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BUDGET BULL'S-EYES. (FROM THE BUDGET LEAGUE.) They've got their Dreadnoughts now; so vfiO doubt they will open their purses and ~0&y for them like men. <- "Peers, keep off the grass! was the «0st popular emblem carried in the great taiid Demonstration in Hyde Park. The object of the Budget is not only to keep the Peers off the grass,, but to put the people • dli. No wonder that the demonstration was, in the opinion of old observers, one of the .IArgest ever held in Hyde Park. Fortu- Jttately, there is no Peer who can put up a Slotice at Hyde Park gate — Trespassers -Will be prosecuted! I But it will be the duty of the people of ngland to make it quite clear to the JKotfSe of Lords when the Budget comes up to them in the autumn that this is the fiotice the House of Commons puts up over the Trespassers will be prosecuted 'That has got to be said, and said em- jftftatically. For it is clear that the Lords finnan to trespass if they can. Last week we •jfeait with the speech of Lord Lansdowne. week we have Lord Curzon^ who at iSouthport haa uttered the following threat: The House of Lords, he contended, had perfect right to touch a Finance, Bill. If ;ther chose they could reject the Bill as a -hole, and they could amend a Budget Bill in the sense of substituting one form of tax for another. This, in brief, he believed to fbt; the correct view of the constitutional imposition. < Ifc is extraordinary that so, clever a man && Lord Curzon should utter such a view -Of the British Constitution. For it must be ,Iæ!f to anyone who thinks out the ABC the matter that the assembly which sub- tes one form of tax for another really ssSettles the finance of the year. If the 'Hcxtse of Lords has, for instance,, -the right substituting a tariff tax for a land tax, is the use of pretending that the Hl<3%se of Commons has any control left .,oyer finance? Why have a General Elec- ta on the Fiscal question? Why iiot just ''SOW our heads and let the House of Lords 1IfttI.e all these matters comfortably for us ? but this is not the view of the Constitu- that has been put forward by such ftinent Conservative leaders as Lord Hals- flJUry and Mr. Balfour. In 1897, when the ^oluntary Schools Bill came up from the •Commons to the Lords, Lord Halsbury ifuled out all amendments to the bill on the gpottad that it was a financial bill, and ihat the House of Lords could not touch ch a measure. Lord Halsbury then Neatly ruled that that had been the law -Of the Constitution for two centuries. The itfesult was that that bill was left untouched the Lords. They cannot have it every way. Ort another occasion, on a debate on the position of the House of Lords, Mr. Bal- iourspecifícally argued that the House of 6nim.ons "settles uncontrolled our financial ::tèn1/ Is Lord Curzon going to say that Lord Halsbui-y and Mr. Balfour are wPOHg ? Surely, if he does, he mtist first ■'cxon with those leaders of the Tort Partv. In the splendid defence of the Budget the Prime Minister delivered in the Waarfc of the City of London, and at the "jyy 'doors of Lord Rothschild, he uttertd fallowing words "jyy 'doors of Lord Rothschild, he uttend fallowing words There is an alternative, but there is only one, tb.dt alternative is a tariff. is a point which everyone ought to mind. The Government does hot ,tre the new taxes out of a mere wan- i4h«!llKS' taxes are wanted because 000,000 more money is Avanted. And T^*re °nly one other way* of obtaining that is by means of if they do not tax iand they must rJ*x bjread. < Itememher that this was frankly ad- by Mr. George Wyndham, speaking Liverpool on December 9th, 1908. ;■ Mr. Wyndham, late Secretary fof Ire- *n Mr. Balfour's Administration, Said to the Liverpool people: "I R to be perfectly frank with you IS** he then disclosed what would be the >&u Reform Budget to be iritro- -note tiie date—" at the beginning e year 1910." This first Budget will be upon—(1) a two-shilling tax on corn, V/ general tax upon meat, and (3) a tax "^timber. 'Huxse are all taxes that do not merely Revenue—they also suit the landlords ^W ^Wtttry remarkably well. # v2?a»ls 8 we have had a paus<? in the discussions on the Budget. iHkv^*16 — including Mr. Lloyd-George,. !*fcs» vS an unexampled strain—had to ar^est. But what has been the result ? there have bfeen a cloud of silly About the Budget being "dropped," f, up, ''postponed." Don't believe of it, High Peak gave those the best reply. So far irom being 4§ Budget ia going as strong Xb.' „ • • ijT some people cannot be reason- •i|u v When Mr, Lloyd-George was driving %at.Clauses through the House, and «it all night, he was told that "HHeyJ/ disgracefully overstraining their Now that he takes a reasonable ffic Over a few difficulties he is "•"wai^fcely accused of hanging it up," B » j ¥* thing /will not be allowed tfctj- delaj or hurry the Government in fBkt i .§1fea^ p**pbse. The considoration. of ^lol5^„ W1, resumed after the Bank X' and will' be taken from day to "UIJ point to be dealt trith is the. Tw. Wh4it o i4 jthat "-H VerX jw«t and moderate levy •f »a^j_^W<llny <» the e«ptt«l -not y^iPSQam « parks or playing grouuda, *?, iaii ot pieooa oi Uflfc <L!?*ekir^ •w.a Wlu«i W


--,.-----------BABY'S PHOTOGRAPH.








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