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, R H Y L.


R H Y L. ENGLISH WESLEYANS.—We understand that the Rev. John Judge, who is now superinten- dent of the Gloucester Wesleyan Circuit, has signified his acceptance of an unanimous invit- ation to succeed the Rev. Thomas Rippon as superintendent of the Rhyl English Wes- leyan Circuit after the conference of 1889. STARR BOWKETT BUILDING SOCIETY.—We are pleased to inform our readers that the pro- moters have decided to form a Starr Bowkett Society for Rhyl provided they receive a suffic- ient number ot names of intended shareholders to insure its success.—If the requisite number of promises are obtained Mr Starr (the founder) will come to ijiyl at an early date to inaugur- ate the Society and deliver an explanatory lecture. Persons desirous of taking shares should therefore at once give their names to Mr F. Geary. 29, Prince's Street, Rhyl, who will also be pleased to furnish any infornmtion with reference to the society. A FALSE ALARM.—About seven o'clock on Sunday evening, a false alarm of fire was given. Itwould appear that a p by noticed a rather dense escape of steam issuing from the roof of the Men's Convalescent Institution, Bedford Street, which led him to believe it was on fire. He at once ran to the Police Station, and ob- tained possession of the key, and rang the bell himself- The alarm caused great commotion, and as services were being procaeded with at the time fn the various chapels, ttie congrega- tions naturally got somewhat uneasy, and large numbers rushed out. The Fifce Engine was taken with great promptitude to the supposed scene of conflagratkn, but happily its services were not required. LECTURE.—On Friday, the 13th inst., the Rev. J. Puleston Jones, of Bala, delivered his popular lecture on "Savonarola," at the Welsh Calvinistic Chapel, Warren Road. The chair was occupied by the Rev. Evan Lloyd, and there was a fair attendance. The lecturer treated his subject in a masterly manner, and although he spoke for nearly two hours, he succeeded in keeping his audience interested to the end. At the close a hearty vote of thanks to the Chairman and Lecturer was carried. The proceeds were devoted towards a fund for relieving the poor attending Warreti Road chapel. MR P. MOSTYN WILLIAMS ON THE EDUCA- TION COMMISSION.—At the annual meeting of the English Congregational Union of North W ais, held last week at Buckley, Mr Mostyn Williams, of Rhyl, in the course of an address, said a Commission had been inquiring into the working of the elementary system of education, and on that Commission the denominationalists were in a very large majority. The Commis- sion has completed its inquiries, and from all they could hear a very strong recommendation would be made that the denominational system ot education should be strengthened, and the School Board system weakened. As Noncon- formists, and he might be permitted to say as Liberals, flhey should watch that movement carefully and be prepared to take action to de- fend their principles. He proposed "That this meeting of delegates of the North Wales English Congregational Union desires to call the attention of the Churches and the District Unicns and aRt other local organizations who feel an interest in the question of unsectarian education, to the movement which aims at strengthening the denominational system at the expense and to the detriment of the School Board system of education as by law estab- lished. The Royal Commission appointed at the instigation of Cardinal Manning and the dignitaries of the Church of England, of which Lord Cross is chairman, and the majority of whose members are strenuous supporters of denominationol schools is about to issue its re- port, and judging from the official witnesses examined and the strong bias shown in the Educational Department towards that system, it may be naturally inferred that the report will favour changes prejudicial to the School Board system, for which the friends of religious liberty fought so long and made such great sac- rifices. We therefore recommend that commit- tees shall be formed with a view of watching the movements of the denominationalists, of giving information, of preparing for future ac- tion, and also of passing resolutions condemna- of al attempts to pursue a reactionary educa tional policy" (hear,tear). The Rev. D. Oliver- seconded the motion, which was agreed to, and on the suggestion of the Chairman a copy was directed to be sent to the Commission. CHRIST CHURCH.—A meeting of the mem- bers of this Church was convened for last even- ing (Friday), to consider the question of a successor to the Rev. D. B. Hooke. As our advertising columns show Mr Hooke preaches on Sunday for the last time but one when the School Anniversary services will be held. Rev. Thomas Rippon also takes part. PLEASANT EVFNINGS.These conclude on Wednesday next with a Conversazione and Sale of Work, as advertised in our columns. The meeting which will, practically be Mr Hooke's farewell gathering, will be under the presidency of Mr Samuel Perks, J.P., who pre- sided at the first Pleasant Eveningfive years ago. "THE EIGHTY-CLUB CIRCULAR."—We wel- come this new publication as a cheap and reli- able medium of obtaining information as to the actual state of things in Ireland, and as to the real character of the Coercion Act. It sup- plies a real want, inasmuch as the English press give but very meagre accounts of the Executive in that unhappy country. The mat- ter printed in the circular is carefully selected, under the supervision of a committee from papers belonging to all shades of politics. The price is only one halfpenny, and will be pub- lished at intervals for two months. THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BILL AND THE APPOINTMENT OF MAGISTRATES,—Mr Samuel Smith addressing his constituents at Buckley, last week, referred at length to the Local Gov- ernment Bill, and pointed out that the Bill provided for no change in the appointment of magistrates, and they in Flintshire must pro- test against the present method oi appointing them. Mr Roberts and himself had made many efforts to secure for the great mass of the Nonconformist population of Flintshire such an adequate representation of the Befth as they deserved, They altogether repudiated the assertion that the Nonconformists of Wales did not qontain men fit to adorn that position (hear, hear) He knew that such men could be found men of education, of honourable character, possessing the esteem of their neigh- bours, and holding the necessary social position. MARCH BREWED ALES. J. H. Ellis begs to announce that he has received a consign- ment of Bass and Co's March Brewed Ales which can be obtained in 9 and 18 gallon casks, at brewery prices. Also the Anglo- Bavarian celebrated Amber Ale," as supplied to the Carlton and other leading London clubs. This ale is brewed expressly for family use, and is strongly recommended for its purity and tonic qualities. Full price lists of all wines, I spirits, mineral waters, foreign cigars, &c., on application to John H. Ellis, Wine and Spirit Merchant 12, Water Street, Rhyl.—Advt. THE PARROT," IS the title of a very good little satirical paper published in Manchester and enjoying a large circulation. It is devoted to art, the drama and raging. A special feature is made of thereupon system, by which subsrcibers stand chances of winning valuable prizes. This week ad elegant bassinette m. given. Ule pro- proprietors arc Messrs Pratt & Co., the head of whieh firm is well-known in this to™. April showers not only bring fortuMay flowers, but necessitate our UMBRELLAS being in good repair, and if they rect^re to be recovered, they should be done with Hatwood's Special Material, which has the appearance of the finest silk but wears tlaee times as long, because it never cuts' I in the tmds, and only costs 7/6 for either Lady's or Gent's umbrella. Orders received in the morning are executed by the evening of same day bv Hatwood in Queen Street.—Advt. MARCH BREWBD ALES.-H. A. Steer has now received a stock of these ales from Bass & Co. and. Worthington & Co., and is prepared to deliver the same at once. Sole agent in Rhyl for Raggetts' Invalid Nourishing London t Stout, also the Stretton Hills Mineral Water Co., Church Stretton. Full price liets of all wines, spirits, cigars, on application to H. A. Steer, 73, High Street, Rhyl.—ADVT. GUARANTEED PURE FLOUR.—The Alun Mills, Mold) Brands of the Roller Floor, made on the I Hungarian system, of Millfcg. "Three Stare,' Two Stars," and One Star." Ask your Grocer or Baker for the above branda—Ai%t. ( MEN'S CONVALESCENT IN-TITUTI ON,. -This institution was opened on Monday the 16th inst., and there are a £ present in the house 15 inmates. Every preparation for the coming season have been made by Mr and Mrs Thos. Roberts, the steward and stewardess.



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