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------National Fire Brigades'…

.. Re=Opening of Christ Church.


Re=Opening of Christ Church. Interesting Presentation. On iSunday the congregation of Christ (Congregational) Church, Water street, re-occupied their place of worship, after spending several successive Sundays in temporary premises the Town Hall. The reason of their absense from the place where they have worshiped for so many years was that the painters and deem a tors were in possession of the chapel, busily engaged in transforming the interior and refurbishing the exter- ior. It was a happy coincidence that the chapel should have been ready for re-* tiliab tat loii on Sunday last, for that day also happened to the anniversary of the commencement of the pastorate of the Rev T Pandy Williams, .the conclusion of his first, and the beginning of his, second year's service in the ministry in Rhyl. The chapel had put on an air of greater brightness when th edecorators left which eclipsed that which it wore before and it never was a dull chapel in I any sense of the word. The predomin- ating impression as one enters is of an artistic admixture of green and creamy yellow, a combination soothing and pleasing to the eye. Inter-mixed are warmer colours—neutral leds, etc. The lower half of the walls have been painted in cream and the upper half is done in a shade of green which is in perfect har- niony, presenting no incongruous con- trast. The background of the chancel lias been embellished with a well execut- ed diaper pattern with Fleur-de-Lys picked out in shining gold. A suitable text shines out prominently above the arch—" 0 worship the Lord in the Beautv of Holiness." Round the wall at the point where comes the separation t between the cream-coloured and the I green tints is an artistic dado of har- monising colour. Each of the window embrasures is surmounted by a. script- ural quotation. A distinct feature of the improvements is the installation of eledtric light, the fixtures being of most artistic design. The carpets and floor cloths have also been renewed and add not a little to the effect. The outside- of the building has also been smarttened up. The services on Sunday were conduct- ed by the pastor (Rev J Pandy Wil- liams) and were, more or less, of a festal character. Special hymns, etc., were rendered by the choir and in the morning and evening solos were render- ed by Miss Maud Jones and Mr E W Party. On Thursday a tea and concert were held, more or less, as the Pastor said, in commemoration of his first year of office. A large company salt down to tea, indeed a second sitting was found necessary. The ladies presiding at the tables included Mrs I Pandy "Williams, Mrs Drummond, Mrs I W Jones Mrs Emlyn, Mrs IV, m Roberts, Mrs Trehair, Mrs A Rhydwen Jones, Mrs G -Niitta,li, Airs F (^Tailby, M rs Vernon, Mrs Nel- son (Glenroyde), Mrs Job White. Mrs John Williams (Terfyn), and Mrs F L Rawlins, assisted by the young ladies of the congregation. Mrs Godfrey Parry and Mrs Ayre had charge of the kitchen arrangements. Subsequently an enjoyable musical programme was gone through to the appreciation of a large and enthusiastic audience. During an interval in the programme the Rev J Pandy Williams, who pres-, ided, announced that he had a very pleasing duty to perform and that was to present to Miss Winnie Davies a solid silver toilet set (loud applause). It was accompanied by a silver plate bear- ing the following inscription: Pres- ented to Miss Winnie Davies in recog- nition of her services as organist, by friends at Christ. Church, Rhyl. In making- the presentation the Chairman bore appreciative testimony to the faith- ful and efficient services rendered by Miss Davies. The, musical service in Christ Church was .now a feature. and he attribuited much of it to the faithful- tie,s with which Miss Davies attended to her duties as organist, all of wheh work she rendered voluntarily and cheerfully (Applause). Amidst loud applause the present was handed over to Miss Davies and on her behalf Mr Harding Roberts returned thanks. The concert programme was as follow Pianoforte duet, Misses Taylor and Lambert; song, Mr Hudson quartette M isses Parker and Evans, Messrs F C TaiLby; organ solo, Mr Bryan War- hurst song Mr R Hanlon song, Miss Nesta Jones; quartette, Messrs Roberts Jones, E W Parry, W C Davies, and F € Tailby: violin duelt, Misses Gladys Lewis and Sheffield; recitation, Miss Parker Davies song, Mr R Hanlon; organ solo, Mr Bryan arhurst; song, Miss X esta Jones; song, Mr Hudson; quartette, Messrs Roberts Jones, E W Parry, W C Davies and F C Tailby. Accompanists, Miss Winnie Davies and Miss Mabel Hughes. It should be mentioned that the paint- ing and decorating in connection with the chapel was admirably carried out by Mr Walter C Davies, the electrical work In- Messrs Holt & Co., and the car- peting and laying of matting by Messrs Rhydwen Jones and Davies, all of whom ,ItN I P performed their respective duties to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. CARE OF TAI.f.F, LDIEN. It is hardly necessary to say how great an amount of care should be bestowed on tabV linen, and lioyf frequently beautiful damask is spoilt long before it has had even a short reign. Of course, where the laundry difficulty is as great as it is in or near large towns, it requires an eagle eye to watch over the multitude of sins lying at the door of the chemical- loving washer-woman but there are sometimes causes nearer at hand which might be put aside. Careless folding, and lack of sufficient pressing when the tablecloth is not in \ise, help at any rate to send it to the laundry oftcner than needs be. Negleoi of stains accidentally made during the meal, and. not seldom, others which occur when the table is cleared, is fatal, as also is the iron mould left by the ironer and tolerated when the cloth is sent home. That should be removed or the cloth sent back for that purpose. Fimtlly, the fact that the linen is supposed to be, tut is not reallv. used in rotation, is another evil which should naver be tolerated or allowed to pass unnoticed by the careful housewife. There is no necessity to gush. or be insincere, but a kindly word spoken in time, shewing ap- preciative observance, helps. Frequent disappointments teach us to mistrust our own inclinations and shrink even from the Tows our heart may prompt.




. The Gwespyr School.

. Ploughing Match at Llanasa.


