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=- r- ( Copyri.ylf.) LORD WALDO AITS HEIR. ( By MRS. HARRIET LEWIS, Author of "The Hamnton Mvsterv," "The «muilT's Scheme," "Th- j.-uly of KiHare," The Old Life's Shadows," "A Daring Garae, &-c., &c. CHAPTER. XLVI. -ior KOSOR STILL IN I" LAT10N". The last words of the dyim; woman, faint and 48Ping as they were, thrilled through the soul of Honor Glint like a voice from Heaven. She *0s» from her knees b~ the bedside, and said to^Miss Bing, in a hushed voice: You heard ? You heard ? She was tho 1rife of Darrel Moer Miss Bing had reflected earnestly during the past few moments. She saw that the truth ¡ Would help the cause of Darrel Moer more than ally untruth. "Yes, I hearo. II she replied, with an awe- ) 11en glance at the I ale, inanimate figure "He married her ten year* ago. I thought •he was dead." "Was he ever divorced from her?" "No. The marriage w-m nev-er publiclr owned. "But he was married to her le-rillv ? "He was." 41gir!'S i0Vel7 «!™"J *«. -tt. wif«Tihen I1 nfL hlS 'vife ahe cried- "His l -i'^ K!"fi' mnrr;;e_v her lifetime OK r- f [ ,an<^ vo'1'- 1 am not his wife. un, God be thanked !;t ^l,un :Vgam by hp bed and breathed *l *UT K't'cat gratitude to God. Free How hi#jpWOr^ rar"? >n 'UJr ear;! • hrea from the f; eOn Slllckles of her mud marriage—free jy 1,6 claims of the villain Moor—free bl- she looked up again, pale yet jr and raised the lifelc?* hand of Darrel n ei n>ad wife to her lips. She rose .and irh l Upon ti,e wan' peaceful fac.% from »lcl1 the ;ia gsrard look was goirg. a gentle kiss, -^nd if X am not Moer'a wile, said lionor, a. r a long panse. "he is now t ree to marry *S*in. ![,, me jie s])ould marry Miss Floyd o-morrow. That marriago will he legal. Miss he Ids lawful wife. *ess," said Miss Uing. "There will be no CrHtie in his marriage with her." >, Aa my marriage to him is null and void, as Have been no more to liim since it was con- tacted than a perfect stranger, lie lias no °nRer even the authority t;f a husband to i,ie iii t,.i., ''iMvidence has freed i e through this poor woman," and Honor ^°ked reverentlv at the form of the dead J^nine Moer. '"I an: wHSins now to pledge j/ w°rd that I and my friends will not expose jj*rr°l Hr.er's wickedness J would not become jj*rr°l Hr.er's wickedness J would not become confederate, and as-is\ hoi; to wrong Miss ]el0yd, but as "ilia marriage ui;h her will now be Ifi I will promise not to interfere with it. promise was all that Mo,•• required of me." «;y° doubt he will be glad to receive it." f0f ,°u must go at once <•> the. farmer's house care^ sai<i the girl. uT;.is body must bo jjer y9r> a»d preparations made for a funeral. liotiaed soiiio.-iiiilst !io ba^ A telegram iun?.t he sent to her hus- Convex ^!3 fnrnK'r must Petri mo in some f,ri b'o the station '<»-i'ight, so that I fv- 1,1 London in tin- mo: nirig. "I h/ 80 fast, excia :ned Miss ."Bing. ° n° donbt "• -Vi,;er will gladly Write'6 vVOil sei"' .v"" nll!St Will t }() 'nl ^r;,t :uu' 1, '3 an?wer- T»*at that f- a ('a.v or t,u>- unist v,'ait during Ujy j ln>e as' pn'i -ni!v n> y<>u can. I received %n(j ^stri!Ctions from him through my brother, 'hall .llUisl ^>ave his orders to release you. You 4' be treated well while you stay, and I don'4 j, Jour star here will be short." the FOrn ^lis decision no entreaties could move the ,T0lnan- She had softened a moment, in crirnPrp.sence of death, but she was already her <^T 8«lf again. Ilia t>- take tho bo !-r in'° mJ roora'" saicl "2- "I have no more fear of ghosts. 0llght to trv to sleep.' chalUnloci ved the door leading into her own in ^"er, and lifting the emaeiat'ed dead body it 6r strong arms, she earned it in and laid the^°n 'ler cnvn l^^nor followed her into l>a«.r00ln' a"d trie J the Uoui leading into the "Th was ior"'<> Srinil G s no t'"0"!10 ,or ?a'd the v. oman ^eeks^" "on ^,avP 'J'ef'i5 these three you v" "^e Patient two di;.vs longer. I promise njV h- ,1r freedom as soi-r. I can hear from jn_ 0ToPr. ^rr_ Aioer lias- iio obiect in detain- ns you hiM- 1 m; nere lon'.rer. her own room and sed the door upon her. Then she took a arldle and scarche.d the hall and stairs for Pots of blood, effacing them carefully with a *et cloth. "The woman must be got out. of the house," said to herself. "I wont have her body ^nder this roof till morning." She took the slender figure up again in her rrns, and now carried it downstairs, depositing upon one of the kitchen settles. But what was to be done with the body ? M Her first impulse was to hurry over to the *rrner s, and a?!: him to remove it, but, the ■ttpPmg wounds upon tho body made her cauti- us. t if she were to be charged with murdering 8ft V'"0m:m'' t'le house were to be t!rri'.e.l, ;i],rl Ilon^r found in imprisonment T w I must dispose of her myself, said the Ornan. K^j[ taiKe jier bac{c t0 the stable loft here s|)(? jia3 hidden so leng. That is the tliit g to be done." -to Was s'i di Hi cult task, hut Miss Bing was gL0a?, and her fears doubled her usual strength. clasped the bodv again in a close embrace tol llr,1'l i?d out into the stibh-yard. She began j tre:nb]<> under the contact of the cold, dead tve- and nenrlv drop'^ed hvr burden once or but ilnallv curried it- i:.to the stable. CP,,i it up the ladder into the w siie nanted. "It grows heavier every ."foment." 1 rpi flo 0 was a square opening overhead in the bv°r -°^> which had once been covered ()or. Actiii-, ^a trap-door. Acting upon a suddenly con- u'Ved idea, Judith Bing laid the body down face under the opening, muttering: ,hen she is found, her wounds will be ■»nj u'pd to a fall from the loft. The dust ^0cl dirt of the iloor will hide the fact thaJ; her '!a3 been washed. That trouble is dis- posed of." h(> returned to the house. th f- 1 would give a good deal to know she is dead, and that his marriage to Miss lnt was a mere farce, and that he is free to + a £ |7 Miss Floyd," site thought. "I'll write "•atscn in the morning." tir She sat her fire all night, sleepless and atchfl11, tllinici" of the dead body on the tt* 0 j0,?! Darrel Moer's prospects, and of Iffonoi- (,Iillt. D.&),Iigllt caiiie, and found her 1 waKe u rpl/e V 0 j a breakfast and took it up. The g,rl had been sloep]es3 also. ghe Jll3 VerypaK but there was a radiant happin- ss her face, such as had not been there sir.ee °etore leaving Lolton. Honor pleaded to be allowed to leave The ^presses that morning, and offered bribes, but f"8s Bint; shook her head, refusing to consider « prayers. ■»- ion can go to-morrow, when I hear from ^r* Moer, and not bel'ove," she declared. "J 8 Wnte to him immediately." vr ^"hat have vnu done with tho body of Mrs. °8 £ ? asked 'Honor. -Dispo.d of it," was the laconic answer, be S ^iiU' returned to the kitchon, and wrote {jj,1" letter to Darrel Moer, under cover to her *6r^'er' was sC;!rf'0>'v jioished when a light fr ln5 car drove up the paved way leading th *'le h'tjhwav to the house, and came round dr- dwelling, halting at the rear door. Its dr- dwelling, halting at the rear door. Its Oni-Ver' an phlerly sallow-faced man, sprang '•ar^^ loudly upon the door of the hall with the handle of his driving whip. ls.s I^ing concealed her letter and writing ^ildl"1!18 'n ^er table drawer, and with a -eating heart answered the summons. tt e man raised his hat to her respectfully, ▼•nti ''iSe lne' ni!>dam," lie said, "but I have gi». lreQ to here, in the hope that you can *0 smt»e information. I am in search of ^'•sK,1 lunatic—a woman. She ha3 been °.-t-v^roln 'ler 'i01na some three or four hj^ k < wh.o has had her in charge, 'aDn U\en 'n Gearca for her ever since she hav ('lr< a? s^lt?.'s d -.ngerous to be at large, tion, ° (.fucceeded in tracing her in this direc- 'Wee^ ''ie was seen in the Deep Fen three -Co'e al;J, without slices or stockings or head llaye Tou eeec arjthing of her?" "Nothing a.1," said promptt". MA lunatic! Oh dear! we shall be mur^red." "If she comes this way, be good enougii to telegraph to Dr. Parfitt, at The Retreat, near Offord," said the in,-er politely. "The poor creature is a lady. Her name is Carmine Roff, and she was an actress, but she believes herself to be married to some younir sprig of nobility. I have been away from The Ketreat for" a week, searching all the fens within some miles of this place, thinking that she may have died of exposure. I must go back to-day. Tt 10 possible that she may have been already found by others who are searching." "I hope so," said Miss Bing. "It does givl9 me such a turn to hear of lunatics being at large. I was frightened yesterd iv, and I've not got back my spirits since. Some person— a tramp I should ay-hag broken into my house every night, nnd stolen food nnd blankets, and yesterday 1 fancied I saw a wild-looking face at the stable window." "Let me look into your stable, madam," interrupted the stranger eagerly. "The face you saw may be Miss Roff's. She is very shy and avoids people. It would be like her to hide in all unused stable, and steal her supplies from the house." He hurried to the stable, Miss Bing following. When he opened the door, his first gIanre fell upon the prostrate body. He bounded towards it, and turned up the face to the light, brushing off the dirt that clung to it. "It is she!" he exclaimed. "Poor thing! Her troubles are over. The body is that or Miss Roff. I recognise and claim it." Is she dead ? "Yes, and cold. Sho must have fallen through the hole in the floor above. I'll see if there are traces of her presence up there." lie laid down the body and climbed the rickety ladder to the loft. He found there a bed in the straw, a blanket, bones of fowls, scraps of bread, broken ale bottles. Having satisfied himself that the madwoman had spent dsivs and weeks in this singular asylum, he came down the ladder again. and examined the body. "That wound on her head and the broken ribs testify to the violence of her fall," he said, I will put the bodv into my waggonette and convey it to The Retreat." "Won't there have to be any coroner': inquest ? "I should have too far to go for a coroncr. and it would take a week to jury in this region," said Dr. Parfitt's assistant, rather contemptuously. "I sliall take upon myself all tlw risks of removing her." He gathered up the body and carried it to his waggonette, wrapping it carefully in the Lhnket which still clung to it. He had a sheet of black waterproof clotii in the long box of his watrzonette, and hnving laid the body on i), bed of he carefully buttoned dowlI J over it the black covering. Miss Bing Irought him a glass of ale, which he drank. Expressing his thanks to her for having given him the clue which had led to the discovery of Miss Rolf's body, the man climbed into his I waggonette and drove away at a smart pace. Miss Bing looked after him with a satisfied smile. 0 She returned to the house and added another wage to her letter, sealed it, an/ walked over to the farmer's cott-ige. She f/>und the firmer I just jetting into his waggon. He was goill to I t1 e. market town. Giving the letter to him with strict injunctions to post it at the earliest possible moment, Miss Bing returned to The CY1wrsses. This was the wedding morning of Darrel Moer and Hilda Floyd. The bodv of the dead Carmine Moer was 1 loins jolted hck to the she hud escaped, at the very moment when the words w-re being spoken in the chur li of Nt. Judo which bound Darrel Moer to another woman. And tlitis it was that Honor was Honor Glint still, after all her pangs and terrors—a maiden, owing allegiance to no one. At last she might think tenderly of Sir Hugh Tregaron. At last she might look forward to a union with him. It seemed that but a day remained between her and liberty. But in the twenty-four hours succeeding Moer's marriage to Hilda Floyd events were to take a turn that shadowed Honor's fate more darkly than ever. There yawned before her a peril more frightful than any of vhich sho had dreamt—a fate so dark end terrible that it was well for her tho future could not be unveiled. CHAPTER XLVII. A QATIIKRINQ OF TKMPEST3. ft was the pwning of the day of Moer's stolen marriage to Hilda Floyd, and soon after the return of tliOjbridal party from Sydenham. Ti o two ladies, having ascertained that Lord VValdemar was gone out for a drive in the Park, retired immediately to their own rooms, atT1 were dressing for dinner. Darrel Moer was similarly engaged in his own room, attended as usual by his valet. "Any news, Bing? inquired Moer, as tho man's skilful lingei-3 waxed the pointed ends of the master's moustache, giving them a fierco upward curl. "I left you at home, you know, to keep an eye on matters here. Has the Hungarian Countess called Itere to-day? Has my uncle commented upon the absence of Mi's Floyd ? "Lord Waldemar rose about noon and had his chocolate in his room," said Bing. "Then he went to his library and worked stendily until four o'clock, and then lie went to drive in the Park with Lady Thaxter and the Hungarian Countess. Ho has not yet come in. He has not asked for Miss Floyd to-day, but Mrs. PGSS gave him Mrs. Watchley's message that she had taken her younir lady on an excursion to Sydenham. Mrs. Poss told me that his lordship did not say a word, only bowing. It (lid not appear whether he was pleased or displeased." "He may have thought Mrs. lVatchlpv an insufficient escort for his heiress," said Moer, examining critically tho various shades in a box of scarves. "If he thought so. he will reserve his opinion for the privato hearing of Mrs. Watchley herself. So no one whose visit could v bode harm to me called to-day ? Bing replied in the negative. "And you have literally no news whatever to report ? "Nothing has happened of consequence to- day," said the valet; "but there was something I meant to tell you this morning, only I had nut time. You remember you had barelv time to dress for breakfast, and that as soon as vou had dressed after breakfast you went out. Something very mysterious happened in this house last night, I left your room, you know, sir, on the stroke or twelve. J. went upstairs on my way to my room in the attic. When I was on the landing of the floor above this, I heard someone creeping along this in list slippers. I peeped over the railing cautiously, and saw thnt it was Lord Waldemar's business manager, Mr. Grimrod. He went into Miss Floyd s room and locked the door." "The deuce Wiiat was that for? "He was in there two hours, by the clock," said Bing. "I crept down and tried to listen at the door, but I could only catch here and there a word. Grimrod seemed to be scolding Miss Floyd "Impossible'" "It is true, sir, and I am sure I heard Mrs. Watchley crying. I tried to catch what Grimrod said, but he always speaks too low to be heard through these deadened walls. All I discovered was that tiol-o is some secret between Mr. Grimrod and Miss Floyd." She can't have borrowed money of him?" ea.d Moer meditatively. "Sho 'has all she wants. \lT,^aP8 'le 'las f°l,nd out some secret, of heis suggested Bing. "She mnv have secrets, young as she is. Why should tho manager visit her room so secretly and stay there so Ion,7 ? He had that to sav to her which he a could not say in the drawing-room." "It is certainly very mysterious," said Moer. "I'll know what the secret is, now that I have got a suspicion of its existence. The girl is mv c W o wire Bing pmiled. "You've got three wives now, sir," he said. Before Moer could reply, there came a timid knoek at the door. Bing looked out into the hall passage. One of the housemaids, nn espeeial friend of his, stood outside with a letter under her apron. "It's for yon," she exclaimed. uThe postman just left it at the door, and I took it in, and made bold to bring it up to you." "Thank you, said Bing, takinat the missive from her hands and recognising the superscrip- tion as being in the handwriting of his sist" •U'il remember you, iaissr for lour kicdae?" 1 When that policeman of yours can.. to see you, I'll see that you have a clear field." The maid simpered and scampered dorra the stairs. Bing locked the door, returning to his master. "A letter for you, sir, from The Cypresses," said the valet, tearing off the outer envelope and tossing it on the fire. "Miss Glint hac given in, I take it." The letter was that written by Miss Bing, announcing the death of Moer's mad wife. Darrel Moer hastened to peruse it. His amazement as he took in its meaning was beyond description. "Dr. Parfitt told the truth, Bing," he muttered. "Carmine escaped from The Retreat lately, as he said. By SJme curious fatality, she went to The Cypresses. She died there last night 1 Bing's astonishment was only less than that of his master. "Died! he exclaimed. "She is really dead ? Moer nodded assent. "Then your marriage to Miss Glint was no 'marriage at all," said Bing. "You've not the shadow of a claim upon her." "Not the faintest shadow of a claim. Shm's as free as air from any bonds of marriage." "And this marriage to-day to Miss Floyd is perfectly legal and valid." "Perfectly. Fate has played into my hands. Miss Glint heard Carmine's story before she died, and knows the truth. Miss Glint will be powerless to harm me now, even if I free her. Your sister wants to know if she shall release her prisoner. I'll write to-morrow and tell her to do so. "Your path is clear now, sir. You've no more troubles nor fears. No one can threaten you now," said Bing. "Sir Hugh Tregaron will not offer to molest you when Miss Glint returns to Lady Thaxter. Miss Glint's imprison- ment will be kept a secret for Lord Waldemar's sake, if not for her own." Moer started abruptly, growing suddenly white. "Carmine is dead," he said. "Then who- who is this Hungarian Countess?" Bing regarded his master blankly. "I cannot guess," he acknowledged. "Have you not been mistaken in thinking you have seen her before ? "No, no. Her eyes haunt i-n-t,liosc- strange blue eyes! Witereiiave I seen them before: I tell you, Bing, I have M'ronged that woman at some neriod, and in some way. I tell you she is iii v eiieiiiv. If she's not Carmine, mv wife, who is she ? "Ave, who is sho ? Moer dashed down the letter, and rose and pneed the floor hurriedly. "Who is she?" he cried, his agitation increasing. "Bing, I must know who she is. I'm afraid of her. I wili see her again— etui s- tien her --look at her sharply. I thought 1 had salvedthe mystery about, her. but this mad- woman who has died at The Cvpresse* is inc 11: teatabiy Carmine. I tell y oil, there's a deeper mystery than I about this young Hun- garian Countess. What, is the mvsterv ? How have I incurred her enmity ? Who is she ? "She is too late to harm you, since vou are legally married to Miss Floyd," said Bing sagely. "There is no use in borrowing trouble, Mr. Mr.er "But I tell you," a ghastly face, suddenly trembling, "I have a sudden driad of this foreign lady, ail the deeper because I cannot think who she is, and because I know that she is my enemv. Still, as you sny, I am legally married to Miss Fioyd, and no one can invalidate the marriage. Ladr liothsmere cannot harm me that I see." "She is only a woman, too." "I would rather have a man for an (,iWIn, than a woman I had wronged. But I won't be childish. Read and burn the letter. I must go down to the drawing-room to meet, my br,dp." Moer struggled to compose himself, lie resolutely set aside the mystery of Lady Rothsmere's acquaintance with his p:;3I, and her possible designs against himself, for future earnest, consideration, and banished all traces of his anxiety and dread from his With a false smile and an uneasy heart he deFcended to the lower rooms. He found Lord Waldemar, who had recently come in from his drive, in the His lordship stood before the fire, in conversa- tion with Grimrod; but there was a certain abstraction in the Baron's stern and haughty face, and a fai--oi-i look in his eyes, that shewed how little he heard or heeded his manager's enthusiastic description of the flower-show. Moer had scarcely er.tvr?:l when and Mrs. Watchley, both in their full uir.c:' dress, the former superbly attired in a delicate lavender silk, came rustling into the room. Lord Waldomar's face grew cold and hard a~ he looked upon Hilda. "I believe," he said sternly, "that I ordered Miss Floyd not to enter my presence until she was ready to make an ample apology for her unladylike behaviour last evening." Hilda put her lace handkerchief to her eye? and swept forward towards the Baron, ^ausii-/ before him in a suppliant attitude. "I am come to make that apology now, dear grandpapa, she salC\ I ae"lre îo apolo- gise before all those who witnessed the scene of last evening. I am heartily ashamed of mv foolish and wicked behaviour, and I beg your lordship to forgive me. I will try to do better hereafter, and—and to model my character afla'r that of my sainted c,EVt;dmamina, whom I never saw, but of whose gentleness I have heard so much." This little speech had been carefully studied beforehand, and Hilda repeated it with all tho proper inflections, and with apparent leelirg. The allusion to Lord Waldemar's dead ivif-3 conceived by Hilda to be a master stroke, that would inevitably batter down any wall of dis- like which the Baron might have raised a" imt her. She expected to be taken to his arms, and to receive a shower of caresses. But the Baron's proud bronzed face did change in its expression, nor did the look ir. his eyes soften or grow tender; lie simply held out his hand in token of forgiveness, and said Your apology is sufficient. We will not allude again to the matter." Hilda kissed his hand in a seeming fervour of gratitude, and managed to drop a tear upon it. "0 grandpapa," she exclaimed, "I want to be a comfort to you—the staff of your old age. I want, to win your love. I want to be your very own child The Baron drew away his hand. "Don't overdo the thing, Hilda," he said coldly. "You I-Tiow and I know that your nature has not changed since last night. i am apt to distrust violent expressions of affection from lips that have lately reviled me and wished me dead. I desire for you only that you will comport yourself a3 a lady. I (leclitio your proffered affection." The girl retreated a few paces, her heart swelling with rage and bitterness. Yet, she held on firmly to her mask of penitence and soi-row. Only Grimrod saw what a hard struggle she was making to retain her self-control, and to hold in her wicked temper, as a huntsman holds his baying hounds in leash. "I am willing to study under tho masters you were kind enough to select for me, grandpapa she said, her voice quivering. "I cannot bear to go forth among strangers from the only friends I have in the world." "We will see, "said the Baron. "This dis- cussion is unpleasant to me. Let it end here. If I make other arrangements for you, they will be communicated to you. For the present, since your teachers are engaged, you can remain bere." Dinner was announced, putting an end to the discussion. The dinner-hour was scarcely so pleasant as usual. Lord Waldemar was strangely silent and abstracted. Grimrod mentally decided that his lordship had some secret trouble or perplexity, and Moer came to the same conclusion. Mrs. Watchley was full of apocryphal anecdotes of the flower-show, describing in enthusiastic terms *'black roes that were not there, and describ ing minutely other hypothetical flowers which had their sole oxistence in her fertile imagina- tion. She had not even looked at the flowers, as may be remembered. "Hilda is so devoted to flowers," she said, 1 drawing upon her very lively imagination. She calls them the stars of earth, sho is so full of poetry, dear child. Hilda is a wild and wayward little creature, Lord Waidemar, but she has one of those rare poetical natures that endow the commonest things with beauty. Under the petulance is hidden the rich and glorious depth of a loving soul." Lord Waldemar did not contradiet the lady's assertion, but the peculiar curl of his lips did rot encourage Mrs. Watclilcy to proceed with prailel of Hildat The ladies went upstairs when tijey hatf finished their dinner. The gentlemen lingered over their wine. Presently, as the Baicn continued -ilent, and Grimrod wished to speak privately to Hilda. the manager excused himself, and went up tt the drawing-room. Uncle and h:hew were left together. Moer regarded his lordship furtively for some moments, and then said; "Uncle Lancelot, it waapot like you to be so hard upon a woman, a gitl I should say, as you were upon Hilda to-night. Her apology to you was most humble, and her sincerity was painfully evident." "You think so?" said Lord Waldemar sceptically. "I read people better than you do, Darrel. The girl's an arrant hypocrite. She is frightened about a boarding-school, and so forced herself to make that apology. But there was no sincerity in it. It was plainly apparent to me that she had a purpose in view." "I think not, uncle. She seems wayward, but she must be good and true under all her faults. The Floyds are quick tempered, irascible, warm-hearted, generous, never forgetting a kindness, rarely forgiving an injury." "She has not the Floyd nature. What generosity is there in her ? She is selfish, scheming, even wicked. I don't mind a down- right hot temper if it's honest,, and breaks out against wrong, but a temper like Hilda's is like that of some snarling, spoilt cur. Mv son had a noble, generous nature, bright and frank and sweet. He never disobeyed me but once in his life, and I can't understaud how he was tempted to do so then. It was that Arlyn woman s wiles that led him from honour, truth and duty. How could my -.on have left no imprint of himself upon his child ? Is this girl all Arlyn ? Darrel, I tell you that when I first saw her I disliked her. Had it not been for those marks upon her arm, that seemed to prove her identity beyond all cavil, I might have grown to doubt that she was my son's child. But the sight of them seemed to anni- hilate suspicion. I should never have doubted the girl's identity never only that to- dav-- He paused. Darrel Moer rtarted. "Do—do you doubt it now, my lord?" he whispered huskily. "I don't know. Can Grimrod have been deceived ? I would stake my life on his fidelity. He would not palm off upon me another in place of Wallace's child." "Ah-h! "Are you ill, Darrel? You look strangely." "It is nothing. Why should you doubt that—that Hilda is your grandchild ? "I will tell you, Darrel. Do not speak of it even to Grimrod. I am anxious to have the opinion of someone on the subject, since I have not dared even to mention my suspicion to Tregaron. There has been a young lady visiting at Lady Thaxter's. She—the young lady-went back to Lancashire about three weeks ago. Her name was Honor Glint." Darrel Muer drew his breath hard. "The first time I saw the girl," continued his lordship, "I stared at her spell-bound. You have not seen her ? She was young, about Hilda's age, fair and slender like some graceful lily, and she had the tenderest, loveliest face I ever saw. But her beauty ia my eyes consisted in her pale gold hair, full of softest sunshine, kinked and waved, and in her black, velvety eyes, which met mine with a frank sweetness that took my old heart by storm. Darrel. she has my son's eyes—Wallace Floyd's eyes—and she has that rare combination of midnight eyes and golden hair which distinguishes the Floyds. Iler very face was his, idealised, made tenderer, sweeter, lovelier, but still my son's. "It was very strange," said Moer huskily. "Strange! It was a most marvellous coinci- dence. And, Darrel, I felt my heart go out to that girl in a sort of yearning. I know then that my heart was not all dead and cold. I could have taken her in my arms in my son's place, and loved htt as I loved him." "You would ma™ her, perhaps ? Lord Waldemar regarded his nephew in displeased surprise. "Sir Husrh Tregaron will marry her, I hope," he said. "He loves her. My love was that of a father, or grandfather, if you will. I've thought of her a hundred times since she went away. I have even dreamt,of her. Last night I dreamt t\,at Wallace erina to me, leading this girl-this Honor Glint-by the hand, and entreating me to forgive him, and to receive this girl into my heart in his place. And to- day, D.rrel, the young Hungarian Countess at Lady Thaxter'a gave me a shock—quite unintentionally. I am sure, but nevertheless a II most terrible shock." "The Hungarian Countess?" "Yes. We were driving in the Park," said Lord Waldemar, his voice sinking, and his stern eyes softening, "and the bracelet of the Counters becams till ei, I bent to clasp 1 i:, and saw upon her delicate wrist a tiny mole. 'It is a birth-mark,' she said to me, and then added, laughing, but it is not a mark ly which I might be identified. Moles are too common. Miss Gliut could be easily identified if she should over become involved in a contest like the Tichborne case. She has a birthmark on her arm shaped like a dagger, clear vivid scarlet; and she has an irregular scar upon her wrist, the result of a knife wound inflicted by herself in infancy.' Imagine my consternation. Those marks precisely resemble those by which I identified Hilda I "The coincidence is startling." faltered Darrel Moer. "The question now presents itself-is Honor the actual daughter of Captain Glint? Moer's brain fairly reeled. He remembered that Honor had told him that she was waif whom Captain Glint had picked np, in the firms of a fever-stricken nurse, in the streets of Vpletta. The possibility that she was the daughter of Wallace Floyd dawned for the first hue upon him. "And if she is not? he muttered hoarsely. "If she is not his child, I shall investigate her parentage. I shall believe, in that case, p, that her resemblance to my son is more than mere coincidence. I must know the cause of those marks upon her person. That two girls loiild be so similarly marked is startling. The evidence points to the one as my grand- daughler. it is true. But the resemblance of the other to mv son is still stronger evidence in her favour. I do not like Mrs. Watchley. There seems to be something secret and sinister about her. Can she havo known of Wallace's child, and counterfeited tl'.e marks upon the arm of some protegee, of her own, imposing the letter upon me as my granddaughter? I really thrEk her capable of such a thing. But how I could she have disposed of the real child ? How could slio linvo Grinirrd, who is usually so aqtllte ? I tbink that Grimrod's judgment is not so good of late. He lms mnde one or two unprofitable investments for me, notwithstanding that I have forbidden him to put my money into foreign enterprises paying high rates of interest. I have had to tell him to confine himself to the usual Three per Cents., and not seek to multiply money too fast. He seems absorbed in ideas and affairs of bis own that bltint- bis judgment in other regard?. But I have every reliance upon his goodness and fidelity." "He is not a man to be easily deceived," said Moer, trying to speak firmly. "The truth is, my lord, the resemblance of Miss Glint to Wallace Floyd is a mere coincidence, nothing more. The *cars 011 Miss (Flint's arm mav be very unlike those upon Miss Floyd's. Mrs. Watchley is an honest lady, I dare affirm. Your suspicions, my lord, are the merest cob- wp.bs—pardon my nlaiu speaking. You have excited yourself without just cause." "Perhaps so." 'May not this Hungarian Countess have beer, mistaken ? By the way, I saw her the other day at Lady Thaxter's. She is an exquisitely beautiful woman, but somehow," said Moer, with seeming carelessness, "1 had a fancy that I have seen her before." "It must have been abroad, then. She 'is Hungarian, or Austrian, I forget which. Ladv Thaxter tells me that this is the first visit of the Countess to England. I never met a more brilliant, woman, nor a truer lady," said Lord Waldemar, his bronzed face glowing. "She haq- the pure, fresh, loving heart of a child, the grace and aplomb of a finished woman of the world, the beauty of an angel, the brain of a statesman." Moer scanned his uncle narrowly. "She must be an extraordinary woman to elicit. such praise from you, my lord," he said. "She is. I was talking with Lord Carysfort at, the House yesterday, nd he spoke of her. He has just renewed hia old acquaintance with her. She has been for vears the star o': tho Austrian Court, She m rried many yeart %go in her enrlv youth the old Count Rothsmere She is adored by his tall sons. She was a gooti wife to her husband, who fairly worshipped her, and during the last year of his she was his constant nurse and attendant, remaining witr him night and day, reading to him, singing tc him, making perpetual sunshine in his sicfc chamber. He died in her arms, her nause the last upon his lips. lie was many years older than she, but she loved him." "Perhaps she would marry again, if your lordship were to a?k her," sugge-ted Moer, with a sudden flash of recivNss bitterness. Lord Waldemar's face flushed hotly, and he rose, Fayirg "She hns never given me much encourage- ment. Next time she marries she will probably marry a young man." Moer rose ind %itli his uncle. LordWaldena)- put (II jrivat-ooat in the hall, and iveilt oit. wet into the library and rang the bell. A servnr1. ;i|>i eared. "Tell Mr. Grimrod, who is in the drawing- room, that I beg him to crJmo to me, he com- manded. "1 must see him immediately." CHAPTER XLVIII. A rAiit OF .vunoF.nors vili.atvs. Some minutes elapsed before Grimrod ap- peared in answer to the somewhat peremptory summons of Mcer, who stirred the library fire, drew the curtains closer, turned up the gaslight, and moved restlessly about, the room, stung by the thoughts that crowded upon him. "My uncle is going to make a fool of him- self, and offer marriage to this young German Countess," he said to himself. "Will she have him ? Who is she ? Ah, if I only knew! I'm afraiel I've brought my goose to a pretty Aarkct, after all. Instead of duping, I have been duped." He relieved his mind with the utterance of a volley of oaths. lie v. as in the midst of them when Grimrod came in, cool, easy, and impas- sive ns usual. "The servant said vou wished to see me," said the manager. "How strang.-ly you look! Moer did look strangely, lie was absolutely haggard, and there a wild and reckless expression in his eyes that was seldom seen there. He laughed sneeringlv. I have something to say to you," he exclaimed, "and I'll come to the point at once. Why did you visit Miss Floyd's room last night and remain there two hours? Grimrod looked innocently surprised. "You are mistaken. sir," he said coolly. "I have never visited Miss Floyd s room. "You need not it.I have a witness who saw you go in there find saw you come out two hours later, and who tried to lieten-" Now indeed Grimrod started. "Well, what did lie hear?" he asked. "Nothing. What secret is this you and flilda Floyd liave iii col;iiiio!i ? "Hilda Moer now, sir. 1 have no secret in common with your wife, Mr. Moer. Yoiir in- forn ant must have dreamt what he told you." "Ah, yes, my wife! Cuise the luck! She is my w fe "This is very strange language, Mr. Moer." "Is it? cried Moer savagely. "Then make the most of it. You have duped me, you trickster and cheat I never had the confidence in you that my uncle had. You area scheming, double-dyed rascal! "Sir! What does this i-nein ? "It means that my uncle suspects that Afrs. Watchley has imposed upon him a girl who is not his granddaughter. The girl's insolence, selfishness, and decsitfulness he fancies are qualities foreign to his blood. He's sick of Hilda—and so am 1. He thinks you—his faithful, affectionate Grimrod, ha, ha!—have been imposed upon by this cunning Watchley. He doesn't blame yon-hi" devoted manager —for having beon taken in, but he's bound to hunt up an heiress more to his taste. I tried to allay his suspicions-I don't know if I succeeded and praised your honesty and fidelity. Bah! Now you have got to own up the truth to me," and Moer's eyes glowed redly. "Is this girl whom you have foisted upon Lord Waldemar your own d,ugl,r ? The fierce attack of Moer fairly overwhelmed the astute villain. His Mephistophelean face shewed ghastly whiteness. He returned Moer's burning, restless glances with a steady and appalling gaze. u Speak out!" cried Moer fiercely. "I'm the girl's husband—tied to her because of your villainy. I held fortune in my very grasp, and I flung it from me to grasp this wretched, hollow phantom. You had better make friends with me. We can work together, but if you try to keep me in the dark you'll rue it. Again iL asic-anct I warn voti I iiican to be answered. —is this Hilda your daughter ? By this time Grimrod had begun to recover the impassive coolness that had distinguished him all his life. He answered simply "Yes; the girl is my daughter." Despite the fact that lie had expected an affirmative answer, Moer was shocked by it. ""Your daughter—yours! The d-I he cried hoarsely. "And it is this for which I have sold inyself-tliis for which I have schemed and toiled—this for which I flung away the fairest fortune man ever held in his grasp-this for which I haye perjured myself, and lied, and endangered my liberty—this Great God He fairly foamed in his wild fury. Grimrod watched him in a wary silence. "I wanted to marry title, wealth, cried Moer, with a Iiflarse laugh "I wanfer] beauty, elegance, brains, sweetness. And, 0 ileavc-n I had them all And for what did I fling tLenl away ? To become the son-in-law of my uncle's business manager! I wonder I don't go mad He bent his forehead fiercely with his clenched hand. His fury was appalling. In all his experience of men, Grimrod had never seen any similar blazing passion. "Come, come," said Grimrod, after a little. "It's not so bad, after all. Hilda's the same girl you married. No one will ever know she is not Lord Waldemar's granddaughter—no one but you and I, Hilda and Mrs. Watchley." "Who is Mrs. Watchley ? "Hilda's aunt. The sister of my late wife." "Another relative! Ha, ha! And how did yeu and my aunt-in-law contrive this most monstrous imposition ? Grimrod explained how, after his wife's Grimrod explained how, after his wife's death, the letters came to Squire Floyd from his son's wife, announcing the existence of the baby Hilda, and describing the scars upon the little person of the heiress. He said that when the later letter came, announcing Mrs. Floyd's death, he had conceived the idea of putting his own motherless child into the place of the real heiress. He explained at full length how he had schemed and planned and watched, how fortune had favoured him in keeping away the real Hilda, and how he had at last placed his daughter in the home of the Floyds, as the next in the Waldemar succession. "This barony of Waldemar, with all the wealth attached to it," concluded Grimrod, "has been a bone of contention, as Squire, Floyd's estate was. You wanted both, and I believe it was to your treachery in some way that Wallace Floyd's marriage was due. You have fought for the barony for yourself. I have fought for it for my daughter. We have both won. Let us make the most of our victory, and be friends." Moer replied by a burst of frenzied ravings. "This isn't going to help you," said Grimrod quietly. "You are married to Hilda, and you will be wise to make the most of her. You can assist in making her position secure. She will cajole Lord Waldemar into an affection for her, now that she knows the truth. The Baron will soor ;rget his suspicions. The real heiress is dead lrobably -11 "She is not. I know her. t, loved her. I Tove her still," raved Moer, in a renewed paroxysm of frenzy, as the full force of what he had lost burst upon him. "She is as beautiful, as fair, as sweet, as lovely, as your daughter is hideous to me. I have been a fool! If I had been true to her, I should have been at this moment the husband of the real heiress. I could shoot myself for my wadi folly." "What! You have known the real heiress? No, no! But I say Yes. I have been married to her- Grimrod sprang back. "Then all is lost!" cried the ma-nager hollowly. "This marriage to Hilda was but a mockery, and you are married to the real heiress If this if true-- But I cannot, will not believe it." "It was that marriage-the one to the real heiress—that was a mockery, groaned Moer. It is null and void. I am the husband of your charming daughter fast enough. I have thrown away the diamond I hold the paste carefully in my hands. When I think of'what nriglit have been and what is, I could shoot myself- and you too, you villain Worn out by his maddening conflict of emotions, Moer sanIs. wn upon a couch â covered his face with his hands. Where is this real heiress ?" asked the manager softly. Moer replied only by an hysterical laugh. "She must be hidden away from all possi- bility of an encounter with Lord W aldemar, said Grimrod. "Yes, for he has seen her, and he suspects her identity. She resembles his son. We will search fo; liar. She ought to be shipped a long voyage." "To a port whenco there is no return," said the manager significantly. "If you refuse to stand by me, and go back to this beautiful girl who sosurpasses Hilda in your estimation, I'll announce your marriage to Hilda in every morning newspaper, and will tell Lord Walde- mar myself. There- is no escape for you from this marriage." "I know it," said Moer, with a dull languor of hopelessness and exhaustion. "I must abide by the bit of paste I have preferred to the diamond. His soul was swept with the waves of a deep despair. The iron of retribution was eating its way into his spirit. The keen misery of this hour might atone for years of wickedness, one would think. "You realise that if Lord Waldemar has seen the true Hilda, and suspects that she is his granddaughter, you are not safe while she lives, do you not? asked the manager. "He may see her at any time. If he should claim ? la her in Hilda's place, he would kick us all out. I have lost my fortune, and you are poor. What would become of us? "It is even worse than you think. Detec- tives have been searching for the girl for weeks. If they should happen to find her, it's all over with us for ever." "M eel', that girl must die!" "Yes," said Moer, "she must die." "Where is she?" "1 cannot tell you. She is in safe hands. I wi!) attend to—to disposing of her. It is best that you should not. see her. She shali die: rest fissured of that." "You do not mean to play me false? Re- member that your marriage with her now is worth nothing. Remember you are in my power. 1 remember. Gods! Do you think I can forget it ? "And you will kill her?" Moer tinned his Italian eyes full upon Gnmrod. There was a glare of murder in them. The manager was satisfied. "I see you mean business," he said. er laughed hoarsely. "1 am in '.he toils of one keener than I," he "Ail I can do ia to make the best of a bad bargain. I've brought my wares to a poor market, but I must accept the pay I bargained for. I loved this other girl-she thought, her- self my wife. I could have been proud of her. One would think this retribution. Tregaron loves her too, and wants to marry her." "What.! Is she Miss Glint, who visited Lady Thaxter? And whom my lord admired so "Yes, that Honor Glint. is the real Hilda Floyd. She has disappeared, and Sir Hugh Tregaron is turning every stone in Britain to find her. Her whereabouts may bo discovered any day. She would be brought to London, bee story would be told, and Lord Waldemar would ivcognise her as his granddaughter. I begin to see that I stand upon a slippery place. I have cast my lot in with you, and must woik with you." "Where did Miss Glint come from? What is 1 er history ? "Cnptain Glint found her in the arms of her nurse in the streets of Valet,ta. The nurse was str i ken with fever, and was left at Marseilles. Caj *:vin Glint brought the girl up as a lady, and as his daughter. If I had known more about the history of the heiress, I must have suspteled Honor's identity with Hilda Floyd. bears a wonderful resemblance to Wallace." "ILr existence is daugerous to us. She is at ti e C; presses "How do you know ? "I suspected it, because it is you who have bidden her away, and because you have no place in which to conceal her. Let Sir Hugh Tregaron mention one word about you to Lord Waldemar in connection with this girl's disappearance, and the Baron will tell him to seaich The Cypresses. You are fool- hardy. The girl must be got rid of—to-night." "To-night. I shall start for Iluntingdon- shire by the first train. To-night! T!:? Murderous glare came back to P',rrel H er's eref, and Onr'rt'd c:?d vrith satlsiac- tic-n as lie ic.ad I,i,, c, I-, fell purpose. lIe knew that Moer's soul was strung to the terrible deed which he commanded. They lingered a little longer, and then Moer went up to his room, and held conference with Bing. Within the hour he left the house, proceeded to the station, and started on his journey into Huntingdonshire, the drc-ad and awful purpese deepening with every momant into implacability and determination. Unknown to him, and inflamed with the same horrible design, Grimrod was i4 the sar-,e tram, (To Li ('nnfi,¡ued. )

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