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!Lady Roberts on Missions.


Lady Roberts on Missions. PROBLEMS IN THE FAR EAST/. The cause of missionary work in the zenanas of India and. China was intended to be helped by the Llandudno Missionary Exhibition on the closing day, and the chair was taken by Lady Roberts, of Bryngwenallt, Abergele, on Satur- day afternoon. Lady Roberts said she was much interested in missionary enterprise, especially in those two countries. She had been closely connected with the Baptist denomination (the promoters of the exhibition), and she owed a great deal to two of the great preachers of that denomination, par- ticularly to the late Rev. Charles Spurgeon, to whose sermons she listened when she was a younsr girl, and from whom she received great spiriitual help. (Applause.) Sne had been to China, and had seen something of the need there was for missionary enterprise there. When China became modernised and Christianised it would be a tremendous force in tfce world, but if it merely took over the modern civilisation without the religion of Christ a very great deal of harm would result to her people. To upset the old civilisation and to give them nothing in the place of their religions, which, however misguided and mistaken they might be, were still a restraining force in the lives of the people, would do more harm than good. But if we could take to them our civilisation and with it the greatest and noblest religion, then we should confer upon them a priceless gift. (Ap- plause.) She knew many Indian gentlemen and some Indian ladies, and she had a great respect for the great Indian nation. Their women had been, however, kept in the background and very much in the dark, and yet they bad a tre- mendous amount of power. The mother of the family in Indda was of almost supreme import- ance. Before we could really hope to Christian- ise India we must influence the women. So sne was glad to support the zenana missionaries, who were going into the homes of the people. Qualified women doctors were able to enter the zenanas, and to bring health, comfort, and con- solation to many sufferers. An address was given on zenana mission work by Miss Jones, of Llanllyfni, the repre- sentative of the Society for North Wales. There was a large attendance in the evening, when a lecture on the Congo was given.

The Fashion for Furs

The Value of Milk.

[No title]

Liberalism in North Wales.



Liberalism in North Wales.