medicines are j RHEUMATIC PAINS, S to,ltr gOUt rheumatism or settled aches and pains it is most important tVat this I' hA ^ughlymhM over t £ e explaining JS^ twice?day | the inflamination andC pudfyTe bloS.' & M1°W *the taken to lesscn | ENLARGEMENT OP THE LEGS, GLANDULAR AND I RHEUMATIC PAINS. ? to,ltr gOUt rheumatism or settled aches and pains it is most important tVat this I' hA ^ughlymhM over t £ e explaining JS^ twice?day | the inflamination andC pudfyTe bloS.' & M1°W *the taken to lesscn | ENLARGEMENT OP THE LEGS, GLANDULAR AND I OTHER SV/ELLINGS, I S nrn-pl"^ TfaCtT fU 8,an<kllar swellings no remedy equals t!s ^comparable Ointment • ii: A [1 ii^,L foraatl™of t^tianeous growths, arid is an invaluable remedy fo.v checking all chronic i Jt.scharges; when diligently rublx-J into 'he parts affected, the wor*; case will yield in a I .j :orriparatively short spare of time. >ieia l" a 9 W COLDS AND SORE T H R OATS. j J For bronchitis, shortness of breath, cold, md rore throa'.s, tiii-, "Oir.tmerjt rr,?y l>e cons5der-d I I .marvellous ,f most effectually rubbed into the .sufienng par!, mrht ,n<! v^vvil t„S at'he I I time a few doses <* Hollo^ay's invaluable Pills. A ire is ,Jre to attend !his -r^S I SKIN DIRKASES, i S i .is intmen* is a certa^ remedy for all diseases of the .kin, wheth-r s;mrv ..i- I I in3b™uT^«.bl°'"he! ,>"OI,le5• 1,1,1 «. « .>»cJ'dk^tri,rSS I invaluable 1J il/i,'tlent. _J ■ O'-ntment and Pills are .«>ld at i'hom/ "way's E«ta:>Ii.i:jmtfit B 1 78, NE^ OXFORD STREET (LATC 533, OXFORD .rrREETL I.ONDOV. P !also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and TVs, at i, j J2s o,/ r$ aml »• "Cl. The 9^. A. cofilnins rt«. line ll« „i,y ,tl R times the quantity oi the sir..?Ik'-r and Boxes. Hj FU" Printef dir^ion:5 arc affixed to each Pot and Box, and can b-; had in ,viy hn»Hare. 1 Advice Gratis, at th* aoove addre%s; daily, hotv/eeu t he hour? of il a:o d 4, or by letter. S u.v,¡.r..c-¡;j;fi!J.'W.. ¡ I. ír' lIçre:s t,. ¡,J' In jsgSBK ^gj^^Tftere's SECURITY in ^tCarter'S Cure ITTlE SICK HEADACHE. I \ffl p j23Mff\[fl TORPID LiVER. » W wl» fifflfflSi \| I FURRED TONGUE. prrasw Fffi w && INDIGESTION. PILL DIZZINESS SALLOW SKIN. 3 g B small Pill. Smaii Dow. Small Price. They TOUCH ths LIV ER Be Sure they are CARTER'S rii ii — —— THE OLDEST HOUTIOU VIUnAL NEWSPAPKB. 3d. The Gardeners' 158. WEEKLY. YEABLT. Postage C h < I P08 Chronicle THE "TIMES" OF HORTICULTURE). FOR SIXTY YEARS THE LEADIN i OUBNAL Its contributors comprise the most Experienced British Gardeners, and maoy of the moet Eminent Men of Science J «4 home and abroad. a j CV — I IT HAS AN INTERNATION AL REPUTATIO N FOR ITS ILLUSTRATIONS OF PLANTt. I Specimen Copy poat free on application to the Publisher, j H. G. COVE. 41. WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND. LONDON. —————— i May be offered of all Ikiokaeilew and N swtigents. and st the Railway BookBistfla. *■ & F i iM m HOTEL, LIAHBUDWO- CO a o o iJJ ro (D L Q ('1 res C œ W' œ o Q Q) Q œ ro C o T w w walk feom ce^'tre op peomenade and station THE MOST POPULAR PRIVATE HCSTE 1t." u YIT 'rII. Br„, fliLL14nD AND RECREATION ROOMS Pt-bLiC AND PRIVATE SITTIVG ROOMS, ALSO ST0.11B8 JUS VlBX AHB- WELL-APPOINTED BEDROOMS. WELL-APPOINTED BEDROOMS. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR HOCKEY, CRICKET TEAMS, AND CYCLISTS. j CHORAL AND SUNDAY CLASS PARTIES Cha.-tges -Moderate. subbdu^ -:W.'t:U"r-r:,(.I;1i"J.1: Wave Crest, BOARDING STA BLI' (EN PENSION). ON PRCYLENADE, nTiTiHliii^a^E3^3 Mrs •WALDKGRAYE ALLENBT NIIoIØrwJilT 6LÆ00-.W.ir"r.,V'D''P:);:t"õ1P' THE" CRAIGYDON" Boarding Establishment (Temperance), LLANDUDNO. Pacing the Sea. Terms Moderate. Misses Middleton& Wood, Proprietresses. 87 -tO- -ft'.# 0RMESCLIFFE Boarding Establishment, On GRAND PROMENADE. FACING SEA. Dark Room for Photography. Cycle Accommodation. Moderate Tariff. r*rr^" 10062 Mrs ALLEN SMITH 4Lb -CIoIN8fJIa"l.-A.t.'O.l!X "FERNDALE" Boardinn Establishment, "E,T LLAN'DU DO, NEAR STATION AND CENTRE OF PARADE. Re-Furnished Throughout. Mrs PEARSON, Proprietress. eæa bØo4r&'l1" .II"tnIfoT..l;ft.MI'III"III¥"¡" 4,AT" HERSCHEL HOUSETj S1I.:I1h I;»d. High-classBoarding Residence Facing Great Qrmes Head, Pier, and Promenade. For Tar-iff Apply :nli[JL1S. ^yiO' fS-¥¥ -gn gsgs J j (Late of LYNDHURST, Trinity Square.) nwiiw<w,wwNMh"»iiirmaawwi—«eagaaa«iM—iiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiinng—pBiiiniiiini in 1111 !■■ 111 hi jbiki (jiiihnc9GQ»n«xaE^xhaB!alfBfsra{cw«!«B&sncuBaMan DEGANWY CASTLE HOTEL Half way botweou JLIaududnt- and the Janotioji. Dircotiy l-acing- Conway Ca&cle and. Bridges, The líeareBt Hotel to the celebrated Carnarvonshire Golf Links, and within enrJ di stance 01 the North Wales Lin k ii, VBNIBNT FOR ALL COACHINO AND RAILWAY RXCURSI^NH BOATING, BATHING TENNIS, BILLIaRDS, GOLr Good Aocommodation for Cyclists. TABUT ON APPLICATION TO Mps TRITTON, PRQPRIKT PCS IT'S A V Doulets EOONOMICAL REAL HELP! mM IN USE Not only cleanse* the \1B^ /mBKI r.. WS^feSw/ made from pnro linen quickly and ea- •ily, but is useful fop materials, lathers free- all household purposes aB^ does not run —woodwork, glass and to waste like most metal ware. other Soapa. LOOK 00T FOR l^/ M.~IDeY PRIZE SCHEME jm/ Ai HAZLEHURST ANNOUNCEMEMT It/ „ S0A'' W0RKS> NEXT WEEK. 1/ Dealers. \A RUNCORN. "I J Mm.co.Lolq.)