Carmarthen Forestalling the Swansea National. CarSmaithen forestaling the Swansea K tnl. The committee appoited to prepaire a pro- gramme for the eisteddfod which the Carmar then Town Attractions Committee are arran emg for August Bank Holiday, have atrrang ed for competitions for male voice paties, mixed, juvenile, and ladies' choirs, glee par- ties, voca and pianoforte solos, duets, toge- ther "rt ith contests in horae-shoe making ard home-made walking sticks. Prizes amount- ing to nearly t200 are being offered, and in view of the eIsteddfod s close proximity to the National it, t Swansea, the committee have selected several of the test pieces at the National Eigtedditod competition. Thi.s will lie good news for choirs who desire a public practice before enterilig the National Eisteddfod arena.
Death of Mr John Thongs. Llandovery TOWN CLERK FOR 37 YEARS. We regret to announce the death of one of Llandovery's most highly .respected residents in the person of Mr John Thomas, who passed away on. Tuesday, in his 82nd year. The deceased gentleman had been town clerk of Llandovery for 37 years, a position he resigned in April, 1904. He was magis- trates' clerk for over half a century, and registrar of births, marriages, and deaths, as well -as vaccination officer. The funeral, which is public, takes place: on Friday, at Llandiingat. In accordance with the wishes of the deceased gentleman, friends are asked not to send flowers.
By the Way. Priory street School will not be "oon- verted" owing to the falling off in the attendance if some people have their own way. It is no secret that parents have lately been canvassed to take their children from Pontrepoth School and to send them to Priory street. Of OOUITBO, this kind of thing has to be kept dark, for if a counter move- ment were started, the second state would be worse than the first. **# During the week the Carmarthen steam- roller has suffered the degradation of being converted into a garden roller. It has been put to earn its living by rolling the turf on the plot inside the cycle track; and is looks as degraded as "Sampson did when he was grinding corn for the Philistines. The decoration of the graves in the Car- marthen Cemetery was not this Palm Sunday practised so extensively as we have seen it in former years. It would not be quite cor- rect to argue from this that the custom is diyng out. Palan Sunday fell this year par- ticularly eairl-y and that in a season which was particularly late. Hence flowers were dear and scarce. Possibly those who neg- lected their duty on this occasion will see to it later in the year; for many of the graves in the Cemetery look needlessly neglected. There are many people in Carmarthen who were quite convinced that the six old Guard- ) ians were seeking ire-election. It was diffi- cult for them to understand that one David Davies had retired and that another David Davies had come out.. One voter told his friends that he had voted for "Boksburg." He is a thorough Conservative, and his feel- ings may be imagined when he learned that he had actually voted for a Soialist I There are 2,458 persons on the register eligible to vote at the election of Guardians in St. Peter's parisli. Besides the usual loss due to death and removaJl, there is another cause which explains many apparent absten- tions. Many have votes both in the town and in some of the rural parishes. They could not vote, in both parishes of the same union any more than the same burgees could vote, in both Wards at a municipal election. Hence many of the "out-voftera" were prac- tically disqualified. 1,667 persons actually voted at the eleotion in Carmarthen. Of these, 1,331 gave a vote to Mr Jonathan Phillips, of Ysgnborstone. When a man has six opponents, and gets 70 [ per cent. of the votes recorded he has aright I to feel popular. .¡. The most signilficiant feature of the elec- tion was the good poll of the Rev A. Fuller Mills, who did immensely better than at any previous contest of the kind in which he figured. This entirely bears out the remarks which we made on his position last week. Mr Mills lias retired from the ministry, but his career as a public man would seem to be only beginning. The electors would appear to have gone very solidly for the five old Guardians of St. Peters.* Mr E. A. Rogers, who was a very bad sixth, merely got in because there was no strong candidate for the sixth place. Had Mr David Davies, of Boksburg Hall, ran again, Mr Rogers would not have had the ghost of a chance. 4. Mr David Davies, the Labour candidate, has done as badly as he did at the municipal elections. Either the Labour Party has no great hold in Carmarthen, or else it has selected the wrong man to fight its battle. It may be predicted that the quiet peace- ful meetings of the Carmarthen Guardians will soon become a thing of the past. They used to be a mere matter of form, so much agreed was everybody albou,t everything. But Mr Rogers is a gentleman who likes to get at the boa.Mom of things, and if he carries the spirit which, hfe displays in the Corpora- tion to the meetings of the Guardians he will wake the Board up. The most omphatiic victory in the country was that of Mr John Jones, The Plas, who in St. Ishmaels, had two votes to his opponents one and a good many to spare. This could aca-rcely be dignified with the name of a con- test. This fproves conclusively that the people of St. Ishmael aire well able to take people on their merits. Those who were a.nxious to see Mr Jones opposed would do well to, face accomplished facts. *«* At FcrVyside the same day,, there was a contest for Ward No. I on the Parish Coun- cil. Those elected were Jolhn Jones, Gothic Villa, 91; Dd. Lewis, Coburg Villa, 87; Ed. Evans, Portiscliff Cottage, 62; R. B. Lewis, London House, 62; John Thomas, Raspberry Cottage, 59. Those mot elected were: David Jones, Eva terrace, 53; Joseph Morgan, Chief Attendance Officer, 52; T. Devereux, 51; George Thomas, Towy Villa, 51; E. W. Jones, Whitethorn Cottage, 46. «*• The Ferryside people have had quite enough excitement for one day; and the best thing they can all do is to let byegones be byegones and see what they can do to pro- mote their common interests. »#» At St. Clears, Mr Dd. John managed to retain his seat, but he had a very narrow squeak of it. The difference between 110 and 95 is not very great, and the fact that Mr T. T. Loyd polled so well against an opponent of such strong local connections speaks wetl of his popularity. The contest was a keen one, but was not fought in a bad spirit, and the very nairrowness of the majo- rity gicxs a sporting character to the finish. There are some curiosities of elections. Two officials had to leave Carmarthen at 4 a.m. and to remain at Llandawke from 8 ..m. to 8 p.m. to take the votes of 41 electors, who could not agree on a representative. The successful candidate is a member of the Board because he got 22 votes! In Carmar- then Mr Davjd Davies if; oct because he only got 462. ••• In Llanstephan, the old Guardian received less than half the votes accorded to his opponent. In Llainiarthney one of the old Guardians (Mr W. J. Thomas) received more than his two competitors, wihilst the other old Guardian was a bad third. In Conwil again one of the old Guardians was placed at the bottom of the poll. In- deed-apaatt from the fiyo St. Poters "old hands three-fourths of the Board will -be freshmen. This is a good argument in favour of having a few aldermen to ensure a little permanenco or, Ot least, oolntinurty- in the affairs of the Board. But many of the ratepayers seem anxious to make an end of the continuity and to have a change at any cost. The name of Alderman R. W. Stephens, Coedybrlain, was inadvertently omitted from the list of those present at the last meeting of the County Council; but as our report shows Mr Stephens to have delivered a speech at the meeting, the omission did not, wo tm&t, deceive the public. The nineteenth annual report of the Gla- r morgan Mission, to the Deaf and Dumb shows a good record of work. The work of the Rev J. Bodfan Anwyl is warmly commended in the report of the committee which states Whist the Committee review the past with heatfeft gratitude, they anticipate the future with confident hope. Mr Anwyl, under Divine guidance, has already accom- plished great things; but greater things, we, believe, are yet in store. Knowing something of his untiring energy and rare ability, his prolific enterprise and com- plete consecration, we are fully persuaded that, through his instrumentality, an In- stitute for the Deaf and Dumb at Ponty- pridd—which is very much needed—will, in the near future become an accom- plished fact. fftft Some s:ngi,ng about the streets of Carmar- manfchen on Monday might was thought by many hearers to be connected with the elec- tion. It was, however, the swan song of the "Orpheus Glee Society," which had de- cided to disband that evening on account of the removal of Mr P. R. Daniel, who has accepted the post of organist at the LlandiJo Parish Church. The Channel Tunnel scheme is knocked on the head. In spite of our protestations of friendship, we can trust the French better at a distance. «*• The issue of the Electric Light scheme- —which is believed to hang in the balance— is anxiously awaited by the Carmarthen public.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
Rural District Council Elections CARMARTHEN. The polling for the eleettion of Guardians took place throughout Carmarthen Rural District on Monday. The following are the results of the contested elections:— ST. PETER'S. Eloerted- Mr Jonathan Phillips 1,331 Miss White 1,183 Rev. A. F. 1,135 Mr J. T. Lewis 1,056 Mr J. Patagonia Lewis 1,056 Mr E. A. Rogers 677 Not elected— Mr David Davies 462 LLANLLAWDDOG (One Seat). Elected— Mr Pryse Lloyd, GIangwili 64 Not elected- Mr Daniel Davies, Cwimceir 49 LLANSTEPHAN (One Seat). Elootoo- Mr John Francis, Down Farm 150 Not elooted- Mr T. Davies, Penlanfach 71 ST. ISHMAEL (One Seat). Elected— Mr John Jones, Plas 190 Not elooOOd- Mr Owen Davies, Brynooch 78 ABERNANT (One Seat). Mr Dd. Williaans, Tyrhos 73 Not elected— Mr Dd. Davies, Tessant 38 LLANDAWKE AND LLANSADWRNEN (One Seat). Elected— W. Rees, Capthorn 22 Not elected— Mr J. H. Thomas, Great Hil. 19 ST. CLEARS (One Seat). Elected— Air Dd. Joiin, Glasfryn 110 Not elected- Mr T. T. Lloyd, Green Park 95 CONWIL (Two Seats). Elected— Benj. Philips, Cappadocia 155 John Davies, Nantyrhyddod 143 Not elected— Dd. Thomas, Troedrhiwesgair 82 LLANAIITHNEY (Two Seats). Elected— W. J. Thomas, Glantowy 330 W. Brazell, Closyrun 182 Not elected— Stephen Stephens, Cwm 139 ABERGWIL! (Two Seats). Elected— John Williams, "Hengi'l-uehaf. 163 Benj. Jeremy, Carregllys 147 Not elected— Israel Evans, Gellyglyd 106 D. Davies, Brynliawddgar 88 LLANDILO ABERCOWIN AND LLAN- GUNNOCK (One Seat). Elected— Evan Davies, Penparke 68 Not elected— W. Weeks, Wem 62 LLAN PUlMPS A INT. Elooted- Griffith iMoritts, Sdhool House. 92 Not elected— Dd. Thomas, Bi-yiiooi-e. 67 UNOPPOSED RETURNS. LLANDDAROG. Mr John Davies, Llandre. LLANDEFiEILOG. Mr John Bowen, Lan House. LAUGHARNE TOWNSHIP. Mr B. R. Thomas, Raven House. LAUGHARNE PARISH. Mr John Bedford, Upper Newton. LLANDDOWROR. Mr Benjamin Thomas. LL A NFIiHA N GEL ABERCOWIN. Mr Evan Williams, Glasfryn. LLANGENDEIRNE (Two Seats). Mr John Lewis, Pontantw;n. Farm. Mr D. T. Gilbert, Schoolmaster. LLANGINNING. Mr J. T. Williams, The Grove. LLANGUNNOR. Mr David Phillips, Parcygroes. LLANWINIO. Mr John Phillips, Caerlleon. MEiRTHYR. Mr T. Davies, Pretoria Buildings. MYiDThDL Mr W. H. Thoimas. LLANGAIN. Mr James Jones, Penyolyn. NEWCHURCH. Mr David Evans, Goitre-uohaf. TRELECH-AR-BETTWS (Two Seats). Mr D. G. Bowen, Alltrodiii. Mr J. S. Williams, schoolmaster.
Welsh Industries PROPOSED EXHIBITION AND SALE IN MANCHESTER. The desirability of holding an exhibition and sale in Manchester in December next, under the auspices of the Welsh Industries Association was discused at a meeting held in 31ancheiter on Monday. The Lord Mayor presided over a tfniall attendance. Letters of apology for aibsenceand expressing sym- pathy with the o'bjest in view were read by Dr ilmrys Jones, who said that if there was any surplus from the proposed exhibition he should like to see it devoted to the support of chai of Celtic in Manchester University. Mrs Richard Helme, hon secretary of the Welsh. Industries Association explained its objects, and said that exhibitions already held in connection wftli the association had proved very popular in the towns in which they had been held. At Liverpool there was a profit of JE294, at Bristol, JE517, and at Swansea, £ 200. They had never had a fail- ure, and in every case they had been asked to return to the town. If it was decided to hold an exhibition in Manchester, it would, she believed, be possible to secure the pre- sence of Royalty (applause). The meeting de-cided that it was desirable to hold a Welsh Industries Exhibition in Manchester as early as possible next December.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
Rurel District Elections in the i ounty. TALLEY. Elected— Rev J. Alban Davies 66 Mr J. B. Griffiths 61 Not elected— Mr J. Williams 47 Mr J. Thomas 43 LLANGADOCK. Elected— Mr D. Griffiths, Glanceidrych 194 Mr E. P. Lloyd, Glansevin 170 Mr Wm. Davies, Glansawdde 167 Mr D. Griffiths, Brynsmirlwch. 153 Not elected— Mr Thos. Jones, Glantowy 145 Rev J. Jones, Brynoapel 138 Mr W. T. Lewis 126 LLANDDEUSANT. Elected— Mr John Davies, Aberllellach 87 Mr Dan Thomas, Llywnfron 83 Mr W. Evans, Cross Inn 73 LLANBOIDY. Elected— Mr John Richards 156 Mr Thomas Lewis 135 Mr John Owen 135 Not elected- Mr James Adams Lewis 133 EGLWYSCUMMIN. Elected- Mr Henry Lewis 17 Not elected- Mr Thomas Phillips 16 PENCARREG. Elected— Mr David Williaims 184 Mr R. J. Rees 160 Mr Benjamin Thomas Lewis 132 Not elected— Mr William Edwards 118 Mr Morgan Thomas 105 Anne Thomas 63 LLANYBYTHER. Elected— Dr Evan Jones 142 Mr E. Morgan Evans 121 Not elected— Mr W. J. Williams 109 Mr John Davies 74 EAST CILRHEDYN. Elected— Mr J. Davdes, Gellydanglwst 93 Mr John Morgans, Hendy 92 Not elected— Mr T Davies, Cilwaunyddfawr. 76 PENBOYR. Elected— Mr Hy. Davies, Pantyrhebog. 177 Mr Hy. Davies, Lychnant 152 Mr Daniel Lewis, Brondeg 132 Not elected— Mr Wm. Hindes, Velindre 131 Mr T. Williams, Pontbrenbach. 98 Mr Dd. Williams, Cilwendeg 93 LLANEGELER. Unopposed returns— Mr John Lewis, Meiros, Hall. Mr Thos. Thomas, Peniwern. CENARTH. Unopposed retu,i-lii;- Mr John Davies, Pontgarreg. Mr David James Voel. LLANFIHANGEL-AR-ARTH. Mr Dd. Beynon, Bwlchcoed 240 Mr W. J. Wallis Jones 229 Mr Daniel Jones, Nantvgragen 205 Mr B. Rees, Alltwalis Factory 202 Not elected- Mr W. Jones, Pengraiigwen 159 LLANDILO. North Ward— Elootoo- Mr William Harries 235 Mr Evan Davies 233 Mr William Griffiths 232 Not elected- Mr John Perkins 214 LLANDEBIE. Elected— Mr John. Jones 137 Mr Jacob Davies 131 Not elected- Mr William Davies 123 Mr Moses Williams 70 Mr John Hopkins 45
BETTWS. ri,lee,te,d:-A-lo,iigaii Evans, 261; David Jen kins, 233; John Han.,is, 362; David Jones, 223; Morgan Rees, 220; Charles Price, 2l6; Evan Daniel Llewellyn, 209; Thomas Grif- fiths, 209; Wlilliam Evans, 208; David Lloyd, 206; John Phillips, 204; John Powell, 197; Daiv-id Glyn Jenkins. 177; John Anthony, 168; William Owen, 154.
28,000,000 Persons Injured Some reiniark-aible facts regarding the ex- tent of life insurance business in the United Kingdom are brought out m the Blue Book issued on Friday on life insurance compan- ies. The returns deal with 95 companies carrying on life insllllra-nce business, and they show that 27,941,960 persons in the United Kingdom are insured, the total value of the policies in force reaching the enormous sum oif £ 1,005,908,588, or, 'roughly the same amo of £ 1,005,808,588, or, roughly, the same amount as the total value of Great Britain trade with foreign countries. The companies have assets totalling t384,398,398 in value and receive in pre- miums the sum of C37,000,000 a year. A notable fact is that of the 28 millions poli- cies in force over 25 millions are of the "iaidus trial kind,' yet the amount issued for is three tunes as great under the ordinary system as under the industrial.
May Play on Sunday Mr James Elliman, of embrocation fame, on Thursday handed over to the urban dis- trict council of Slough the trust deeds of a magnificent recreation ground for the town. The ground is over 26 acres in extent, and with the buildings and an endowment of 1:10,000, the value of the gift is over £31.000 Mr Elliman's object is to stimulate profici- ency in healthy and manly games. Play on -Sundays will be permitted.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
Urban District Council Elections AMMANFORD. Elected— Mr Thomas Fletcher 453 Mr Wm. Evans, builder 429 Mr Roibliings, colliery manager 421 Mr E. James, colliery manager 347 Mr John, Davies, grocer 324 Not elected— Mr D. Jones, station master 287 Mr John E. Jones, collier. 236 Mr Thos. Evans, check weigher 152 Mr Jestyn Williams, collier 146 LLANDILO. Elected— Mr J. Stevens 291 Mr E. A .Roberts 290 Mr J. EdKvTards 287 Mr Claude R. Davies 227 Mr Thomas Evans 204 Not elected— Mr Dd. Jones 188 Mr J. Young Davies 173 BURRY PORT. Elected— Mir R. G. Thomas 529 Mr F. J. Evans 415 Mr R. Roberts 361 Mr R. T. Hammond 354 Mr J. Leyshon 296 Not elected- Mr J. Rowlands 229 Mr J. Edwards 164 Mr P. Eynon 130 LL A N ELLY. Avard 1. Elected— Mr W. David .749 Mr W. Roberts 719 Mr n. Guest 562 Not eelected- Mr G. Mercer 527 Mr Phillip Williams 407 Mr James Evans 54 Ward II.- Elected— Mr D. R. Edmunds 738 Mr D. R. Jones 704 Not elected— Mr D. Phillips 546 "\lr Mr W. Rossiter 329 Ward. III.- Elected— Mr H. D. Rees 713 Mr E. Evans 402 Not elected— Mr J. S. Tregoning 321 Parish Council Election.
Easter-Monday at Carmarthen. Entries for the Easter Monday sports at Carmarthen closed on Monday, and fhe num ber of entries received by the secretary (Mr J. C. H. Portneil) shows that the meeting is still held in favour by the racing commun- ity. In the amateur cycle races West Wal- ians will have the opportunity of seeing Leon Meredith (the world's record holder for the two to ten miles and the 48 to 100 miles track distances) ride,in company with J. Matthews late of Putney a world famous tandem rider Joseph Draper, Anaierley, Williaih Henry, Pontyberem, and other local crack cyclists. Bert Andrews, the Welsh champion, who usually does well at this meeting is prohibi- ted from riding on this occasion owing to a report from Exeter that he held up a race last autumn to enable the leading man to re- pair a puncture, which action has led to his suspension until the Monday before Whitsun In spite of his absence some very keen racing raiCing is anticipated.
Carmarthen Borough Education Committee A meeting of the Carmarthen Borough Education Committee was held at the Guild- hall, on Tuesday, at 8 p.m. There were also present. Rev E- U. Thomas (chairman), Rev J. Harry, Mrs J. H. Thomas, Mrs John Lewis, Mr E. James, Mr H. E. Blagdon- Richards. DESKS WANTED. The Rev J. Harry said that he had been through the list of school requirements; and the only thing which it was necessary to re- fer to the Committee was a request from the Model School for six desks to cost 22s 6d each for the Infant Department. He did not feel inclined to endorse the order with- out submitting it to the Committee. It seemed that the desks were required because a gallery had been removed—whether with or without the consent of the Committee he could not say. The Clerk: No application was made to this Committee. Mr Richards said that they had had desks lately at this scihood. They were always wanting desks. Rev J. Harry said that the need for them had arisen through the removal of the gallery There is space that requires furnishing. Mr Richards: How is this school as regards attendance. The Clerk: It is very good at this school. The gallery was removed on the recommen- dation of the Inspector. Mr Richards moved that the request be not granted. The Chairman, reading from the request before him, said that the accommodation at the Infants School was only for 95, and the number on the books was 147. He asked, was the recommendation for the removal of the galley submitted to the Committee. Mr Richards: I do not remember anything of the kind. Mr James: Has the Inspector power to order this kind of thing to be carried out. The Chairman: He can only recommend. The Clerk said that there was a resolution that no expenditure should be incurred with- out the consent of the Committee. Mr James: It has been done without the consent of the Committee. Mr Richards: The next thing will be that the Inspector will tell them to put it back or to build a new wing. The Chairman: Any recommendation of the Inspector ought to be submitted to this Committee. Mr Richards: I move that we go on to the next business. Mr Harry seconded, and the motion was carried nem con. THE RE-OPENING OF BABELL. The Secretary of Babell C.M. Church (Mr T. Rees) wrote thanking the Committee for having allowed them the use of Quay street school for their meetings during the re-build- ing of the chapel. PRIORY ST. ON THE INCREASE! A letter was read from the managers of Priory street asking for an increase in the staff. It was mentioned that the attendance at the boy's schooil had now increased, to 61. The Chairman: The attendance has in- creased from 45 to 61. That is an increase of 16. The Clerk Since the 28th February. The Chairman I suppose the people have come to live to the town and the children have gone to Priory street. Where have they come from? Mr Richards: I don't think it will do to inquire too much. The Chairman.: But there they are. Mr Harry: This is due to the passing of the resolution at the last meeting. The Cleirk If you' pass another l-esolution it may go up to 80. I do not see how you can pass this in the face of the resolution you passed lately. The Chairman I would like to know where the resolution came from inside or outside. Mr Harry I think it was pointed out that the child population of the town was station- ary, and, therefore, the increase was from inside. Mr Richards: They have been growing since February. The application was laid on the table.
Banquet to Sir John Williams, The Plas. SPEECxi ON THE GROWTH OF WELSH INSTITUTIONS. A complimentary banquet to Sir John Wilianns was given by the Welsh Club in London, on Tuesday evening. Sir John Puleston presided over a 1 arge gathering. Among those present were Mr T. H. W. Idris, M.P., Mr David Davies, M.P., Dr Hy. On en, Principal Roberts, Dr R. D. Roberts, Mr C. D. Phillips, Dr Lloyd Owen, Messrs J. Gwemogfryn Evans and Roberts Jones, F.R.C.S. Sir John Puuleston proposed the health of Sir John Williams, and said that Sir John's fame was known wherever the Welsh lan- guage was spoken, at home or in the Colonies. Some men, when they became onlinent in their respective walks of life, forgot the 118,nd of their birth. That was not the case with Sir John Williams, who had devoted much of his time and energy to pro- mote the interests of Wales and the Welsh people. There was nothing more appropni- ate than his selection, as first prudent of the new Welsh National Library, which was brought into existence so much through his efforts (applause). It was natural that he should be one of the first to be selected as a member of the Welsh Church Commission, where lie acted in the interests of peace, and where lie knew no prejudices. Dr Henry Owen also spoke to the toast. Sir John Williams, in responding, said that he was glad to find that at last iiteIJe was a Welsh Social Club in London. Clubs, with the exception of one sort, was the re- sult of the progress of culture. If anyone wanted to mako progress now they must specialise. There was a tiiiie when the parish church in Wales was the centre of worship, of education, of amusement; it was the people's clulb, their local Parliament, even their theatre and their club: but in course of time it was found to be insufficient, and other societies arose. They, too, were now becoming insufficient, and people were now founding clubs, literary societies, and libraries. They were specialising. He hoped tha.t the Welsh Club in London would soon reckon aimongst its .members the dignitaries of all denominations (laughter), landlords and other lords (laughter), and that it would be a successful institution. Principal Roberts proposed "The Welsh C liib. Mr David Davies, M.P., in (responding, said that the first twenty minutes was the critical period of a football match. That had been realised by Sir John Williams, who came forward with the Peniarth Library, and practically "bust up" certain opponents to the Nat-ional Library claim (laughter).
BABELL, PENSARN. A rehearsal in connection with the coming singing festival which is to be held at Water street Chapel on April 11th, was held at the above placei last Sunday night after the even ing service, when choirs from Waiter street and Bethania, attended, together with the String T. Caeralaw Jones con- ducted, and Master Stanley Isaac accompan- ied. Several hymns from the programme weire sung, also the Anthem, "M.olwch yr I Arglwydd," by Dr John Thomas, the conduc- tor of the ufa.
Point-to-Point Races. TIVYSIDE. Favoured with delightful weather the an- nual point-to-point races promoted by the Tivyside Hunt Club, were held on a course adjoining Pallltgwyn oni Tuesday. There was a large gathering of the Tivy&ide gentry who evinced a great interest in the racing. The programme was confined to followers of the hunts in the counties of Carmarthen, Cardi- gan and Pembroke, and the entries in the three events were very favourable. The officials were as follows :-iStewards, Colonel New land, M.F.H., Dolhiaidd; Sir Edward Pryse, Bait., Mr G. B. Bowen, Llwyngwair; Colonel Howell, Pantgwn; Lieut.-Colonel Brenchley, Glaneirw; Mr A. H. Jones, J.P., Plenrallt. Judge—Mr BerWngtoai Davies, Parkygjojis- fStarlber—Cblonel Howell. Clerk 90 of scales.—Mr Lewis Bowen, Hon. Secretary Lieut. Colonel Bronlegiley. Prior to the raoesa meet took place at Noyadd Cross, and was an imposing spectacle, the hunting cos- tuimes of the riders forming a peasant con- trast. The list of awards were as follows:— Steeplechase open to members of Pembroke Carmarthen, and Cardigan Hunts, or officers 011 full pay—1, Mr J. C. V. Pryse Rice's Har- lequin 2, Mr G. Lort Stokes's Topthorae; 3, Mr Wilmot Vaughan's Patrick. Steeplechase (open to members or sub- scribers of the Tivyside Hunt)—1, Mr > Rodh's Peewit! 2, Sir Edward Pryce's Micky Free; 3, Colonel Howell's Useful Girl. Farmers Race.—1, Mr John Davies', Gelly daniglwyst, Maud; 2, Mr D. Jones's, Trefaes- fach, Barney; 3, Mr David Jones's, Coedstre Dick. CARMARTHENSHIRE. The Carmaitlie-nshire Hunt Club have fixed their point-to-point steepleahases for Thurs- day the 4th of April. As in previous years, one of the races will be thrown open to mem- bers of all hunts in the countiesof Carmar- then, Cardigan, and Pembroke; another will be confined to mearibers of the Carmarthen- shire Hunt, while the third will be for far- mers and farmers' sons, residing in. the dis- trict where the Carmarthenshire Hounds meet. Entries for the two first races close -not later than ten p.m. on Monday, the 1st proximo, or first post the following morning Mr John Francis (Carmarthen) is the secre- tary of the mooting.
Cardiganshire Education Committee BIBLES WANTED AT SILIAN. A meeting of the Cardiganshire Education Committee was held at Lampeter Town Hall on Tuesday. LNIR D. C. Roberts, Aberystwyth was unanimously re-elected chaiitman. A request for 20 Bibles came from the cor respondent of Sil'ian National School for use there. During a discussion it transpired that an addition to the 3s limit had been granted for teaching Welsh. The Chairman said that if their schools wee to be kept to the limit their reply should be. the requistion in future should be so arranged as to include the cost of those Bibles. It was mos timport an that they should adhere to their limit. Mr J. M. Howell Aberayron, said it would be best to deduct the cost from the 3s limit in the coming year so as toremove any possi- bility of suspicion that they were opposed to undenominational Bible teaching in school. Mr R. S. Rowlands, Tregaron, said that in hi;s diariot the 3s Emit had not nearly been reached. Others said that was also true of other districts. Rev J. Williams, Cardigan, in. opposing Mr Howell''s proposal, said he did not wish it to go abroad that they were in favour of giving religious teaching in the schools in any way. Personally, he objected to it, and proposed accordingly. Mr Steph- ens, Cardigan, seconded. No seconder being found for Mr Howell, the motion fell through the chairman observing that the cost could be included in the limit next year, the com- mittee being unable to grant any exception al facilities in this case. To this the com- mittee agreed. The secretary of the Welsh National Agri- cultural Society asked the committee to again contribute towards the cheese and butter sections of the above associations show. £ 15 was subscribed ast year. Mr C. M. Wil- liams, Aberystwyth, said that section of the national show was a complete success, and on his motion the application was referred to the Finance Committee. The following were appointed co-opted members of the committee, viz:—To repre- sent university education, Principal Roberts N.C. of Wales, Aberystwyth, and Principal Bebb, St. David's College, Aberystwyth; to represent inter-edulcation, Mr T. Z. Jones, Aberystwyth, and Mr A. P. Howell, Row- street to represent elementary ecluoation,, Miss Kemipster, N.C.W., Aberystwyth, Mr R. E. Bevan, Council School, Llanarth. and Mr J. Rees, Council School, Pontrhydfendi- gaid: and to represent technical education, Mr M. A. Maud Jones, Llandyssul, Mp Jen- kin Lloyd, Tregaron, and the Rev. — Evans, Lampeter. The Newcastle EmlYll District Council J'e- ported that the Adpar and Trewen managers had drawn attention to a statement made at the previous meeting of the education com- mittee that medical gentlemen granted cer- tificates to parents indiscriminately, and those managers wished to represent that only three certificates had been granted in their district. It was decided to increase all assris tant teaoiiers' salary to £i1, and caretakera' wages to £ 8. On the motion of Mr Robert Ellis, Aberys- i twyth, it was agreed to inform managers of nonprovided schools that the repairs required according to tlhe Council architects' direc- tions should be completed before December I 31st, otherwise the committee would cease to maintain the schools. It was likewise agreed to send the managers copies of the report pre sented in 1905.. and request the submission of the plans to the committee. The budget for the year was presented by the Clerk (Mr Jeiik-in James) a comparative statement of the receipts and expenditure statement of the receipts and expenditure showing the actual and estimated for the year ending March 31st, 1907. The balance on April 1st last year £i.063 17s 7d, approxi- mate actual receipts, and £ 5,600 estimated receipts; grants from the Board of Educat- tion, aid grant, t4,291 3s 7d., against £ 4,290 annual igiant, £8,9i2 17s 9d., against £ 8800; fee, grant, £ 4.360 2s 6d., against £ 4,440; Ag riculhlral Rates Act grant £1,945 17s agailit £ 1,945. The rating authotities balance was £9,626 14s 8d, against £ 9,400; whilst the rates under Section 18 (1) c and d (loans) were £1,877 6s 3d against £ 2,325. The total receipts were £38,lü5, agaiinst £ 36,91-0. It appeared that theapproxilmlll,te actual pay- ments on principal on loans wa.s £ 1,620 13s Id., and estimated payments £ 1,536; inter- est, £ 1,335 13s Id. against £ 1,574. The salaries of teachers in Council schools were 1;19,671 10s ldo., aigainst t:20,300, the. books and prizes being £1,G87 10 lid against tl950 Total payments were £ 26,385 6s 9d against £ 87,800. The estimated balance of t-1,200 represented provision of a working lualanee, and £ 6,200 was set down to meet carrent ex- penditure at the 1st of April last. Ultimate lv the committee appoved of an elementary education raite of 9d (against lOd last year), a higher education rate of 2d (against l!d), and an intermediate education iiarte of td in the P-.
LLANDEFEILOG. A very successful competitive meeting was held last Saturday evening at Coedybi-ain Baptist Chapel. Lkudefeilog. Mr Alfred Stephens Broom hill. Kidwelly, was to pre- rt'de, but was unavoidably prevented from boing present, but sent a note and a hand- some donation in gold to make up for his absence. Alderman R. W. Stephens, Coedy brain,, therefore, took the chair. The Rev W E. Davies, Ferryside, was to be the conduc- tor, but was unable to attend through ill- health, and Mr Gomer Henry conducted in his susual able, and humourous manner, and also adjudicated the compositions and recita- tions. (Mr Tom Beynion and Mr Jones, Kid- welly, adjudicated the music, and gave gen- eral satisfaction. Miss M. A. Davies, Pres- wylfa, Llandefeilog, won the chief recitation prize; Mrs Griffiths, Burry Port, won the champion solo; and Miss Davies, Kidwelly, the second prize. This item of competition was of very high standard. The prize for the best male voice party was divided between Lljandefeilog and /Llansaint pa'rties. Great I praise is due to the energetic secretary, Mr | E. Davies, Llettypenhen, who won-ked tho Easter Moaiday at Carmarthen.
THE Rev. R. N. Edwards, B.A., of Aber- ystwyth, will preach at Zion Church on Sun- day next. Miss FLORRIE JONES (daughter of Mr Oliver Jones) has taken a first class diploma in cook ery at the Cardiff School, and also certificates in Hygiene and Chemistry. She was trained at the Cardiff and Monmouth School of Cookery, Cardiff. LOCAL PETITIONS.—In the House of Com- mons on Monday, Mr Abel Thomas presented petitions in favour of the Mines Eight Hours Bill from miners working in several collier- ies in Carmarthenshire, and in the Glangar- Uant Colliery, Glamorganshire. ACCORDING to Mr Llewelyn Williams M.P. Sitr Lewis Morris "has been trained in the same schools as Tennyson and Mildou; he has studied the same thoughts; read' the same books; he has been formed on the same 110 doubt (says the ''Western Mail"); nevertheless, Sir Lewis w19 pu+i °1 ?? groat predeceasors. ™ bnI^ of his "Epic of Hades" on the underground ra. way. INFIRMARY. The Se.cretary begs respect- ;no.^ T ^knowledge the receipt of the follow- rn,^ry boxes> £ 1 5s 7d; Boar's Hoif Af°S' ^°yal Ivy Bush box, 3s 6d rnit Moon, box, Is 6d; Jolly Tar box, 6d; penodicals, Mr R. James (Bridge street), i iss Spurrell (King street), Mrs Stephen ughes (Parade), Sergeant Davies (Police Station), Mrs Gwyne Hughes, Glancothy, and Lady xxills-Johnes; flowers, G.F.S. Can mates, per Mis sThomas, Llanegwad Vicar- age. FUNERAL OF MISS MARY LEWIS.—The tuneral of Miss Mary Lewis, second daughter of the late Mr Philip Lewis, King street, took place on the 14th inst. The Rev. W. S. Jones, a friend of the family, journeyed specially from Llwynypia to officiate at the tunenal. The bearers were Mr D. H. Davies (Richmond terrace), Mr T. Conwil Evans, Mr T. James (Crown Stores), Mr Dano James (Priory srt-i-eet), Mr Dd. James, Barn's row, and Mr W. A. Evans. The principal mourners were: George, Bessie, and Phyllis Lewis (brother and sisters); Mr and Mrs Jones, London House (sister and brother-in- law); Mr John Lewis, St. Catherine street (cousin); Mr James Lewis (uncle); Miss Meares (her dearest friend); Mrs Llewellyn, Swansea (cousin); Miss A. Owen and Mrs R. Owen, Resolven (cousins): Mr David Jones, Ebbw Vale (uncle); Mr T. Conwil Evans, King street. Wreaths were sent by the fol- lowing: -.ALtotligr, brother, and sisters; nephew and nieces; Mrs Thomas^ Emporium vcroos); Mrs Jeffreys, King street (cross.); Miss G. White, King street; Mrs "Williams, King street; Mrs James, Crown Stores; Mr and Mrs Conwil Evans; Miss M. Jones, Priory street; Mrs James, Priory street; Miss A. E. Morris, Priory street; Miss M. A. Jones, Richmond terrace; Mrs D. H. Davies, Richmond terrace; Miss N. Evans, Jackson's lane; Mr and Mrs John Lewis, St. Catherine street; Mr and Mrs J. Jones, Haverfordwest; Mr and Mrs D. Jones, Ebbw Vale; Miss Meares; Miss James, Wood's- row.-Mi-s Lewis and family wish to thank the many kind friends who sent them messages of sympathy and condolence in their bereavement, and which messages are to numerous to acknowledge individually. CONCERT.—On Thursday evening of last week a grand concert was held in the Eng- 'VNosleyan Schoolroom. The Rev T. X. ll'hi(pson presided. The programme, which 3mi exce'l€nt one, was got up by Miss «r?/ Ji10Inias' Jj'L -C M., Castle Hill House, t^plj' credit is due to her for having got in.g itemsSU A]iaHPlCaSklg variety °f ill'tfT1('et- and <■' n -p ii artistes were m excellent +li. *'ll" following program- was gone ough hi a lii.ehUT satisfactory manner ■Pianoforte duett, Masters E. Sparry :.nd C. V^napnian; recitation', "The Cripple Bry, j s Mabel Hinsman; asition song, ""Where ear little dollies," by the Little Ones; piano forte solo, "Mignom Valse," Miss A Llewelyn ^swis; solo, "I have a little dolly," Miss M. iliVans; musical marching drill and free gymnastics, Sergt. Major Reid and boys; Bolo, "The very worst girl in school," Miss G. dgme; recitation, Master Charles and Miss Gwennie Baker; song, "Old Trombone" Mr Shorrock (encored); recitation:, "What woluld Jesus do?" Master A. Bartlett; act- ion song, "0 little Blue. Eyes," The Little Ones; solo, "Sing me to sleep," Miss E. Morris; retfittatkm, "Dainty." Mifes Gertie Thomas; violin solo, Mr Victor Jones; recita tion, "Keeping his Word," Miss G. Morris; Bong a-nd chorus, "It's better to laugh than v- t1?' the Girls; pianoforte solo. The Tii<rw+'llf?+iC''ri^ss Leonard, song, "Good dSellf1^ GirlC^Iis6 E" Smith r musical tation "K" Tjaj°» ^ei ^ancl boys; reci- Katies Hat," Miss G. Davies; act- ion- song, Dolly s bedtime," the Little Ones recitation "Relief of the Weary," Miss S. iMvies; sol°, "A little peach," Miss G Isaac; song, men I was a boy at School," Mr ShQrrock; who responded to an encore wtnn a recitation, "Mary had a Little Lamb" finale^ "God Save the King," brought a delightful evening to a close. Miss Beatrice Thomas, L.L.C.M., acted as accompanist. TEMPERANCE.-At the weekly meeting of the Carmarthen Total Abstinence Society on Saturday evening, the Shire Hall was packed Even the Jadies gallery had to be utilised. Col. Mayhew, Abeiiglasney, presided, and he was supported by Mrs Mayhew and sever- al lady friends. Mrs Pugh Evans, Carmar- then; Miss Spurrell; Rev. E. U. Thomas, Tabernacle; Rev. T. N. Phillipson,, English Wesleyan, and Mi s Phillipson; Rev. D. Cretiigfryn Jones, Wesleyan, and Mrs Jones; Aide rmiain Moririss Jones, The Avenue; Mr Whiaher, Morley-sitreiet, etc., also attended. Miss Terry Thomas, Miss I.. Parry, and Mr gunn Williams, G and L., accompanied. Hymns were e/ung, after which the Rev T. N. Phillipson., having offered prayer gave a neat address introducing Col. Mayhew amidst tre mendous clieeiriijg. Col. Mayhew thanked them for their kind reception. The pro- gramme, which was in the hands of Mr W. Dunn Williams, was well gone through. It included a Welsh hymn sung by the audience chorus, "The Villiage Blacksmith," by the Carmarthen! Male Voice Party; a solo by Miss Kate Griffiths, Croesyceilog; and also an address by the Chairman. Col. Mayhew then delivered a capital address. Miss Jones King street, sang a solo, and then the collec- tion was taken, being for the funds of the British WTomen's Temperance Association, which meets in Mill street. Miss Spurry, Little Waiter street, and Mr Bevan, Old College School, were encored in a duett, and then the Carmarthen Male Voice Party ren- dered the chorus, "The Pilgrims," in a strik- ing maiuieir. Mr Dunn Williams and his party were wanrnly thanked for their services by the committee. After this item of the party, the Rev. E. U. Thomas, proposed a vote of thaniks to Col. Mayhew, and spoke with unusual power and eloquence and after wards closed the meeting with prayer. Miss Whicher thanked the committee for its assistance to the British Women's Tem- perance Association,