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ISAAC ROBERTS, RY.VMOR, 53, WEST PARADE, RHYL, Plumber, Glazier, and Gasfitter. All Orders will receive his prompt attention. AMOS MALTBY, RETAIL AND FAMILY BUTCHER, ia, WATER STREET, RHYL. Prirr.e Beef, Mutton, and Lamb daily. he best-selected Home-fed Produce only offered. WILLIAMS CONFECTIONER, ROSE BUILDINGS, PRESTATYN. BAKER OF ALL KIXDS OF FANCY HIGH-CLASS CONFECTIONERY. MRS WILLIAMS will be pleased to receive .1. Visiters from Rhyl and surrounding dis- tricts, and all will have the best attention possible for Luncheons, Teas, &c. LARGE OR SMALL PARTIES CATERED FOR. ORDNANCE SURVEY MPS, MAPS ON ALL SCALES of Flintshire and Denbighshire icpt in Stock by A ilOS jgROS. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND PRINTERS, 'ADVERTISER' OFFICE, i. SUSSEX STREET, RHYL. Appointed SOLE AGENTS for this Distrirt. FOR THE MOST STYLISH AND Up-to-Date Goods In GENTLEMEN'S STTIAW and FELT HATS. CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, FANCY VESTS, &c., At the LOWEST CASH PRICES in Town. THE BON. lA, MARKET STREET, (ClOse to High Street), RHYL. J. Oldfield & Co. COAL FACTORS, Gladstone Buildings, Kinmel St. Rhyl. HAVE ON HAND A REGULAR SUPPLY OF DERBYSHIRE, STAFFORDSHIRE, YORK- SHIRE, AND NORTH WALES COALS, AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. Established 1850. WE GIVE for A GUINEA i pair White Witney Blankets, 7lbs. weight, at long by if wide, i White Under Blanket, whipped bota ends, Ion* by if wide, i pair Heavy Twill Sheet% *iydi. by ayo*. i handsome Mosaic Quilt, fast colors ayds. lone by aiYds. wide, and Cotton Pillow (aU size buttoned ends, superior quality and finish. All sent carriage paid bn receipt of P.O.O. BROOKFIELD8, Market aq., Stafford. Est.h¡úJu4. OWl' 19) .n. (Enclote towpom). Amos Brothers, 'ADVERTISER' OFFICE, RHYL VE beg to draw the attention of our read- ers and the public generally to the facl that we execute on the shortest notice at our Works every description of Jobbing, including— 1:" 0' 0 LOOKS OF WORDS. HYMN PAPERS. PROGRAMMES OF SHORTS. PROGRAMMES OF GALAS. PROGRAMMES OF SHIMMING MATCHES. BOOKS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ARCHITECTS' QUANTITIES. CHURCH RECOR: TRADESMEN'S CIRCULARS. NOTE THE ADDRESS- RULES OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS. CHURCH MAGAZINES. RULES OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. RULES OF TRADES UNIONS. BALANCE SHEETS. PROGRAMMES OF ALL KINDS, MINUTES OF MEETINGS. PAMPHLETS. ASK FOR ESTIMATES, Which are Free. Sussex-st., Rhyl. EDUCATION. JLPXVILLE COLLEGE, EAST PARADE, RHYL. Principal:' MISS MERCIER (Certificated S. Kensington Botany and Geologv), a1 sisted by MISS ROBiNSON (Senior Cambridge and London Matriculation), And qualified resident English and Foreign Governesses and Visiting Masters. French and German (conversational and I grammatical). VERY SUCCESSFUL IN PUBLIC EXAMIN- ATIONS. SUMMER TERM, MAY 5th. ST. OSWALDS RUSSELL ROAD, RHYL. Principals—THE MISSES REES (Cambridge and S. Kensington School of Arts Certs.). French—Paris. MISS DAY (Inter. Arts Hons. London, Camb. Teacher's Certs.). Assisted by a RESIDENT FRENCH GOVER- NESS and VISITING PROFESSORS. Preparation iff ;111 Exams. Special care to delicate children, j; ighest References to Cler- gy and Parents of IV.pils. Prospectus on application. "JIDDLK-CLASS EDUCATION. • F. WELSH. B.A. Course of Instruction— ENGLISH SUBJECTS, CLASSICS, MATHE- MATICS, and FRENCH, BOOK-KEEPING and SHORTHAND. Private Tuition. Boarders Received. Full Particulars on Application. NEXT TERM COMMENCES JAN. 20th, 1904. Address-31, WATER STREET, RHYL. FAIRIIOLME FAIRFIELD AVENUE, RHYL. Principals: THE MISSES ROBERTS. Assisted by qualified Resident Governesses Visiting Masters. Pupils prepared for all Examinations. Prospectuses and References on application. -0- Winter Term,* SEPT. 16th. APS ^INURED JONES, A.L.C.M., TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE THEORY, AND HARMONY. For terms apDly- HIGIIFIELD PARK. THE LEADING BILLPOSTERS IN THIS DISTRICT. TO ADVERTISE WELL In Rhyl and District 'go to the NORTH WALES & DISTRICT BILLPOSTERS, LTD. THE OLD-ESTABLISHED RHYL AND DISTRICT ADVERTISING AND BILLPOSTING CO. (Under err.irely new Management), Members of the United Bil.posters' Association for Rhyl. WE POST LARGELY FOR ALL THE LEADING ADVERTISERS. WE POST LARGELY FOR ALL THE RAILWAYS IN NORTH WALES. WITHOUT OUR STATIONS A THOROUGH REPRESENTATION CANNOT BE OBTAINED. All Work systematically inspected by exper- ienced Advertising Experts. ORDERS should be sent to MR. W. G. DAV- IES, Billposter, 12, St. Helens' Place, High Street, Rhyl. BATHROOMS ARE USED a great deal. They can't be in too good a con- dition. It's better to have the plumber than the doctor. If you will call on us when you need anything in this line, we are sure you will be satisfied. Y\ e work conscientiously. We are prompt and qUIet. R. JOLLEY, Plumber, Glazier, and Gasfitter. 4, iELWY STREET, RHYL. WASHING AT HOME. BRADFORD'S VOWEL XLS" Washing Wringing, and Mangling Machines. 0' SAVE TIME, SAVE LABOUR, and SAVE THE CLOTHES. Write for Catalogue, post free on application. THOMAS BRADFORD 8: CO., 140, 141, and 142, High Holborn, London. Victoria Avenue, Deansgate, Manchester • 130, Bold Street, Liverpool; Crescent Iron Works, Salford. MILLBANK HAND LAUNDRY, MILLBANK, RHYL. The Reliable Laundry. Best work and finish by a capable and efficient staff of workers. All classes of work taken. COLLARS AND SHIRTS OUR SPECIALITY. Suits, Costumes, Curtains, &c., cleaned at very moderate prices. Prompt attention and delivery each week. Post Customers receive 8vry attention. Send Card for Price List. family Washes by Contract if desired. Best 1 inish. Moderate Charges. MRS. TOTTY, Proprietress. Hitherto certain Dutch Cocoas have been considered the highest in quality of any in the market, but J J MAZAWATTEE COCOA is even superior to them—greatly superior in- I deed. With such Cccoa you scon realize what Cocoa really is, and means, and should be.' Gordon Stables, C.M., M.D., B.A. I COCKLE'S PILLS. • COCKLE'S PILLS. COCKLE S PILLS. In universal use since the dawn of the century. A tried and trusted family medicine, prescribed by medical men for the common ailments of every- day iife, such as ACIDITY. HEARTBURN. INDIGESTION. BILIOUSNESS. SICK HEADACHE. DISORDERED LIVER. These famous Pills wiU keep vou in perfect health — the stomach clean, the bowels free, the liver active, the head clear, and the skin and complexion pure and free from blemish. IN USE FOR 92 YEARS. < COCKLE'S PILLS. COCKLE'S PILLS. COCKLE'S PILLS. Cockle's Pills are purely vegetable- warranted free from mercury. tfay be nad throughout the GI!d Kingdom, it Boxes If IS. lill. :s. gd., 4s. 6d., us., and 211. I, Grtat Oriflan^ Str.et. Lontftn. W R. Ye Olde Firm. Established 1868. BEECH BROS., THE RHYL AND I ISTRICT BILLPOSTERS Distrubutors, and ADVERTISING EXPERTS. Head Office 9, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL. (Great Western Railway Enquiry Office). THE BILLPOSTERS FOR RHYL, PRESTA- TYN, MELIDEN. DYSERTH, RHUDDLAN AND ST. ASAPH DISTRICTS. Agents & Correspondents all over North W ales. Owners of the Billposting Business Nortu Waies Publicity Association.' BEECH BROS., the Up-to-date BILLPOSTERS. Recognized member? for Rhyl District of the 1 United Billposters' Asscoiation.' Parties requiring bills posted or distributed in Rhvl or surrounding Districts cannot do better than place their orders with BEECH BROS. Estimates given for BILpostmg the whoie or part of North Wales, and for advertising local Shows, &c., in the principal towns in England. Private Posting Stations at all the leading thoroughfares in Town and Colntry. All work under the direct personal supervision of FRANK J. H. BEECH, Practical Billposter and Poster Advertising Expert. LADIES' TAILORING SPECIALITE. .i '1: U.K. OSBORNE (From Burberry', London, W.) 26, BODFOR STREET, RHYL TAILOR BREECHES. LIVERIES. CLERICALS. SPECIAL LINE H EXTRA TOUGH MANILLA ENVELOPES SIZE 5 in. by 3i in. 2/9 per 1000. 5000 for 12/6 -oo- Or with Name and Address Printed on Flap 5000 for 15/- This is the BEST VALUE in COMMERCIAL ENVELOPES ever Offered. -000- JUST PUBLISHED!! AMOS BROS. NEW SET of PICTORIAL CARDS of RHYL & DISTRICT. Packet of 12 Cards for Arl Post free 7d. lol Largest, Best, and Cheapest Packet ever Published. HOTELS. THE GROSVENOR TEMPERANCE Commercial Hotel, Close to the Railway Station, corner of Bodfor and Kinmel Streets. Commercial, Sitting and Smoke Rooms, Large Coffee and Dining Rooms. Three-course Dinner for Is. 6c. Good Is. Dinners in Dining Room. Ham and gg, Chops or Steaks at any time. Dinners daily from 12 to 2. Boarding terms 5s. 6d. per day 6s. 6d. in July and August. All kinds of Parties, Ball Suppers, Wedding B. ikfasts, etc., catered for on reasonable terms A. W. JAMES (Successor to Charles Snowden). PRIVATE HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSLS. RHYL.—The Parade Boairding Establish- ment, 42, WEST PARADE. Write for Tariff. Home Comforts. Liberal table. ALEXANDRA, JjlAMILY AND QOMMERCIAL HOTEL, High Street and Kinmel Street, RHYL. J. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. Excellent accommodation and good attendance at strictly moderate charges. Well-matured Spirits and good Brand of Cigars. ALEXANDRA MEWS CRESCENT ROAD. Wedding Equippages, Landaus, Broughams, Sociables, Waggonettes, Dog Carts, &c., for Hire. BRAKES leave the Hotel and Mews to all Places of Interest. T. HULLEY, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, FAMILY GROCER AND TEA DEALER, CASTLE TEMPERANCE KINMEL STREET, RECL. Fresh Supply of Butter and Eggs always on hand. First-class accommodation for Visitors and Commercial Travellers. PRIVATE APARTMENTS. GFORGE l-IOTEIJ QUEEN'S SQUARE. RHYL. Wxsd for the Finest Wines and Spirits. The Best Familv and Commerc Hot: C lists will find this Hotel very co. /entent. Chester Ales and Stout, also B s='s Ale Guinnes='^ ut /1.11 Orders pr attended to and delivered to any part of the Town. CIGARS OF THE FINEST BRANDS. and Era taken. F. P. ARTHUR, proprietor. Awarded 2 First Pri^ London, 1895 and 1896. HIGH-CLASS LUNCHEON & TEA ROOMS. PHILIPITHOMAS, COOK AND CONFECTIONER, AVONDALE RESTAURANT AND HYGIENIC STEAM BAKERY, 63, High-st., Rhyl Geonese and Fancy Pastry, truit Tarts in Dishes, Yeal and Ham, Beef-steak and Kidney Pies to Order. MILK BREAD, HOVIS, FAMILY BREAD Delivered to all parts of the Town. Excellent Assortment of Lunch, Madeira, and other Kinds of Cakes for Afternoon Tea. A Good Variety of Fancy Box Chocolates, &c. NOTE THE ADDRESS—2 DOORS FROM THE POST OFFICE. SWIFT GOLD MEDAL. 'NEW l/MITTCQ 'HARRISON HARRISON' Mil Lll RIBBER' J\jr* A profitable pie isurable" ft j_¡ occupation. ii li:) KNITS Socks. Mt NV J b or plam, 2:J9!W¡ & Stockings (JSJlir and Clothing in Wool Silk or Cotton. Harrison Ribber, specially adoptedj^for Seamless Ribbed Stockings and Socks. HARRISON PATENT KNITTING MACHINE COMPANY, LIMITED. WORKS 48—169, Upper Brook St., Manchester. I t p Qt CLnR Qt THIS | FAMOU5 li £ DIClNt\ la wvruted co cIean8 Ole Blood inial aU IJD. M Iff purities fniB whatever cuue « ■* a g ttljf ufe remedy (or H Iw Eczema, Scrofola, Abscesses, Bad Legs, Ulcere,U yj Bolls, Pimples. Spots and Sores ot all kinds. U if It U the ONI.T RtALSpccinc for Gout and Rheumatic\\ /J Paini, for it remove* the came from tb« Blood and Boot*. J! Clarke's Blood Mixture B pleasant to the taste. «nd\\ I warranted free from anything injurious to the most I delicate constitution of either sex, from Infancy to old II ua, ud the Proprietors solicit auflereia to fe itis 11 JLVJ trial to twt Its value- < yr Clarke's Blood Mixture la sold BY all Chemists and Jj W Stores throughout the world, but teiw OF worthless ill Y\\ substitute* II L\ANNSAILI II MtttMMt TWTLGAAULTEF LASTLY C»r*A- J!





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