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---......--------!LONDON NEWS.

---,___--_------REFUSED FOR…


REFUSED FOR LIFE INSURANCE. BEFORE USING DOAN'S PILLS PASSED BY TWO DOCTORS AFTERWARDS. Mr. Wm. Walker, of Brae foot Place, Douglas, Lanark, N. B., who says U'When I was stooping over at my work some years ago I was suddenly seized with a violent pain in my back. It com- pletely crippled me, and I had to be help- ed home; T- couldn't walk a step. "During the next week or two I o-rew h b rapidly worse. The water was sandy and difficult to pass, although there was a re- peated desire to rellieve the bladder, and I had to keep getting up in the night. What with these disturbances and back- ache and rheumatic pains, I never knew what it was to get a good night's sleep. "I took bottle after bottle of the doctor's medicine, but it was doing me no good, and for three months I had to be idle, without any income—a serious matter for me, as I am a. married man with four children. "I was in a miserable frame of mind, feeling convinced I should never get any better, when I happened to read about Doan's Backache Kidney Pills. I thought I might as well try them, and to my great relief they soon seemed to be. doring me good. My back wasn't so bad, I could stoop. about more easily, and the limbs weren't so stiff and rheumatic. The water began to get clearer, and as I kept on with the pills they gradually removed every trace of the kidney complaint and hla,dder weakness. "That was EIGHTEEN MONTHS AGO now, and ever since then there has been no sign of my old trouble, and I have been keeping at work, regularly. I get up every morning feeling; fit and well, and think nothing of the eight miles I have to walk each day. I owe mv life to Doan s Pills, and cannot praise them too highly. "Shortly before, my breakdown I went to a. doctor to be examined for Life Insur- ance, but after a careful examination he said I had kidney disease, and he could not pass glie. For years before that I had been troubled occasonally with pains in my back, and many a time after starting -===========-==-=====:==--=- out for work I ha,ve had to give up and come home. My eyes, too, used to be baggy when I got up in the mornings, and my feet swelled a great deal. "Since Doan's Backache Kidney Pills -====--==========-==-=============- cured me, I have again been examined for Life Insurance, by two doctors, and have passed splendidly both times, although the water was carefully tested for any trace of kidney disease. I am now in- sured w-th a well-known Insurance Office and two Friendly Societies. (Signed) "WILLIAM WALKER." No Medical Examiner will pass anyone for Insurance who has the least trace of kidney disea.sefor every doctor knows how serious this disease is and how treacherously kidney poisons attack every vital organ of the body. Some of the symptoms that should make you suspect your kidneys are: Occasional twinges of rheumatism, backache, urinary .disorders, the appear ace of watery circles under the eyes pr u nkles, cold hands and feet, grave, au.i constant drowsy feeling. If you have any Ui.^e symptoms, be- gin a thorough c i Dean's Backa be Kidney Pills, and same time do al you can to ra, se f1 if the system by strict attention t > aid the laws of health. D ■ i nd the highest because of their 1 cures of e* en serious cases of 1 >. lse8,se. 2s. 9d. a, box b 1 s 13s. 9d.; of all dealers, or d r' "t, ;i: free, from the F'oster-McClel.:n 8, Wells Street, Oxford Street u d 1 vV Be sure you get the same lls as iHr Walker had.


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