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HOME HINTS. A gargle of salt and water t* a remedy for an ordinary sore threat. To prevent cheese from becoming mouldy or dry wrap it in a cloth •daiiip.».11 vinegar and keep is a covered riisit. Coarse-ground eoffee e^rznkled on a shovel- ful of burning coals wtf.l ffwvc oLciisive odours from a sick-room. Kerosene wilt soften boots mid Fhoc, that have been hardened b. ¥.ater. and will rcn- 1-1 der them as pliable as eeiy. I Every saucepan that has been used and finished with should be filled with cold v, aUr. a lump of soda put into it" and set to boll out. Brass trays should be washed with wcrm water and good yellow sea p. Rinse in clean water, dry, and j.'olisJi with a chamois leather A little UfXHM juice will remove stains. If shelves and floors of efosssts arc wiped with water whkilj is hot cayenne pepper, cld afterwards ^px-inkkd borax and alum, roaches aad &li4uc gn-e kept at bay. ,=. I After ironing linen, it near the fire or in the t-«n until pe.rfc-e.tljr <Jry, as the gar- --ients wiH be mnch stiver- tha#' if lei't to dry slowly. This hint i* especL.llj ^ei'ul with collars, ciiff.4, and petticoatH, Salted Filberts.—rAfter s'»e;3K«^ tfiiew^ boil the filberts for four minuter,' remove the outer skins, roll the N its JH clcrr melted butter, and then sprinkle them with ^all, i-iiid, if you will, » mfijikkm. of cay!QAA-e, and brown for tw. minute* h. the even. A very good complexion 1\fi'1 is found in butter-milk, but fresh plain water gruel is a vvliitejier of the, Apply this t9 hands and fat-e. ulloyvjng it to dry on, | alter which the skiii should' be wipeti oy,.Lr i with simple tincture of bmiz-oiu mixed \>yithj rose watet. Caramel Walnuts Sltelf and halve ,one pound of walt)ub,Put. :bali, a pound of icing sagar, a quarter of a poud 01 ground al- monds, and the white oi one egg into a basin and mix thoroughly.- Boll into little Oval balls and stick liaff a walnut on each Then dip the wahmb MSI/J. & glaze made of half a pound of brown augur, naif a uaeuo- f ill of water, and half a tea^poonful of bak- ing powder boiled till slight]/ brown. Tea-leavcsi ase invalik-ible- ¡i;õJ a means of cleaning varftishei jsaiwt, Whett sufficient leaves nave been i&td they should be placed in a tin,basis full of water, and soaked for half an foour. The tea, when strained, efcowtcl, fJ¡ed, instead of soap and water to clean the «far«w&ed surfaces. Condensed milk flrftt. be wwfulfor pud- di ugs and cold Aapci as chocolate, coffee, or eoeoanuk if ifeg sweetened ntilk is used, do not add much gjigar fo it till the dish is nearly fiftished ait can be tasted. When one Mves some from the dairy this milk is inv&lw&bjb f'r verjuired in haste. Wheatmeal Cake#.—-Boi| Jfe&lf a pint of new milk with a'■phuh M salt, Aiiid dissolve' in it a piece of butter a waliiut. Put the butter and milk o» tS» «u&i|eist vheatmeal to make a light-il soft <løuFk- licli out a quarter of an "inch tliiek., into small lound cakes. Bake in a HU¡k ovtv-i for ten m in ut., E. Serve hot with butter g< iw-i syrup. To remove the eicilwsit fwmi the inside of tea-kettles fill tht L« \<h Mith water and !J:.d to it a driwmnt: of Let it boil for an hour, when fur, 6r petrifird sub- stance found ou will be dissolved and can be e; aily removed. rinse the ketlie out well, theii boil out avm «r twice, before using the contents, To cook marrow kw paake some flour- and-wstter paste, roll it out and place a piece over the ends when, the uxair v is see;r and I'tie ft clofh tighiiv mer, plunge into uoiliiig vvu.te,r and.. »."••• .-Jt 8;1 hour.. Take off the paste f« •» rho bones ire !-P!lt to table and gcrv lapright in a napkin Kith slices of thy toast. easy to cook and forait ? '4^&&ou« dish. Leather goods, if tteir r,-tnee is to be preserved, should not' toe kept in places that are too dry, as tbe, beA-s w.-ill cause the leather to crack. Nor in clamp phwes that will lIli", it mouldy. To leather chair seats^. travelling bags, bo^e eovoiv, that h&vb become shabby or xuh ih^rn with the well-beaten White of al ê-1f,¡t;. Sole leather bags ard. best cleaned .1 81 ordinaryt rus- set shoe polish, cleaning ,;taem ijj sam.e way that shoes are 'alem/sd- The best way to grease «6sl«as frottl silk is first to scrape Of$$asaueh Øt jive grease j as possible, and th^i to the spots \\ith a « creani made Of' fiji# »'itii; lavendejf water. Next, lay. two tliMikn^sSes of I blottiag paper over tW «tajau> and iron it with a moderately-hot iraji til1 the spots are qtutcdry, movhtg iiifc paper onee or I twice. ?jfhe powder .ibould fuifflly be dusted /011 witli i cfeaii or briush. Haddock and .Tomsto<st—+ <$iiic# "ha«JUóc;k' by pouring botlm^ watvr it L^Avfe lor ait hour, ||«» tl1 ftkin 214 b6ikes and fiake tiw fan ounce oi butter |n a pais., m 'jtt tjuvAy » finely- chopped onion, psd tw«f add this fish and Cook for tea mis at* >i"R<iohing with pepj>er and i«alt and i'h<»]»»»«■! parsley. Serve with a border *4 fiievfy bollwd rice ftiid garnish with shce? t>f &?!('??- Milk SoUp.—Tak^ one -biz^A hiníp, one Epanish o«i<( t. t-jirrot. a w*p/«mfrJ of chopped < i ,iM 4? one ounce, of bu-i- a, sum ir>o 1 Prepare and < uf f 4 <' <L<t ^dife^ and bop is Jh' 4 o'; flour. witcf: p:i<ft oi i 1 M 5^1 fit »t« the remainder IK S-»Aw*{K Jiuttcn;. Stir and boil u u rt-w, 'lake out half a pint (>* fit1 "C -the vegetables are boi'i# mix with the milk i a liuxitaing the soup down, if necoNF-uy putf,. jot all, of thfe ^served ikfttor. w»» wMk.' uaid pepper, -'and ■ serve at- ..it -T L. «T—•4RIWC-M>C*R1 If» -■ "liter • wi& ;h'i!t*'hg '.11; I.ct. bat ",Mot of any" description, are put m a. large i a>in ksiiiaf water i* pointed ore* tIN. ,ül to greatly inw0i"-







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