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RHYL. JL JL-J. THE COUNTY DENTAL ASSOCIATION. Limited, has removed to Heald House, 32, Water Street, Rhyl. Consultation and advice free. Hours of attendance, a.m. to 8 p.m. daily (Saturdays excepted). Mr. F. Sarson, MESSRS. R. ELLIS & SON, Ruthin, North Wales, have been appointed Purveyors of Miner- al and Table Waters to H.R.H. the IVnce of Wales. This firm already holds a Royal War- rant of Appointment as Purveyors to His Majesty the King. IMPORTANT TO LADIES.—Our lady readers will observe from our advertising column that Mrs. Edwards' Compton House tenth annual sale commencesito day (Saturday). Special bargains are being offered in Millinery, Mantles, Costumes, Jackets, Skirts, Blouse shirts, &:c. £c- RHYL TONTINE CLUB—A general meeting of the Rhyl and District Tontine Club was held at the Iiolborn Dining Rooms, 37, Queen Street on Tuesday, the chair bein occupied by Mr. Beddington, the piesident. A most satisfactoiy statement was presented for the ten months ending December 22QCI. It was stated that each member had only paid £1 Is, in subscriptions out of which he had received £1 Os. lid. in dividend A sum of dE3 2s., was put to the reserve fund. It was arranged that the first annual general meeting should be held on Tuesday, January 5th, for the purpose of appointing officers, and enrol- ling new members. Anyone wishing to be enrolled as members can obtain information from the following members of the Committee, Messrs W. E. Bebbington, A Crompton, G Hevely, H. W. Insull, C. Hubbard, J. Rowe, and R. Hollingsworth. GOSPEL TOTAL ABSTINENCE MEET- INGS AT THE BOYS BRIGADE HALL.- Last Sunday night there was a very good attendance at the above, which was arranged by abstainers belonging to Zoar Chapel. The chair was taken by Mr. J. Jones, who spoke of the folly of working men especially, spending hardly earned money on that which is not bread and does pot satisfy." Christmas carols were sung by Miss Nellie Davies, Mr. Thomas Roberts, and party Miss Edith Davies gave a recitation entitled The Sword and the Cross," all of which, were very well rendered Mr. J. 1. Davies gave statistics showing that this country spent more in intoxicating liquor annually than on bread, and other needful foods, or education, or all religious and philanthropic objects put together. It was not necessary for life or comfort, but often shortened life. Next Sunday night the Women's Temperance League will arrange the meeting. RHYL MEN'S CONVALESCENT IN- STITUTION-—In their annual report to the subscribers, which has just been issued, the Trustees say:—"The Trustees have much pleasure in presenting this their 50th annual report, and would call the attention of the subscribers to the fact that the 'Jubilee Season of their Convalescent Institution has now closed. 24,897 Convalescent Inmates have been admitted in the past 50 years and with few exceptions they have left the Institution in a much better state of health than when they arrived. The season com- menced on April 15th, and closed on November 14th- During that time there were admitted 895 Convalescents, 8G2 on the nomination of subscribers and donors, and 33 as non-subscribers, nominees. fctayed 3087 weeks. The weights of the inmates are carefully taken on their entering and on their leaviug and as increase of weight is found to be pretty sure indication of returning health, it is satisfactory to report that of the number of 895 inmates 828 gained 5420lbs„ or 6-i-lbs. each on an average 49 left at the same weight, 16 somewhat lost, and 2 died. There are now 122 beds, and for several months every bed was occupied- It will be seen from the figures quoted above that the number of inmates was larger than in any previous year. The In- stitution was full by the end of May, and from that time to the first week in October every bed was occupied. During the summer months the number waiting for admission has often been more than 100, and at one time the number waiting for admission exceeded 140. There can, therefore, be no doubt that the Men's Convalescent Institution at Rhyl is yearly becoming more valued by the conval- escent working men of the Midlands and of Wales and its borders. During the last yar considerable improvements have been carried I out and paid for out of income—a new Glass Smoking Room has been built in the garden well ventilated and pleasantly lighted, and is a j great comfort to the inmates. Good spring beds have now been supplied in all the bed- rooms, and new chairs. The office of the House Steward has been re-arranged, and j partly re furnished. Most of the washing for the Institution, and for the Inmates, was carried out in the Institution, as an experi- ment- Some machinery was purchased for the purpose, and it proved so successful that the Trustees propose to build a complete laundry. It is found that a larger larder has become necessary, and an addition to the Dining Hall is very desirable. The Trustees would point oat to the Subscribers that this Institution, the oldest in Wales, has now been opened for 50 years; that 24,897 inmates have been admitted in that time, and that 895 were admitted in the "Jubilee Year" of the Institution, 1903. They have, therefore, instituted a 'Jubilee Building Fund, to which they mvite donations. The suggested im- provements to the laundry. larder, and Dining Hall have been already mentioned but the re building of blocks B and F cannot be iong delayed. Dr. Eyton Lloyd bas been appointed Medical Officer, instead of DI. Laurence who has left Rbyl. Mr. Bevington and Mr. Jenks have kindly acted as Honorary Dentists. Mr. Thomas Roberts, as House Steward, Sic has, as usual, rendered the most valuable service. M'ss Bayliss gives her best attention to her post as Matron-Housekeeper. The financial statements shows total receipts amounting to £2,0-10 lis. 7d., which is &41 6s 8d. less than the expenditure. The reserve fund haa b::e:1 increased from £52.13:1. 7d. to £G59 88. 7d. SCHOLASTIC-—At the recent distribution of prizes at Elwy Hall School. Rhyl, one of the pupils Ita May, was presented with the bronze medal of the Royal Geographical Society, she having been placed second in geography among ail the boys and girls of England ana Waies who sat for the senior Oxford local examination this year. Miss May who is the daughter of Her Admiral May, U B governor of the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, was also placed first in English among all the candidates at the same examination. ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN SOCIAL.- Another successful social was given at the English Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evening, the givers being Mrs. Alleu, Mias Webster, and Miss Giiuaour. They ware assisted in the decorations and the programme by the Misses Williams of Rhyd House. The programme included, pianoforte Juet, by the Mioses Verrier Jones, several songs sung in charming style by Miss Williams of Rcsslyn, recitation, "Company A," by Miss Parker Davies, and The China Ornament," song. Mr. Robert Drummond. A prize of a mince pie in an unpunctuated reading competition was won by Mr. W. Parry. Mrs Freeman sang "The Dawn of Redemption," with much acceptance. Refreshments were served during the interval, and before the close of the meeting the Rev. J Verrier Jones, who presided moved a vote of thanks to Mrs- Allen and the Misses Webster and Gilmour for providing such a pleasant entertainment, and also to the Misses Williams, Rhyd House, for the assistance they had given to them The motion was seconded by Mr Vaughan, Bodfor Street, and carried with much heartiness. THE QUEEN'S PALACE—This week a capital variety performance is provided at the Palace, and on most evenings large and appreciative audiences have been drawn into this beautiful place of entertainment. Partic- ularly clever is the turn supplied by the Great Fitzroys. Their gymnastic feats and rope specialities are decidedly unique, and cleverly done- Coram, a ventriloquist, is of somewhat unusual gifts, and he gives an entertainment which has the merit of originality and has not the sameness which characterises the majority of these ventriloquial turns- Miss Ella Bourne has the advantage of a voice which is heard with capital effect in a hail like the Qaeen's Palace, and her contributions to the programme are decidedly acceptable. The humorous songs of Mr- Billy Renson. have been provoc- ative of much mirth, and the dancing of Little Beattie, Rhyl's clever child dancer has met with the usual demonstrative ex pressions of approval which her appearance evokes in Rhyl. The (Palace Yivigraph forms by no means the least attractive feature in the evening's programme, The films are new, and embrace the most recent views of spectacular displays a-1 of comic incidents. It is an entertainment altogether that is certainly well worthy of patronage. At the Palace next week varieties will give way to pantomimes. Mr. Harry Collins who introduced a successful pantomime to the Palace last year will this year bring a large and talented company to produce "Sinbad the Sailor." On January 14th, a Children's Ball will be given, on which occasion Father Christmas arranged in his traditional garb, so beloved of the little ones will present to each child a toy from off the Christmas tree- January 19th will be a change night, when several local ladies and gentlemen will pro duce a theatrical play. The proceeds will be in aid of the Royal Alexandra Hospital. BOYS BRIGADE.—Through the kindness of Captain F. L. Rawlins and Mr. Ernest Jones, pbotoprapher, the boys of the brigade were treated to a Lantern entertainment in the Brigade Hall. In addition to a large selection of views, comic and otherwise. Miss Maud -Jones sang three illustrat- ed songs viz: Tatters, Ora Pro Nobis and Killarney." The accompaniments being played by Miss Maggie Jones, Befcbwood Road, Before separating Corporal Gomer Owen proposad a hearty vote of thanks to Misses Maud and Maggie Jones for coming there that evening to entertain them and to Mr. Ernest Jones for his interesting and amusing exhibition. This was seconded by Corporal Charles Ellis. On leaving the Hall every boy received a New Year's Card from Captain Rawlins. NEW YEAR'S EVE AT RHYL—New Year's Eve was celebrated at Rbyl much in the usual manner. The intonsed cold that prevailed possibly made the streets less crowded than usual, Never- theless bands of youths' paraded the town until an early hour singing snatches of popular songs and choruses. At the English Wesleyan Cha.pel-a Watchnight service was held, and there was a large congregation. The service was impressively con- ducted by the Rey. G. Talalun Newton. The last few moments ef the old year were spent in silent prayer and meditation. There was also a Watch- night service at St. Thomas' Church which was filled with a large congregation. The Vicar con- ducted the service throughout and delivered an appropriate address. The nymns sung were" For thy mercy and thy grace," Lead kindly light," and Our God our help in ages Past." CHRISTMAS AT THE ROYAL ALEXAN- DRA HOSPITAL.—The Lady Superintendent wishes to express very grateful thanks to all the kind friends who contributed so generously, both by gifts and personal help, to give the patients a merry Christmas. Turkeys, geese, and gauie were received from Mrs. Ffoulkes, Mrs. Hay, Mr. Ilughes (Orleans House), Mr. Goddard (Trenence), Mr. Williams (Rhuddlan), and Air. A. Lawrence (High Street). Cakes from Messrs. E. B. Jones and Co., Air. Storey, Mrs. de Ranee, Mrs. Trehearn, Miss Bailey, Mrs. Whittingham, and Miss Anne Smith. Beautiful boxes of chocolates from Mr. Storey, Airs. Price (High Street), and Miss Bailey. A nice supply of oranges and other fruit from Dr. Eyton Lloyd, Air. Hughes, Messrs. E. B. Jones and Co., and Airs. Wood. Mrs. Harker, Mrs. de Ranee, Mr. Sheffield, and Air. Hughes sent several boxes of crackers, which are always a great source of delight to the children. Con- tributions of holly and evergreens for decorating the chapel and the wards of the Hospital were received from the Countess of Dundonald, Airs. Rowley Conwy, Airs. Williams Wynn, and Airs. Beech. Beautiful flowers were received from Mrs. Trehearn, Lady Dundonald, and Airs. Alaxwell. Master Charles Goodwin kindlv came to the Hospital and gave a very pretty Christmas card to each patient. Airs. Crock- ford and her children kindly distributed a large quantity of sweets, and Mrs. Tallents, of Bryn- llithrig, also went round the wards with her little boys and gave chocolates to the children. Some very good ginger beer was kindly sent by Air. Ellis. Air. Perks personally distribu- ted sixpences to each of the patients, and Miss Casson (formerly of Rhyl) sent 3d. pieces to. be given to each of the ward patients. On Christmas afternoon Miss Salt (Conwy Street) kindly went round the wards, distributing to each child a doll beautifully dressed by her mother. Aiiss Tait, of Ilighfield, Wooltcn, sent some beautiful mechanical toys, and Airs. Tertius Cooke personally distributed a plentiful supply of toys. Toys were also sent by Airs. Chambres, Airs. Hassall, and Mr. Foster. Aiiss Gladys Thompson, a former patient, kind- ly sent a box of gifts, and presents were also received from Colonel Alesham, Airs. Elston Phillips, Airs. Roberts (Morian Park), and from the readers of 'Little Folks' magazine. The Misses Meyricks, of Bodorgan (Anglesey), again sent well-filled Christmas stcckngs to be hung by the children's bedsides. Air. Vinning with his usual kindness brought his choir boys to sing carols in the wards on Christmas morning, and in the afternoon Miss Teifi. Davies (a. member of one of the London Opetat;c Com- panies), who was staying for a few days at the Qaremont Hydro, was good enough to volunteer to come and sing to the patients, who greatly enjoyed hearing her. The Lady Superintendent wishes specially to thank the Postmaster and the other officials of the Post Office for their kindness in collecting among:?:. themselves the sum of 14s. for the benefit of the Hospital. DEATH OF MR. LANG LEY, SOLICITOR. —We regret to announce the death which took place at Stockton-on-Tees on Wednesday of Air. W. C. Langley, solicitor, and ex-mayor of the borough. Some twenty-live years ago Mr. Langley practised as a solicitor in Rhyl in part- nership with the late Air. Lowe, and during his residence in the town was exceedingly popular, taking an active part in public life and in enter- tainments promoted for charitable purposes. He has since leaving the town been an annual visitor here, and had only just left after making a long stay.





Rhyl Boxing=Day Eisteddfod.



Family Notices

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