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Rhyl Urban District Council.…


Rhyl Urban District Council. MOXTHf.V MKKTiXC.. The monthly meeting of the Rhvl Urban Dis- trict Council was held at the Council Chamber, on Monday. There were -present Messrs T $r'5svV (Chairman;, j. W. Jones (Vice-Chairman K Tilby, J. H. Fllis, Robert Jones, H. J'. Williams, T. D. Jones, A. Lewis Jones. W. rnterbottom. J. Enmston. S. l'erks, R. Tavleur, John Hughes, Joseph A. Williams] with the Clerk (Mr. Arthur Rowlands), the 'I own Survevor (.Mr. A. A. Goodalli, the Ga* and ^ater Kngineer (Mr. L, G. Hall), the Elec- trical Engineer (Mr. K„ H. Wright), the Sanit- ary Inspector (Mr. Lowe), and the Medical Officer of Health (Dr. A. Eyton Lloyd). THE SUBTLY OF ELECTRIC LIO.IIT TO THE PA I.AC E. 1 ne minutes of a meeting in committee were submitted. at which a proposed contract with the Oueen Palace Company as to the supply of electricity was discussed. Mr. Ashfield, the manager of the Palace, and Mr. Doughtv, solicitor, were in attendance on behalf of the Cjmpany to discu-s the proposed' terms. After oiscussion Messrs. Ashfield and Doughtv and tn e committee agreed to the following terms:- lnac, subject to an agreement being entered into by the Company to take a minimum supply of 40.000 units per annum for five years, the ( ouncii agree to supply the l'alace Company at old. per unit. on condition that the Com- pany undertake not to generate or supply any portion of their own current during that period, to commence from April 1st last Mr. S. Perks said he was prevented from at- tending the meeting of the Council in Commit- tee. He believed, however, that the decision arrived at was un unwise one. Til considering whether they could supply current without ios» a: per unit they had compared the price with the pflces of other much larger undertak- ttigs, while they ought to have been compared with those of small works like that at Rhvl. Mr. J. H. Elis pointed out that the Council in Committee had had power to act, and that Perks was therefore net in order in dis- cussing the decision arrived aL The only was whether the minutes were accu- rate. )l¡;, S. Perks considered it was a great in- justice that they were not allowed to discuss the matter. Fie was prevented from attending the meeting, anc! was looking forward to dis- cussing the matter when the minutes came to be iiicussed. The Chairman said he had hesitated to inter- fere with Mr. Perk- in his remarks, but he was bound to say that Mr. Ellis was right on the point of order. At the last Council meeting th." matter was referred to a committee of the whole Council, with power to act. and conse- quently what they had done was final, and it not competent for any member to seek to alter it or to discuss it except on a que.-tion of the accuracy of the minutes. Mr. S. Perks said he quite agreed that if the committee had power to act it was not in order t.j discuss it. But he thought members who were not present ought to be allowed to express their views. Mr. W. Winterbottom I beg to move that Perks be heard. Mr. Tilbv I will second that. Mr. J. H Ellis I have no objection to hear- ing Mr. Perk", but it will be opening a very bic question. The Chairman said he had intended to allow Mr. Perks to say what he had to say oil the sub- ject. but he was bound to say he was out of order, and he could not allow a general dis- cus-ion on. the subject. The minutes were confirmed. NORTH WALES ELECTRIC POWKR BILL. At a Committee of the whole Council, Mr. J. 1-rimsTon reported an interview with the Parlia- mentary Committee of the County Council at Chester, on the 25th inst., when the Bill as amended was discussed, and it was decided to oppose the Bill in the House of Commons. A telephonic message was received from Mr. Brcmley, Clerk to the County Council, request- ing the seal of the Council to a joint petition again :t the Bill. After discussion, it was pro- posed bv Mr. R. Oldfield, seconded by Mr. R. Jones. taftt the seal of the Council be affixed to the joint petition of the Flintshire County Council, the St. Asaph Rural District Council, this Council against the preamble of the North Wales Electric Power Bill, 1904, but that no espenditure be incurred by this Council without the consent of a future meeting of the Council. On a division, the motion was carried nem. con. THE MAR LYE LAKE. The Road Committee reported' having con- -ided the correspondence relating to a dispute between Ir. Hudson and the Rhyl Yacht Club. The matter was referred to Councillors Clews and Ellis, with power to act together with Mr. Hud-on and his solicitor, and one rep.esenta- tive of the Club. At this conference the club were urged to accept Mr. Hudson's conditions, which with a little give and take spirit might answer well. ROAD COMMITTEE BUSINESS. At a meeting of the Road Committee, corres- pondence was read with Mr. Storey, of the Mostyr. Ironwork-, with reference to a proposal for the supply of sand for use at the Ironworks. It was left to the Surveyor to deal with the mat- ter.—Town Yard Tenders were received for corrugated iron for roof of shed at the Town Y ard, for storing benches, &c. It was resolved' that the tender of Mr. Kerfoot Hughes for B5 9s. 6d. be accepted.—Tumbler Cart The old cart was reported to be unfit for repair; and tenders were produced for a new one. It was resolved that the Chairman, and Councillors T. D. Jones, J. Hughes, Robert Jones, and Robert Oldheld be appointed to inspect the old cart, with power to act. and, if in their opinion ne- cessary, to order a new cart from the Bristol Waggon Company at a cost of £21 lOs" to hold 225 gallons—peaked top subject to the agree- ment with the Sar;itar" Committee, the cosi to be equally divided between the two departments. — Private Street Works—Back Passage rear of New Era Th2 Town Surveyor submitted his apportionment of the cost of making good the back passage read of the • New Era," off Sardringham Avenue. It was recommended' that the same be adopted and confirmed. STREET WATERING. At a meeting- of the Road Committee, Coun- cillor Perks drew attention to the work of street watering. He thought there was room for more ener.iv and watchfulness, especially along the Parades and in the principal streets. All pre- sent concurred that something more might be done. The Town Surveyor stated that the carts were insufficient to do the work efficiently. He mentioned a patent for dust-laying known as • Pvrfe-Oiline and Westrumite," which are experimented in several towns. Councillor R- Jor.es suggested a trial with a hose on some portion of the West Parade. It was resolved to instruct the Town Surveyor to report on the whole subject at the next meeting. Mr. Perks inquired if the experiment with c Westrumite had been made. Mr. T, H. Ellis said it had not. The rain had sufficiently watered the streets since the suggestion had been made. GLANOLASFOR. A: n meeting of the Road Committee, the Town Surveyor stated that he was preparing to take steps for putting this roadway in proper condition, and wished to know the views of this committee as to the apportionment of the cost. It was referred to the Clerk and the Town Sur- vey;, r. SAND-HILLS. A letter was read at a meeting of the Road Committee, dated 50th ult., from tenants of 27, 30. and 31, (East Parade, calling attention to the accumulation of sand, causing obstruction to the view of the sea from their houses. It was referred to the Chairman and Town Surveyor to deal with the matter. RHYL SWIMMING CLt-n, At a meeting of the same committee, a letter was read, dated 19th ult., from Ir. Roger Wm. Jones, hon. secretary to the Rhyl Swimming Club, asking the Council to take into considera- tion the advisability of erecting opposite the pontoon on the Marine Lake a lavatory for the convenience of those bathing there. The mat- ter was referred to the Town Surveyor for his r.epc!"L. BOOT-BLACKS. Applications for stations on the Promenades for boot-blacks were considered. It was re- solved that permission be given as follows: — J Blythin, opposite the Westminster Hotel; Thomas Rogers, top of Queen Street F. D. Jones, by High Street Fountain. TRESPASS ON FORESHORE. The Town Surveyor reported a man named T.a\v-;on for taking a stand for games on the foreshore on Whit-Monday without the author. ity ot the Council. To be prevented, and the matter left to the Surveyor. TARLETON STREET. At a meeting of the Road Committee, a letter was read from Mrs. Royle with reference to the levels in Tarleton Street, as affecting the en- trance to her house. The Surveyor read his reply, explaining that the work would improve the place, and it was approved. The Yice-Chairman asked the Surveyor if he had ever seen a more crude attempt at road- making than this street. The Surveyor said h ehad already called atten- tion to the unsatisfactory character of the work, and the contractor had promised to put it right,. RHYL BOWLING CLUB. At a meeting of the Road Committee, a letter of the 7th inst. was read from Mr. Pclkinghorne, the hon. secretary to the Rhyl Bowling Club, asking the Council to grant the Club a severn years lease, to remove the division between, the two greens, and to lay the second green out as a bowling green, at the rent originally fixed, viz., £15. and that the sum of 105: be in- cluded in the lease for the up-keen of the greens. The Town Surveyor stated that the cost of the proposed outlay would be J380 (against loan account). He was .instructed to prepare an es- timate of the cost of annual maintenance and to ask the Club if they would be willing to pay £25 per annum, including up-keep. The Clerk reported that the Council had no power to grant a lease for longer than three years. Mr. H. A, Tilby said that nobody rejoiced more than he did that they had a bowling club, and that it was a popular institution. But he thought that it was an institution that ought to 'paddle its own canoe." The application which they made looked to him very much like aslting charity from a public authority. He pointed out that the up-keep of one green cost £5. so that for the expenditure of JE80 involved, in lav- ing Opt the secyrd green they were to receive a rental of Z 10s. He was a member of the fowling fiimself, so that he spoke as one interested in the dub, But he must do what was right towards the ratepayers, and he pro- posed as an amendment fkai tbe Bowling Club be informed that :)-. h>:1 the second II green at a rental of £2 10". a year, but that I they must undertake the cost cf laying it out. Mr. T. D, Jones seconded,. [r, S. l'erks asked whether the Council were legally Competent to enter Into an agreement foi more than one yeai. The Clerk Yes, under our Special Act we can enter into an agreement for three years. Mr. J. H. Ellis regretted the attitude of Mr. Tilby So few ventures of a private character prospered in Rhyl that he thought they ought to encourage this club, which promised to be- come so successful, and which now numbered 75 members. He was as anxious as Mr. Tilby not to incur any expenditure unless they got a proper return for it, but they must not be too parsimonious. In many of these pleasure re- sorts thev found thousands of pounds being spent on attractions, and in miany cases the outlay did not yield a return of more than one per cent. They should not look at this from the point of view that they were only receiving a rental of £2 10s., but that they were provid- ing something that was for the attraction and recreation of visitors. He asked them to pause before they strangled such a flourishing institu- tion. If they agreed to the recommendation of the committee, he felt sure that in years to come thev would see one of the best improvements thev had ever effected for so small an expendi- ture. The Chairman suggested that the matter should be referred back to the committee, with power to negotiate on the basis of a rental of £30 a year, including up-keep. He understood that the up-keep would amount to JB12 or JB13 a year. He would not like to do anything to extinguish the club, but he did not think they would be asking too much in fixing the rental at £30, v U Mr. J, H, Ellis said- a letter had been received from the Secretary cf the Bowling Club stating that thev were very anxious to meet the wishes of the Council, but the utmost rental that their finances would permit them to pay was £23 15s. a year. Ir. H. A. Tilbv said he would adopt as his amendment the suggestion thrown out by the Chairman. The Vice-Chalrman thought that £30 was more than the club would be able to afford, and he proposed £25, Mr. S. Perks seconded. After considerable discussion, Mr. Tilbv .s amendment was carried by eleven votes to three.. BAD CONDITION OF ROADS. At a meeting of the Road Committee, a letter was read from Councillor Tilbv regretting his absence, and calling attention to 1 (1) the con- dition of the road (back) at the rear of Brighton Terrace. Something should be done to make the place passable. As a rule a ferry boat would be useful. (2) The unsatisfactory con- dition of Bank Road. There is a good deal of traffic there, and the road appears to me to require more attention than it receives. The Town Surveyor was instructed to take such action as was necessary to put both places in good order. TOWN SURVEYOR'S REPORT. The Town Surveyor read his monthly report as men,—Sand-drift: I beg to report that during the month 1,397 loads of sand have been removed from the Promenade, Parade Roads, and Foreshore. Street Sweep- ings 58 loads of sweepings have been removed from the streets throughout the district. Water from Stand-pipss 517 van loads of water have been used for street watering purposes, and 26 van-loads for road repairing. Street Repairs Repairs have been executed on the passage at the rear of the New Era, st Parade, and also on Vale Road, ï3 tons of material being used. Sunshine Reports The amount of sun- shin.e registered in Rhyl from April 24th t0' May 2Lt (twenty-eight days) was 171 hours 50 min.s., an average of 6 hours 9 minutes per day. Yale Road Improvement: The Vale Road improve- ment adjoining Brvnhvfrvd is now complete, onlv a small length of channelling remains to be 'done. I expect the material in during the week. and the work will be finished without delay. Ventilator, Tarleton Street I have taken down the ventilator on Mr. Whitle} s pro- perty, and have carried a length of pipes along East Parade to the ventilating column at the top of Fairfield Avenue. This has given satis- faction to all parties. Tarleton Street: Thi work is not as satisfactory as it should be. and I am putting pressure on the contractor to carry out the specification, and I trust that the work will soon be completed. Shetlers: The shelters on the Promenade have been painted. Shrubs for Promenade These are now in excellent condition, but I do not propose to put them, out at least for a fortnight, and longer if the weather is not suitable. The beds in the grass- platts will also he planted in a fortnight from now. Promenade Lavatories: These were opened for Whitsuntide, and will remain open. for the rest of the season. Rubbish in Streets I regret that I must once more call attention, to the "practice of some of the tradesmen in. the town of sweeping out their shops, and deposit- ing the refuse in the gutter, which practice is generally done each morning after the streets have been cleaned. Another practice is to sweep out the shops after business hours on Saturday night, and the consequence is I have found it necessary to considerably increase the Sunday labour, which I always endeavour to rednsce to a minimum. I have a list or the tradesmen who for the past two Saturdays have carried out this practice, but I Mope after ihis appeal that everyone will assist the Ccuneil keep the streets as free from rubbish and pape. as befit an important holiday resort like Rh\ i. AN OBJECTIONABLE PRACTISE. Mr. T. D. Jones called attention to the objec- tionable practice of men spitting in the shelters, and suggested that notices be put up to prevent it. The Chairman said that there were other prac- tices, such as writing in the shelters, that should I also be put a stop to. Ir, J. H. Ellis was sure that if representa- tions were made to the Men's Institution., they would assist them by asking the inmates not to expectorate in the shelters. [r. T. D. Jones said that the complaint he received was not in regard to the Institution men but townsmen. The Surveyor promised to attend to the matter. THE ISOLATION HOSPITAL. •The Clerk submitted a return as to cost of maintenance, iVc., of Isolation Hospitals in var- ious towns and boroughs, for comparison with the Rhvl Hospital. Among th m were—Llan- dudno U.D.C., £715. matron, two nurses, two servants, ratepayers free, others from 7s. 6d. to £2 per week: Bournemouth, £1,919. sup rin- tendent, matron, five nurses, probationers, seven servants, 7s. 6a. to £22s.. according to income £116. not given, 21s. residents, 42s. visitors, children half rate: Carnarvon Boroujh, £260, nurse and one servant, 2s. 6d. to 21s. residents, £3 3, visitors, 10s. paupers Aberystwyth U.D., no hospital as yet, under consideration loan charges JB167, nurse and two servants, 10s. adult residants, 5s. child viit(,r". £1 Is. child do. 24 patients (1903-4), £12 7s. 6d. per head, or including lean charges. J319 6s. 3d. REPORT OF THE CHESTER PORT SANITARY AUTHORITY. The annual report of Dr. Humphrey Will- iams, Medical Officer of Health, for 1903, to the Chairman and Members of the Chester Port Sanitary Authority, was laid before the Sanitary Committee. The following are extracts: — Trade There has been no marked change 'n the nature and amount of trade during the year. Iron, iron ore, bricks., coal, cement, and timber being the chief articles dealt with at the ports. Notifications During the year no notifications were received, and no sickness appeared- on board, and nil returns have been sent weekly to the Local Government Board. Inspectiõn." The inspection of the vessels is systematically carried out, special attention being paid to the foreign, vessels. Most were found satisfactory as regards their general sanitary state, cubm space, ventilation, and water supply. Nqtices Served Sixty-four notices were served on. the masters for minor improvements, which were readily complied with. Hospital The hospital at Mostyn has been kept in a fit state for the immediate reception of patients, as was demon- strated at the beginning of the year, when your Board allowed it to be used for the reception of two ca.ses of small-pox. Number of ships and crews at the various ports :—Con.nah's Quay, 199 ships, 695 crews Mostvn, 175, 982: Rhvl, 24, 116; Chester, 33, 130 Saltney, 94. 291: Hawarden Bridge. 171, 674. GAS REPORT. The Engineer reported as follows for the month of May :—Gas made, 3,190,100 cubic feet coal carbonised, 308 tons gas made per ton of coal carbonised, 10,357 cubic feet gas de- livered, 3,174,000 cubic feet corresponding month, 3,254,800 cubic feet decrease, 80,100 cubic feet, or a decrease cf 2.4 per cent. average illuminating power, 16.72 sperm candles. NEW FOREMAN. The Engineer reported that Graham, the fore- man, had accepted a more valuable appointment in Scotland. After consulting the Chairman he had advertised for a new foreman, on the follow- ing terms Starting wage, 23s. per ^veek. with excellent house, coal, gas, water and rates free (worth 10s. per week). Forty applications had been received. The committee selected three mien to appear before them for view and exa- mination as to their qualifications. Return railway fare and 5s. each to be allowed. At a subsequent meeting Mr. C. Criffith". of Holin>- j forth, was appointed. i PALACK AVENUE. A proposal by the Town Surveyor to lay a gas main in this street, now in course of con- struction, was considfred. In the absence of demand for gas, the matter w.as deferred. The matter was referred back to the committee with the object of coming to terms w'ith the owner of the road. THE NEW RESERVOIR. The following report was read by Mr. Hall — • Gentlemen,—During the month of May good progresis has been made with the removal of the rock at the east and west ends of the main trench. At the west end of the trench two fissures have been worked out to a satisfactory bottom, and the third is now very narrow, and the bottom of this will probably be reached in a few days' time. Excellent rock is being got at the west end. Good progress continues to be made on the pitching of the wet slope of em- bankment. Excavation for the bye-wash is nearly completed, and a start will be made next week with the masonry walls and floor. The cost of the work up-to-date has been as follows —Wages, £6,655 18s. 4d. Materials (including accounts presented to this committee), £3.481 6s. total, £10,137 4s. 4d.' ELECTRIC LIGHT. At a meeting of the Electric Light Committee, the Engineer "read his monthly report, from which it appeared that the total 8 c.p. lamps connected up to date was 9,812, as against 7,683 in the corresponding period' of last year, there having been an. increase of 486 during the month. The total number of units consumed for public purposes during the month was 2,689, as against 2,916 in the corresponding period of last year, and 5,736 for private consumers, as against 5,589 last year. Mr. J. H. Ellis complained that the colour in which the electric light tandard- were being painted was a kind of yellow which was neither one thing nor the other. Mr. Frimston (the Chairman of the Electric Light Committee) But that is oroly the first coat. We will give you a brighter yellow. Mr. Ellis I object to yellow altogether. Mr. J. W. Jones Do you refer to yellow labour ? (laughter.) Mr. Ellis We have had enough of that. I prefer vermilion or blue (laughter). RAILWAY SERVICE. At a meeting of the General Purposes Com- mittee, the following letter was read from Mr. Entwistle, dated June Sir, Rhiyl Urban District Council.—With reference to the outstanding questions which were mentioned\at the meeting between the deputation of your Council and my assistant, I have had the ques. tion of the wait at Lichfield for Burton-on-Trent by the 9-2 a.m. train from Rhyl looked into, but there are difficulties in the way of improving this service, as we would desire to do. With regard- to the waits at Crewe in connection with the North Stafford Co.'s trains. I have discussed this matter with the latter Company, who will bear the subject in mind. We shall try a new service this summer bv running a new train, Chester to Crewe, off the 2-30 p.m. from Rhyl, to connect with the 4-15 p.m. from Crewe to the N S. Line. Some of the existing services men- tioned at the meeting will be improved by the additional trains which we put en for the sum- mer season, and we shall bear them in mind in arranging the next winter service, with a view to any possible improvement being effected^ It was resolved that the letter be acknowledged with many thanks, in hope of as many more imi- proved changes as may be found practicable. THE FREE LIBRARY. A letter was read from the Local Government Board stating that they had decided, on the re- port of their Inspector, Mr. North, to comply with the application of the Council for sanction to the appropriation of a portion of the Town Hall ground as a site for a public library. The following is a copy of their sanction :—' Sanction under Section 12 (2) of the Public Libraries Act. 1892. Whereas the Urban District Council of Rhvl, in the County of Flint, have made appli- cation to the Local'Government Board for their sanction under section 12 (2) of the Public Lib- raries Act, 1892, to the appropriation for the purposes of the said Act of certain land vested in the said Council, and situate abutting on Wellington Road and Queen Street in the said district, which land is more particularly shewn on the plan annexed hereto and thereon hatched pink. Now, therefore we, the Loc.al Govern- ment Board, do hereby sanction such appropria- tion by the said Council of the said land for the purposes aforesaid." THE BANK ACCOUNT. At a meeting of the Finance Committee, a letter was read from the treasurer, with refer- ence to his remuneration, stating also that the accounts continue to be worked at a consider- able loss to the bank. After discussio.n, the matter was referred to the Chairman of the Council, Chairman of this Committee, a.nd the Clerk, with power to arrange for an inten-iew with the bank. WATER WORKING. CAPITAL. At a meeting of the Finance Committee, the following letter was read from the Local Co- vernment Beard, relating to the application of the Council .r sanction to a loan of £3.000 for water working capital:—'The Board observe that the immediate object of the District Council in making this application is to obtain a sum of £3,000 for the purpose of making good the de- ficiency on the Waterworks Account,. This, however, is not a proper object for the expendi- ture of working capital. Sums provided as working capital ought in strictness to be used in meeting current expenses of an undertaking, such as payment of wages, purchase of stock required for repairs, &c., pending the collection of the quarterly or half-yearly rents due from consumers. In the present case, the Board consider that they can only properly sanction a loan of such a sum in respect of' wokring capital for the water undertaking as is sufficient to meet the requirements of working capital as set out above, and it seems to the Board from the information obtained by their Inspector that a su.m of £1000 would be quite sufficient for this purpose. At the same time it is clear that the overdraft must be extinguished before finally deciding whather sanction to a loan of JS1000 for working capitalshould be given the Beard will a formal undertaking by resolution of the Council to pay off this overdraft in the course of the next four years, by an eqral rate in the £ in each year. A copy cf the resolution embodying the undertaking should be sent to the Board. It was resolved to appeal to [he Local Gov- ernment Board to re-consider the question, with the view of obtaining more favourable terms. The Chairman of the C ouncil, Chairman of this Committee, and the Clerk to be entrusted to make an appeal by letter. THE PROPRIETARY STANDS QUESTION. At the annual Licensing Committee of the Council it was decided that no proprietary stand other than those named in the bye-laws be recognied or authorised, and that no new ones be appointed. It was explained by the Chairman that certain proprietors of livery stables were allowed' under the bye-laws to station their carriages in the street opposite their premises while waiting for hire. rr, J, Frimston asked whether the tenants or houses on the front were allowed to let the right to allow vehicles to stand in front of their houses. The Chairman: They have no right to let the public street. Mr. Frimston But it is done. and the get a good rent for it. The Chairman It is the object of the resolu- tion which has been passed to put a stop t3 the practice. Letters were read on the subject from Mr. Peter Edge, who complained tha-t Messrs. Heath- cote were using 8 and 9, West Parade as stands from Messrs. Heathcote. who pointed out that the Council had previously allowed them this stand, and from Messrs. Quellyn Roberts ob- jecting to the abolition of the proprietary stand opposite the Belvoir Hotel. The whole of the letters were referred to the Road Comimittee.





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