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The Crystal Goblet I

The Chancellor.


Liberal Enthusiasm at Conway.


Liberal Enthusiasm at Conway. TARIFF REFORM VISITS TO GERMANY EXPOSED. SCATHING ATTACK ON THE LORDS. On Thursday night, an enthusiastic Liber- al meeting was held in the Town Hall in support of the candidature of the Chancellor of the Exchequer Mr. J. P. Griffiths, the President of the local Liberal Association, presided, a 3d he was supported on the platform by a large number of the leading Liberals of the town. Despite the very unfavourable weather, there wa, a crowded attendance, and great enthusiasm prevailed. The Chairman, in the course of an inter- esting address, siid he sincerely trusted W ales would be as one in this important question of the Veto of the House of Lords, and he hoped that ihe Carnarvon Boroughs would be still more emphatic on this point.' The speaker went on to refer to the excellent provisions made in the Budget of the Chan- cellor, and he ventured to say that there was not a Tory candidate throughout the countiy who would say on a public platform that he was going to remove the Budget taxes on land. The great question in this election was, who was to legislate, the people or the House of Lords, who had promised a re- formation of themselves, but who really would only be patched up. County Councillor Ralph Fisher then moved the following resoli-ition: That this meeting heartily endorses the policy of the Government legarding the House of Lords Veto, believing it to be a menace to progress and relcrm. It desires to place on record its profound appreciation of the in- valuable services of the Right Hon. D. Lloyd George to the cause of democracy, and it affectionately declares its unabated confidencc in him, and pledges itself to se- cure his triumphant return again to Parlia- ment." That, .,tid the speaker, was a reso- lution of confidence in the backbone of the Government. They had hoped that Mr. Lloyd George would be allowed a wrlk over on this election, and the official Conservative party in the Boroughs were agreeable, but not so with headquarters, and so thev had to import a candidate against their will. He did not know whether he was subject to any duty, but he felt that it was one of those cases where the foreigner would pay. (Laughter.) As they knew, there were two kir.ds of imports, one.that came to stay, and the other had to be re-exported. He be- lieved that Mr. Austin Jones came under the latter category. (Laughter.) He listened to the Tory candidate the previous night, and he thought he was a perfectly amiable and harmless young man. He was rather a nice man, but as a representative of the Carnarvon Boroughs thev had a better. (Applause.) He should like to have asked the Tory candidate one question, but no opportunity was given anybody. He would like to ask if the Lords and Mr. Austin Jones were so enamoured of the Referendum, would they give it in a democratic way. Take the disestablishment question. Were they prepared to settle that matter, which was purely local by a Referendum to the Welsh people. (Applause.) The speaker then went on to give illus- strations of the House of Lords by making the Town Council the House of Commons, and a body of men stationed in the Castle as the House of Lords. He put his arguments cleverly before the audience, and his remarks were greatly appreciated. Continuing, he appealed to the voters not to be slack in this election. Could there be any possible doubt on the polling day as to whom they would vote for? (Cries of No, no".) The Con- servatives were asking them to cast aside the greatest, strongest and most picturesque figure in the political life of this country or any other country, and the greatest Welsh- man Wales has produced for many genera- tions the friend of the old people, the CHAjITION OF THE POOR, and a man who was protecting them from all the injustice, tyranny and oppression which the W elsh people had suffered for generations. Was it Lloyd George or Austin Jones. (Loud cheers for Lloyd George). Dr. M. J. Morgan, in a Welsh speech, seconded, and said that he felt strongly that the House of Lords should be done away with, instead of having to appeal to the country each time. Their opportunity had come, and the Liberal party were going to take advantage of it. The next speaker was Mr. D. C. Griffith, Brynsciencyn, who formed one of the Tariff Reform deputation to Germany a short time ago. He said he had a cheap trip to Ger- many—everything for nothing. At length the speaker exposed the doing of the deputa- tion, stating that they were only taken to the better parts of the large German towns, and when they came back to London, they were taken through the poorest parts. Was that a fair comparison? There was poverty in every country on the face of the globe. The majority of the deputation was composed of workingmen, who had never been out of their districts before, and when they came to London and other large towns, they were amazed, rnd would say anything. In Germany* the wages of the workingmen were lower, and the rents higher, and their cost of living was higher. Who paid for these trips? Well, it was the House of Lords. Three quarters of the working men of Germany to-day were in favour of Free Trade. The speaker went on to refer to South Africa, in which country he had lived for some years. He saw the growth of the prosperity of the Tiansvaal, and there was nothing but peace and good feeling among the nations who had been at enmity. Through wise legislation ana a wise Government, they were becoming friends and brothers, and were working to- gether in order to enhance the glory of the old country. (Loud applause.) The Rev. E. Lloyd Jones, Manchester, was given a tremendous ovation on rising to speak. He said that he had a greater inter- est in the Carnarvon Boroughs than all were aware. Twenty years ago he was invited to become the Liberal candidate for the Boroughs, but there was another name on the list, and that was the Right Hon. D. Lloyd George. He thought sometimes that if by accident or by any other malign influ- ence he had been selected, what a loss it would have been, for the greatest asset of the Carnarvonshire, speaking in the widest sense, was the Member for the boroughs. The quarries, castles and the cathedral of The quarries, castles and the cathedral of Carnarvonshire could not do one- hundreth part of the good for the British race, than had Mr. Lloyd George. (Loud applause.) He did not think there would be a divorce at this election. He had heard that some gentleman like himself rejoicing in the name of Jones was also a candidate. He did not know him, but he greatly ad- mired his pluck. He could not think he was as wise as he was courageous. He would say that this and the last election were the greatest they had had, for they were twins born in the same yeai. (Laugh. ter.) What was the difference between this election and the former one? All other elec- tion- had to do with acts of Parliament, but this had to do with the machine that pro- duced the Acts of Parliament. (Applause.) The great difficulty was to pin the Tories to a great principle, as they always had the habit of run ling a Ted herring across the scent, but this time they were not to be taken off the scent by a red herring or any other subterfuge. He had a great deal of the sportsman about him, and if every preacher had an occasional day's rabbit shooting, it would save him a great deal of liver complaint and melancholia. (Loud applause.) Germany was the bogey last year, but now it was Home Rule. When the Tories said that the Liberal party was bought by American dollars they said what they did not believe themselves. Why, if John Redmond with his dollars were at the bottom of the sea, Home Rule would still be an essential question. He believed that every Irish member of Parliament ought to stand for as much as an English member. and he believed that every Irish Roman Catholic had as much right to express his opinion in Ireland as the Nonconformists had in Wales. Any man that would place a Roman Catholic at a disadvantage was neither a Liberal or a sensible Nonconform- ist. Dealing with Socialism the speaker said that real Socialists hated the Liberals ;i-iore than the Tories. There was not the slightest hope of any party, either Liberal or Tory passing any Act of Parliament that was not more or less tinged with Socialism, The essential thing in Socialism was gener- ally agreed, and that was a MORE EQUAL DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH. They all believed in it. He (the speaker) did not believe that it was Providence that made one man a millionaire and the other a pauper. The only Act of Parliament ever passed in Great Britain that was absolute Socialism was passed by the Tories when the Free Education Act came into operation. Again, Tariff Reform was an essential part of the Tory programme. They had tried it


Carnarvon Boroughs.

IAmusing Election at the 'Varsity.

I...--.--.... Billiards Extraordinary.

The Princes of Aberffraw.

Duke of Westminster and Flintshire…

Liberal Enthusiasm at Conway.