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MISSIONARY EXHIBITION AT THE PIER PAVILION. MR. WM. JONES, 31.P., AND THE KING OF BELGIANS. In these days of doubt as to the effi- cacy of foreign missions and much discus- sion as to the wisdom of spending money on their furtherance when there is so much misery, and need of missionary zeal in our land, the missionary exhibition opened at the Pier Pavilion on Monday could not fail to prove interesting and in- structive. The exhibition was arranged by the Baptist Missionary Society, but almost every similar Society in the King- dom ha.s given the promoters assistance in some form or other. Thus the Society was able to gather together curios from the four quarters of the globe, and especially from India, China, and that. land of sor- row and shame—the Congo THE PATRONS. The local committee had followed the example of the Parent Society and secured the co-operation of a:11 the different de- nominations in the town, allotting a day to each. The list of patrons included the following:—The Right Hon. the Ear- of Cari}ington, K.G.. -he Right Hon. Lord Mostyn, the Right Hon. Lord Dun- donald, C.B., Right Hon. D. Lloyd- George, M.P., Chancellor of the Ex- chequer; Sir Charles McLaren, Bart., AT P. Str J. Herbert Roberts:, Bart.. M.P., the Lord Mayor of Bristol (Edward Robinson, E (I J. P.) Ellis Jones Griffith, Esq., M.P.. J.' Herbert Lewis, Esq., M.P. William Jones, Esq., M.P., Harry McLaren. Esq., M.P., J. Wil- liams, Esq. (Mayor of Conway), J. McMaster. Esq. (chairman of Llandudno Urban District Council), Lewis P. Nott, Esq. (Bristol), Jeremiah Williams-, Esq.. M A. (Abergele), J. Adev Wells, Esq., J.P., eit,c. THE OFFICIALS. The Chairman of the General Com- mittee was The Rev. David Davies, with the Rev. John Raymond, vice-chairman and the following officers:—General secretaries, Mr Willoughby Lance, and Mr Pryse Williams treasurer, Mr J. H. Jones, L.A.A. honorary architect Mr G. A. Humphreys, F.R.I.B.A., honorary surgeon; Dr. E. S. Gooddy: stewards. Mr R. T. W ynne and Mr A. Dean; stalls and decorations. Mr P. T. Owen; hand- book, Rev, J. Raymond and Miss L. Roberts. Arwendon; admission and rail- way, Mr II. Watson demonstration seer taries, Mr John Roberts and Miss L Goddard; exhibition secretary, Miss Griffiths, Morfen; hospitality secretaries, Mrs Raymond, and Mrs Lance: mistress of the robes, Miss Parry, Ty Gwyn; biograph secretary. Mr Liloyd; school secretary, the Rev. I-r. Bryn Davies; special aim secretarv, Rev T. Roberts, Lianeiian; scout captain, Norman Owen. ROUND THE EXHIBITS. A tour round the exhibition shewed the great pains taken to make it complete and instructive. Arranged round the room were Indian., Chinese and Congo Courts, Chinese Guest Rooms and Opium den. relic room, orientaJ stalls, native doctor's shop, tea gardens. heathen temples. Indian Zenana, Congo stockade, a relief map of Central Africa, and last but not least the famous steamship, "Peace." The forepart of the battered, broken, and fragile relic was erected in the hie-scope hall, and there is no doubt but, that it was the most interesting relic in the exhibition to nine-tenths of the visi- tors. This steamer was built in 1882, carried across the seas in sections and launched at Stanley Pool in 1884 by the indomitable pluck of the pioneer and missionary of the Congo, the Rev. George Grenfeil, and for twenty-four years was used by the missionaries there to carry the Gospel message into the very heart of Africa. She has now been re-placed by another vessel, but: her time of usefulness to the Society judging by the interest taken in her has not vet, terminated. The Courts and stalls were in charge of the following ladies and gentlemen Zenana, l\Lss Wynne, Mcseley House Congo, Rev. John Raymond; China, Rev. David Davies India, Riev. E. T. Davies. Old Colwyn. and the Rev. Peter Jones, Colwyn Bay Bible translation and relics, Rev. T. Roberts. Lianeiian; medical, Mrs J. J. Marks, Maesgwyn literature and postcards. Miss Roberts. Arwendon; sale of work. Miss Marshall, LJandudno, and Mrs Edwards, Conway; oriental, Mrs J. H. Jones, and Miss Chrissie Roberts; refreshments, Mrs Thomas. White House; Mrs Davies, Colwyn Bay; Miss Underwood. Mrs B. C. Jones; sweets, Mrs Bryn Davies. and Mrs Raisirick wants, Mrs Griffiths. Space win not permit of our dealing with all the differrent side shows such as Chinese and Brahmin wedding's arranged bv the Congregational and Wesleyan friends respectively. cantatas, talks in the guest houses, bioscope lectures, etc.. et.c. The missionaries taking part in these included Mrs Garden Blaikie, M.B.C.B.. of China; Miss Head, of the Wants Department; Miss HorsfaJl, late of Salamatpur. Northern India; Mrs "Williamson. 18t e of India; Rev. J. R. M. Stephens. late of Wathen, Upper Congo (secretary of the Bible ion Society) and Mrs Stephens; Rev. E. E. Wilford, of Yakusu. Upper Congo, and! Mrs Wi»lford Rev. R. D. Darby, late of j Yokoiela, Upper Congo Rev. S. B. Drake, late of China; Rev. F. G. Har- rison. I;a.te of Bolcbo; Rev. S. S. Thomas. of Delhi Mr CV ton. of London. and L Mfwambata. a converted; native of the Congo. CHILDREN'S DEMONSTRATION. A children's demonstration took plaice on Saturday in the Bioscope Theatre. In the tina.yoida.ble absence of Mr J. Wil- liams, Mayor of Conway, Mr J. J. Marks. M.A., presided. Recitations, dialogues, solos, etc.. were given by children in cos- tume, and addresses by the lady mission- aries. OPENING CEREMONY OX MONDAY There was a large gathering at the opening ceremony on Monday, presided over by the Rev. David Davies, in the regretted absence of the Righrt Hon. Lord O D Mostyn. On the platform in addition to the missionaries were the Revs. J. Ray- mond, J. Irvon Davies. W. Philips, M.A.. Rev. E. T. Davies, Old Colwyn; Mr H. W. Lance, Mr John Roberts, etc.. etc. Letters were read by Mr Lance from the Right Hon, Lord Mostyn and Mr G. A. Humphreys, from which it appeared that his lordship was suddenly called away from Gloddaeth on important busi- ness. for on Saturday he wrote to Mr Lance expressing his intention to be present. The Rev. David Davies expressed his disappointment at not having his lord- ship (whose interest in religious efforts was well known and appreciated) with them, He regretted his absence very much, for it would have been very in- teresting at the present juncture to have representatives of the Lords and Commons on a platform of peace and in connection with a. work which sought to prcynote goodwill throughout the world.—(Applause.) THE AIM OF THE EXHIBITION. The Rev. J. R, M. Stephens said the object. of the Exhibition was to remove apprehensions which existed as to foreign mission work, and to give the people of this country a .clearer idea of the condi- tions prevailing in far-off lands. The cost of the exhibition would doubtless be met by the charges for entrance, but in addi- tion to that there was a. special effort, and that. was to raise the sum of £ 60 to pro- vide a translat.iion of the Gospels of Matthew and Mark and the Epistles to the Thessalonians into the language of the, people living at Yalemba, the late L Rev. G. Grenfell's station and the last established on the Congo. Mrs Ord Charter then sang most effectively the appropriate solo, "The Lord is my light. I MISSIONARY WORK. An instructive address wa.s then given by Mr Wm. Jones. M.P., who had a very cordial reception, during which he referred to the words of the laite Robert Louts Stevenson, who in advocating them said, "Those who deprecated mis- 1: sions have only one thing to do—come and see them." Stevenson, said Mr Jones, was quite right, and his view was shared by an even greater man. i.e.. Charles Darwin, who speaking of the Terra dell Fuegans, said that they were so low in the scale of humanity that he wcutd prefer to claim kinship with the! ape. Some years later Darwin paid another visit to that part of the Globe, but by that time the missionaries had been and settled there. The habit.s of the people had been transformed, and Darwin had declared that never in his life would he speak another word against mission- aries.—(Applause.) He (the speaker) had also been and seen their work, and woe, betide anyone who referred slighting- ly to them in his presence.—(Applause.) Mr Jones then gave graphic accounts of what he had learnt during his visit to India and referred to his meeting there with a. Llandudno missionary (Mr S. Higginbottom) who was doing noble work among the lepers. He also referred to the work of the Welsh Calvinistic Methodist missionaries in the Kassia. Hills, and said thai; the whole of the work for Christianity in the great coun- try of Assam was left to the Welsh Cal- v&nisiiic Methodist Church and the Bap- cist Church. He was glad to recognise, he went on to say, a new tone amongst the missionaries he n10" with. Instead of going amongst people who had some culture with un- J sympathetic spirit, which had been one of the things charged against missionaries in the past, they now recognised that be- neath the heathenism of the people there was some nucleus:, some kernel, of good which would serve as a pivot upon which to bring to bear the greater power of Christianity. Scholars were helping in that with their comparative theologies that, could show points of agreement to students of missionary work. But let it not be thought that because there were points of agreement the work of missions was settled. The great thing was to find the vital point of difference, and "here | Chrilstilanity came in with overwhelming- commanding power in Jts difference from all otbei religions.—(Applause.) Besides the refigious aspecrt, of missionary work, there was. the great material benefit, of it to the benighted peoples of heathendom, some idea of which was afforded by the various departments of the exhibition— the medical mission work, and the zenana work among the Mahometan and Hindoo women. The literature of the world was enriched by the work of the translators of the Bible. There were tribes which had no literature, and no fixity in their tongues; they might speak one dialect one week, and it might he lost the next. The missionaries came along, learnt the speech of the tribe, reduced it to phonetic form, analysed it, made a grammar for it, and a dictionary, and there it was, a classic tongue for all time .-t(Appl a,u,se.) L c Alluding to the presence on the plat- form of the Rev. and Mrs E'. E. Wilforcl, of Upper Congo, the region of the atrocities which have so .stirred Europe from time to time. Mr William Jones said: We hope that- the Congo question will ere long be settled.—(Applause.) It is a delicate task for diplomacy. You cannot, enter ruthlessly and ride rough- shod over the feedings of people, but you will hear what the missionaries have got to tell you. I hope something will hap- pen to the King of the Belgians verv soon.—(Applause.) There is a rumour that, he is going to be deposed. Very well, then, I hope a great. Christian King will settle there in his stea,cl.-(Cheers.) It is not politics which will settle these things. It is a mightier thing than politics which. will setiLe these things. L is not politics which will settle these things. It is a, mightier thing than politics, or diplomacy, or international arrangements, but given a. Christian spirit in our monarchs we shall he able to get better international agreements and help this stupendous question to a settlement. Mr G. A. Humphreys proposed a vote of thanks to Mr William Jones for open- ing the exhibition, which was seconded by the Rev. E. T. Davies, Old Colwyn, and carried with applause.. ;-ause. The Rev. J. R. M. Stephens then in- troduced 11e missionaries' present, and the proceedings terminated. BIOSCOPE LECTURE ON THE "CONGO." In the evening the Rev. Mr Stevens gave a, special bioscope lecture on "Native life and mission work in Congoiand." Mr James McMaiSter. J.P., presided, theatre being packed to its utmost capacity. The lecture was of enthralling interest, especially that portion of it dealing with the Congoattrooihes, while the films were certainly unique in character. j At the close a strong resolution de- manding reform in the administration was proposed by the Rev. David Davies, seconded by the Rev. John Roymond, and carried unanimously. CHURCH OF ENGLAND DAY. There was again a good! attendance as the opening ceremony on Tuesday, pre- sided over bv the Rev. LI. R. Hushes. -1 over -the M.A., Rector of Llandudno, supported by most of the ministers of the town, and Mr Arthur Evill, Llanfairfechan, and the Rev. William Roberts, of the Church of England Missionary Society. The de- votional part, of the service was conduct- by the Rev. Ivor Guest. v The Rector expressed the grea pleasure it gave him to be present, anL said that he felt it to be his duty to help forward the, great work of missions throughout the world. The exhibition was a great object lesson which enabled them to realise the conditions of the great and vast heathen world and the difficulties missionaries had to contend with ancl under which they lived.—(Ap- plause.) It also taught the inhabitants of this country a, great lesson, i.e.. the glory of living in a Christian country and the contrast between living in the light of the knowledge of God and in living in the obstructed light of heathen coun- tries. He frankly admitted that between the Church of England and other de- nominations there were great fundamental differences, but felt that in mission work they could join hands and work until the day had dawned, when they woujld under- standi each other better.—(Hear, hear.) He notedtha,t, the special object of the exhibition was to provide a translation of portions of the New Testament into one of the languages, of the Congo. The translation of the Bible into a new tongue would be something gained, and some- thing would help forward the. Kingdom of God. In that work the Baptists stood in an honourable position among the Christian Churches of the world in re- gard to this work. They had laid foundations, in various directions upon which otheii- churches had afterwards built. A name that would always shine bright among the stars in the firmament of mission workers was that of Dr. Carey, who belonged to the Church.—(Ap- plause.) It was a happy coincidence that the day was St. Andrew's Dav, on which Church people throughout the country were a.sked to make special prayers on behalf of the missionary enterprise, and Church Missionary Society was the largest in the world. Mr Evil, the hon. distrjirt secretary of the Church Missionary Society, and the Rev. William Roberts spokebliefly upon the work of that Society. and wished "Godspeed" to the exhibition. Mr Roberts remarked that Christianity was on its trial among the heathen, and it was important to follow up the work of the missionary societies by sending out among the people Christian merchants, men who did not intend to make the native, machines to be ground clown and crushed to the eailth.-(App,a,use.) The Church Missionary Society was doing its best in this respect, and some of the leading business men in London asso- ciated with it, had formed themselves into a Uganda- trading company, by which it was hoped to keep the trade of the coun- try in Christian hands. All who repre- sented and supported missionary societies ought to try to see that the Government L 1, insisted that. all trade carried on with the heathen should be honest and not harmful—that there were noi shiploads of vitriolic gin sent, out, and that the natives were helped to become truly civsjlised beings..—(Applause.) Among the visitors to the Exhibition on Tuesday were Col. the Hon. and Mrs Henry M o sty n. CALVINISTIC METHODIST DAY. Wednesday was the day allotted to the Calvinistic Methodist and English Pres- byterian Churches. The Rev. C. T. Astley, M.A., was to have presided, but was unable to be present, the Rev. W. Phillips, M.A., filling the vacancy. Mr Phillips spoke of Mr Astley's keen in- terest and extensive knowledge of mis- sionary work, and handed the treasurer a cheque for £1 Is. which he had for- warded as a contribution to the, funds of the Baptist Missionary Society. Mr Phillips dealing with missionary work generally said no class of worker in the Christian Church was deserving of greater praise than the missionaries, whose self- sacrifice could not be fully realised by those who stayed at home.—(Applause.) He urged members of the different Churches to clo their utmost to swell the exchequers or the different societies, and expressed his conviction that the exhibi- tion would impart new zeal for missionary work into the Churches of the district. The Rev. H. C. Lewis, B.A., B.D., pastor of Rehoboth Calvinistic Methodist Church in declaring the exhibition open- ing thanked the Committee for the privilege of doing sc), and of associating himself with the work. He had been asked by the Secretary to say something with regard to, the mission work of his own denomination in the Khassia Hills. He could not boast, as the Rector had done the previous clay, that it was the largest in the world, for he was not sure but thait itt was the smallest. It was.; however, very closely connected with the Baptist- Missionary Society, for the first missionary sent to the Khassia Hills seventy years ago was the first convert made by the revered Dr. Carey.—-(Ap- 7 plause.) The Baptist Missionary Society had to abandon the district in 1837 owing to lack of funds, but four years later it was taken up by the Calvinistic Method- is':s and continued by them since that elate a, brea,k-(AI)pla,use." After twenty years labour there were only 158 members in the different Churches, but last year the number had grown to •2-5,000. The great reviva,l which spread throughout Wales in 1904-5 had even reached the Hills of Khassia, for during that time 3000 converts were received into the Churches.—(Applause.) After reading extracts from letters written by the Secretary to the Chief Commissioner of Bergal appreciative of the work Mr Lewis appealed for deeper and stronger enthusiasm in the work on the grounds thait the present was an un- exampled opportunÏtytü go into the whole world to preach the gospel, by reason of the improved facilities for reaching far distant landis and means of communication with all parts of the world. It was a, Aime when the words of the Great Dr. Carey, "Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God," should appeal with irresistible force to all Christians.—(Applause.) CONGREGATIONAL DAY. The Rev. J. Irvon Davies presided over the opening ceremony on Wednesday, and said that the Cbngregati-onalists couild claim very close kinshipi with the Bapiuist denomination. The only differ- ence. between them was in respect to the amount of water used, and surely the heavens were now giving an object. lesson in sprinkling.—(Laughter.) He was not going to give a lengthy address for most of the ground had already been covered. He felt sure, however, that the exhibition would result in greater enthusiasm and that the stirring address of Mr Wm. Jones, M.P.. and the lecture on the Congo by Mr Stevens would live as long as memory retained her seat in their min d s.—(Ap pl-a us e.) Mr Davies also announced tha,t he a.nd the Rev. David Davies and the Rev. Thomas Lloyd who sa,ton either siicle were born in the same town, and referred to it as a, remarkable co-incidence. The exhibition was opened by the Rev. Thomas Lloyd, Colwyn Bay. in the ab- sence, owing to the serious illness of his mother, of the Rev. Tom .Davies. Mr Lloyd dealt with the work of the London Missionary Society, explaining its origin basis, sphere of work and pro- gress. The eight, countries in which its missionaries worked were India, China, Africa, Madagascar, Polynesia, New Guinea, Mongolia, and West India, and the progress made cluiling the last ten L years was remarkable. During that period the number of English Mission- aries engaged had increased from 266 to 285. native workers from 240 to over 7000; church memibers from 53,000 to 83,000; adherents from 175,000 to 285,000; Sunday Schools, from 578 to 1669, Sunday School scholrars from 45,000 to 65,000 hospitals from 22 to 53; medical missionaries from 19 to 38, and the income! from £ 121,000 to £ 158,000.—(Applause.j He rejoiced in that progress and in the progress made by the other greait missionary societies, and thought that exhibition would do something to hasten the coming of that Kingdom for which they all prayed.— (Applause.) Miss T'onge then sang "The Pilgrim Fathers"very effectively., and the pro- ceedings terminaited with the singing of the Doxology.






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