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-----e-------THE NEW WATER…



I LOOKING BACKWARDS. LLANDUDNO TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Under the above title we purpose giving weekly in the "Advertiser'' extracts from our files of a quarter of a century ago, relating to interesting local events which many M our readers will recall, and these will not be without interest to the younger generation who will know many of thoswi who took an active part. in the various events dealt with. MR. RAT!HONE:'S; VISIT. A public meeting is arranged to be held at St. George's Hall, on Friday, 23rd October inst., when Mr Rathbone, M.P., Mr Cornwallis West, and others will address the meeting.—October 17th, 1885. MR. CHAMBERLAIN, M.P. At the instruction of the Committee the right honourable gentleman was, through the Secretary, asked to come down to Llandudno to deliver an address at a day most suitable to him. The right honour- able gentleman acknowledged the compli- ment paid him by the Llandudno Liberals, but owing to the extra work entailed upon him so near the General Election, Mr Chamberlain wished to be excused for the present.—October 17th, 1885. BODAFON. The harvest thanksgiving service was held in the Mission Church on Wednesday evening, when the service was read by Mr Jenkyns, and an eloquent, and appro- priate sermon delivered by the Rev. J. W. Thomas, B.A., to a very large con- gregation, aill joining heartily in the, re- sponses and singing. Miss Aggie Felton ably presided at the harmonium.—October 24th, 1885. WHAT THE "ADVERTISER" SAYS, IN 1885. That there has been some talk of getting up a billiard tournament, between the local Conservatives and Liberals. That neither party will take the "cue" from their opponents in political views, ) and in the election they will do their best to "baulk" one another. That we should like to see a billiard match betwen these rival parties, which would, we are sure, attract a lot of enthusiasm. That it would scarcely be believed, but we vouch for the fact that many gentlemen come to Llandudno because it is the only one of the many watering places that has a chess club. That the local club has been in existence many years, and was started by Mr G. L. Woodley and Dr. Dalton. That it has afforded amusement to many visitors, and some of the presidents o the largest of the chess clubs in the Kingdom are regular patrons to the chess-room, where frequent matches take place. That the visitors measure their strength with Rev. J. Raymond, and Messrs Deaikin, E. O. Parry, A. Evans, Daniel Edwards, and W. Smith. That one of the players who was here last season has since been "mated." That he discovered his "queen" when rn a previous visit to Llandudno. That Col. Piatt, the Conservative candi- date,, will address the, electors in the Pier Pavilion, on Monday evening neit. o, That a sounding board has been put up, which no doubt will improve the acoustics of Tory oratory on the occa- sion. That Mr Rathbone's meeting the other evening, for a political meeting, was as harmonious as anyonei could desire. That it reminded us more of a prayer meeting than a political assembly. That we hope Col. Piatt will be accorded the same fair play and respectful hear- ing that were given his oppon-ents.- (Loud Radical cheers.) CHARITY CONCERT1, DECEMBER 12 th, 1885. Through the exertions of Miss Williams (Bodafon) Miss Howarth and other ladies who take a deep interest in charitable objects, a concert, has been arranged to take place on Monday evening next, at the Pier Pavilion, for which a most, at- tractive programme has been arranged. The proceeds will be devoted to charitable purposes at Xmas. NOTES BY A SOMNAMBULIST. It was all a dream. I had been dozing after dinner, and in my sleep had imagined I had seen Llandudno in a new and strange light. I thought, it was the be- ginning of winter. The season had just finished, and the days were drawing in. The evenings were getting; long,, but in- stead of lassitude and ennui there was energy and motion everywhere. On all hands were heard conversations relating 'to undertakings about to recommence. Art classes were to be held; lectures on different subjects had been arranged; the musical people were ordering their copies of the several works which were to be pre- pared by the Choral Society for the series of Winiter Concerts and the members of the local Dramatic Society had received the caste of the new comedy, and were busy learning their parts in preparation for the preliminary rehearsals. On all sides were to be seen evidences of a taste for culture and wholesome recreation. Strangest sdgtit of all, tlhe different clergy- men and ministers appeared to be the leaders and strongest supporters of the movement, and in each different section I could see one or more of them according to their several tastes taking part in what was going on, and by their presence and exampleencourag,ing and supporting the proceedings. My dream was a long one, and in it I reasoned myself and said: "Is it be- cause the people have left off attending the Churches and Chapels that the minis- ters are here seen taking a part tin the secular doings of their flock?" The answer impressed upon my miind was in I the negative, and I saw that the services of the Church were better attended than ever, and that the people had not suffered f in point of devotion. The subject of my dream interested me whilst dreanrng it, and finding out a face which I seemed to know I asked the owner whether all classes co-operated in the good work"? His reply was remarkable. "vViithout the help of all it could not be done. 30 long as any considerable class hang back in selfishness or jealousy—be they rich or poor, Welsh or English- nothing can last." I awoke to the stern facts of the present tjime. At first I felt depressed by a con- viction that things in Llandudno were not altogether as they should be. But when I came to carefully consider the matter my doubts were removed. For who ever heard of divisions in S'wint. T'udno. Do not, the leading men do all in their power to pro- mote good and useful undertakings ] Have they not the cordial co-operation of all the gentlemen with white tlies and black coats? And it were a calumny to hint at indifference, to say nothing of antagonism on the part of any portion of the com- muni,ty,t,owards-say the cultivation of the Drama. And as to jealousy: we all know that the colour of yellow is not by any means a favourite one, here by the sea. So I was conforted, and went to' sleep again.—Dec. 12th, 1885.


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