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nP Ni » ■ TUZE ))) SUNDAY SCHOOL TTNTON SI ifg JwMrea t <" JL JL. JL J<L. „„„ M,„,„ V OF BRITISH MANUFACTURE AUTUMN LIST OF NEW BOOKS. í O/f THE GOLDEN BOOK OF O jC THE GIRLS of the BIBLE. | £ CUBBY HOLE YARNS, HHDHHHI T^e Home, The Church, I O/O YOUTH- Noble Deeds «/" By FLORENCE BONE. Author of */0 and other Stories. By |>Vi I net. Of Boys Alld Girls. By AMY B. nef# A Rose of York," "The Mysterious A. L. HAYDON, Author of "The V if Iffiliilmr' S rpf Oil G^rNE c^lopaed'a'" ^c^IMus^r'a^d6 Treasure," &c. Book of the V.C." "The Medland r,| ||y lHC SCllOOl The Chief Scout, Lt.-General Sir R. S. S. Baden The Scotsman says:—" It points the lessons to p r R~ tt/un„rf«c ^— Powell, K.C.B., writes :—I am very glad indeed be derived from lives of Bible characters, intro- earse. rown vo. o n THE "VICTORIA" PIANO. that the author considers the Boy Scouts and ducing many present day applications by way of (', 'i1 their doings worthy of so prominent a place in 17 M — her publication, and I feel sure that a took of illustration. -■ PRIMER OF SUNDAY V,1, this kind would do much to inculcate the idea 11 giSS !S«T £ £ S O/ STORIES AND STORY- net. SCHOOLTEACHING. By For upwards o! 30 years the Sunday School Union We have Instruments at prices II °"7uCmSS\ *»h > vr •* TELLING, in Moral and Tk^ r km' d r aT' !v haye held the reputation (or the BEST PIANOS and both hlgher and lower than the Field-Marshal Lord Roberts, V.C., writes:— ■ ■ »»»*•. of Education for Bedfordshire Author r "Virtnria whirh we should The dee Is of boys and girls include:! in this book «et. Religious Education. By of An Outline of the Narrative of the 7, ORGAxJS in the market at popular prices. V CIO a, are described in s.mple, direct language and bear wniVADr* PfiDTPD CT TOWN nu uuume r r 1- like VOU to trv viz the stamp of truth. The took canno fail to m- EDWARD PORTER ST. JOHN, Bible." Cloth boards. (Price 6d. ,« • 0 « ..s terest and benefit all who read it. and it is, in M. A., PD. M., Professor of Pedadogy Many iVIodels are on View at their balOOn, 50, Tlia Manrol P5an« at 1 Tnc my opinion, an excellent gift book for young net, paper.; m llie IflarVcI IlallO al ID VJIIS. people. in the Hartford School of Religious Ludgate Hill, E.C., where they can be thoroughly tried t # Q/C A CHILD'S YEAR WITH Pedagogy. GRENFELL OF THE < and tested. One out of a number of these Models that The txcella Pian0 at 20 Gns. Bf/ f P,ioM,d i ccQDN QTnRiPQ ppr>M CONGO. Pioneer Mis- ii we can strongly recommend is "The VICTORIA" The''Ludgate" Piano at 27 Gns. net. Talks, with Coloured Frontispiece and a/ LESSON STORIES FROM 2.. „ & TL « If a. D* i oa r». numerous other illustrations. By fjm acmbcic f.„ sionary and Explorer. By piano. Price 18 Guineas. For style, tone, and finish *«e Mozart riano at jU uns. M MARGERY HAINING BRIGGS. GENESIS, TOr GlMS and SHIRLEY J. DICKINS. Illustrated. m E* F* — nett Boys. By EMILY HUNTLEY. Cloth boards. (( this Piano cannot be surpassed. LtC., ttC. 3/6 of Rural CornwaU. with Maps. /<• Mrs. HENRY CLARKE Author of ^Worthy oi a11 ^more ihan one foot^ V; EASY TERMS OF PAY- EVERY INSTRUMENT NO BETTER VALUE 44 Mms Merrivale's Mistake &c. With commenuation, OTibs.vKnivdicsiuiMrtK.c, oto. VVIIII of George Grenfell of the Congo. nyrcxTT rAM T5T7 PAW RF Illustrations by Savile Lumley. Imp. V MENT CAN BE "IA V CAIN BE. i6mo. cioti. boards. THREE GREAT NATUR- «, ~.MD, CT/>BI« AOn, „ ARRANGED IF DESIRED, vmaranteea tor iu iears. OBTAINED ELSEWHERE M W'"7„N° V- ALISTS(Oa™.n,Buok. V- City. By^.° TiDDE^N.?. land, and Rev. J. G. Wood.) Author of "New Testameo. Slories." } trated'by W. B. Handforth. Imperial ByJOHNUPION. Illustrated. Cloth &c. Profusely Illustrated. Illuminated ;,( mi n. 1M9 A i6mo. Cloth boards. boards. Boards. | [jg ^111 S UFgail. flggfeT -■ « Cash Price 12 Guineas. 4 h Three Favourite Annuals. If you want a really good powerful Organ, at a YOUNG ENGLAND.—A Splendid Gilt Book fo Boys. Two First-class Serial Stories Hunted Down, a tale of the V reasonable price the "ST. PAUL'S is just the Carlist Rising in Spain, by F. B. FORESTER and Winning of the Golden Spurs, a Story of Crecy. By PERCY F. WESTERMAN. Short Stories of Travel, Adventure, and Enterprise by the best Writers; Natural History Papers; Cricket and Football Stories; "How to Make" (useful (M one to suit you. We have Supplied this Organ articles) Notes, Scientific and Mechanical Stamp Collecting Sports and Training. Splendidly Illustrated. Price 5s. for many years with the greatest satisfaction to THE ROYAL ANNUAL.—The Annual Volume of the Golden Rule Magazine. It contains an absorbing- Serial Story jjj our customers. j| entitled The Mystery of the Hall in the Wood. By ROSA MULHOLLAND. Interesting Short Stories, Natural History Articles Daring Deeds, Puzzle Papers, &c., &c. Price 2s. Send postcard for our new Illustrated Catalogue, THE CHILD'S OWN MAGAZINE. —One of the oldest of nursery favourites, yet younger than ever. Packed with jjj )1 delightful Short Stories, Verses, Prize Competitions, Puzzles, &c., and scores of beautiful pictures. Price, cloth, Is. 6d., ilustrated boards, Is. 'J'Jjg Sllfld&y ScHool UltlOll (Dfipt 108) The SundavJ School Union, 57 &• 59. kudgate hhi, bondon, e.c. 7 56, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. = =:X:XA:7: ::XX7 >V = it Equal to any, but Better than many are the Blouses stocked by The Pioneer Blouse Makers, and below are illustrated a few out of the varied and specially selected stock of perfect fitting Ladies' Blouses and Tailor-made Shirts. PECIAL atten- tion given to <1r'>' all Post Orders. F these are HERE is no not exactly need to send OODS sent on to any of the large approval Car- wh.it you are riage Paid. City Shops, give us looking out for, a trial first and see vvrite us, we have what we can do f or E stock plenty to choose from. you in Va1ue and Blouses to The P^Lll wool i^Paris. djfodfe tucked a^ insCTtioned sPecial feahire Delaine Shirts, perfect cut Price 6/11. WV Heavy weight Jap Silk Blouse, front. Price 7/11. is the full sizes kept Ivory Delaine Blouse, daintily and finish. Price 4/11 J.. beauttfully embro.dered front. embroidered front Val. lace Price 6/11^. in stock. yoke. Price4-/11J. W. S. WILLIAMS & SONS, LLANDUDNO.