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NOTES AND JOTTTNGS. ■v;vJffore Mud. iz*& fcfC Last week*;t*J £ ventured upon a gentle complaint about the mud. In our corres- pondence coump this week we publist.,A ,» letter showing- one way iip fjjtE- streets can "be bettered. Bat io the ir^ean* time the mud.ii still with us. Mud carts Jhaye, durinhe weej$,Jbee.q Irying^.to av i Remove it; roaqmet,, h e'been rakin in heaps btfot-eshop premises and traps a, iband carts hai"esplashed% oyer shop win- cldws and peo'$l £ s clothed* One fine-look- ing mud heap in Market-Street, which the roadmen had scraped ready for cartmg away, was dashed into by a steam engine and flung in patches each side of the road. "Frantic signs were signalled to the driver of the engine to avoid the heaps, but in vain. The mud mounds were spread over half the street, and it was impossible to avoid them. There was not enough stiff- o^ss in the composition ol the mud to stay where it was heaped by the man with the rake. It persisted in going ex- ploring, and in performing contortions on the face of the street. No. Rak- ing. scrapitig.,And carting v. ill not cure Rhos of its myd. The complaint is too, jdetfp-seated for,such superficial treatment. You cannot stroke away a bad complaint., Why, in an hours time, the scraped por- tions of the street are as bad as ever. The mud oozes up out of the very ground. There are, certainly, ways to successfully grapple with the mud question. The Parish Council cannot grapple with it. f" For more than ten years the mud problem has defied the acutest of out Councillors, and the District Council seem to fare no j ¥ t>etter. Why not take the plunge and go in for Urban Powers? We have been shivering on the bank for a long time. A bold decisive step and the deed is done. Anything is indeed better than the tin-pot method of doing things that the confined and limited powers of a Parish Council gjve. A Parish Council is alright for Villages and hamlets ol the Tainant de-| tion, but when a populous place li Rhos, with its twelve thousand popular tion, has to knuckle under to a prejudiced District Council, or to summon twelve able-bodied men to deliberate how best t<?:' repair a broken stile, the whole thing is* nothing less than a farce. Even the', Conncillors themselves feel that it is high- time to end matters and m^re than one itieraber has cteCided to refrain from seek ec i Ií 2XL?b, Sates. ,t :™ The distribution of the half-years rate papers has n a howl of indignation frpm that nlnt respected citizen-the iatepayer. VVhh a worried face he has consulted the rates of other places for the .sake of In the Oaily News Year Bock !>-e tfnrK'ih-it the Tate of the City of London is only 6s 9t. whilstthe rf* t e s of Rhos amounts to 9s 4d. He then consults b.> ratepaper again and jfiods that with^ tbe special sanitary rate, the total rates for the ensuing year will foe somewhere? yrear los. Then does the citizen sit hirnt*e'f down to think. He cannot pace ;t .,teets to think, for he does not care to \1,jiK ankle deep in mud. Besides the m;ud would remind him of a special sanitary r-ite, and who can think Glady whan ->i>ses.sed with such a de- pressing thmtf. To avoid a brain storm then, our c uzen sat down to think. •r^irst of a-H h toyed with the ratepaper, and thought of the many pounds he had paid for the right to live. Then he con- --jured up this- benefits he enjoyed for the money. He paid a poor rate, and gave innumerable coppers to the pooty as well, as contributing to the chapel poor fund, and investigating in draw tickets, raffles, 'effcriiths, organ recitals^ concerts etc. -UnLier the tame mis- sionary cards," and movements" of all kinds, from a testimonial to local celebrity to a subscription to the local Liberal As- -snrlnti^n. 1 he" education rate he passed with an approving nod, Q^if.Uj 0°t so bad The. fighting rat^ tie tolerated. The light wa'f^ntiroi th^ise^t, true, but still there \iraf lk sort 8* r^Uf" for bis ifjoney. Theii h!e canie to ■ the riidst b;iftlig item of all-the special sanitary rate. Here he failed to make headway in ihis diagnosis. To him the word sanitary -had no meaning, and he failed to keep the thought of mud away at this juncture. tAssociation- of ideas kept the words sanitary and mud" together. They Stuck. At last, in despair he thought he "ivouii-i consult a iriend about it. Putting joo his lat he sallied forth. He had, how- ever reckoned without his host. He saw not hisifSend that night, for he got stuck in the rrfbd half way. j.r A Gooi Start, The newly-formed League of Young Liberals have made an excellent start. They lv-ve tackled the question of high rates. That is, they have put their li 'eads together in committee and have come to the conclusion that for the benefits receiv- Apd, the rates are ridiculously high- They i ■« "n; then straightway invited the,. Parish I Council and the Liberal Association to a conclave, where they eould discuss the matter. We "hail !s !y to hear what plans will be tormed by the joint efforts of the three bodies. "They may hit upon a worthy scheme, and possibly have the energy to carry it out. But the phantom of the past is a grim creature, and very hard to shake off. in ft are engulphed many Lost Causes. The Nurse Fund is one, the Osborne Morgan Memorial is another i, and Urban Powers :is,' third. All three could have been carried.to a successful concluston, but for ,in ere the did Rhos failing of drooping interest jbr. as" th^ phrenologist would *sfay*" lack 'of continuity." The Young: Leafpae.can, however, profit by the'failures'of "t to past. Let ft determine that ire- solve ^t^ycarry Mrbugfe^ Jtet them prove that they are able to act as Well as think. If they do this they will accom- plish much. the problem they have taken in hand is one which has hitherto defied solution, rand it will be,aigreat achievement if they bring it to a success- ful issue. x i. ,K Mr Qore's Esplaaatioa, In giving an account of how he won the Denbigh Boroughs, Mr Ormsby:Gore M.P., says that the greatest force hO, had to work against was the personality of Mr Lloyd George. He Cuether added ti,fat--Liberalism in North Wales would be much less strong with the passing of Mr Lloyd George.-—-Whilst the personality of Mr Lloyd George has hadmuchlto do with the quickening and awakening of Liberalism in North Wales, it is far from the truth tb^ Liberalism hereis depend- ent upon Mr Lloyd George. Liberalism in North Wales was strong before Mr Llovd George entered Parliainent, and is likely to be strong when his wonderful personality nojonger inspires the princi- pality. No. A much easier answer can be giyeo to explain how the seat was won for Mr Gore. And the explanation would h rt be c<mipletl Without the inser- tion of the word 44 barrel."





Doan's Investigations Continued.…