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w t"' t?=j 63 si s t?:J w CD a rt "I -g- z fi öl%j I g. ¡: Q ê t"1 II K1 ji I r:j :;?; (1j Si dë. t?:J- t'1 1-1 a 1-:3 0; <Jr CD V" tt '=j r-3 jaaw elfr lip J I TV I t i| £-=- tsf T I I I i LYSAGHT'S BEST BRANDED SHEETS. j The New ALPBA-LAVAL Separators, Winner of the FIHSllPiilSE in » Classes at the Maidstone H yal how. 181)9. AGENT FOR RICHMOND & CHANDLERS AND ALL OTHER LEADING MAKERS. I Ii Ii (I ii 'll 1" AMERICAN WOODEN PUMP, Cheap aud durable. POSTAL AXIJ TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS— WILLIAM THOMAS, I Ironmonger, Carmarthen. GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. THE GREATEST SUCCESS OF MODERN TIMES -1 that have been received in favour of this Remedy, t&ey would fill a Wec-e all the TeBtunoni^p^bsnea^ Thonsaad Page30f the ordinary size. 4THEY ARE MORE THAN GOLD TO ME -THEY SAVED MY LIFE." « T>*T^ IN fcha BACK and LOINS, or between the SHOULDERS, thiaRemedy will Tf yoti sailer r Ai" lu u 13 effectually remove them. r DTTATION of the BLADDER, SUPPRESSION and RETENTION of the If you »re troubled^6 ONLY SAFE and EFFECTUAL REMEDY OFFERED TO THE WORLD HlIv^j^coLOUREI^ THICK,^and depositing much SEDIMENT, lose "no time, procure ab^rfr)CNf?\^&nd LIVER are BluggSi ^afof'order? this Remedy will gently STIMU- PASSAGES' Pr0m°te th6 8eCretl°n °f "mart??to INDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS, and CONSTIPATION^ have a SURE RemedyJn^ny*Bov^\ Disorder, such as PILES,CONSTIPATION, FLATULENCE, COLIC, yon have^piTATIoF, and arcTafraid that your HEART is affected, you will Bnd these m\f y^sSOT^mHEASAC^/and GIDDINESS, George's Pills will remove these PAINS sooner THAN^ANY OJER^knw^JMdi|m^. EATINQ^ AND FEEL DROWSY and LISTLESS,one dose of George s Pills ^X^OOTFOODTURNS SOUR and ri.-3s ntothe mouth, a few doses o this Remedy will make your troublwa ^F^EVOUY, EXCITABLE, and LOW SPIRITED, » perfe ANTIDOTE will be found n George's 1)ISAGUEE ABLE TASTE in the mouth,a SINGLE DOSE of George' sPile and Gravel If you a i t u u0 bafore tho dawn of another day. c P lfsLEJ^Us to give you REST try (ieorge's Pills. They will make your bed easy, sleep refreshing, -4 KBVjySStSxEKTION, WEAK, «cl LIMP, tub Remedy. wffl RESTORE your ENEEGY Strength and will make Labour Mid Exercise tho ENJOYMENT of your life. If ou are troubled with N AUSiCA and VOMITING at the thought of eating, a box of George e PillB wiil in^e your meat anda«nk botn b.vVO UKJ ^n^o'utlets of the body, and thus give free •t t IIIGUOSHU^OIJKS, and no >nor/L^OUi) IMP UNITIES will be seen bursting through the root and branch, RHEUMATIC, SCORBUTIC, j.^u.1 jiM j X-A-IjA th&t h.&<I deiied ail otii^R ivemcdiGs .1 irTri\rPVQ "ff OU hie a tenusncy iu L'ilO L'SIO AL S WELLI ArG3,this remedy,by its action upon the KIDNEYS aDd It D1FFIO &LT f"of BIIE ATHING, this Remedy will prove a friend to you in the hour of need. CONSTANT AILING to FREEDOM FROM PAIN. *t will change tho oALLU VV COMPLEXION to the BLOOM OF HEAL PH. ?4will change your SICKLINESS to VIGOUR; your LANGOUR to AOTJV111 and your -■ Z WKAL 1>EJ&1L1T1' to firmness of SINEW and MUSCLE. U it is APEltlENT, and therefore will remove CONSTIPATION. it i ANTIBIIJIOU-S, aud will, therefore, correct ail uiegularities of the liiVJfiK. uiiik wv I () and. will therofore, keep open the WATK-R PASSAG-KS. 1* i« TOiSlO, and'wiil, therefore, give TONE and VIGOUR to the DIGESTIVE QRGANSj -J in KLOOD-PUliiK' i'lNG and NERVE STRENGTHENING. Lt is, therefore, ALL YOU WANT. rwpo\ucDC ,urSc VVOKLD-RENOWNED PILLS ARE o-JLO EVERYWHERE 1n lioxce; Is. 1 d. and 2a. 9d. each. By Post, Is. 3d. and 3s. riiOPHlETOK—J. E. GEORGE, M.R.P.S., MIW AL\. NOTICES TO QUIT From Landlord to Tenant and Tenant to Landlord, may, be obtained at the" lieporter "Office. Price One Penny. —— ■ I MORTIMER'S COUGH MIXTURE, I For Ctiijilts, Colds, Z, Croup, and Whooping Congli, I Bronchitis, a in1, all Chest Affections. N.B.—bee that this Picture appears upon tne wrapper. TARE NO OTHER. MORTIMER'S ONLY. THE CARMARTHEN BILLPOSTING COMPANY, 1, BRIDGE-STREET CAKT'IAKTHEN. BILLPOSTING and in nil i V.RARRBES throufrhont the COUP ties of Ce.nr.a then, Pembroke and Cardigan. R. M. JAMES, Manager THE NEW REMEDY! To the Mentally or Physically overworked Coleman's Phosphorous, Quinine & Pepsine Pills Have a wonderful effect in restoring Strength, especially when Debility seta in from overwork or anxiety, or from whatever cause it may be due. Phosphorus sootlies the brain Quinine increasei the appetite and Pepsine (one of the greatest discoveries of the age) assists Digestion. One trial will suffice to prove the marvellous effects of this medicine. It is invaluable in cases of Neuralgia, and prevents Influenza. UNEQUALLED AS A TONIC AND BIUIN RESTORER, As A STIMULANT ASSISTING DIGESTION, FOR WEAKNESS OF THE NERVES, FAILING POWEK, DYSPEPSIA, NEURALGIA, AND GENERAL COMPLAINTS. Sold "in bottles, Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s Gd., 9s., and 21s. cach bv all Chemists and Patent Medicine sndors fn the United Kingdom, or sent frte on receipt of 14 33 54, or 108 stamps, or P.O.O. for £ 1 Is. I here is a great saving in taking the larger size. SOLE AGENTS— J. CHAPMAN & Co., Limited, QUEEN STREET, NORWICH. r^uRE^HAYE YOU A COUCHf^opjl [COUCHJ or TAKEN COLD? I COLD J ftfei-^juSED PROMPTLY HAYMAN 8 BALSAM] W01 ^8 WILL RELIEVE rSTOPS | AWD CURE. f CURES 1 COLD J Invaluable ia Nursery. ^COUGL^ CURRANTS 2Ad Ib RAISINS 3d lb SULTANAS 4d lb LEMON PEEL 4 £ d lb 2 AT T. SMITH & CO., KING STREET BAKERY [CARMARTHEN.! PRINTING! PRINTING! I G OOD, CHEAP, AND JglXPEDITIOl J i pRINTING EXECUTED AT THE "WEEKLY REPORTER" PRINTING & PUBLISHING OFFICES, 3, BLUE-STREET CARMARTHEN. POSTERS (COLOURED OR PLAIN HANDBILLS TRADE CIRCULARS MEMORIAL CARDS (IN GREAT VARIETY BUSINESS CARDS PAMPHLETS ANNUAL REPORTS PARTICULARS AND CONDITIONS or SALE }I PROGRAMMES (BALL, CONCERT, OR SPORTS) BILLHEADS MEMO. FORMS CHEQUE BOOKS, &c. Orders by Post receive prompt and careful attention. pRICES ON APPLICATION. The Carmarthen Weekly Reporter PUBLISHED EVEBY THURSDAY EVENING, Circulates throughout South Wales gene^ly, and has the LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTY OF CARMARTHEN, PRIOEONEPBNNT; POST JtREX 1/9 PSU XCAKTEU THE BEST ADVERTISING .MEDIUM ^OU ALL CLASSES OF ADVERTISEMENTS^ Carmarthen County Schools. THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. HSADJIASTER E. S. ALLEN, M.A. (CANTAB). COUNTY GIRLS' SCHOOL. HEADMISTKESS Miss B. A. HOLME, Late Open Scholar of Girton College, Cambridge; Senior 11 Optime, Mathematical Tripos. FEE :-Boys, Pl 15s. Giels, P-1 8s. per Term (Three Terms in the year.) Reduction for brotfvns or sisters. BoardelsZcaDbe:recei ved,at Loth'.schools. The Term began Se-pt. IGlh. THK OLD COLLKGii SCHOOL | AND THIS Carmarthen School of Conimerce. „ F REV. JOSEPH HARRY. PRINCIPALS | MK_ WILLIAM ROBERTS. PREPARATION for University Matriculation*, Theolociciil Coll-gefc, Civil Service, Piofesgional and Commercial Examinations, includlD the ijoiiuon Chamber of Commerce Examinations. N.B.-SHORTHAND, BOOK-KEEPING, and TYPE-WRITING taught. Day and Eveuiug Classes. For Terms List of Successes, &c., [apply to Principals. MR. ERNEST COLLIER, M.S. A. AROHIIKOT AND SURVEYOR, QUAY STREET,CARmARrA-N. NEW JAMS! NEW JAMS! NEW JAMS! I Z. D. JONBS, COLOMBO STORES ¡ Fi-aneis Terraoo, I .i OA 11 M Alt Tff'l'N _u-'l> J. B. ARTHUR, WHOT 17Q'\T n (1 WHOLESALE GROCER CORN, FLOUR, AND SEED MERCHANT, PRIORY-STREET, AND THE QTTAIZ" STORES CARMARTHEN. Barley, Round and Flat Corn, Flour, Barley Meal, Indian Meal, Middlings, Bran, &c., at lowest possible Prices. THOMAS PHORPHATE THOMAS PHOSPHATE! A LARGE CONSIGNMENT JUST ARRIVED PRICES VERY MODERATE. SOLE AGENT FOR THE DUBLIN & WICKLOW CELEBRATED MANURES. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS. GO t ANOTHER CURE. This heading is quite unnecessary. Thousands of Sufferers have been cured by the use of KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS. They are quite different to others, being compounded of herbal extracts, which have a specific action upon the liver and kidneys. Their curative effect in such disorders as Biliousness, Head- ache-, Sluggish Liver, Indigestion, Wind, Con- stipation, Depression of Spirits, Impure Blood, ache-, Sluggish Liver, Indigestion, Wind, Con- stipation, Depression of Spirits, Impure Blood, Tic or Rheumatism, is something marvellous. DOSK.—ONK PII.L ONLY. Use KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS, and they will Cure you. They are sold at most Chemists and Stores, or will be sent direct on receipt of 7 £ d., 13id., and 2,9, by the sole proprietors, KERNICK & Son, Ltd., Cardiff- NOTICES TO QUIT. FROM LANDLORD TO TENANT AND TENANT TO LANDLORD, May be obtained at the REPORTILY. OFFICE Blue-street, Carmarthen. PRICE ONE PENNY. | CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS are warranted to cure in either sex, all acquired or Constitutional Discharges from the Urinary Organs, Gravel and Pains in the Free from Mercury. Established upw irds "f 30 years. In bi>xf»s. 4s 6d each, of all Cha nists and P..ter«t nc-Vi-Pd rs throughout the World, r se: t for si sty ^tanipO y the makers, the LiiiouhuvuiJ MitH.t:id Counties Drug Company Lincoln. W. T, ROGERS, R.P.G. (Meniberjf t he Registered Pluml>ers' CoRipauy), Plumber, Gas-fitter Wire & Electric Bell-hanger, Z) 9, NOJT-SQUASE, CARMARTHEN. All kinds of Bath ltooin and Lavaton Iteqiiisites supplied and fixed. eiveqt Designs and Prices on apjylication.\ } Repairs executed on the shortest liotia SPECIAL ATTENTION TAID TO ALL CLASSES OF COUNTRY WORK. COMPETENT WORKMEN SENT TO ALL PARTS. GOOD WORKMANSHIP. COMBINED WITH REASONABLE CHARGES (J? Wedding, f aisd Engageiiieut Kings. All Sizes, Shfpes, and VVeightb^k 'lite largest and Choicest Selection the United Counties. B JOHN WILLIAMS, B the United Counties. B JOHN. WILLIAMS, B ■TIT Slop Y MODRWTAU, 9 & 10, LAMMAS-STREET .JTR CARMAKTHEN. Without doubt THORLEY'S CAKE is (he Cake" of thi Age. ALL STOCK THRIVE ON THORLEY'S r r r: c:, r-N a S V V. r AGENT W. CROSSMAN, 19 21, BLUE STREET, C ARM A RTHEN, s- i. .J T H L &r- Y'S CZAKFzS arc iSPfX)^- a in the best fitted world. t ,J E-" E ill Y 8 PRIVATE COM.iIEROI.VL HOTEL 3, St. Peter's Street, CJ A-tt A. B T H S3 3ST. POSTING I ALL I! BIJWCSIES, T. JEREMY, Proprietor. TO YlIT()n. WESTMINSTER HOUSE, GROSVENOR road,* LLANDRINDOD WELLS. FURSISHEl) APARTMENTS AT REASONABLE TERMS. HOME COMFORTS. ELECTRIC LIGHT THROUGHOUT. Terms, &c., on Application. PROPRIETRESS-MRS. ROGERS DENTAL NOTICE. 1\IIt J. MACPHAIL SURG EOiS DENTIST, 19, KING-STREET (orPOSITS LLOYD'S BANK CARMARTHEN. LLANELLY EVERY THURSDAY. CONSHLTATION TREE. ESTABLISHID OVEX 22 YEABS 1- j OLD HARNESS & BELTS 1 21 Im I TE ll ti I Repaired with Bifurcated Rivets. Driven and Clinched with any hammer. From all Ironmongers, in assorted Boxes, Jin. to |in. (id.; Jin. to fin. Is. If unobtainable send Stamps to rTFIJPCATED RIVET Co, LTD., 10, WOOL EXCHANGE LONDON, E.C. Th-j Guinea Parcel | FROM If pgffii BR|00KFIEL|D$J SJTAFFORID. J iCn h U»*T* crht P/'FFT.C .} 1 Pair White Witney Blanket?;, large size, beantifally finisViei?. soft an i flcccy. 1 Pair White Twill Sheets, BEMTNE I re.I-IV for use, '21 YIS. by 2 yds. 1 Handsome C.-iin-finisheirwhite Qlliit, licautilully raised wo%-enflorat ^'SIRN. S V IS. ion by 2I yds. wide. 1 Pair White Calico Pili,vC !se- NIL sizfc, good quMitv, buttoned ends, ready for 1-se White Marrella Toilet Cover, 45 in. long, 9 in. WI 1, I-reitv RAIDED floral design. 1 Set of 5 Whits nIRE( SSE Toilet Mats. 1 Pair Stronz Huckaback Toilet Towe's 1 v.=E!ul and handsome Striped Austrian Ha", suitable 'or Bed, Sofa, or Travelling Rug, O ° Sent C:f na<{t Paid on receipt of P.O.O. ars. BROOKFIELD'S, Market Square, Stafford EST.VBLIsnED OVER 150 YUBI,

Carmarthen Centenarian. -

rhe Tin-plate strike at Llienelly.…

Friendly Societies and Memberp.…

Mr Lloyd-George, M.P., and…
