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LLANDUDNO GUARDIAN SOCIETY. FIFTEENTH ANNUAL DINNER. MR. W. T. CHINNECK ON BUSINESS METHODS. HOW TO ADVERTISE: A HEALTH, RESORT. BIGOTED SABBATARIANISM CRITICISED. The annual banquet of the Llandudno Guardian Society for the Protection of Trade took place at the Imperial Hotel ,on Friday night. The Society has now been in existence for fifteen years, and has steadily grown from its inception. Among the business men who have pre- sided over its delliher,at,ions .the name of the late Mr Richard Conway stands prominently, he occupying the position for the first three years of the Society's exist- ence. He was followed for two years by the late Mr Stephen Dunphy, and then in succession came Messrs. Ralph Fisher, Walter A. Jones, Wm. Arnold, J. O1. Thomas, J.P., John Roberts (two yeans), W. RI. Brookes, T!. H. Fitzsim- mons, iB. Ri. Bartley, and Alec Taylor. This year:, for the first time, a medical man was elected to the presidency, in Dr. TI. L. K. Davies, and he accordingly took the, chair on Friday, supported in the vice-chair by Mr Alec. G. Moy, part proprietor of "Llandudno Advertiser." The company was full repre- sentative .of the professional and com- mercial life of the town, those present in- cluding Mr W. T'. Chinneck, manager of the well-known journal, "The Organiser," who deputised for Mr W H. Lever, M.P., Messrs. J. E. Hallmark, J. O1. Thomas, J.P., Rev. LI. Ri. Hughesl, M.A., Messrs C. H. Beva.n, H. WI Lance, John Roberts (Bryn Celyn), A. H. Hughes, Wm. Arnold, R. S. Chamberlain, Dr. Dalton, Dr. H. Bold Williams, Messrs, EL W. Johnson, J. Adey Wells, Alec Taylor, G. A. HumphreysyH. EL Bonnalie, Dr. Lockhart- Mure, Dr. Goo-ddy, Messrs. J. Winter, Adoniah Evans, CL Greenhalgh, J. W. Gardiner, C. A Moses, 8 Chantrey, Wm. Duncan, W. Ri. Brookes, J. H. ,Jones, H. WI" Sheldon, R,. Dunphy, T. lSwinnerton, W. A. Jones), A. Deacon, L. A. Cocker, A. Bellils, F. Holland, Ei. E:. Bone, junr' E. P. Morris, T'. W. Jones, Rowel Jones, Fl. J. Sarson, Hugh Edwards, J. Owen, Greenwood, J. B. Jones, A. Dunphy, G. F'. Brown, C. 'Sear ell, J. Mcintosh, Smith, R. Roberts, junr., J. H. Rioberts, T'. Byrne, Griffith Roberts, C. Dawson, R. C Baxter, H. G. Nelson, L. Mudd, T'. J. Jones, C. Bowdage, H. Zaloudek, Fl. Lyne, J. Dicken, J. Forrester, R. Pierce, O. Felix, Hugh Jones, Pryce Williams, Dean, L. Fildes, John Roberts (Che-lien- House), R. W'. Williams, J. Dimelow, Herbert Hooson, WL J. Williams, W. T'. Parker, Wm. Jones, EL Brereton, H. Higginbottom, W. LL Searell, A. M. Fla,sh, J. B. Parry, T'. J. Roberts, R. E, Davis, Enoch Da-vist, Lidbetter, Ri. Thomas, Ri. J. Williams, T'hos. Hughes, Wm. Philjlipis, W. B. Briggs, J. D. Parry, J. Reeves Hughes, J. Jones, R,. T. Owen, Wm. Hugihes, J. Roberts, R. T. Wynne, John Williams, LL Davies, C. H. Butterworth, G. C Roberts, J Holb- son, Edward Owen, W. Davies, T. Lin- coln Evans, J. Tipton, C. Hughes, H. A. Jones, 1. Williams, L. Jones, Den- bigh Cooper, Claxion Jones, A. R. Hugihesi, ("Advertiser") and D. Clwyd 06ffith ("Directory.") THE REPAST. The following is a copy of the menu — Oleap Turtle. Creme du Barry. Filet of iSiole a la, Sirasburg. Whitebait, a.u Naturel. Jugged Hare a, FAnglaise. j Roast Riilbis. of Beef. Horseradish Sauce. Parisienne Potatoes. Brussels1 Sprouts, Artichokes. Roast Turkey. York Ham. Salad. Pouding; Paysa,nne. Petite, Cases a la, Russe. Nidsi d'Oisea-u. Oelee Champagne. Cheese Straws. Glace Praline, Gautres. Dessert. Coffee. The dinner was an excellent one and served with that expeditiousness. only gained by long experience. Mr Chantrey is to be congra-tuila-ted on the perfect ar- rangements made for the comfort of the guests.. APOLOGIES. Mr J. EL Hallmark read a. telegram he had received from Mr WL H. Lever, M.P., who had promised to be present, expressing his regret at not being, able to enjoy the Society's hospitality and con- veying his heart's wishes for a, successful ,evening Mr Hallmark also announced the receipt of apologies by Mr Has sail ((who said that he had not previously missed one of the dinners, and Mr Stanley Russell. THE LOYAL TOASTS. With commendable brevity the loyal toas.is were given by the chairman and dUlly honoured;, the soli being sung by Mr Denbigh Cooper. THE NAVY AND ARMY. The toast, of "The Navy and Army," coupled with the name of Sergt. Major J. B. Jones, was given by Mr C. H. Bevan, who said that the toast, was one that never failed to raise (the greatest en- thusiasm. As their worthy friend. Sergt. Major Jones,, was to respond to the toast, he felt that, he, could not do better than devote himself principally to the naval part of the toast. In the annals of the navy one name stood pre-eminen Nel- son.-(Applause.) It was he who gave Britain command of the sea. and It be- hoved Britishers to do their utmost to maintain that üommand.-(App] ause.) In order to secure 'that he (the speaker) thought it was absolutely necessary to maintain, the two-power standard, which entailed the raising of an immense amount of capital to pay for the security pro- vided. It was no use' asking for security and then objecting to grant supplies. Great though the sum might be it was a very light burden when compared with the value of theliir sea-borne trade.— (Hear, hear.) Mr Bevan then dealt with the in- creased naval strength of Germany as compared with British, and said they knew that British Jack tars from cabin boys to admirals would do their duty, and therefore the nation should not be niggardly in supplying; their every require- ment.-(Appl.au,s,e.) The Colonies had awakened to the fact that they were very much part of the British empire, and had expressed in no measured terms their willingness toi bear their share in the bur- den of protecting the Eh-ipiir;e,(Ap- plause.) New Zealand and Australia had each promised a battleship or its equivalent, Canada had expressed a wish to form a navy of her own, and practi- cally arranged to open yards in the Dominion for building the warships that were to form her fleet, which would prove, a two-folidl good, for it would not only enable Canada to enter into- the ship- building trade, but also provide yards to which Britain could send her ships for repairs if the necessity arose. As regards the army he, gathered from the report of the Army Council that practically all branches of the regular army were well up to strength. The Territorial Branch, however', appeared! to be suffering: from a wasting disease which Sergt. Major Jones might be able to diagnose and sug- gest a remedy for. So without, further delay he would give the toast of the "Army and Navy," and hope that it, might ever stand first in the world and come out top dog, every time a triajl of strength occurred.—(Applause.) Siergt. Major Jone, who was very cordially received on rising to respond, said the toast was an old one. It had been proposed for very many years, and he could add little or nothing to it. They all knew Tommy Atkins, and what, he was in time. of war1. They all gloried in his victories, and felt for him in his disasters,—(Hear, hear.) But did they do. their duty by him after the war1 was over. Did they think of him after he had served his 'twelve years, a great portion of it in different parts of the globe. Did they think of him and T'eward him as the pioneer of civilization, going among strange people- and opening up avenues for commerce.—(Applause.) It, was he who gave the country freedom of trade and secured the routes. Did they think of him in that light, and remember him when his duty was over. No, they for- got hiiii. -("Shame.") It was a, shame, for it was soldiers that made history and were often asked to pull politicians out of a, mess.—(Laughter and applause.) Sergt. Major Jones then dealt with the Territorial department, and said the Territorial Act was one of the best things done in the, history of the auxiliary forces during the whole of his twenty-six years' connectiion with those forces.—(Ap- plause.) The act demanded efficiency. When he first joined the annual camp was regarded as a holiday. It was no holiday now. A member had to make. himself efficient. He might be called up at 4-30 in the morning and sent out on duty to a, distant post with a hunk of bread and; cheese and a hottle; of water and remain on duty throughout the en- tire day. The necessity for the Terri- torial army was acknowledged, and he regretted that young! men of the class present thai;, night, were not- in the ranks. He missed the class of men they had in the ranks sixteen years ago. They did get the labouring man who got up at, six o'clock in the morning, and who after a long day's work donned his uniform at n;ght.-(Applause.) He did not suggest the commercial class was not loyal, but he would like to see a, larger proportion of the young men in the Territorial ranks. -(Hear, hear.) The Territorial force stood between the. people and conscrip- tion, yet he knew there would be a great fallling away in 1912, and the- Govern- ment would have to find some means to fill the ranks. There would be no re- source left but conscription, and what- ever' Government, introduced that would lose respect. Should war come the enemy would show no respect to anyone, so he would advise everyone to try and fill the Terrtitoriati ranks and so make the sicheme, a success and keep out the bogey of (compulsory military service.'—(Ap- plause.) On behalf of th-ei regiment he represented he thanked those employers of labour who even in the busy season had allowed their men to go into train- ing", although he was. sure it was putting a strain on their patriotism. The em- ployer who even in July and August let his men off had his patriotism deep at heart.-(Applause,.) The day would come when training would be compulsory, and it was tiheitr diuty to keep that "must" away as long as they -could.—(Loud and prolonged applause.) TIHEI, GUARiDIAN SOCIETY. Mr Wí. TL Chinneck, proposing the toast of the evening, -i.e., "The, Llan- dudno Guardian Society for the Pro- tection of Trade," said he considered it a great honour1 to' be allowed to propose the b toast and to represent such a famous business man as Mr W. H. Lever.—(Ap- pla-use.) He had been asked to speak on business methods, and qualities making for success, which characterised the large cities of the country. The qualities were I the same that had existed for centuries, namely (1), sterling hone-sty; (2), an in- satiable love of hard work, and (3), an open mind which wouldi keep track of prevarling1 conditions.—(Applause.) The qualities were the same everywhere, in town or country, hut methods differed in the large centres. One important differ- ence was me^ihodi. Organisation was as necessary in small centres as in the large THE: PRESIDENT. PHOTO BY EDGE LTD. ones. The man in business could not afford to work in a haphazard way. He had to take stock of his- opportunities and obtain an exact knowledge of things. Then having found the best way and put his money down, he would) have to resolutely go on.—(Applause.) Business organisation in the large centres had been brought to a very fine point, and as a ciountryban himself he was glad that to a great extent the commercial life of the cities was being recruited by the best thought and brains of the country.—(Ap- plause.) Mr Chinneck then gave die-tails of l different methods of advertising followed ¡ by the most successful firms, and con- tinued by stating that it was a very valuable thing to have a target to aim at, and having fixed a reasonable figure, to concentrate all their energies and the j energies of their heads of departments on the effort. Everyone shouldi go through the profit and loss account and have them split up and analysed. The lessons learnt from those accounts should be the basis of trading in future years. THE NEED OF A DEFINITE POLICY. Mr Chinneck then dealt- with the need of a definite policy. The, business man, he sa:'jd, should endea-v-our to find out why customers came to his shop to buy and why he should ask others to do likewise. If he could find no dlear reason for their coming he could not expect the general public to come. All the great retailers had some definite policy. Selfridge's ad- vertised dependable goods and the most comfortable shopping; Warings that they had the most beautiful stores; Harrod's that it was the house of quality, and Maples that, they ,dealt. in sound fur- nilture He might go through the whole list and show that each had a, definite and distinctive policy, not forgetting one famous firm which did not advert,ise., but which depended on the beautiful dressing of its windows and so caught the cus- tomers attracted by the advertising of its neighbours.—(Applause.) It did not matter what the policy was, so long as it was definite- and put down in plain language.—'(Applause.) Every great business depended upon policy and organisation, and so, there was behind each one only one man thau mattered. One personality who dominated the whole, who insisted upon having a thoroughly good staff, and got it trained, developed and enthusiastic. It paid) to gtiJve the staff an interest in the business and to treat them like fellow being instead of oppress- ing thein.(Apptlause.) Policy and organisation made com- bination possible. All great stores were combination of small business. It was in that combination of businesses that they were able to beat the retailer of country towns. Large stores had come to stay and would develop. Country business men would therefore have, to find what sort of combination they could join. How was Llandudno affected by the great stores, which had an un- limrited field in which to operate and took way much business from the coun- try. There was no necessity sending to the London stores for goods, and it, would be as weQII to try to find out why people did so. How did London take their trade away from country districts. The reply was by advertising. He had not seen any local newspaper, but was certain if he secured one he would find that a great portion of the advertise- i'ng in it was done by people who had no interest in the town. It was good for a town to have a strong Press, and the only way to get it, was to support, it by adver- tising in its -columns. If it paid the out- sider to. advertise it would-pay the.' lo'cal tradier.—(Applause.) He begieved that the well-to-do residents would all shop in their own locality if the tradesmen ad- vertised more regularly and in good de- cent language.—(Applause.) He did not advise anyone; to try and be smart or clever, for, people liked to realise that they were dealing with an ordinary honest personage. He had no doubt but that if the tradesman of Llandudno properly supported their1 local paper, articles would be inserted therein pointing out whati meant to have the trade kept, in the town, and which might possibly be re- produced in book form and distributed to the customers. The big London stores would beat the. local business men until the latter combined to keep the, trade, in their own district. It could be done by properly using their local papeir .-(Ap plause.) With regard to advertising: the town he thought, tha-t something: better might be done. What, had Llandudno got, to sell. j He believed they had health, happiness and holiiidays, a-nd would advise them to advertise those and what it would cost a man to spend a holiday in the town.- (Hear, hear.) He did not remember seeing any holiday resort advertising the latter, although it was a very important consideration. Intending visitors should be told what fine shops they had, and that it was possible to buy everything needed to make a holiday enjoyable. As it was many people landed at the seaside loaded with everything they would want for theilr visit, much to. their discomfort in travelling. The only way to stop that was to make it known that Llandudno was a beautiful place, that it was a place with good shops, and that visitors could get everything they want in the town.- (Applause.) A SUCCESSFUL SEASON., Mr A. H. Hughes, Rochester House, replying to the toast, said he had been in business in the town for twenty-seven years, and he had come to the conclusion that Llandudno had enjoyed a very fair season indeed considering the weather.- (Applause.) There were many things that conduced to that prosperity. First of all, he believed the trams had proved a great boon to the tradesmen during the two years they had been running, and they everyone ought to appreciate the putting on of the new beautiful and comfortable train cars.—(Applause.) Another thing which conduced to the prosperity were the Pier Concerts.— (Hear, hear.) He quite believed the statement that the Pier Orchestra was the finest out of London.—(Appla-use.) Another factor was the way in which the London and North-Western Railway Company had taken up the advertising of Llandudno and North Wales Coast,— I (Applause.) That advertising had re- sulted in the town being fuller than ever during the months of July, August and September. What was wanted now was more advertising in the earlier part of the year, so that more people- could be induced to come in the beautiful month of May.-(Applause.) He was very glad to notiíce that Llandudno was supporting the advertising scheme of the Company for next season, for they might depend upon it t-hat most- of the- visitors who came to neighbouring resorts would also visit Llandudno to. the advantage of the tradesmen generally. At the same time he thought the company should be ap- proached by those in authority and asked for a better winter train service,. -,(Hear, hear.) A better train service would, he was confident, mean more winter visi- tors.)—(Applause.) Another and a most important factor in making the season a. good one was the autumn concert season.—(Applause.) The concerts had been taken in hand by a town's committee, who, collected the sum of £ 301 2s. 6d. in subscriptions. The cash taken at the galtes was JE281 18s. 9d., wh-ich with another small item brought the grand total up to £583, 17s 3d. (Applause.) When they remembered that a neighbouring watering place had sus- tained a loss of P,600 on their concerts, the fact that the Llandudno concerts were so successful was something to' be proud of.—(Applause.) The committee had still a balance in hand of over £ 100, and collectors were again at work inviting subscriptions for next season. In his opijnion they as a town should do their utmost to extend the concert season still further.—(Applause.) Hie also thought that some move should hel made to secure for Llandudno next season a visit from a portion of His Majesty's fleet of Dread- noughts .-(Applause.) Referring to Mr Chinneck's address, Mr Hughes said that London Stores no, doubt dfdaffect local trade, but he had heard of many ladies who went to the biig London stores and had a l'ook at everything, but who afterwards came back to Llandudno to buy, and remarked how much fresher and cleaner the Llandudno- shops and goods looked.- (Laughter and applause.) He thought, however, the town should make, the three words—health, happiness and prosperity the key-note of their advertising. They wanted Llandudno talked about all over the three Kingdoms, but that could not be obtained unless they advertised. Almost every health resort- was advertis- ing, and it would never do for Llandudno to lag behind.—(Hear, hear.) THE! VISITORS. Mr H. W. Lance proposed the toast of the Visitors, coupled with the name of Mr EL W. Johnson. It was difficult, he said, to know who were visitors at that gathering except Mr Chinneck, but he presumed the clergy and professional men were the visitors, and he extended to them a very hearty welcome. There were two kinds of visitors, welcome and unwelcome, to the latter of which hostesses were not at home when they called. He was pleased to think that they did not get very many of them in Llandudno, so that it could be said Llan- dudno was always "at home" to visitors. -(Applause.) Mr E!. W. Johnson was cordially re- ceived on rising to respond. He occu- pied, he said, a new role that night, which carried him hack over a period of 22 years to his first acquaintance with Llandudno, and he had resided in the town ever since.—(Applause.) There were severali kinds of visitors, and the most welcome were those who- brought money to spend. "We do those visitors well," continued Mr Johnson, and a roar of laughter greeted the remark. "We take them from the city or the plough, in the words of a famous song, and we teach them how they should walk and place their feet, and that is where we make a mistake. We are here for a certain purpose, not to hug ourselves with joy because God has given us such a beautiful place to live in. We are here to entertain our visitors when they come, not to tell them what they shall or shall not do.—(Ap- plause.) We ought not to mar their visit by ramming our own narrow- minded bigoted notions down their throats, however' sincerely we may hold those views.—(Applause.) We are here to help- them spend a healthy holiday, not to dictate to them whether they shall or shall not slit on the Great Orme on a, Sunday or on the beach.—(Applause.) We are here to help everybody who comes to get the best of everything Llandudno has to offer. Let us disabuse our minds of the i-dea,that we are here to dictate to our visitors what they shall do or shall not do, that we are to try to get them to comply with some bigoted notions of our own.—(Applause.) I am not an ant-i-Saibbatarian myself. I do not play o, g'f on a Sunday, for I believe that is not the way I should spend the day. But there are people who hold different ideas to which they have every right to stick. I am speaking on behalf of those visitors and I do want the people of Llandudno to realise that we can learn something from them and to give them credit for possessing consciences as well as our- sel ves .-(Applause.) are all visitors in a way," con- cluded Mr Johnson, "so let us take ad- vantage of these gatherings to gain ex- perience of one another, to he" p each other to trudge along as happily and brightly as possible.(Loud. applause.) Mr Chinneck also responded, and thanked the Society for the splendid hospitality extended to him. He had en- joyed the dinner, the wines and the speeches, especially the outspoken man- ner of Mr Johnson.—(Applause.) He quite agreed with Mr Johnson's views, and although he himself believed in keep- ing the Sabbath did not believe it was desecrated by those who did play golf or did some other thing that he did not. He i realised- one thing, and that, was that he. had no right to impose his views on those who differed from him.-(Appliause.) Mr Chinneck then reverted to the ques- tion o-f advertising, and said that the only thing he had learnt from the railway company's posters was that Llandudno was the "Naples of the North." He did not think thait. was the right way to ad- vertise, for Llandudno was not, the only seaside resort making a similar claim, and after all it was the real thing. Let Naples, if it, pleased, call itself Llan- dudno of the South.—(Laughter and ap- plause.) He would stick to health, hap- piness and holidays, and to telling people what, a jolly good place- Llandudno was to come to.—(Applause.) THE PRESIDENT AND VICE- PRESIDENT. Mr John Roberts, Bryn Celyn, pro- posed the toa,st of the president and vice- president, prefacing his remarks on the career of the former, by announcing that a movement had been initiated for in- viting the Incorporated Society of Musicians to hold their annual con- ference in Llandudno- next January.— (Applause.) Tradesmen generally, he said, would benefit by such a visit, and the movement should be supported by the Guardian Society.—(Applause.) Alluding to the president, Mr Roberts said he was the oldest medical practitioner in the town with one exception. His election to the chair did not mean that the Society was in ill-health—(laughter)— but it was the one honour they could give to a professional gentleman who had done his best for the town. Their chair- man was a strong man-iiot a, wobbler— who stuck to what he thought was right and had the courage to act on his con- victions .-—(Applause.) LLANDUDNO' S NEEDS. The Chairman, in response, said he had to thank Mr Roberts for the very kind and! too flattering remarks he had made concerning himself, and the mem- bers for the appreciative manner in which they had been received. Although on the present, occasion he occupied the exalted position of chairman at the festive board, he would liken himself to certain bodies called ferments, which were not of any great account in themselves, but which 'had the power undier certain (cir- cumstances of setting other bodies to work. He regarded himself that night as a ferment.—(Laughter and applause.) Upon perusing the annual report of the Society and noting the objects for which it existed he found that, one obiect was "to promote the welfare and watch the interests of members on alii matters re- lating to the town and trade of Llan- dudno and district which might from ■fiilme to time arise."—(Hear. hear. Much was heard in these davs about "natural growth" or "unchecked self-develop- ment" and other wonderful theories that no doubt had some measure of truth in them, but which nevertheless involved a fallacy capable of rr)u-h harm. ¡ During the course nf its "natural growth" Llandudno had developed into a very favourite pleasure resort, where the jaded workers from industrial hives found the mental relaxation they stood in need of in the amusements and excursions pro- vided for them.—(Applause.) The pro- portion of the year, however, during which those holiday makers invaded the t,own was but a, small one, so that for the major portion of the time the resident population was left to itself and its mem- bers were compelled to live upon each other. If, however, like skilful gar- deners, they took the "natural growth" it was possible, "secundum artem," to so change it, as to make it more suitable for its environment and more profitable to its possessors. From its geographical posi- tion and its physical characters Llan- dudno was eminently fitted for a first- class health resort provided the art and skill of man provided the necessarv ad- juncts.—(Applause.) Some twenty years ago in the columns of the local press he had pointed out, what some of those things were. They included the erection of detached or semi-detached villas hav- ing a southerly aspect—(hear, hear)—with verandahs under which visitors could sit or exercise in wet weather, and with balconies on which they could rest in sunny weather. -,(Applause .) Houses of similar constructiion formed a marked feature in the architecture of Bourne- mouth. Further he had advocated the erection of quadripartite gilass covered shelters in which invalids could sit, pro- tected from the prevailing wind.—(Hear, hear.) After years of delay such shelters had been provided, but he begged leave to suggest to the local authority that several others should be placed in sunnv situations, knowing as he did how those already in existence were appreciated by delicate people, The provision of a sufficient number of those shelters was of the utmost, importance to the success of the town as a Sanatorium. The late Pro- fessor Tyndal, as the result of a series of experiments, pointed out the much greater relative freedom from noxious n germs of the outside air compared with that inside even the best ventilated houses. That discovery had an important bearing upon present day treatment of diseases. The conditions in Llandudno were ideal for the carrying out of the open air treatment. for its atmosphere presented the main physical features of what made for health, i.e. (1), purity and comparative absence of floating matter; (2), dryness; (3), coolness of the air temperature in the summer owing to the sea breezes, and warmth of the sun tem- perature. in the winter owing to the ab- sence of floalsing matter; (4), intensity of light, from absence of clouds, and (5) a large amount of ozone.—(Applause.) A much needed want for invalids was a pub- lic garden, planted with plenty of suit- able trees and shrubs and laid down with grass plot,s.-(App-ia use.,) A surround- ing of greenery afforded an appropriate sedative and tonic to irritable and ex- hausted nerves, whilst the soft green turf was a relief to weary feet and eves. —(Applause.) If the Guardian Society in carrying -out the objects for which it was established was able to transform the town, so that itt might become both a health and pleasure resort its financial position would be considerably enhanced and its great natural advantages utilised as they really ought to be.—(Loud ap- plause. Mr Alec G. Moy, the vice-president, in thanking them for the kindly manner thev had received the- toast associated with his name, facetiously expressed a hope that they would carefully consider the advice given them by Mr Chinneck, especially that relating to making greater use. of the advertnsung columns of the locail Press, and act upon it.—(Laughter.) It was fourteen years since he first at- tended the annual dinner of the Llan- dudno Guardian Society, and he did not think he had missed one of these gather- ings since. Some few years ago an ordinary hotel dining room could easily accommodate all the members, but so popular had the annual dinner of the Society become, that now there were only one or two rooms large enough for their requirements. To his mind, these gather- ings played no mean part in promoting and fostering that, good feeling which was a noticeable feature of the commercial life of Llandudno. He trusted that good fellowship and unity would long continue to prevail.—(Applause.) THE MUSIC. The musical programme was of excep- I tional quality, the services of Mr Denbigh Cooper as principal vocalist and of Mr Ernest Claxton Jones as accompanist hav- ,,S ing been secured. Mr Cooper was at. his best, among his contributions being "The Z-1 Scout," "A trooper's duty," "My Friend." and the overture to "II Pagliacci." The ,company would have liked more, but so rapidly did old Father Time wing his flight that the demands could not be acceded to. In the humorous depart- ment Mr Arthur Dunphy wasi a great success. Commencing with "The Moun- tains of Mourne," this popular amateur gave a succession of Irish songs. If all the demands for encores had been acceded to the entertadnment, would have lasted till dawn and the company gone home with the milk. Mr M. Luther Mudd made his debut as a, vocalist at the an- nual gatherings, and rendered worthy assistance in making the fifteenth dinner L pronounced success.