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--,,--Llandudno Urban Council.


Llandudno Urban Council. THE COUNCIL AND THE; UN- EMPLOYED. CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINE; TO BE PURCHASED. The monthly meeting of the Llandudno Urban District Council was held on Fri- day night, Mr EI. E. Bone in the chair. There were present Messrs. W. Beaumont, David Davies, H. Edwards, Pierce Jones, W. H. Jones,, J. MeMaster, J. J. Marks, Robt. Roberts, F. J. Sarson, A. E). Vollam and W. O. Williams, Mr A. Conolly (clerk), Mr W. Wood (account- a,nt), Mr Wi. T. Ward (assistant sur- veyor), Mr H. Morton (electrical en- gineer), Mr W" Shadbolt (gas manager) and Mr W. D. Longshaw (deputy clerk). AN OFFER ACCEPTED. Mr Rlichard Hughes, Oak Alun, having offered to make arrangements on behalf of the respective owners for the road at the back of W'oodville Grove being com- pleted by private contract to the satisfac- tion of the Council subject to the road being subsequently taken over as a high- way repairable by the inhabitants at large, it was resolved that subject to the whole road being! completed in accordance with the specification of the Surveyor and to the satisfaction of the Works Committee the proposal be agreed to. PUBLIC LAVATORIES. It was reported that a letter had been read at a meeting of the Works Committee' from a London visitor acknowledging the courteous attention he received from the attendant at the lavatory in Mostyn Street when taken ill in the lavatory, a,nd that a postal order had been enclosed in the let- ter to be handed to the attendant. A sug- gestion was also made that notices should be placed in the lavatories requesting per- sons frequenting the places to refrain from spitting. The 'committee gave instructions for notices to be placed in all lavatories. Mr Marks suggested that similar notices should be fixed in other places, and Mr Hugh Edwards said that there should be some notices with regard to writing on the walls. Both suggestions were referred to the Surveyor to be adopted. The, Surveyor was requested to consider what means can be adopted to enlarge the public lavatories in Lower Mostyn Street. NOT ACCORDING TO PLANS. It was reported that a letter- was read from Mr T'hos. Thomas, St. David's Road, complaining that the stables recently erected at the rear of St. David's Road, had not been built according to the ap- proved plans. The Surveyor having produced the plans and pointed out in what respect they had not been complied with, it was decided to ask the owner to submit a, plan shewing in what respect the original plan had been varied, and at the same time state that the committee was not pre- pared to approve of a window in the posi- tion it was shown. THE WORKS COMMITTEE AND THE: FOOTBALL CLUB The Works Committee having declined to give the Amateurs Football Club per- mission to display advertisements on the grand stand in the Council Field, a letter was read from the Secretary asking the Council to reverse th decision, no adver- tisements to be displayed until approved by the Clerk to the Council. Mr Hugh Edwards proposed that the letter be referred to the Works Com- mittee Mr MeMaster disapproved of the field being disfigured by advertising matter, and was supported by Mr Robt. Roberts. Mr F. J. Sarson proposed that permis- sion be granted, and was seconded by Mr J. J. Marks. The proposal was defeated, only four voting in its favour. WATER SUPPLY TO LOCK-UP SHOPS. The following resolution, with reference to the suppply of water to lock-up shops, adopted by the Works Committee was ap- proved d: —"That having considered carefully the question of water supply to lock-up shops, this committee are unable at the present time to recommend any variation of the existing arrangement." At the close of the Council Mr F'. J. Sarson gave notice that at the next meet- ing he would propose —"That having re- gard to the greatly reduced charges levied in many cities and towns in Great Britain upon lock-up shopkeeiprs for the supply and use of water to their shops the Water and Gas Committee be instructed to lower the charges in Llandudno so as to conform with the reduced charges that obtained in the above cities and towns, particulars of which will be furnished for the information of the councillors prior to this resolution being- moved." THE FIRiE BRIGADE. The Bye-laws Committee reported hav- ing further discussed the recommendation of the Fire Brigade Superintendent for the purchase of a combined hose escape and chemical engine at an estimated cost of about £ 270, and had passed the follow- ing resolution thereon "That the Council be recommended to adopt the proposal and to insrtuct the Clerk to invite tenders from all the well-known makers for the supply of the said appliances." Mr McMaster described the proposal as an old friend in a new phase which had been defeated a few months ago. Mr F. J. Sarson: Referred back. Mr MeMaster: Referred back in this case meant defeat, and now the Council are recommended to roam all over the country to find a better, worsel or cheaper engine. Why should we as property owners have not only to pay for insur- ing it and have to pay for ,a; fire brigade at the same time. The insurance com- panies are reaping, a, rich harvest out of us I suppose we will be told that this apparatus is for saving life, whereas it is more likely to choke people." Mr McMaster then referred to the sur- prise call given when the matter was dis- cussed before and the prompt response, and contended that with such an efficient brigade there was no need of the new ap- pliance. After warning members that un- j less these small items were kept in check the Council would find it extremely diffi- cult to make ends meet in a, few years on a 4s. 6d. rate,, he proposed that the re- commendation be deleted from the minutes. Mr W. 0. Williams seconded on the same grounds. Mr Pierc Jones asked if the amount wa,s provided for in the estimates. £ 270 meant practically a rate of Id. in the 2, and he would also like to know if the Bye- laws Committee had considered the mat- ter from a financal standpoint or did they merely want to be first in the field in this part of the world with a chemical engine. In his opinion the brigade was already very efficiently equipped. The Accountant said that it was intend- ed by the Bye-laws Committee to spread payment for the chemical engine over a period of years and JB.50 was included in the estimates. The amount, however, was struck out by the Finance Committee. Replying as Chairman of the Com- mittee; Mr F. J. Sarson said that ques- 4 tions about the estimates did not come with very good grace from members of a committee who had appointed a band- master whose salary was not provided for. The matter was one of life and death.- (Laughter.) The Fire Brigade inspector had said that he would not be responsible for the control of any fire, for his ladders were not long enough to reach the top windows of some of the high buildings in ,I Llandudno unless the Council would effectively equip the brigade to cope with the danger. The call referred to proved nothing beyond the agility of the brigade. The recommendation of the committee was adopted by six votes to five, A "BURNING" QUESTION. A lengthy report was submitted to the Electricity Committee by Mr H. Morton on the question of providing an induced draught plant to minimise the smoke nuisance from the electricity works and refuse destructor. The committee recom- mended the Council to carry out the en- gineer's recommendation for the provision of an induced draught plant and to apply to the Local Government Board for sano- tion to borrow the sum of £ 324 to install the( same. Opposing the recommendation, Mr McMaster said the real fault was that the chimney was not high enough for the work it had to do. There were more boilers at the works, than the chimney could cope with, and the new Lancashire boiler erected a short time ago was idle for the greater part of the time on that account. In his opinion the chimney should have been on the side of the, hill. He proposed that the matter be referred to the Council in committee. Mr Robt. Roberts, in seconding, re- ferred to the "bying squadron" which went up and down the country inspecting de- structor works, and found the best type to be that adopted for Llandudno. He sug- gester that the builders be written to ask- ing them to see what could be done. The, Chairman informed Mr Roberts that the builders were not now in busi- ness. Mr Pierce Jones (chairman of the electricity committee) said that he had no objection to the matter being referred i Z7, to the Council in committee, but he would like it to be held at an early date, for the question was a burning one.—(Laughter.) The Chairman There will be a meet- ing next week. The motion was then agreed to. THE; FREiE LIBRARY. The minutes of the Library Committee were presented and approved of. Among the recommendations was on in- structing the Librarian to obtain the. catalogue of "Eivery Man's Library" and to order a hundred volumes of the 2s. edi- tion not already in the library. An offer made by Mrs Roberts, Huy- ton, to arrange a bazaar in aid of the funds was accepted with thanks. THE COUNCIL AND JOINT POLICE COMMITTEE. The Chairman of each standing com- mittee of the Council having; been ap- pointed a special committee to consider the question of the provision of a site for the erection of new police, premises re- ported having met on the 27th September, when a letter was read from the Clerk of the Peace stating that the minimum area required for the purpose was 500 square yards. The committee went over the sugges- tions made on the matter four years ago and various other suggestions, eventually deciding (a) to ask the Surveyor to con- sider what re-arrangement could be made of the present Market iHalI and yard premises; (b) to ascertain whether the site offered by Lord Mostyn at the corner Back Vaughan Street and Oxford Road was still available, and if so on what terms. A further meeting was held on the 14th October, when the Clerk reported that he had seen Mr G. A. Humphreys with re- gard to the land in Oxford Road with respect to which lengthy negotiations took place some time ago. The estate de- murred to a third party being: brought into the negotiations, and Mr Humphreys stated tha,t as the land has not vet been disposed of he had no doubt Lord Mostyn would be prepared to favourably consider a new application by the Police Com- mittee. The assistant engineer submitted to the committee a plan shewing how the build- ings in the, large yard might be re- arranged with a view to providing: a, site for the required premises, the plan also giving1 details of the accommodation re- quired. The assistant engineer estimated that irrespective, of rent the sum of £90.0. (approximately) would be required from the Police Committee to cover the cost of necessary alliterations and displacement of the existing premises, and the estimated proportion of ground rent was stated to be about £ 10. The committee were of opinion that only at great inconvenience could the Council place at the disposal of the Police Committee any portion of the yard, but nevertheless they would be prepared in the event of the Police Committee being unable to arrange for a site in Oxford Road, or other satisfactory situation, to recommend the Council to sub-clemise to the Police Committee the site shewn on the plan submitted subject to the pay- ment of a, sum of ;C900,. The rent pay- able annually to be in proportion to the rent now paid by the Council for the whole of the yard, or, in the alternative, to sell the said plot at the said sum of £90.0. plus a sum to cover the rent calculated at twenty-five years' purchase. The Council to indemnify the purchasers against all clams for rents. Mr Hugh Eidwards proposed that the recommendation be not agreed to. The yard was the only place in the centre of the town convenient for carting; purposes and storage. He. did not see why the Council should go out of its way to accommodate the Joint Police Committee, and did not see why something: could not be done with the. present buildings to modernise and enlarge them. Mr W. O. Williams, in seconding, said he considered the yard essential for the work of the town, and was of opinion that there was plenty of ground near the rail- way station that could be acquired. The Chairman pointed out that the re- commendation was to give the land in the Council yard if other land could not be obtained. They all felt that the best site for the premises would be near the rail- way station, and he saw that negotiations had been re-opened for the Oxford Road site. The recommnedation of the special committee was that rather than that the project should fall through the Council was prepared to give up a portion of its own yard. Mr J. J. Marks contended that thE,! Town Hiall should her the centre of muni- cipal work. He did not despair of Llan- dudno becoming a borough some day, when the administration of justice would be in the hands of borough magistrates. He felt that the Council should do all in its power to have the, inspector's house and police cells built near headquarters, where a room could be arranged for the 9 administration of justice. If the Oxford Road site was decided upon it WQuld; mean that the Joint Police Committee would be compelled, owing to ts distance from the Town Hall, to erect a suitable court-room which would add considerably to the cost. The Council should -bear that in mind, and he urged the members to adopt the recommendation of the com- mittee. Mr Pierce Jones was strongly of opin- ion that the whole of the yard was neces- sary for the work of the town. If they could afford to give away any space he would let the Joint Police Committee have it, but they could not. The only question to be considered was which was best for the Council and town generally, to have a spacious yard for the work or to cripple it so as to have the police sta- tion close to the Town Hall. He believed the former, and would vote against the recommendation. Mr Robt. Roberts pointed out that the proposal would not involve the doing away with the market hall, but only with a portion of it, and that portion mainly dead wall, which brought in very little re- venue. He was further of opinion that. the re-arrangement would be to the ad- vantage of the tenants of the hall. The Joint Police Committee were only asking for the minimum space necessary, and if they intended going in for a greater Llan- dudno an effort ought to be made to get all public offices as near together as pos- sible. He was very sorry to notice that no Llandudno member had been appoint- ed on the special police committee dealing with the matter, but was of opinion it was more due to an oversight than a de- sire to ignore the town. Mr David Davies asked if the Com- mittee had considered the site of the old police station as a, suitable one if extend- ed to Mostyn Street. He considered that if the house was purchased and the prem- ises re-built nothing more would be re- quired. L I Mr McMaster said that to give up any portion of the market hall or yard would be a piece of 2great folly. He considered it a great nuisance to have the police courts held in the Town HaOil, in which there was not a single room adapted for the purpose. The joint police committee had received offers of land for a police station which they had not even the grace to acknowledge. They had made up their minds to have a central site and that site near the Tlown Hall, whereas they could get vacant land nearer the railway station and nearer that part of the town where the bulk of the rowdyism and drunkenness existed. Mr Sarson said he wished to associate himself with Mr McMaster's remarks. Mr D. P. Williams was reported to have said "Unless you find us a site we, will patch up the present place and make that serve," and he resented the tone of the remarks. Hie further doubted very much if the ratepayers would permit them to alienate part of their accommodation for the so-called administration of justice. The Market Hall cost £ 3000; were they going to make it smaller to accommodate criminals and a sergeant of police at the intimidation of the Joint Police Com- mittee. He thought not, and warmly sup- ported the resolution of Mr Eidwards. The Chairman said he could not vote for the amendment to the minutes. The recommendation clearly said that only "in the event of the police committee notbeing able to arrange for a site in Oxford Road" we were going to subject ourselves to in- convenience in order that there may be no further delay. The motion of Mr Hugh Edwards was then put and carried by a large majority. Z" i I LIGHT RAILWAY FARES. It was reported that a meeting of the special committee appointed in the matter of Light Railway Fares and Stages had met on October 13th, when the Clerk read correspondence which had taken place be- twen the Light Railway Company and himself on the subject of fares and stages and with regard to carriages for the labouring classes at stated times and at reduced fares. In answer to the Company's enquiry, the Clerk was requested to state that there is every reason to believe that consider- able use would be made of the workmen's carriages if run by the Company as re- quired by Section 66 of their Order of 1896. He was also instructed to inti- mate that unless the Council receive with- in seven days a satisfactory communica- tion with regard to tram fares and stages in Llandudno they will communicate with the Board of Trade in the matter. LOAN SANCTION. The Clerk read the Local Government Board's sanction to a loan of J6467 for making the new road from Conway Road -to Clarence Street, at the same time ex- pressing a hope that the road would be made thirty-six feet wide as soon as pos- i e, sible P ENRHYN SIDE DESIRES AMAL- GAMATION WITH LLANDUDNO. A letter was read from the Clerk to the Parish Council of Penrhynside asking the Council to arrange for a conference to be held between the two authorities with a view to Penrhynside being, joined to Llan- dudno. Mr Pierce Jones proposed that six re- presentatives be appointed to report in a month. The Chairman said a month was not long enough. It was then unanimously agreed that representatives be appointed to report as early as possible, and the following were appointed:—Messrs. J. J. Marks, J. McMaster, A. E,. Vollam, Pierce Jones and W. 0. Williams, with the chairman of the Council ex-officio CYMRODORION SOCIETY TO BE FORMED. A letter was read from Mr Spinther James asking; the Council to grant the use of the Library Lecture Room for a meeting to be convened by Mr L. J. Roberts. M.A., His Majesty's Inspector of Schools, with a view to the formation of a Cymrodorian Society in Llandudno. The letter was referred to the Library Committee. A GENEROUS OFFER. A letter was read from Mr Hugh F. Hall offering to buy Tanybryn Quarry at the rate of £100 an acre.-(Laughter.) The Clerk said the offer worked out at 5d. per square yard. The Chairman: I can get an offer for more than that. The letter was referred to the Finance Committee, the Clerk stating that the Council were already receiving J62 a year as rent for a shed on the property. THE PROMENADE BAND. A letter from Mr Peter Kohl asking the Council to re-engage the Promenade Band on the same terms as last year was 1-1-1 referred to the Bye-laws Committee, THE COUNCIL AND THE UNEM- PLOYED. Mr Pierce Jones asked if the assistant surveyor was in a position to start work on the N antygamar Road water pipe line on Monday and when he could start the making of the new road. Mr Ward replied that the work of lay- ing the pipes could be proceeded with, but he thought it advisable to wait until the negotiations for the site for a tank had been settled. With regard to the road two tenants had stated the amount of com- pensation they required, the other two were waiting for valuations to he made, Mr Marks asked what had become of the offer of Craigyclon to pay the com- pensation. Mr Vollam It will be paid as soon as we know the amount. Á Mr Ward It would not be advisable to commence work till the amount or com- o pensation had been fixed. Eventually Mr Ward said he could start the Nantygamar Road work on Monday. Mr Robt. Roberts asked the Chairman if he could see his way to appeal to those who contemplated making alterations to or renovating their premises and could afford to do so to get the work done now that so many were U unemployed. A few years ago he said an appeal was made in the press which was very suc- cessful. The Chairman I will make the appeal. TOWN PLANNING. In reply to questions, the Chairman said he had attended the Town Planning Conference in London, and visited Letch- worth and another garden city. and would present a short report on what he had seen. THE, COUNCIL ADJOURNS. The Council then adjourned till the fol- lowing Friday at 2 30 p.m