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Colwyn Bay Football Club.

Llanrwst Petty Sessions.

.._._ Royal Honour for Ruthin…

I Twm o'r Nant.

----.---The Fred W. Jones'…


Colwyn Bay Urban District…


Colwyn Bay Urban District Council. HOW DISEASE IS SPREAD. XEXT SEASOX'S ATTRACTIONS. The monthly meeting of the Colwyn Bay District Council was held on Tuesday, Mr. David Gamble, J.P., presiding. The fol- lowing members were also present:—Messrs T. H. Morgan (Vice-Chairman), Hammers- ley Heenan, Joseph Dicken, George Bevan, Hugh Hughes, D. 0. Williams, Samuel Jones, Hugh Davies, J. Berth Jones, Thos. Hoskins, T. E. Purdy, W m. Davies, George Clare, Wm. Greenfield, T. R. Davies, Ed- ward Allen and Dr. F. L. Wood; the Deputy Clerk IIr. Tos. H. Roberts), the Engineer (Mr. Wm. Jones), and the other officials. A RHOS-OX-SEA OCESTrON. During the consideration of the minutes of the Sanitary Committee upon the ques- tion of the Penrhyn View sewage, Mr. Wm. Davies desired to add certain words to a paragraph, which had reference to an agreement made on the 16th November, 1908, between Mr. Wm. Horton and that Council regarding the question of surface water. The ('hairii)aii The question does not arise out of the minutes. Mr. Davies replied that he thought that that was the best time to refer to the mat- ter, inasmuch as the ratepayers were pay- ing ^60 for £ 1 worth. He moved that the matter be referred back to committee. Mr. Hammersley Heenan seconded, and it was carried. Mr. Davies I shall certainly send to the Local Government Board. Mr. Heenan Don't ruin us. (Laughter.) COWS A\D TUBERCULOSIS. Dr. M. Venables-Williams, the Medical Officer of Health, presented his report up- on cows and cowsheds. He said complaints had been made to him that dirty milk was sold, in the district. In consequence he and the Sanitary Inspector visited every cow- shed in the district. He made an inspec- tion as to whether there was any tuber- culosis or other diseases amongst the ani- mals. lie found one cow in a shed in an emaciated condition and with an enlarged udder, which the owner said was due L to garget. The cow was isolated. Later he advised a veterinary surgeon TO De cailea in, and the latter said she was suffering from tuberculosis, and that she was going to be fed up for the butcher. (" Shame." i In another dairy farm a cow was found suffer- ing from a disease and in an emaciated condition, and she was isolated at his re- quest. From the veterinary surgeon's report. which was not satisfactory, he (the Medical Officer) advised her destruction. On a third visit he could not find the cow, and was told she was sold, and very likely had been slaughtered and the meat sold for human food, but he was unable to find out where. He would suggest that a strong representa- tion be "ent to the County Council that they make application to the Board of Agricul- ture and Fisheries that tuberculosis be in- cluded in a new order. This would in- crease the purity of the milk supply and be 'a step forward to combat the ravages of con- sumption, and would also greatly lessen the consumption of diseased meat. Mr. t'urdv said he felt strongly on the matter, and powers should be asked for at once to deal with the matter. Here they were raising a great memorial to the mem- ory of the late King Edward to stamp out consumption, and this kind of thing going on. The recommendations of the Medical Officer were adopted. THE PROPOSED WIDENING OF STATION ROAD. At a meeting of the Highways Committee the Surveyor submitted plans and particu- lars regarding the proposal to widen the carriage way of Station-road. It was in- tended to reduce the width of the footway on the west side by 6 feet at the lower end and 7 feet at the upper end, which would widen the carriageway to 28 feet opposite the Imperial Hotel and 29! feet opposite the. Central Hotel. The estimated cost was £88. On a division at the committee upon the matter, by five votes to four the matter was deferred for the present. Mr. Dicken proposed that the Council proceed with the work of improving Station- road as suggested in the plans of the Sur- veyor. Sir. George Bevan said there was a tre- mendous amount of money to be made up next year to bring their financial position to anything like a business state. They had £ \,2oo to add to the estimate to pav off, which would be only a fifth of the balance standing against them. He did not agree with Mr. Dicken that money should be: spent which could be well done without, and he advised the Council not to tie a rope round its neck. He hoped they would not do such a silly thing. (Hear, hear.) Mr. S. Jones argued that they should not expend anything but what was essential. They could not afford to spend a sovereign if thev could do without it for some years. Mr. George Clare supported Mr. Bevan. Mr. Edward Allen said he felt that if a thing was right in the interest of the pub- lic improvement it should be done. It was needed in Station-road, which was at times overcrowded with traffic, especially when that lumbering motor of the Railway Com- pany was coming down the road. He hoped the Council would agreed to the amendment Mr. Dicken had proposed. Mr. Wm. Davies referred to the debt of the Council, and he felt serious upon the matter. Where the money is coming from God only knows, for I don't." (Laughter.) Station-road would take no harm îf it was left as it was for some time longer, as he could not see who was to pay for it. Mr. Wni. Grecnfield was of opinion that it was a matter which could be left for the present. Mr. Dicken said he had never been in favour of throwing money away, and mak- ing the Council bankrupt, as was suggested. The amount suggested was a small one. If £4,080 was to be spent the Council would be in favour of it, and the matter would have gone through like a shot. (Hear, hear.) The recommendation of the Highways Committee to defer the matter was confirm- ed when put to the vote. A TOWN" BAND. At a meeting of the General Purposes Committee it wa's reported that a conference had been held on the 14th November be- tween representatives of the Council, who formed a sub-committee, and members of the Town Advertising Association to discuss the suggestion made by the Association for the engagemerut of a band in the season, and the offer to p; esent two bandstands to the town. It was resolved That the Coun- cil be recommended to make provision in the next raite for a subsidy of ;Cioo for pro- viding a band on consideration of the As- sociation presenting the necessary band- stands." The proportion at the Committee was carried. Mr. Hugh Hughes proposed an amend- ment that the matter be not entertained, and Mr. D. O. Williams seconded. Mr. T. H. Morgan (Chairman of the Gen- eral Purposes Commiatee) said he could not understand why Mr. Hughes should act as he was doing. Perhaps he preferred to set that small old tinkering band which tortured people and drove them nearly crazy. (Laughter and hear, hear.) A good band was much needed. They should not be satisfied with all the entertainments they had. They had also the gift offered by the Town Advertising Association of two good bandstands The T.A.A. was composed of sincere business men who had the interest of the town at heart and knew as well as anyone the voice of the housekeepers upon the matter. He trusted the Council would confirm the Committee's recommendaltion. Mr. Bevan, upon rising to sneak, caused Mr. MoTgan to say, I rise to a point of order. I think Mr. Bevan is interested in something else which is an .opposition." Mr. Bevan: I do not think a travelling band can be thought an opposition to any- thing I am interested in. The proposed stands on the promenade were chicken peiis, and the T.A.A. had better means of spending the money subscribed to the Asso- ciation than disfiguring their beautiful pro- menade. Were they going to mortgage their next year's revenue by ;Cico again in the blackest moment of their existence? He could not understand Councillors putting such a suggestion forward. Mr. W. Davies was quite in favour of a band, and he was 'sure the householders would give fioo to keep what they had in the name of a band away. Householders had been so annoyed with" the thing thev had had that they asked the combination to leave the streets. He did not believe in Mr. Bevan criticising the proposed hand- stands so much. That need not be a bug- bear to them. (Hear. hear.) Mr. Edward Allen raid that Mr. Bevan had been rude in this matter by describing the stands as chicken pens. (Hear, hear.) The rioo proposed was a subsidy. Llan- dudno had done very well indeed in such a matter. (Hear, hear.) After the painful experience they had had these last seasons it ought to be done away with. He be- lieved in economy as much as anyone on that Council, but let it be a proper economy. Some members of the Council had run mad on so-called economy, and they were the very men who had landed them in the posi- I tion they were now in. (Hear, hear.) It was a false economy to oppose a band be- ing obtained, and he hoped the Council would suppori the committee. (Hear, hear.) Mr. Dick,en said he was going to be a spendthrift on this matter, and support the Committee. Mr. Bevan was out of order in speaking a's he had done, as he did not know what had passed in the Com- mittee. Xeither were the proposed band- stands the paltry affairs Mr. Bevan would have them 'believe..(Hear, hear. I They should get a band like Llandudno had done. Mr. S. Jones supported the obtaining of a band as an essential." The scheme would affect the town and visitors gener- ally. Mr. Wm. Greenfield supported the re- commendation to have a band, and thought it would be very unwise not to accept the offer of the T.A A., amongst whom were some of the largest ratepayers. The rate would not be a third of a penny in the pound. Mr. Heenan referred to German places he had visited, which depended upon bands for their very existence. A Member Let's have a German band Mr. Heenan The English bands were not in it with Germans as to music. It was worth their spending money for a band, and it would be a foolish policy to cut down the attractions of Colwvn Bay in- stead of increasing them. (Hear, hear.) If they had no attractions they would have no visitors. (Hear. hear.) A vote was taken, eight voting for the re- commendation of the Committee and eight against. The Chairman gave his casting vote in favour of a band amidst applause. THE ELECTRICITY WORKS. Mr. Heenan said that as he would be away for a month he would like to suggest that the Council stop the big leaks in con- nection with the electricity works. There was a big leak in the electricity concern. The works were in the wrong place for the arrangement for coal there was no siding, and the machinery was not up to date. Why could they not stop such leaks and put the electricity works aside of the gasworks? It would be a better way of getting fuel. He knew of places where electricity could be obtained for one penny a unit. It could not be done in Colwyn Bay. There was no one to blame for the leakage, as the thing grew with the town. He would advise get- ting an expert's opinion upon the matter. Whatever they paid him would not be money lost, as it would show how the works could ultimately be made a paying concern. The matter was not discussed. THE FINANCES OF THE COUNCIL. ACTION* BY THE COUNCIL. In connection with the Auditor's Repor+ herein published in another column, fie Council adopted without comment the fol- lowing minute of the Finance Committee;- The Clerk produced and read the report by the District Auditor on the audit of ac- counts of the Council for the year ended 31st March last. The same having been reviewed it was resolved-(I) That in ap- proaching the Local Government Board for remission of the disallowance for bank in- terest on overdraft, the appellants be and are hereby .authorised in the circumstances to give an undertaking that the deficiencies on the District. Gas, and Electric Light Funds will be liquidated, with the approval of the Board, in proportionate amounts ex- tending over the next five years. (2) That accurate account of all stock in hand at 31st March, 1911, be taken in each department; and with a view to a trial of the system of keeping stores being made, that it be an instruction to the Surveyor, and the Gas and Electric Light Managers to take stock at the end of this month, .and that stores accounts be kept in each department for the last quarter of the presen.t financial year. (3) That it be an instruction to the Surveyor to cause the register of water charges to be completed and handed to the Accounts De- partment before the middle of July in each year. (4) That a Committee consisting of the chairmen of committees be appointed and authorised to deal with disputed ac- counts submitted to them by the collector. —An item for sale of arc lamp was discus- sed and referred to Mr. J. Dicken and the Chairman of this Committee. (5) That the sale of coke at the gasworks on credit be confined to quantities of not less than 10 cwts., except on approved accounts.—The three new account books referred to by the Auditor were produced to the meeting.—It was further resolved that copies of the Dis- trict Auditor's report be prepared and is- sued with the printed minutes of the Coun- cil.

Denbighshire Teachers' Salaries.
