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GrEORGrE S 1 Pile and Gravel Pills j GELLIR CAEL Y FEDDYGINIAETH HON MEWN TRI 0 DDUI,LIAU GWAHANOL FEL Y CANLYN:- 02 A MuB j 1 N?3 P ARK HOUSE, SALISBURY ROAD, CARDIFF. ANWYL SYR, Mae fy anwyl fam wedi dymuno arnaf lawer o weithiau i ysgrifenu atoch i ddiolch i chwi o waelod ei chalon am y lleshad y mae wedi dderbyn trwy eich Pelenau. Y mae yn 73 mlwydd oed ac y mae yn hapus genyf ddweyd y mae yn teimlo yn hynod o iach a hoenus. Priodola sefyllfa ei hiechyd i ddau beth, a defnyddio ei geiriau hi, gef, yn gyntaf, i drugaredd yr Arglwydd, ac i'ch Pelenau chwi yn ail. Diod-defodd boen dirfawr yn ei chefn am lawer o flynyddoedd, ond tua thair blynedd yn ol penderfynodd dreio blychaid o'ch Pelenau chwi, a mawr y lleshad a ddcrbyniodd yn union. Maeei genauyn agored wrth bawb am y lies mae wedi deimlo, ac yn parhau i dderbyn o hyd. Teimlai rwymedigaeth arni i gyhoeddi hyn er budd i eraill. -p Ydwyf, yr eiddoch yn dcliffuant, D. BEYNON, Coal Merchant. MEWN BLYCHAU, Is lc a 2s 9c YR UN. DRWY Y POST. Is 3c » 3a YR UN. PERCHENOG J, E. GEORCE,M.R.P.S.,HlRWAIN, ABERDARE -A DANEDD. ,I I ELLIR ymweled ■> Pit. JONES, Bangor, bob j -iyild I m yn No. 16, Lledwigan-road, Llan- gefni. Yn Mangor bob dydd, ond dyddian Mawrth a Iau. Yn Llanerehymedd o 10 1, an Amlwch o 2 tan 5, gyda Mr Hughes, Stationer, 8, Market-street, Gorphenaf 9fed, Awst 6ed Medi 3ydd, Hydjref laf a'r 29ain, Taehwedd 26ain, a Rhagfyr 24ain. Yn J Metheada, Llanberis, ao Ebenezer ar ol wrn tal. f • A Wonderful Modiolno. -8- 'EEC- :1 ø New S:I 0 For Bilions and Nervous Disorders, snch as Wind 0 J A and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddi- A ] ness, Fulness and Swelling after meals, Dizziness i 9 and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, A — Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costive- ness, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Q a Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling — w Sensations, &c. THE FIRST DOSE WILL QIVE e BELIEF in TWENTY MINUTES. This is no fiction, a • Every suffer jr is earnestly invited to try one Boat of these Pills, and they will be acknos- a 0 lodged to be Worth a Guinea a Box BEECHAM'S PILLS taken as directed, will quickly restore • Females to complete health. They promptly remove any obstruction or irregu- larity of the system. For a Weak Stomach, 8 Empaired Digestion, ê DisGdered Liver, 9 they act like magic—a few doses will work 0 wonGers upon the Vital Organs; Strengthening a — the muscular System, restoring the long-lost Complexion, bringing back the keen edge of Q A JPPe^'te, and arousinsr with the Rosebud of Health tho whole physical energy of the • V human frame. These are facts" admitted by a thousands, in all classes of societv, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is 40 that fMf_.s tgost SO <8 — Prepared only by W THOMAS BEECHAM, ST. HELENS, LANCS. 0 qD Sold euerywhere in Boxes 7/1% & 2/9each *So.e. I JOHN LLOYD & SON IOWS oBIERS, Billposters & Distributors, 38, SKINNER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, HAVE the largest number of most tirominenfc Posf ing Station* in all parte of Aberyetwyth aru District. Having lately purcbMed the business and stations at Aberystwyth Advertising and General BiE Posting Stations, they are able to take a ttf every (.inscription. O'er 100 (Cations in the Town ond District. Official i:ilt £ '08tc.rfi to the Town ,'i,I.J Omoty Oüun i.'Ïla, G. Vi. t. Cu., Cumbrian Co, ail th t Auctiouee re of jche Town And JX;n::t. 0),1 I JJufc-lic bixtiog. ESTABLISHED IN 1836. FOR THE PROTECTION OF TRADE. T tJ B B S' MERCANTILE OFFICE, (Stubbs' Ltd.), 42, GRESHAM-STREET, LONDON, E.G. Subscribers, by obtaining timely information througb THE STATUS ENQUIRY DEPARTMENT, MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS. Every Trader should read STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE With which is issued a Supplement containing LISTS OF CREDITORS. Under all the Important Failures. THE COMMERCIAL REGISTERS contain more than NINE MILLION ENTRIES. DEBTS RECOVERED PROMPTLY AND REMITTED TO SUBSCRIBERS ON TUBS- DAY AND FRIDAY in Each Week. J) RAN C H E S: Ac Aberdeen, Binning ham, Blackburn, Bradford, Brighton, Bris'-Oi, Belfast, Cardiff, Cork, Croydon, Dublin, Dundee, Edinburgh, Exeter, Glasgow, Hud dersfield, Hull, Leeds, Leicester, Liver- pool, Lotdon (West End), Manchester, New- castle, Norwich, Nottingham, -ymouth, Ports* mouth, Sheffield, Southampton, Sunderland, Swan sea, Wolverhampton. Sub-offices :—Buxton, Cambridge, Derby, Dum fries, Gloucester, Greenock, Grimsby,Halifax,Hanley, Inverness, Ipswich, limerick. Londonderry, Mid dlesboro', Newport (Mon.), Northampton, Oxford, Perth, Preston, Reading, Stockton-on-Tees, Tor- quay. Walsall, Waterford, Worcester, York. Terms:-P,l ls, 22 2s, £ 3 3s, Lb 5s, according t. requirements Prospectus forwarded on application to any of thr above offices. ESTABLISHED 1843. THE Journal of Horticulture COTTAGE GARDENER AND EOIE FARMER. Conduce, oy JOHN WRIGHT, F.R.H.S. Aosistec ).'J'?' taff of the Best Writers on oTIOAL GARDENING. WEEK) .f-"rice 3d; Post Free, 3b.d. Terms of Si;bserli)ti(in:- One Quarter, 38 Gil: Half Year, 7p 6d: Ü to.. Year, 15B. j Officc 271. YLEET STREET. LONDON j BEST POSSIBLE YALU^ -IN- t Furnishing Goods niAMrrD complete PIOIME-LR FURNISHING STORES, T 9 to 19, Bold Street, LIVERPOOL. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE- FRL, E DONALD CAMERON, TAlLOii & CLUIHIEK,: (jATHEDRAL gUIL DINGS, j-jANGOE, Respectfully invites the attention of SPORTSMEN AND TOURISTS to a LARGE and SELECT STOCK of HIGHLAND TWEEDS AND HOME SPUNS [n carefully selected Patterns and well-known Shades, suitable for Hill Side and Cover, for Moor and River also a Choice Assortment of CLERICAL AND YACHT r!G SERGES, CRICKETING AND SHIRTING FLANNELS. HAND-KNITTED, KNICKg j -BOCKER STOCKINGS, IN CHECKS, HEATHER MIXTURES, AND PLAIN COLOURS; SPATS, LEGGINGS, AND ANKLETS, SHOOTING CAPS, TWEED HATS, AND HELMETS, WADERS, FISHING STOCKINGS AND BROGUES, WATERPROOF COATS, CAPES, AND RUGS, LEATHER TRUNKS, PORTMANTEAUS, BAGS, AND 8TRAPS. Agent for Dr. Jaeger's Pure Wool Manufactures and Cellular Clothing Co. ROBE AND CAP MAKER BY APPOINTMENT TO THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE O. NORTH WALES. PATTERNS ON APPLICATION. MAE PQB MAMAETH DDA j YN DEFNYDDIO A jflP^ CHYMERADWYO i PELENAU IC ENAINT I$$$>}> H 0 L L 0 W A T. | MAENT WEDI BOD AR Y BLAEN I BOB PELENAU ERAILL AM DROS Dp7 MLYNEDDFEL Y FEDDYGINIAETH DEULUOL OREU. Gwncuthuredisr yn uni{^ yn78, New Oxford Street {diive(ldxr.r)3o, Oxford Street). London; ^werthir junyrhollFferjllwyr. « JUSILE S. JUBILEE < PELENAU JONS TREMADOC (JONES' TREMADOC PILLS), ES yr HEN FEDDYGINIAETH GTMBEIG ADXABYDDUS, liC .vrtrl sptvi T PRAWF dros HANER CAN' MLYNliD D gan y Deyrnas hon a Cbvfandiroedd Ewrop, fel nad oes braidd Deulu yn Nghyiriru na chlyw sant eu Ttdau a'u Teidiau yn son am eu rhin- ,v weddau at wellhau pob afiechyd sydd a'i dueddi ad o'r Ystumog a'r Afu ac Anixihuredd y Gwaed a'r Doiur Cyfi'redin a Chyndyn hwnw y Orydcym alau. Gwertliir gan yr holl Wholesale Houses a Manwerthir gan bob Chemist drwy y byd gwa reiddiedig mewn Blychau Is lie, 2s 6c, a 4a 6o I vs un. Od methir eu cael yn yr ardal, anfoner eu gwerth mewn Stamps i'r CAMBRIAN PILL. DEPOT, Tremadoc, North Wales D.S.—Nid oes llai na Box cy fan 0'1: Pills hyn i'w cael. -4_ ARK DO NOT LF-T THIS IFSOAPE YOUR CLOSEST &TTENTION. WRkW/ m illP Listen I Not only to what we say, bat what ■ m Va| "THOUSANDS ARE SAYING 9 I 8AVE" BO PER-CENT. I JM1 It bjr purchftsing direct from theFactory.and thus Baving the ordinary retail profit ^8 w\ _ast°unp>nq evidence. 8 H' ^H I Serg^nt J. ^BAILEY, Northumberland Fusiliers, Boshof, H | *^ACME,U WATCH reeled from' you IN CRETsf'" AjZilfuM). SI l "It went mil there, and also at SALE3BURY MANOEUVRES. H y/SWfiw^ Avv K "and has now been seven months out here. Durinq this time it hat BBS ,\v I NEVER STOPPED, and has been the time REGULATOR OF THE H 1V>' i "REGimEHT. Incontinence of the CONTiNUAL CTAKD5TQRMS. ffl? Tfc/ff. {« fi.fi Wr*te>h ■ andlying out in ike sun, many watches went compleie'.y out of order, ■ THIS IS waxen ■ "but this wins Vie "ACK5RATS0H OF ALL. may further my that R S&rneant Bailev wrttos H it has received more than a few falls—one in watc:-and it is going B| F BAILEY H j The Marvel 'Acme' Patent Lever. Watch IN SOLID STERLING SILVER CASES, fine three-quarter plate movements, extra jewelled, and fitted with Si dust and damp-tight Cap, and with H. Samuel's Special Improvements protected by HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL W LETTERS PATENT, can be supplied to you, reader, for 25/- Compare these with those sold et 3 guineas. I| Hundreds of "these watches are supplied every day by H. Samuel. SAVE PC?"HQS> go to the Post Office near BB you, get an Order for 25/ send it to H. Samuel, and you will scarcely have despatched it befoi you have back fin in your hands, by return rraH, registered with key, full printed instructions"a^^warraaty ^"ibr"}.'ire Years, thii K& j Superb Time-keeper. With each a handsome S» BONUS REWARD PRIZE I i Is included from H. Samuel's large Distribution, full particulars of which are given in H. Samuel's Album of Bargains together with lists of presents. to. REMEMBER A MONTH'S FREE TRIAL i •area you from any risk. 5kB "HAmS YOUT RECEIVED IT?" M IF YOU HAVE NOT IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO GET IT. H. Bamuml s Magnificent Volume of R! Bargains in Watches, Jewellery, containing over 3.000 EXACT EHGRAVIHCS and phoLos of the articles Elu consisting of "Watches from 6 Clocks at I/O, Plate, Jewellery, all at Waoiesale Prices. A FACTORY IN YQiiR EH OWN home without the trouble of travelling. H. Samubl sends with pleasure this volume to anv ndrir^ Hi application. GRATIS AND POST FREE. BEWARE of THE BRAND OF DEBT and monthly myr^enU » Buy for cash an 1 save Middle Profits. H. Sahuxl not oaly guarantees the quality, BUT ALLOWS A MANTll'* « FREE TRIAL WiTH ALL PURCHA8E8. Do not fail to write immediately after reading this aiSouncement SB You will be delighted and astounded by the vata* you receive. WRITE TO-DAY. flB .>:< :> t #,(>f ,.L: "¿;( <{, '> \{: 'f JflSIAH HUGHES & Co., General, Furnishing, Manufacturing and Builders' IRONMONGERS, 159 & 161, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. Brass & Iron Bedsteads, Child's Cots, Folding Chairs Beds and Bedding, in Hair, Feather, Wool and Flock. FENDERS, KERBS, FIRE BRASSES, DOGS, AND TILED 1 HEARTHS, COAL VASES AND BOXES IN BRASS, WOOD AND JAPANNED IRuN. Kitchen Grates & Ranges BY ALL THE PRINCIPAL MAKERS, Register Stoves, Mantel Registers, Tiled Stoves, Dog Grates, Wood Enamel Slate and Marble Mantelpieces in great variety. DAIRY UTENSILS^ Milk Carts, Milk Cans, Churns, Separators, Pails, Brushes, &c Special Petroleum Engines for Dairy Purposes. BUILDERS' GOODS. Locks, Bolts, Screws, Bolts and Nuts, Nails, Fire Tiles, Landers, Pips Sheet Lead, Lead Pipes, Closet Pans & Fittings, Foundation & Roofing Felt, Corrugated Sheets, &c. GARDEN & FARM IMPLEMENTS. Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Lawn Mowers, Rollers, Hose Pipe, Hose Reels, Garden Seats, Croquet Sets, Tennis Racquets, Nets, Balls, &c Electric Light and Bell Fitters, Hot and Cold Water Engineers, Plumbers, Gasfitters, Copper and Tin Smiths, &c. RANGE FIXING A SPECIALITY. Satisfaction Guaranteed 19769 TELEPHONE No. 11. ESTABLISHED uVER CO YEARS. WM. ROWLANDS & CO., WHOLESALE and RETAIL WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANTS, BANGOR. BasQ & Co.'s Ales and Guinness' Stout in Cask and Bottle. Office and Vaults-288, HIG-H STREET. Bottling and Duty Paid Stores-James Street & Union Street, Bangor Branch Establishment—Foundry Vaults, Llangefni. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. 21713 vr Im VALLANCE BROTHERS ![ AJuLjil') DRU 1 lIMO Merchant Tailors & Costumiers. Immense NEW STOCK I Special Show for this week at 259, High St., OF I Gent's NEW OVERCOATINGS, Gent's NECKWEAR, HIGH-CLASS GOODS. KEW SHAPES AND COLOURS. Gent's AU'TUMN UNDERWEAR Gent's HATS, CAPS & GLOVES, ALL PUKE WOOL. BEST MAKERS' GOODS. SPECIALITE. LADIES' COSTUME CLOTHS, ™Sg, FUR and SILK-LINED GLOVES, HOSE.&c. .a- Special Show for this wee at 300, High St. (the Old Premises). New Fashions in Ladies' Capes. THOMAS'S High Class Dressmaking. LATEST NOVELTIES IN Mantles, Jackets, Milliner-, (. a 1'\ >1.. Costume and .Dress Fabrics, Fancy and General Drapery. London. House, Bangor.. BROWN AND CO., EASTGATE BOW, CEESTEE, Silk Mercers to the late Queen Victoria, -tzv now displaying NEW GOODS for THE SEASON ia all DEPARTMENTS. 16510 K ENDAI,, MILNE, and CO., MANCHESTER Telegrams, Telephone. 1746 BUSINESS HOURS, 8.30 to 6 (Saturdays 2). LETTER HAVE CAREFUL and EXPEDITION ORDERS ATTENTION. AFTER BUSINESS HOURS. AND ON SUÀ. DAYS FUNERAL ORDERS AND URGENT OOM. MUNICATIONS WILL BE ATTENDED TO AT Sa. ST. JOHN-STREET. DE ANSGATE. KENDAL, MILNE. & CO.. MANCHESTER. 1^56 ACCIDENTS of all KINDS. RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY, Insured against THEFT INSURANCE and FIDELITY BO-N, aS granted by the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSDBiECE CO. Established 1849. Claims Paid £ 4 ,300,000 M, CORNHILL, LONDON. I A VIAN, Secretary. Aigezt,s required in unrepresented dietrict.t. Manchester Office 64. Cross-street. 5411 N O T I C £ Please Note that the Colwyn Bay and District Advertising & Billposting Co., Limitea, have, owing to the great area now covered by them, adopted a new name, and will in future be known as The Welsh Northern Counties Billposting and Advertising Co., Limited, Carrving on Business in that name at COLWYN BAY, LLANDUDNO, CONWAY, ABERGELE, PENMAENMAWR. PWLLHELI &»d PORTMADOC. P ARGELS for PORTMADOC to 0. ROBERTS, r 3. Church-street, Tremadoc. Parcels for PWLLHELI to T. ELIAS. Gaol-street, Pwllheli. All other Parcels to COLWYN BAY. For HARNESS THY W. LOVATT High Street, Baagor. New & Second-hard Harness always in Stock. Second-hand or Exchaiiaed for New. 21643 SPECTACLES & EYEGLASSES MR SIDDALL, THE CROSS, CHESTER (Optician to the Chester Infirmary), visits monthly BA NGOR FRIDAY, October 11th, at Mr A Clarke's, Photographer. High-sirt-et. LLANGEFNI: THURSDAY. October 10th. at Mr 0. Griffith's, Rose Hoiise. E'fytreet AMLWCH.: SATURDAY, ticto.b5r 12th, at Mr Richard Morgan's, Dirsorben-ixjuare. MR SIDDALL will call upon anyone unable to visit him by prior arrangeiuwnt. 21801 N A. ii T i, LC, VALE. wgjuffit^ iUvr/Q -À .> Billposter, Distributor, & Xo Crier; Pcnygross, K.S.O., Wales. OWSER OF A LL THE CFTIEF POSTING oiAliO»\S.