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Money T.H b, N A T ION ALL lJ A N SOCIETY ta oEiprResly established and registered pursuent to Act of Parliament tp make Private advsncet, without Loan Qffice formalities, to all tilasee* (Male or Female), from X5 TO £ 1 GOO. ON SliiPLK WBITTEN PBDMIgE TO AMPAT for any inmedivte want, to SYsrt in B.. Furnish yonr House, to p&y Iteni or Kstta, or for priynie use. The advance can be paid bn&k b) ttstf instalment or can remair uqt ffcm "o to five yeairfc by the inteleat oply. Bawfcg a largo oapitsi alwaye i;ea 'dy for inveittri r,Dt, 1Ø qm lead quickly aiid Cheaply. Liigf^EC^ no Interact ovd Repayments loweet in England or Wale96 The ttci ey is advanced at appilic anfc'e rapn boat* if 19- qcuea, thus thara the WPfm of a journey. Styiqt privacy and Btr&ightforward dealmgp gujgwuiteed. It will roat you not&ipf, it will Bare yor4 pocitdg by applying either personally jr by letter for our Free Prospectus to the N-ationai Loan Society, 19 QUEEN ST., WREXHAM. Heaa (Mice :— Corporation St., Manoheater Cannot be beaten -< TtfE ( 1 'NEPTUNE' Fountain Pten* S AND THE I 'BRITISH' 0 Stylo Pens. Pr-i Absolutely Reliable, 53 Bfst British Make. £ h }—J PRICKS FROM g. 16 up to 10/6. Z 14 Carat Gold Nibs. 1 I We stock them. rd Can and see one. .U' R. Mills & Sons HERALD OFFICE, RHOS. y -\LE—Lar»c of ST.KEFTIRS art RA fLSL "W i i'rnp i -ice,—Ajiply. M .nie ind t f XTAPX TO FLY — In^tmotinns aTid Diagrams fnr coa* j ?!i-nctiriif Model «t homo. Is. Model* read to iiy from 1".d —C. nti-al Novelty Co 93, Cornwall* b lldings, BirmingktJll. TP OT* AND LATnEH.—24 rajre t'de Ot;;i!r>i*ne .,4 j-vmihts' and Enuioe r-s' 'I' V f.ve. .mplft# g-.(, Si. Gitaloy-i.it?-. 4<1. )..»t free.—C. Suwe & Co., 181, > ii-v itlJ..yoad, Loudon, S. E. '1911, BRITAIN'S WORKERS No. 4.—The Carpenter. 1 ijftTS Down on your knees knocking >n nails, or bending the back to Vsaw wood is trying work-No w- doubt about it. The systent ■ mnst be kept up to the mark or the work will H become a burden. The most nourishing. H strengthening and refreshing btverage in the ■ world is the sparkling Botanic Bekk made from EXTRACT OFH£RB8 IMASON S OFHEABS I I Used daily by Millions of Toilers I the world o'er. AGENTS WANTED. ■ NEWBALL & MASON, NOTTINGHAM. "MAYPOLE TEA 11/411 OLD MKTAU8 of vtvrj toobttm pmiwed fareMb— H. B. B*MA» A Soai, 1*4, Lambeth Walk, London. rpOBAOCOSt OIQAbSI mGARBftBII 1 BTery kaowm Bnad it JfenolMtmot o*» V « ^"2** BndieM v»rte*r «t TofckOAOBUur VkBcjr Ooeda sad Ska* Plttlnft- Tlw trsd« nli nuclei Omhw • tpaetolitr- a»ad tor Pries List to ray •* amr *• Ibmjbw t Pout, Tin,, Cterw> Sfarwfc, Biro^n^hani. KITCHEN PE TS BLACKBEETLES Scientiflcallr j, Rxterminated by the UNION COCKROACH PASTIL Cleared Sheffield "Workbotue. y~1 w All other preparations failed. POST FREE. 1/3, 2/3, 419. J. P. HEWITT, D"usH\srF'.ELp. Foil Particulars how the Beetle Piagae was exterminated at GIVES AWAY jhuI powders had fsied. Api y-HEWm, II. P j. i., St. S1I'fiel" tTT A.NIMili, Ann<|ii»Lnce A >'e4»«1l»wu''k. e l» t.pefir'es, \V bn>t*st5e*.—Kormaiu »r. M mhI o*. BR,steady Nerves:iiid Greatest Toiiic. PromotO 1) Steady Nerves and (Jii-av iWin.-ABChemi^ta. A AEE 10 3'KTr rFTNT. INWESTIEENT- iN exceptional nji or+iTaity sicw cwbhib to ueenre to* J\ I'Qtnaiiiing few 10 per t-ont. Pnif Shares m a private imite i Liiabiliiy Conparijr alrendy doing a good trasneal, Exceptionally safe.—Full i-articolai's. "INDIA, <yoHouae- Vopr»T. 10. St. ISTtirv Aw. T 'l-ndon, B.C. Fearing another raid by unemployed, the Glasgow authorities had fUHy one hundred con- stables concealed within the precincts of the municipal buildings during the sitting of the corporation. Ultimately the corporation re- ceived a deputation, who pleaded for work, or financial assistance. I, Isidore Lewin, a hairdresser, of East India Dock-road, was about to shave a customer when he fell dead on the floor of his shop. At the ix&fufeBt medical evidence showed. tjutt death 3|M due to heart failure and chronic nephritis.

A Matter of Money