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CHRISTMAS PREPARATIONS AT FISHGUARD. [By ARGUS.] The old custom of. decorating shop windows at Christmas not; share the declining lot of many otl old traditions associated witl^;t}fi fc^jve fl person cannot \Valk;t!ic stieets df Fishgu&^d .-without being .^mminded of the merry season, on all hands. There is art in decorating a shop window, and all riwill- agree that we have many in the town well versed in the art. v I walked the streets for the* purpose of this column, and 1 must congratulate all the'"tradesmen "upon the j very neat appearance which the shop windows generally wear. CüÙlliig down HIGH; STREET I noticed the shops of Mrs Jones, Mrs A. Evans, and Mrs Thomas, ail of Which terra to remind one of the festive season.—- Mrs Matthias is always ready to meet -itha- demands of rhos 3 who reqiiive refreshments. Mrs Jeuki o/.fectionery dicp "looks vei y nice.—Atr Kdwards (photographer"" wil take your photo in the best style. The window is tastefully arranged.—Mr L. Williams and Mrs Hannah Richards have a good supply of sweets, oranges, &c. Messrs George, Bennett and Co. have a, large stock of wines and spirits also ales and stouts in casks and bottles. It is needless for me to praise this old establish- ed firm.—-Mrs M. Williams has a nice lot of American apples, oranges, grapes,1 &c." Mrs W. Thomas makes a very neat display of millinery and children's clothing.—Mrs Harries has a good stock of grocery and fruits;, also pipes and tobacco.—Mr W. Slocombe, as usual, has a well-stocked window of confectionery.—Miss Garnon of fruit NI r, has on view a good display; of fruits—Mr E. George has in his shop medicines for all the ills of humanity.—Mr E. Eynon, lronmbiiger,has a large stock of lamps of all kinds, cutlery, &c.—Miss Owen's china shop is decorated with a good display of cut, glass,,yege, table disbgs|- & £ ,< ft THE SQUARE. MY'll. LfeWis, chemist, as usual will supply you with all-things pertaining to his line of business.—The drapery establishment of Mr ^VV.T. Jjauglfwre'I'' isTrepfete with a of grods iri jackets, gloves, wraps ties, collarg, "&cr; also .a large stock of ^dnter cloUiing.—Mr Griffiths lias an extensive stock of' groceip^iu .ku^larg^i eftablislimerit,x and' h'a'S' a' good! display of j.all.tha.necessaries for Christmas.—Miss H. I M. Lamb has a geiicktssortiiieilt of ^milJiueryis Ac. !&e^wiucfovr has a neat appearance.—Mr J. I). Symmons has a supply of ^groceries and provisions of the best quality; he is also agent for the "TowOr Tea. WEST STREET. Mr H. jffowell has a lage stock of grocery and ironmdhgery.—Mr J. Davies (Railway House) has two very showy windows of drapery aud gents' mercery. He has also a stock of grocery suitable f or -itie season. Messrs Jacksoii most attrac- tive windows. -Don't forget to give Mr George Roch (hairdresser) a call. He has a nicely-fitted private hair-cutting room.- Mrs Grifliths (pastry cook), Miss P. Morgan (confectioner), and Mr Morgan (grocer), have all the necessaries for Christmas. ¡ I\1Ali\ STREET. i '> I Miss M. Jenldns has a splended stobk of w^Qillea goods,Give Mr IX Morgan a trial order for" ockings.—Mr William James has evii c.'t v been touched.by tho spirit: of ;Ciiri$tna His window is worth seeing, and the decoration produces a very pleas- ing effect; he has a large stock of well- selected fruits.—No one can pass without noticing the well arranged windows oi Mr j B, J. ilarries (Ooimpton House), where escello. t hints are given of the good tilings inside he has a nice lot of fruits.—Mr D. Thongs, jeweller, has a large stock of watches, &o.—Mr David Rees and Mr W. Gwynne have given their green, fruit a very taking appearaihcfi in their respective windows. KENSINGTON S'FTREET. Mr J 1 n (fruiterer), and Mrs r..i ips (grocer),.li.ave in stock fruit fo il i. i i\e season f HOTTIPAS STREET. Mr Peter;; Davies^ grocer, h$.s a stock of seasonable goods The grocery diop of Mr 1 John Wilcox is well stocked with a large ariety of fruit suitable for Christmas.—Mr -). Evans brings his goods prominently to view in his well arranged windows.Mr Dan Evans has a display of Christmas necessaries. Mr Robert Lewis invites special attention to his choice selection of old wines and spirits; and Mr Lewis is sole agent for Messrs Worthington and Co/s ales and stouts. | \) \GLIS STI EET. fer Peterson (grocei) Mr J. Ree (dm a dealer), Miss Beddoe (baker), and Airs Betsy Rees (china dealer), are prepared to meet all demands in their respective lines. KENSINGTON STREET. Mrs Gibbon and Miss Ann-Griiffths^e^TaF provide "tea and coffee" at the shortesc notice.—The Misses Owen have a supply of sweets,-oranges, apples, &c.U,r David Davies has a large stock of hanging paper. Mr-Williams, stationer, exhibits a variety of fancy goods suitable.ipr Xmas and New Year's presents children's toys; also a stock of stationery. sy,ital?le*fpr |he season. —An immense stock of 'If is to be seen on the premises of Mr David Roberts, suitable for every class of the c^nitiiWAity. v, In the meat;, line I iii;i, me ,.«lon the names of, Messrs J Richarrdirixird Son, Mr Thomas Narbett, Mr J. Narbett, and Mr Wiiiigh. The boot and shoe establishments of the town,viz., Mr George Morris and Mr John Owen (High-street), and Air II. Williams (Main-street), contribute to the decora- tions. Also Mr David George and Mr Walter George, harness makers. Mr Vaughan Davies, West-street,, has a, ,good, show, of cloths suitable for winter suitings. Very neat patterns are also to be seen at Mr Geo. Williams's (West- street); Mr L. Williams (High-street); and Mr Rees Morgan (Smith-street). I cannot describe all the trades, &c., in our town, and my friends who do not receive a notice must be charitable. I feel that I have not done my duty to the shops, but space permitteth not any elaborate details. I trust that the tradesmen's efforts will meet with the due reward—a splended business during the festive Season. mmSrnSmrn^^




