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11 articles on this Page

Labour Topics,

St. Patr ck's Day in London.

Eozema on Chest and Face.

Presentation at Porth.I

------I Eisteddfod Week at…

Funeral of Mr. J. G. Morgan,…



--Temperance Meetings at Treorchy.



KI4 PISEASES I OVERCOME BY THE WONDERFUL BLOOD PURIFYING PROPERTIES OF D1:< MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT PILES. A person suffering from eruptions of the skin has much to endure. It is not merely the discomfiture and irritation and painful sensation, butlife is ,„, made miserable by k ~l depression of spirits. M The iiver is torpid and the kidneys are sr partially inopera tive, and you feel languid and wcak. Y The disease is in the V T ,f\ blood and'when the V) f system is not clean s-'d through the >7^ Ji-Ji (j usual c 11 a 1111 e 1 s j Nature asserts her V? ———$$!!jff self and forces por f ss }, } |J'1|||| tions of impuri 1 ties through the '1 skin in the form of Pimples, Boils, and Blotches. External remc dies poiiclers, ointments and lotions only alleviate they do not get at the cause. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills get at the cause by removing the disease from the blood. They cleanse the system by stimulating the Liver and strengthening the Kidneys, which filter the blood and throw off the impure matter through the regular channels. They are a positive and permanent cure for all complaints arising from impure blood, liver and kidney complaints. Sold by Chemists and Stores, price 1/1 £ per bottle, or The W. H. Comstoclc Co., Ltd., 21, Farringdon Avenue, London, E.C.

Nasal Catarrh and Difficult…