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Carmarthen Town Council.


Carmarthen Town Council. A monthly meeting of the Carmarthen Town Council was. held at the Guildhall on Wednesday at 7 p.m. There were piesent: The Mayor (iMr J. N. Williams), Aldermen W. Lloyd, Rogers, G. Treliarne, M. Jones, Councillors John Lewis, J'- 1^; Lewis, James Da vies, H. E. B. Bicha«ls W. bpurrell, J. Ctossman, J. Lloyd, E. Collier, A. Soppitt; together with the Town Clerk (Mr R. M. Thomas), the .Surveyor ( Mr l<imglah), the Sanitary Inspector (Mr James Evans). RUINING THE TENTS. The. Medical Officer said that he had in his charge some tents which had been purchased some years ago as a small pox hospital. They had been lent for the fete at thePark and had been sent rbacik bv the sergeants at the Bar- ira'cks in a disgraceful state with pegs, broken and cords missing. Them after that they were Sent for the sports at the Park on Bank Holi- day, and had not yet been returned. He was told that the children had been playing with "them since. Anybody who wrote to the Mayor could have the use of these tents without payment. If he ware to be respon- sible he would suggest that these would not be lent without hiis consent.—It was agreed unanimously that the tents be not lent with- out the consent of the Mayor and the Medi- cal Officer, and that the borroweis be charged tl Is. for the large tent, and la. (id. for the small o-ne.A-lr Rogers thought that it would be iiiinecewa!it to have tents or to get a field there was room at the police station, The doctor said it was necessary that a small pox hospital should be so many feet away from any other building. He would say this for rthel agricultural show people that they sent the tents back in good order. Jeremy, the park-keeper, always replaeed any broken pegs. ROUGH PEOPLE AT THE FAIR. A discussion took place regarding the sani- tary in the fair ground. The Medical Officer suggested am arrangement which would not get out of order, and would be more suited to the class of people who at- tended the faiws. The Council might have another class of the penny-in-the-slot system —The Surveyor said that if they did the pennies would be carried away. The locks and fixings and everything had been carried awav (from the giounid.—This matter as well as the sanitary aitranigements in the Park and elsewhere were referred to a special com- mittee. A NEGLECTED STREET. Mr P. R. Lewis complained that Pare- main-street was not scavenged. Several people had determined not to pay rates—The Surveyor said that the street had not been taken over.—(Mr L. D. Thomas said that the state of the street was very bad. It was very hard that these people should have to pay ra.tes.-Tlie Surveyor said that he did not think it could be kept much better until the whole of the street woifes were carried out.- Mr Soppitt said that if the horse-brush were taken over it, it would be a great improve- ment. Mr Lewis had referred to the part of the road which had been taken over.—Mr Ridhards moved that the scavengers be in- structed to keep it clean.—Mr Rogers said that to do that i,t would be necessary to have a man there all day. If people went to live near such a place where building was. going on, they would have to. put up with this.—Mr Crossimian thought that the best thing would be to have a committee to visit the place. —On a, division 6 voted for appointing a committee, and 9 for giving the scavengers instructions, BAD FOOTPATHS. Mr L. D. Thomas asked if the Surveyor had heard from the County Council regard- ing the contribution to the footpaths. The condition of some of the paths was disgrace- ful. 1110 County Council ought to contri- bute to the footpath from Priory st. to the Laiiiid,i-y.-Tlio Surveyor said that there had been a correspondence.—The Clerk said that the Surveyor had prepared a, report on the subject. It was, perhaps, his (the Clerk's) fault that the report had not been presented It would come before tne next Public Works Committee. PECULIAR MILK. The Public Analyst reported that a sam- ple of milk received during the year had been rich in fat, but deficient on "solids not fat." It wasf up to the legal standard. RIPARiLiX IMPROVEMENT. The Committee of the 30tih July recom- niended that Pil-Offi Bridge be repaired and the approach gravelled, that the gate on the Llanguniiior side be repaired, and that the gap in the Bulwark be repaired.—This was carried unanimously. FAIR WAGE CLAUSE FOR CORPORA- TION CONTRACTS. Alderman Morris Jones moved, "That the following clause is by order of this Council inserted on all further Corporation contracts "That the contractor shall pay to his work- men engaged on the works included in all contracts the standard rates of wages pay- able in the district, and observe with regard to such workmen the standard number of hours of work." —Iiii moving the motion Mr Morris Jones said that such a resolution had been adopted by 150 Councils including those of Neath, Swansea, Cardiff, and lilaiielly. Lately they had three or four tenders for some work and one tender wasi much lower than the other-. The question was asked "Could that contractor pay his men reason- able wages?" The answer was "No." If they did not support this to-ni^lit they might have to include a stronger clause before long —Mr Lewis D. Thomas, in seconding, said that the Local Government Board in 1893 had issued a circular to local authorities to include a f air wage clause in contracts as the Governmeiit did, a.iid this had been practic- ally adapted by local councils throughout the country. It was also an advantage to those tendering, inasmuch as it placed each and every contractor on an equal basis. Uni- formity i;n wages-rates was to-day considered the basis of iiii, all trades, because it gave a fair field to all and no favour. Every Council should protect the interests of the worker as far as was in reason, and There was nothing unreasonable in asking that all con- tracts carried out for the Council should be entirely free from sweating, find that the re- cognised trade rate should be paid.—Mr Richards supported the motion.—Mr Rogers said that the men were now paid the stan- dard wages but if it were intended to have the same wagosi here as in Swansea, it would end in the contracts going to Swansea people who had more plant and caipital.—Mr P. iR, Lewis having supported the proposal, Mr Spurrell said there was little to object to in in the resolution; but he did not see how a Free Trader could support a Protectionist resolution. He was not a Free Trader.—Mr Richards said that in Free Trade countries woi'Kmen were better paid and worked less hours thain in Protectionist countries.—Mr James Davies said it might mean paying the TO\N Clerk the tame salary as the Swansea Town Clerk. Were they to ask local trades- men utliu sold Birmingham made articles, whether they were produced by sweated labour or Trades Union labour.—Eventu- ally the resolution was carried, only Mr Sop- pitt holding up his hand against it. THE ELECTRIC QUESTION. Mr Rogers had a motion on the agenda to rt.alke.a poll of the town oil the eleetric light question.—Mr Richards objected to this as it was the same as a motion which had been negatived at the last nie,eiiiiig.Tlie Mayor ,iipli,eld the objectir>n. —The Clerk said that the tanding Oi dorisi ivore* broken at 0 vory meeting; hut if the question Avas asked he must say this was against them. There was ,a. Sta,ndilllg Order that no member shall speak .more than once on the same question (laugh- Roge,ri said that at the next meet- ing he would move the suspension of the Standing Orders. ST. CLEARS A meeting of the Agricultural Society will be held on Friday next (16th inst.) at the Railway Hotel, to consider matters in con- nection with the annual show, which will ho held as usual in September. -During the past week 8t Clears has been thronged with visitors, the number being unprecedented. — —Hie Llanelly Town Band made an excel- lent impression, both from a muscial and social point of view. A report of the St. Clears police court appears on the front page. A large number of local paragraphs are unavoidably held over. LAUGHARNE. (Mr R. H. Tyler, the secretary of the Laughiarne Regatta, writes :—"Dear Sir,—T regret that in your report of the Laugbarne Regatta, you omitted the name of Mr Sam Evans, as a fellow secretary, with myself. As iMr Evans did the lion's share of the secre- tarial duiies, J trust you will correct same in your next issue."—The omission, was purely an oversight, and we pleased to give Mr Evans hl due sftiare of reward.

Fports and Regatta at St Clears.

No Surprise to Carmarthen.…

i !St. Clears Garden Show.

United Counties Agricnltmal…

- Carmarthen Bankruptcy Court.


Family Notices