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tommittee. The monthly meeeitiing of the Carmarthen- shire Ediic-at-on Coiiimititee. was held at the County Offices on Thursday, the 8th inst. There were prcwmt: Mr J Cihn Lloyd, IVny- bamk (chaimman); .Mr T. Barrett, Cross Vale; Mr Dd. Davies. Myddfai; Professor D. E. Jones, Carlllltallthen; 1r H. J. Thomas, Pen-j a h as Rev W. Davies, Dla.ntdilo; M>r John Johns, Pialrceithin; Col. Morris, Amman- ford Mir W. B. Jones, Ll anelily; Rev R. H. Jc.nts, Llaingendeiirxie; Mr J. R. James, Llandovery; Sin- John Williams, Bt.; Mr H. Jones-Da vies, Glyneiddan Sir Lewis Morris, Penbryn.; Mr Ben Evans, Penioader; Mr D. Evans, Manordaf; Rev J. H. Rees, Barry Port; and the Clfllk (Mr J. W. Nicholas). THE NEW OFFICES. Ihe Chiaiinmaii said that as this was the I first meeting to be held in the new County Unices. he could not let the occasion pass without a word of congratulation. He was quite sure that they weire all proud of this fine buiflding which had been acquired for t<ne County Council—a building wlbioh was centrally situated and so well adapted for tlie County Offices. They were now sup- plied with 'a long felt want. ]t liacl been ecided many years ago by the County oimcil to establish a Central Office; but it was .o.tL!y lately that they had been able to oanry out tbeili- views. Possibly, from iniii arehiteietuttial point cf view, the offices were ,lllot equal in grandeur and elaboration to some of the publiic buildings in their large i cities; hut he (likl ii,ot. tlniank that a. bettor- ,arran,_(,o(I a,ii-,l more commodious premises could be had elsewhere in Wales. The offi- i emails would have the .sun shining on them 71 aI,ul r lives would be considerably j ng hened. The removal to those premises i ouiglit ho add many .yoa.rs to the lives of their f 5 he hoped that the Clerk would live to L be a ceniten.ariian. Col. Morris said that all they wanted r now was a lift. Si,r L\ljs:\lrlri" while agreeing with all ( a the Chairman had sabd, pointed out that in r the clld County Hall the meetings were open a 0 o\ erybo'dy. Fliie puMiic could come in os they liked. It might be said some time when there was a ihinrp division of opinion b that it was a hole and corner meeting. He t did not t,hiink the uvpoi'ters sufficiently reipre- a son ted the genrnral public. He thought any niranbers of the genera;! public should have c the right to coime in and to. express the'r t' views oil, any subject before the Committee. The reportor. who there were a power T ill themselves but they ought to make pro- vision at the end cf the room for a dozen 01 n so o.t the general publ&c who might to a, come ill. He did not suppose that manv p would come 111 but airiiangrmenits ought to n- be aniadc to accomtmodatc a4iiy who wished to a, attend. b, In answer to Mr J. R. James, the Chair- m ma.n said that it was intended to hold 111 it committee meetings at the office, and only st the Cou,iiiciid meetings at the Guildhall. t! F^'RNI!SH[,XCI .Y^ARY SCHOOLS. line Board of Educatnon in reply to a tatter from the- Clerk stated that the Com- mittee were boiund to provide furniture re- st quhred to make a fiion-provided school effi- cient as well as to replace the worn out furni- ture. st Mir J. Johns That is definite. Do yon P' keep -a record of all you supply to tham. ar The Clerk said that he did. SCHOOLS AT LLANDOVERY. ™ The Board of Education wrote that the Tna.niagn.rs of the Llandovery Church of Eng- m. 118.111(1 Mchoot. ll:,acl ag.re.cd to imeet the demiamts of the Board, and it would, therefore, onlv be in-ciiimbeint on the Committee to provide .,„ accommodation the childiren who ° atitended the Lliandoveiiy Cndenomiinatio.na.1 ;vn School. ?'P PUPIL TEACHERS FOR RURAL DIS- he' TRICTS. Mr W. W wks, of eni, Llangunnock, be wrote stat.ing that h:s daiughter had pas t tl m.i the raeent examination tor P.T. scholar- tin ship; but not high enough to get a Beholarsih'-p. He was wiping to pay the ma nieceesarv fees, if the Committee would allow ha, his daughter to attend the centre. Air John Johns moved that they'grant the ma application. would be no expense to the coi Coimmittee. The Cleirk said that the piropeir course the WauUd he for her to -attend the intermediate for soncol for two yeans full time, and to sit for twi the p.t. qualifying examimaition. the 1 rofes-or Jones gia-iid tJiiart they could not ] allow her to attend as a pupill teacher. pO Mr J said that no scholarship had vei L**r many years been 'awarded to this group ,1 He cert«imly thought that some ccmsidera- ] Otsht to be Siven the rmral districts. am Ihe Cliiamrimani said that she. could apply to om ;he local linanageiis for a 'biwaary. j Mr Daviid Kvio.iiis She doieis not ask for too lelp. She only la,.k., fon- leave to attend it The Chairman I don't think we ca.n do \1011 mything to-day. I CARMARTHEN INTER.MEiDIATE g(!1 SCHOOL. A Tlie Clerk of the Cariniaithe* Interme- or liate Sohooll wrote asking for the approval I of the Comnmittee to tlxv appointment of an iiia, additional assistaiit at the boy's school, and p811 o several incieases of sailary to the ass."st,ants } it the Giii'ls school.—These Avere a]>{>roved. the Miss Holme «>int her reports on the p.t. I- choilars. They weire all satfefactory, except n one case. Mr Allen also on the J o y p.t. schokxs. They wore all good Con xcept one- which was f.:i,ir. tion CAPEL ALS SCHOOL.. The question of tenipoiary atxjommodatian t lyaroes wias ooaicsidered. An application 6IS1 fotr to uise the VG^tiT of loiliah Cliapel. w as The Oerk said that the accommodation iiwilled, llncliudinig Oacrsalem, was eufficieMt- +1 or the nmmber, llls Col. Morris sard that they had to take Fr liree or fouir classes in one morn. Ho l! loved that a partition be provided I:' .Mr David Evans siaid that to- provide a ™ ant.it,ion would cost £ 30 or £ 40. Somo ears ago it was comimcn enough to find L liire-e or four ciliasses in one room art/. Nothing was done in the matter. „ THE SALARIES OF CLEANERS. berS An appliiciatiioin wm received from IJlandilo I )r increase of the salary of the cleaner of of t •lOJidilo school from £ 16 to £18. heet Rev W. Da vies in moving that the report the\ e adopted said that this would only give pies er the same salary as the eleaner of Flaiiir- fyi-n ich ScJiooI, wlliidli was not nearly so large. be s Mrs Gwynne-Hughes, in seconding, Said ahn lat the sidhool was netaifly twice as big since ther ^e enlairgomenit. 1 ■Mr »». B. Jones said that the women must! til ? poverty stricken, or they would never do Ami le Avork at the price. He was sonry thiatt tll ley engaged poor women, at such a Ipw But ilairy. He was sure that they were not gl, ;i Mi g w-bat M a Si j u st to th e se1 ]K)o r Avonieiii. i-(1 Mir David Evans said that they were not },a nderpaying nnybody. They Avere trying to pia'liise sallairies all -roinnd. Under the "A ifferent authorities in- thie county undeir thb fj d system there usfid to be different soalea J payment he in a intained that they were >mg to give all the clea.nens salaries com- ( leusuiate with the Avork they had to do. iihen some friends tried to get a bigger slice tiw coum-J- tlmk. mvn it as t-ht ilutj of tiie Committee to set tiheir lOfS ag a ilust ut. The Clerk read a tahle showing the salaries nd the attentlianees at various schools Mils Owynne-tHngfhes said tlnat in some of lese sphoolls the area WIQS not nearly so ig > in the erase of Llandilo although tllie attend rice Avips. 'ITliey illad to consifler the 8 rort in hiicii thti pOlOr eileainer had to clean. ')[1' J. Johns said that it was V, dis- essful for him ait any itime to oppose the lies; but in thii> case as represent,in.g the itepayers, he felt bound to do so! They ould jiot he justiified in inorea-sin"- the tlairies of the cleaners or anybody3 else •ttlioiit giivng thieir lieighbimrs 'a ehanoe if ley 'J¡iked to do the .work. He dared say lat if they jwont into this locality they B Quid get another cleaner to do the work for I ie money. If they failed then they would Eg ) jiio.t,iifie<l in payiiiivg more. B Onllv six mcimibers voted for the inere-Rse, Eg Hi ten agaiiiislt lilt, H iMir D. I)iHA'ii"is askcid if he would be in ordeT P n move that they Deduce the salary of the ■ e-anei- at Fffairfach to £ 16 in order to | lualise the salaries. I Col. Monife said that notice of motion 1 ould be required. H MORE POWERS REQUIRED. | The Ll-anelly imaniage^ H rpte j^tiking t»ho S oiunici'l to de.-ogtfite a tittle more power to H iem. Except thiat Avwre done th-ev asked K ? Committee to aooopt t-hieir « A UC IV tncim tor theur recommend at ions, and that they should have power to ea-rry out repairs, \Mr B. Jones sa:d that had been asiked by the maniageiB of the LlaneMy Schoi(;il^to hriing this matter forward. There weire 27 Jiiaiiiaigers ait- Lliainelly, and they w ere d.ra-wii from 'aln, airea 12 mile.> square. The meeitrngs weire iheld at Llanelly. and nearly lall ilhe mainnger^ Avere men of bneinees. They Avere wiilllinig to- give their time to the Avo.ik; but it Avas uselesis to expect them to tria veil twelve miles to find that they had not power to put even a pane of gl,&-s in the Avindow. It had been stated that they Avonlld have the power of appointing pupil teachers; hut ovoiiii that little privilege had been taken laiway. The pupil teachers were appointed by the Staffing Committee of the Education Committee. It would be much 1 better if the local managers had power to do repairs betoaaise they knew by experience that a stitch in time eaves nine. The Chairman: We had better go on Aviith the next business. Ir W. B. Jones: They Avant a reply. Mus Lloyd said that she had great siym- pa-tky with the mainage-rs. Seven years ago she was appointed on the pupil teachers' ] centre, and all they could do was to make i recommendations to the Sciliool Board. Piiofessor Jones said that be bad great sympathy Avith the Ltllanelly managers; but they were not different from the otiher local managers. They ought- to applj fo Parliia- tnenit to alter tlie Act. The Committee had c iio 'authority to delegate thei" powers, j because the Local (iovernment Board auditor would hold them responsilble for the expendi- ture. He did not know how the Coimmittee ind their officials could be held ii^esiponsible ) f a gix>u.p here and a- -group thea'e bad power J; :o spend money as they thongiht fit. Their i1 great oiy—auid Mr W. B. Jones had joined f' n ii(t—Avas that tax.aft.ion .and representation hould go together. Thia.t M as their great ? objection to the managers of the Voluntary J n ii(t—Avas that tax.aft.ion .and representatilon hould go together. Thia.t M as their great ? objection to the managers of the Voluntary J ioliord having power to .appoint teachers', Ie ,nd the Education Committee having to p ay them. Tliey regarded that as a great nomalv. Rev J. H. R ees Sameth'ng could 'be done. P; oftis:oir Jcnes isaid that if the Act conld a altered so that the managers should ha VQ W he contnol, and the raters levied on the te rea, Ihe Mould be (|ni-iite M'.i'lUing. Col. Mantis asked Avhy the Committee iJ ouild not delegate soime of their powe-rs to lie in a iiiagers. The Chainnaini: Blaime the House of Lords, hey threw ont the last Bill. he Mr John Johns wiid that the managers had — ott to rick coming btfoiie the ratepayers, nd they Miant-tnl the Coinimittee to hand the th ower of the puirse to them, and the Com- littee to be ra-ponsible. Thev had had as pplications from the schools in the group to D jomiied to Llaaiigenideinne, so that they nr light be free tram the tyranny of Llauielly. w: M r W. B. Jones said that if Mr Johns had no -uCk to the truth he Avould have said that ley wished to go to Llangendeirne because th onily ioirr miles away instead of 11 even, the distance to Lllamelly. lot Mr J. Johns said that that proved that his all atement Mta-s coinreot. Tli Mr W. B. Jones saiikl that he was sorry that r Johns, could not understand a plain atom pint, but miust tw.ist it to suit his own nnyjoses. The mamagers Mere not a's IXIIOUS to spend moaiey as recklessly as the nnyjoses. The mamagers Mere not IXIIOUS to spend moaiey as recklessly as the 1'inciation Committee had done in the past. f ley we,re all men who had been before the ihlic for years. Mr John Johns a-ked AVHAT prevented the 2. 1 a-iiiiaigeirs imaking r&co'mimendatioiii. Mr W. B. Joiiies They are igrtored. ari Ma- J. Johns: They ore not. I protest rcc ■ainist that. ^'a Mr W. B. Jones: I have taken part in ?lc pomtment of pupil teachers at the- Staff- lia( 5 Coiinmitteo. iMa- John is chairman, and J/1' knaM S at. w.° sir John illiajins sa.id that it seemed to fV'' alleged that these people had no power to ike recommcinldations. AVhat prevented 3m doing so. Mr W. B. Jones said that they could not °- ike any recommendation after'the teachers sa1" :1 been appoi nt<'d. ^r H. J. Thomas sand that he AVas a 0 .nager in a most out of the M ay part of the inty. If they se-int in a recommendation C Avas generally accepted. He thought that C managers ought to have a ceitaini guim ?"'• repaiii's. They had to wait a or three months to have a slate put on ■ roof. left ^rolessor Jones: If Ave allloiw them a littile sl1'?- •ket money at Uarofynydd, it will be a, 0 )- -y d.iffioult t,hFng- and iii- J. Johns To get a voucher. sub, "}!'ofer-"or Jones: If they spend pennies 1 shillings it willl be v-ery difficult to pass JI a(,COIt.lt before the anditor. age Jr H. J. Thoanss said that if any accident stea k pi a re. os might 'repair the damage. If to i IH'l'e left over for a couple of months1, it the lid possibly cost t3 or £ 4. on 1 tev W. Dav-ies said that the local mana- was s had pewrr to spend ,£2. pay Ii* W. Jones: Suppose the damage is £4 was £ 5. — trie tev J. H. Reos said thiat the thought tne fy. jonity- cif the pupil teachers were ap- had tited by merit. to t Ir W. B. Jones gave not,itCe, to. consider The suh,ject at the next meeting. roar .ADY MEiMBERS ENTERTAIN THE an<i COMMITTEE. He iter the meeting, the members of the c (. I't mmiittee—in ceJlebnation of the inaugura- surv l of the new offices—Mere entertained tp The "h by uVf'i-s 6fwymne-Hu glies and Mrs forn yd, the two lady memlKvs of the Com- the, tee. an a t the cllose, a vote of th.aiivks to the ladies ProT proposed by the Rev J, H. Recs, sup- men bed by Mr W. Ð. Jones. from ev W. Davies that he had no doubt N. 1 would enhance- the influence of the ladies secoi hoped Mr Johin would not oppose the first es again. mem [r J. J ohms: I am sorry now I opposed That (I-wynne Hughes. port [r J. Lloyd said that -it did not often fall to h heir lot to have; a Jiittle pleiasure like this then <r their arduous labours in cominection four I -the educational affairs of the county, rolle could Ihe,st express the views of the mem- e'' u ,in the old Welsh say-ir.ig Melus moes eto. the r David Evans said that the influence If tI he lady imembers of the Committee had they I enoblinig and edifying. Often when hettt felt inclined to put oil, tllie gloves the moti-i cmce of the ladies had exercis^l a niolli- betfo g effect. He hojietl the ladies would not lr 1 surprised -if th^other memliem did not :[1' J lys agree with tTiem. He would say o,f n g- i. ,the sadness of their sadness when tl lev'.i'e sad vol lei the gladness of tJieir gladness Avhen go a glad; good the sadness of their sadness and the tyres adnesis of theilr gladness, consii as nothing to theij- hadness when tlier'-re the 1 Id. it Wia They as li'othin.g to their goodness Avhen t,w'° ;ey're good. stone » Avork (k w- Tb at.





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