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Hotels Albert Hotel SUSSEX STREET, RHYL. WINES, SPIRITS, ALES & STOUT Of the Best Quality. CIGARS OF THE FINEST BRANDS. Wholesale Bottler of ALLsOPP'S ales.&stout Lager Beer SPECIALITY The Trade Supplied. J. H. WOOD ProDrietor, Late oi Crewe. Alexandra Family and Commercial Hotel, High Street and Kinmel Street, RHYL. J. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. Excellent accommodation and good ittendance at strictly moderate charges. We"1-matured Spirits and good Brand of Cigars ALEXANDRA MEWS: CRESCENT ROAD. Wedding Equippages, Landaus, Broughams, foibles, Waggonettes, Dog Carts, &c., for Hire. BRAKES leave the Hotel and Mews to all Places of Interest. ,.ø. Dudley Arms Hotel RHYL (Close to Station, under the Bridge). FAMILY & COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Posting. Good Stabling. Excellent Accommodation for Cyclists. J. LEACH, Proprietor. Georœe Hotel STREET 'T. RHYL. NcSed for the Finest Wines and Spirits. The Best Family and Commerc1 .1 Hotel Cyclists will find this Hotel very convenient. Chester Ales and Stout, also Boss's Ale ana Guinness's Stout. All Orders promptly attended to and deliverec to any part of the Town. CIGARS OF THE FINEST BRANDS. Stage and Era p*a^RTHURj proprietor. Imperial Hotel (FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL), BODFOR STREET, (ear the Station), RHYL. SPLENDID BILLIARD ROOM, STOCK ROOMS, &c. AN ORDINARY DAILY. TARIFF ON APPLICATION. GEORGE NUTTER PROPRIETOR (Of Blackpool). Mona Hotel QUEEN ST. & MARKET ST., RHYL. High-Class Family and Commercial Hotel. Wines & Spirits of the Choicest Brands. Proprietor TOM ROGERS, of St. Helens. Voryd Harbour Hotel FREE FOR EVERYTHING. ALE ON DKAUGHT All Old Friends made Welcome. WINES. SPIRITS, and CIGARS of the BEST QUALITY. Family Orders Promptly Attended to JENNIE IYEY, Proprietress. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Re-Decorated Throughout. Ye Windsor íKIX11EL WD WINDSOR STREETS), NEAR STATION, RHYL. Call here for Ye Olde Ale COSY SMOKE ROOMS. WINES AND SPIRITS, ALES AND STOUTS Bottled on the Premises. CIGARS OF BEST BRANDS. W. DARE, Of Leicester and Coventry, Proprietor. TTHULLEY, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, FAMILY ltOCER AND TEA DEALER, Castle Temperance Hotel KINMEL STREET, RHYL. Supply of Butter and Eggs always on hand. First-class accommodation, for Visitors and Commercial Travellers. PRIVATE APARTMENTS. TELEPHONE 0172. ffPreseHgitSons KSS*' Called for, and Medicines delivered promptly to any part of the SmJ town. Every drug we dispense \s the n|| BEST THAT MONEY car* BUY WJ and prices are always charged as low as possible. Medical Appliances, Prepared Foods and Specialities for Invalids. f vjj ML CHOICE RERFUSVSE3 for Presents. M Lawrence's Vale of Clwyd Bouquet, a charming Souvenir of Rhyl; jj gj[ ? Local View on label, 1/ 2/ 3/(5, (j/G, 12/0. CASH PRICES. IM G. R. LAWRENCE, M.P.S., pTSSSemist Jfj f Photographic Materials. SO. HStlh StrCSt. Rfo\ft. <wf' DARK ROOMS. §4\ — H F F HAS 11' BEEN ACCORDED OHSI3EEK flBaHaS* I FOR THE EXCELLENT WAY 1 IN WHICH IT RELIEVES AND I CURES THE WORST COUGH V 0 OR COLD OR. IN FACT, ANY 1 AILMENT OF THE CHEST, 1 THROAT OR LUNGS 1 Francis's Balsam will not cure everything. This at once w distinguishes it from practically every other patent medicine H on the market. 1 IT SIMPLY CURES COUGHS AND 8 KINDRED AILMENTS, NOTHING S MORE, BUT IT DOES IT WELL. B Get a Bottle to-day in case of an emergency, i You can obtain H one for I 1/15 OR 2/9 H and it may save you pounds. FRANCIS & Co., WREXHAM. cwBCTEpgswm ri'wi^,iU&vay»^^i*iwr»»i«nfcvu'*igflBnnnBiiiijiwui» stmraflnaii—nmocm—oawKaa———waw——————————■9 (.tf"'C)"Q (i :If You Jfcrve ",) something good to tell, there is no need to delude the unwary into reading an apparently interesting story which proves to be a prelude Jm to an advertisement. The startling story and the thrilling testimonial gg 12 do not add to the merit of the article advertised. If you are troubled with B M T)ad T}igesUon, impure Jjlood, Xanguor, 6 J Jnactive Xiver, Sick eadacfje, g or other such ailments which arise from a Disordered Stomach imperfectly I8 « doing its work, you need not experiment with the many medicines so 15 plausibly set before you: take Q I BEECHAM s PILLS S K and you have a reliable remedy, proved by thousands of sufferers to be unequalled for dispelling Disorders of the Stomach and Liver. It is not K necessary to bring BEECHAM'S PILLS before your notice surreptitiously, £ as they are openly recommended by those who have found that ijpvrf fflT-S BEECHAM'S PILLS will do all that is claimed for them—hence WaS they have the Largest Sale of any patent Medicine. Sold everywhere la boxes, price till (56 pills) & 2}9 (168 pills). -M- J; w. BENSON, LTD. H:SEBE:R | "iMPERlApPLftTE'' IMPERIAL I AND PQPKg I REQUIREMENT. "Imperial Plate" looks and FOR TH E wears like SoUd SilVC1', and HOM E Lasts a Lifetime. I SOLID OAK CASE, with lift-out Trays, containin no pieces of "1m. perial Plate" and Cutlerv. A service for 12 persons, f:rom 12 108. to 10a. ,W.BE)'SOKt.6<TEH!t.H j An ea'>1; way to sJlPply the L; .,F HOME wIth the BE.TPLATE" B EN SO N's I BY b£ 1Címeø SYSTEM OF B MONTHLY PAYMENTS of £1. BENSON'S do not charge extra for buying this vay. || OE.1'W- The Best QualIty The Lowest; Price. MONTHLY | Brilliants and PA Y Ml E M T I ■ — Opals and Sapphire, or Ruby, Brilliant, Rubies or SYSTEM ■ H | Brilliants, £ 6. £ 210s. Sapphires, £ 2 IBs. I I Brilliants, £ 810s. Brilliants, £ 1010#. Brilliants, £ 12. fREE, cles for Present*. I 62 M, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. l < Businesses. #- Efficient Billposting. Parties desirous of having Bills Posted on ALL the most IMPORTANT Advertisement HOARDINGS in the District of Rhyl, Presta. tyn, Meliden, Dyserth, Rh'uddlan, and St. Asaph should send their Orders to BEECH BROS. The Rhyl and District BILLPOSTERS, Advertising and Billosting Contractors. c Head Office: 16, Wellington-rd, Rhyl Telephone Xo. 5y2. Ye Olde Firm. Established 1868. Our Hoardings Are Good, Substantial, and Well Kept. Our Positions Are the very best obtainable, situate at all points of advantage to Advertisers, and in MAIN THOROUGHFARES. oiar- Facilities Are Up-to-date for the Expe'ditious Posting of Bills in Town or Country. Owners of the Billpostintg Business of the X.oRTH WALES PUBLICITY ASSOCIATION. Members for Rhyl of the United Billposters' Association. Send us your requirements and we shall be pleased to quote for Billposting "in any part of the UNITED KINGDOM. All work under the DIRECT PERSONAL SUPERVISION of the Proprietor— FRANK J. H. BEECH, Practical Billjposter and Poster Advertising Expert. r A SAFE REMEDY FOB A M> SKIN & BLOOD DISEASES 4D If you are suffering from any disease due to 0 an impure state of the Blood, such as Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad Legs, Blood Poison, Glandular Swellings, Abscesses, Boils, Pimples, Rheumatism, Gout, &c. you should test the value of Clarke's Blood Mixture, the world-famed Blood Purifier and I Restorer. It is warranted to cleanse the blood from all impure matter from whateveI cause arising. THE EDITOR OF THE Family Doctor says:- 41 We have seen hosts of letters bearing tes- timony to the truly wonderful cures effected by Clarke's Blood Mixture. It is the finest Blood Purifier that Science and Medical Skill have brought to light, and we can with the utmost confidence recommend it to our sub- ■ scribers and the public generally." I CLARKE'S | BLOOD MIXTURE THE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PURIFIER. ) Of all Chemists and Stores, 2/9 per Bottle. 1 L BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. v I CHESTEK STEAM LAUNDRY Victoria Road, (Close by the Northgate Station), CHESTER. All the arrangements are on the most ap- proved modern system for Washing, Ironing, Drying, Packing, &c., and the management most efficient. W. H. LIPSHAM, Secretary & General Manager) (Chester Steam Laundry Co., Ltd.) Telephone No. 411. Inspection is specially invited on any day excepting Mondays and Saturdays. A Valuable Book. Every Married Couple should be in possession of our book, as it contains 60 pages (illustrated) of Sound & Practical Information concerning their welfare, also VALUABLE KNOWLEDGE necessary to be known to Ladies. Over 70,000 copies already circulated in a short time. Copy will be sent in sealed envelope on receipt of 2 stamps for postage. Illustrated price list of Surgical Appliances and Specialities, post free. Address: — S. LAMMERT AND SON, 60. 62 & 64, Queen's Road, Dalston, London, N.E Charles Egerton cn_ House, Sign and Decorative Painter, Z5 Paper-lianger, &c., LO. ELWY bTREET, RHYL ESTABLISHED 1883. Oils, Paints, Colours, and Varnishes always in Stock. A good selection of WALL-PAPERS and Pattern Books, by the best makers. Agent for Messrs. John Line and Sons' Art Wall Papers. Boneing and Larding a Speciality. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED FISH SHOP &c., IN THE TOWN. WalterClaMSon Fruiterers, Fishmongers, Poulterers, and Licensed Dealers in Game. 2 and 3, WATER STREET, And 2 and 3, MARKET HALL. AGENTS FOR HORNER'S CREAMS. Telephone, 21. CHAS. R JONES, Family Grocer, BAKER, TEA & PROVISION DEALEfR, etc., etc., BROMLEY STORES, 146, Wellington Road, Rhyl Noted Shop for Homenmde Bread & Butter. All Orders propcntly attended to. BARLEY BREAD A SPECIALITY, 0 TELEPHOME Would you like to take li Photographs X Of your friends, your pets, and your favourite scenes? Photography is a g g delightful liobbv. Taking photographs is quite || g Easy atrad {rsexpemsive. B 1 Many children of both sexes are expert Amateur Photographers. As for g H the cost, S| 9 Sj Ten SfoSSStirfcsrs i i vrili buy a small camera and all necessaries. If you are interested, ask to MB see our List of |S g g CAMERAS & PTTGTOCRAPH'C REQUISITES. I ? jft It is never too much trouble for us to give adv>ce and practical instruction K |j jJB to our customers ra>Jl A G. R, Lawrence, M.P.S., ftaTStT"' ft 2 Dark Rooms- 20, High Street, rrAENERVOUS SYSTEM ALL the wear and tear and strain of modern life concentrates upon the nervous system. Physical and mental bankruptcy is the natural result of over-drawing incessantly upon the reserve capital of nerve force. Nervous debility is the growing malady of the day. No man knows repose; if he would prosper he must hustle, bustle, worry, and excite himself constantly. But there i no reason or commonsense in thrashing the nerve-fibres to pieces, when you can compensate the fearful waste and extravagance with a timely course of treatment. OOLEMANS NERVE PILLS quickly atop the wreckage, they prevent the snapping of the over-tense chord of nervous vitality. They act as a powerful recuperator to over-tired and worn-out nature. You can test a bottle at once, free of charge. They will quickly enable you to eat well, feel well, sleep well, and work well. IMPORTANT UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIAL from the Rev. ARTHUR EVANS. DEAR SIR, The Manse, Pinchbeck, Spalding. It gives me great pleasure to testify to the great benefit I have received from your Nerve Pil's. As you will remember, I wrote to you asking the favour of a sample bottle, which you kindly sent me by return of post. The relief I derived from them led me to write for a s. 9d. bottle, which I received in due course, and have been taking them regularly since, and they have quite set me up. I shall always keep them by me and recommend them to my friends, and those whom I meet who are suffering as I was from a run-down nervous system. You may make what use you wish of this letter. I am delighted with the Pills.—Yours truly, (Signed) ARTHUR EVANS. April 28th, 1905. ———— I FREE OF CHARCE The Nerve Coupon attached entitles THE NERVE COUPON. every applicant to one Sample Bottle of Coleman's Nerve Pills absolutely free of nViFl11 m form and send to Messrs. charge *nd post paid. After Trial, the Chapman & Company, Ltd., Norwich. Pills can be obtained, at most Chemists CI/JM TUIIC crrtDM and at all the branches of Boots' Drug ,mi> UnlYl. Company, Taylors' Drug Company, and other Stores, in Bottles at 1/1 J, 2/9, 4/6, 9/ and 21/- eaoh; or J. Chapman and Co., Ltd., will send post free direct ADDRESS on receipt of Name and full postal Address. The larger sizes effect a great n. n. saving. Rhyl Record, Nov. 8th, 1906. "FTCOIRITAH Has REMOVED from Market Street to PARADE CYCLE DEPOT I And has received a new Stock of Trolleys and Mailcarts Of the I Latest Models Motor and Cycle Repairs RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. The favour of a share of your orders is solicited. I._ Sundries of every sort kept in Stock. Businesses. J^JIDDLE-CLASS EDUCATION. F. WELSH, B.A. Course of Instruction- ENGLISH SUBJECTS, CLASSICS, MATHE. MATICS, and FRENCH, BOOK-KEEPING and SHORTHAND. Private Tuition. Boarders Received. Full Particulars on Application. 2, BATH STREET. FREE OF PAIN FREE INSTANTLY. SAMPLE I THE OIL quickly cures Sprains, Bad Legs, Ul- cers, Rheumatism, Ec- l*Mt zema, Piles, Stomach Od. lllf 2/3 Pains Chest Colds, Neu- 1 f\ ™ THE PILLS act like a ^■1^ m H charm for Headache, In- & SILVER'S V aSi digestion,Liver Troubles K Constipation, Giddiness, Pale Faces, Debility, Pimples, Bad Legs, &c. Try a Box, gd. is. id., 2s. 3d Chemists and Stores, or post free of J. Silver, 65, Laboratory, Croydon. Giddiness Cured. FREE SAMPLE. BATHROOMS ARE USED a great deal. They can't be in too good a con. ditioa. It's better to have the plumber than the doctor. If you will call on us when you need anything in this line, we are sure you will be satisfied. We work conscientiously. We are prompt and quiet. R JOLLEY T- Plumber, Glazier, and Gaefitter. 4, 4ELWY STREET, RHYL. I Businesses. THE OLDEST BOOT STORES IN RHYL. AMOS & CO. 8a, SUSSEX STREET, RHYL (the only Address). Repairs and Bespoke Ordsre Promptly Attended to. H. K. OSBORNE. (From Barberry's, London), Civil, Military, Clerical and Ladies' Tailor. BREECHES AND LIVERY MAKER. Hosier, Hatter and Pratioal Shirtmaker. I have never shown a Finer Assortment. 26, Bodfor Street, Rhyl MRS. E. BEECH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. China, Glass, & Earthenware Dealer, 19 WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL, Specialities for the Summer Season in fancy goods for Presents, etc. Immense variety of China Articles with 1.Ann. of Rhyl," and other novelities. Large selection of 'Royal Worcester,' 'Doulton,' 'Ault Farence,' and wares of other celebrated makers. CHINA, CLASS, CUTLERY, -ETC., FOR HIR1 INSPECTION INVITED. GUERNSEY: Gem of the Channel, Garden of Flowers and Fruit.—To secure Apart- ments, Housec, etc., advertise in the Guernsey Evening Prcss.J 12 words, once 6d., three times Is., one week Is. 6d.; extra words, id. once, Id. thrice, lid. week. The only local daily, most widely read, and unrivalled as an advertising medium. Copy of journiu pest free on ayfilcatioxi to the Manager. Businesses. JOS. WILLIAMS AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, ACCOUNTANT, PROPERTY AND INSURANCE AGEN GENERAL CERTIFICATE HOLDER Appointed by Hi6 Honour Judge Horatio Lloj^ Knight. HAS REMOVED TO HIS NEW OFFICES AND SALEROOM. No 4, Queen Street SALES BY PUBLIC AUCTION Personally conducted on reasonable terms wit immediate Cash Settlement. VALUATIONS & INVENTORIES prepared Mortgage, Prnbate, Partnership, Transfer Tenancy and other purposes. REPRESENTATIVE of the leading Life F Accident, Fidelity, Plate Glass, Employe Liability, Burglary, Linceses and Live Sto Companies. ESTATE AGENT in all it branches. MORTGAGES PROCURED. REGISTRAR OF MARRIAGES. OFFICES COUNTY CHAMBERS, 61. Kinmel Street, RHYL. Awarded 2 First Prizes, London, 1895 and 1896. HIGH-CLASS LUNCHEON & TEA ROOMS. Phillip Thomas COOK AND CONFECTIONER, AYOXDALE RESTAURANT AND HYGIENIC STEAM BAKERY, 63, HIGH STIIEET, RHYL Dishes, Veal and Ham, Beef-steak and KidneJ Pies to Order. MILK BREAD, HOVIS, FAMILY BREAD Delivered to all parts of the Town. Excellent Assortment of Lunch. Madeira, and other Kinds of Cakes for Afternoon Tea. A Good Variety of Fancy Box Chocolates, &c, NOTE THE ADDRESS—2 DOORS FROM ""HE POST OFFICE. -I Parry & Evans DECORATORS, SIGN-WRITERS. PAPER-HANGERS, &c.. 28, Abbey Street, or 8, Emlyn Grove, RHYL. All Work done under Personal Supervision. Glo4V. Selection of Wall Paper of Latest Designs. ESTIMATES GIVEN, » Edward Angel WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Butcher 3, WATER STREET, RHYL. Choice Selection of English and Welsh Beef and Mutton always on Sale. Cornea Beef, Pickled Tongues, and home-curect Hams. Richard Williams (Late of Denbigh,) BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTURER, 35, HIGH STREET, RHYL, Has all kinds of ready-made Boots and ShoN for Ladies, Gents, Youths and Children hi Stock. Special lines in Nailed Boots for hard wear by the best Manufacturers. Also all kinds of Boots and Shoes made on the premises by competent men. Home-made Strong Boots for Quarrymen and Farmers a Speciality. Don't forget the Address— 35, HIGH STREET (Opposite White Lion "THE SWITZERLAND OF WALES." M. DAVIES POST OFFICE TEA ROOMS LLANFAIRTALHAIARN. Parties Catered for on Reasonable Terms. APARTMENTS. RHYL. The oldest-established butcher's shop im R1.w1 T. E. JONES WHOLESALE AND FAMILY BUTCHER, BRYNGWYN, RHYL. 151, WELLINGTON ROAD. ALWAYS A CRAND SELECTION OF PII", MEAT IN STOCK. Walter 0. Davies HOUSE AND CHURCH DECORATOR 1, WATERLOO VILLAS WELLINGTON ROAD. IMPORTANT TO AtOTI-IERS.-EvveTy Mother JL whv values tlue Health and Cleanliness of her Child should use HARRISON'S "RELI- ABLE" NURSERY POMADE. One applica- tion kills all Nits a:id Vermin, beautifies and strengthens the Hair. In Tins, 4^d. and 9d. Postage Id.—Geo. W. Harrison, Chemist, 118, Broad Street Reading. Agent for Rhyl—G. E. Gratton, Chemist, 2, Queen's Square, and 20, Aquarium Street; St. Asaph-.J. Emrys Jonss, Chemist; De-nbigh-H-rison Jones and Co., Chemists; Colwyn 'Bay—J. H. Adiamsoaj Chemist.