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PONTYPRIDD. -------+---


._-.--+-1 R HONI)!; A . I


-+ R HONI)!; A I );"0. 1 WARD. Thcugh the election is almost. upon us,there tiotii;ii,r uir.t-ual in the campaign of the No. 1 Ward. The community have not been worked up to the pitch of enthusiasm which we would have expected. There is a little activity displaye.1 by tho respective candidates whose grea: icrte is in canvassing. The district has IT. cn plagued with addresses which are of a very entertaining nature. The few public meetings held during the week have been but sparsely attended, and cannot be in any way taken ns a cilcrion of the candidates' popu- larity. 11y the end of the week, it is highly probable that matters will move towards a spirited attitude. Splendid arrangements have been male for the accomodation of the voters, and four polling booths are placed at the dis- posal of the electorate, two at the Dunraven Schools, and two at the Treherbert Schools. -(¡- Mr W. Jeffreys is calculated to prove a dangerous aspirant fcr a seat in this election. No name is more universally known or res- pected than that of "Good old Jeff." Through- ou: the ward he is held in high esteem, and as far as claims of ability go, he is certainly to be considered with great reliability. He has resided for upwards of 30 years in the ward, and surely such a man should be capable of knowing the requirements, alterations and desirable improvements in his district. We do not place long residence in the ward as his first and only credentials towards achieving distinction and gaining support. ose who are conversant with Mr Jeffrey's past career, know of his activity in local parochail affairs, in which he always held a great interest. He served his district on the Guardians for a period of 18 years. during which period he advocated the ratification of several reforms and changes. His ejection from that im- portant board is already understood to be a loss to the neighbourhood. Mr Jeffreys also was a member of the Burial Board, which is now transferred to the District Council though Mr Jeffreys still acts as a member of that Committee, and thus has practical ex- perience in a portion of the Council's work. -0-- As pointed out test week, Mr Jeffreys acted in the capacity of overseer, axid the duties involved therein afford insight into another department of parochial affairs. Surely, in all, Mr Jeffreys, has had experience which should prove invaluable to him should he be elected. We trust the ratepayers will ap- preciate the past services of such a veteran who certainly deserves a big share of public patronage and support. Mr Jeffreys has been exceedingly modest in his address, and deviat- ing from the usual pondarings of frivolous promises, merely states his chief claims and relegating further questions and facts to his public meetings. We heartily approve of this procedure, for the usual custom of new can- didates in suggesting innumerable improve- ments and making no end of promises is now becoming surfeiting. 0 In our short paragraph referring to Mr Jno. David in our last issue, we inadvertently slated that Mr David had not previously con- tested any election, whereas it appears that the gentleman in question came out as a candi- date for a seat under the old Local Board about 10 years ago. Though defeated on that occasion, Mr David made a good fight, and the experience of one defeat should act as a kind of stimulant of a very efficacious nature to Mr David in the present conflict. Mr David needs no introduction to our readers. His history is well known to the inhabitants of the ward an ongst whom he has lived and carried on a flourishing business for a period extending over 27 years. He is a descendant of a very respectable family, and bears close relation- ship to several leading commercial men in the district, including Mr Evan Cule, while the late Mr Jno. Griffiths, grocer, Mill Street, PontvpridcT, and the late Aaron Cule were also relatives. Mr David enjoys a big popu- larity in his neighbourhood. He is urged forward in his candidature at the request of n. public meeting, and therefore cannot hold to enter the field on personal interest. He is a keen and shrewd business man, and possesses the abilities of discharging the onerous duties of the Council should he be eVfpted, Though the sole candidate from Blaenrhondda district, he is in pure touch and sympathy with all the necessities of the vara in general, and his a bulk of supporters from the lower part of Treherbert. -0- Mr David's address is short but to the point. H ? is in favour of carrying on the work of the Council in an enonomical manner, consistent with efficiency. We appreciate his candour, and also credit him on his abhorrence of the obnoxious and presumptions promises which arc so indiscriminately propagated by many other candidates. He is one that is sure to study the best interests of the ratepayers at. large, and his election would certainly not be lamented. -0- Mr David has held a few public meetings throughout the ward and further expressed his views on various points. We find that he -N8 is indeed fighting an honourable fight. With- j out entertaining the preposterous idea of paying disrespect to any of his rivals, he more- over holds them in the highest esteem aId respect, and declares his intention of remain- in an unbiassed attitude towards all, without demonstrating any grievances or rc- flee.ions. That he will make a good fight- we rest assured, and while Blaenrhondda remains; true, the remainder rests with the security of the lower part of the ward. --0- Mr Evans Wat kins displays unusual activih m his preliminary skirmish. With his fiery and forward spirit., he has conducted a splendid campaign which is bound to rseulfc success- fully to a certain extent. Mr Watkins is un- doubtedly popular and though compamtivclv young and inexperienced in parochial aaffirs. his claims are being extensively urged for- ward. He has been a little premature, per- chance, in urging reformation in certain res- pects where they are almost impracticable, but still advocates the expedience of several desirable improvements. He has identified himself with all local charitable objects, and consequently, can count cn support accordingly We would wish to point out that Mr Walking allusion to (he practice of strict ecencmy is presumably unnecessary, for the Council in the past,, with its efficient Finance Committee, have aiways met contingencies without an extravagant of the ratepayers' money. -"0-- Mr Watkins' address, taken in its entirety. is certainly appreciative, and wc do not doubt the earnestness of its contents. He is sure to secure invaluable support in the present contest, and is said to have a splendid chance. Mr W. Morgan is such an old and tried member that we need not dwell upon his merits and ability. He has no doubt, en- deavoured to serve the interests of the ward he has so long represented, though some allusions are made to his fallibility on some important transactions brought before the last Council. He holds a splendid record for attendances, which is, undoubtedly, a point in his favour. His chances however are not considered so bright- as in previous contests. and his backers will have to show signs cf renewed energy to secure his return for the new aspirants aro undoubtedly making the pace very warm. Mr Morgan Llewellyn is an old member whe seeks re-election, and his claims and qualifica- tions arc so widely known that they need no repetition. His past services will enable him to serve the ratepayers more efficiently in the future. He has done a great deal towards promoting several improvements in his locality, and promises to spare no effort to consummate the desirability of faking over ail private streets for the provision of several necessities by the Council. This is a point in favour of Mr Llewellyn, and one which should gain him muqll favour. He will undoubtedly get in according to public opinion, but an active campaign wall be highly desirable to ensure his sure return. -0- It is a very difficult matter to venture on any forecast on the above election, for matters appear to be so uncertain as to predict the return of the most unlikely. It will surely be a close thing, and we hope that the electors will give due consideration to each candidate before finally voting. NO. 2 WARD. The contest in this Ward will surely be a close and bitter one, for there 13 intimate re- lationsliip between the candidates It is doubtful indeed whether the district has suffered such a severe test in the past. Several important issucs hang in the balance of this contest, and whatever ,tactics or procedures are revealed to the electorate in the form of dcor-to-door ca.nvassing-a policy attended i with its disdainful and sometimes corrupt iii- flilience, the people should not allow them- selves to be novel-winked by mere tell-tale- Let them take info consideration past services iii all directions, the merit.s and standard of ill: individual himself, and vote en such con- victions. -0- Two old members in Mr W. Jenkins, J.p.. and Mr W. T. Jones. Abergorky, offer them- selves for re-election, while Messrs John Samuel, David Morgan, and E. P. Daviee,form I the remaining trio. Each candidate comes out independentlv,and I consequently the fight promises multiple inter- est. Mr John Samuel is a welcome candidate to a large following. He possesses many and reliable qualifications for the post he seeks. It, will be remembered he contested the last election in the adjoining Ward against long odds and in the enemy's stronghold, but though defeated, made a glorious fighii, which exper- ience will serve him in good stead on the pre- sent occasion. Though comparatively young, he is gifted with good capacity that will stand at any time the ordeal of practical test. He h an old resident of the district, and is tho- roughly conversant with its necessities and provisions. A big endeavour will undoubtedly be done to secure his return, and he should certainly prove himself a dangerous rival. -0- Mr David Morgan is an c?i!irely new aspir- am in this direction, but under the influence of a section of the ratepayers has consented to stand the test. Mr Morgan is widely known \i the district, where lie has resided for ever 30 years, during which time by hard work and perseverance, he has flourished in business and attained a prosperous position. Mr Morgan enters the fight with a determined spirit, and in placing himself before the electors. pro- mises attention to iseveral improvements in th: district. He is in favour of saving all un- necessary expenses, but not without advocating all measures essentially progressive. He re- fers to the necessary alterations and improve, ments of the streets and drains, and further advocates their completion without delay. Mr Morgan will certainly demand a great amount of support from various quarters, and though practically untried in any election before, wii* certainly prove himself a most formidable com- petitor. --0-- We have nothing to chronicle about the old members more than what their past services will supply. We Lave evidently been well- served in the past, and the electors are given an appropriate opportunity of expressing their inclinations and renewing their support. The public are given a severe test on this occasion. an I it would be invidious to hazard an attempt at any probable result. -n-- The Cwmpark residents are this time to en- joy the privilege of a polling both to them- selves—a necessity which has been long felt in the populous district. The arrangement of the Wards and polling places have resulted in this right being extended to the Park voters. The retiring councillor, Mr W. T. Jones, will assuredly receive geneiai support throughout the ward, for his past services are such as to ar(I Indeed, he was considered to be ens of the most popular and moit attentive cn tbe late Council. IT, I- I'.IU influence and ability, and the fact, that he was chairman of the Finance C-mmittee on the retiring Council confirm the proof as to his prominence on the Council during his first term of oITice. -0- Mr V(. Jenkins, we all know a-s an old ex- perienced icpresentauvc. and v.o can urge no gr. aier claim on his b.iha'.f than the efficient manner in which he has discharged his duties on all the public bodies to which he has been P, in the approaching election is presumably safe. -0-- Mr E. P. Davics. beyond having previously- represented the Ward as a member of the Hoard of Guardians, is an almost unknown quantity, though it is alleged tfcac he has gained a. prominent position in the neighbour- hood already. But we are somewhat doubtful as to his intended policy. The denominational sect of voters will have a rather difficult problem to solve on this elec- tion Of the rlle candidates two are Baptists an I two Independents. But- we irust there will be an entire absence of distinction and picferenco en the ground of sectarianism, and that no particular appeal will be made on such an undesirable policy. Let the candidates re- ly on their own individual merits. --0- Three polling places constitute the Ward, i.e., Treorky down as far as the Prince of Wales, with 858 houses and 725 voters: Tyny- bedw, from Prince cf Wales to the Tynybadw Colliery Inelinc, with 49) houses and 577 voters, and Cwmpark, with 438 hou.ses and 318 voters, making a total of 1,795 houses and 1,480 voters, the estimated population b' ing 11671. --0- Mr W. T. Jones held two enthusiastic meet- ings en Wednesday and Thursday at Ainon Chapel and Treorky Schools respectively. Ex- planations an 1 information were tendered on several important points, and the meetings afforded a clear conception of Mr Jones's policy. Mr Jones has a large band of follow- ers, who are strictly faithful, and the votes ot confidence and appreciation were unanimous ia his favour. -D- It is singular, that so far. with the exception of Mr Jones, no public meetings of any dc- scripiton have been held here. Friday and Saturday will probably see matters reaching the climax, and the real tussle will probably b • left open until the last moment.. --0- Mr J. appears, has been subject to unfair criticism from one of his opponents since the opening of the campaign. Such little tell-tales are calculated to do a great deal of harm, but those who are thoroughly acquain- ted with Mr Samuel will only value the in- sinuations at their ignominious worth, and treacherous intentions. Mr Samuel is widely known as a virtuous and conscientious man, and his integrity of character cannot be ques- tioned. He is one in full sympathy with the working man in his cry and aspiration, and can be fully relied to exact sympathy towards them. His wide practical experience in almost y-1 directions would prove invaluable to him on any committee on the Council, and the electorate, in judging his merits, cannot fail to arrive at the same conclusion.. -¡- It appears that Mr David Morgan is making great strides in his campaign at Cwmpark, where he holds such a prominent connection. Mr Morgan's extensive business brings him to contact with all classes, and his tree help at critical times cannot be forgotten. Mr Mor- gan has perchance not been particularly zealous in urging his candidature, but leaves the issue entirely in the hands of the people. and counts on all round support, which un- doubtedly he will obtain. '—o— Mr Jenkins, who has enjoyed the confidence o' the electorate on various public bodies for over 20 years, should surely be returned. Mi Jenkins' intimate connection with the neigh- bourhood has been beneficial in more than one direction. His discreet and tactical manage- ment. of the Ocean Collieries for the last 25 years, with its consequent regularity of em- ployment, has proved a boon to the working man, which' should not be forgotten. No one would regret a renewal of confidence in such a man, who is so abundantly blessed with the abilities that have and will prove of immeasur- able service to the community at large. --0- The polling booths in this Ward for the pre- sent leection are increased to four—one at Cwmpark, one at Tynybedw Schools, and two at the Treorky Schools. This will facilitate the arrangementr NO. 3 WARD. Another week has elapsed, and the fight in the above Ward is now become quite interest- ing, and the respective candidates, with one or two exceptions, have been busily engaged in the election tumult. The various addresses were abundantly delivered throughout the dis- trict, and by means of such precious epistles the views and policies of the aspirants art guaged. It is needless to say that some of the manifestoes have a little extra 'wash" at- tached to them, and we cannot approve of them in their entirety. The fact that the whole number of candidates are new to Council hon- ours leaves the matter a very open affair, and the appalling division in the votes which is bound to culminate, cannot allow the hopes of any prediction. -<>- Mr David L. Treharne is held to be one of the favourites, and is held in hihg esteem throughout the Ward at present. As an old inhabitant having been born and bred in the Ward, he is surely able to distinauish all its requirements and necessities, and demand at- tention to same. Through his professional capacity Mr Treharne has issued a. neat little card with photo and a reminder for the peo- ple's votes. This innovation will carry with it not a little influence, and Mr Treharne will have the satisfaction of reviewing his campaign with every signs of satisfaction. --<1- Where is Mr Richard Morris with his ad- dress? is a question repeat-edly asked. The interesting little document which we expected to find from him has. we are told. not put in an appearance yet. But is it desirable? Will Mr Morris win the fight without it? No doubt, a forcible and powerful tongiie yvili exceed the value of a sheet of paper, and edu- cational status, lie is qualified to serve the place in almost any direeiton, and his presence on the new Council should prove of immense value to' the electorate, for his abilities are acknowledged to be efficient. Mr Treharne, who is a descendant of all old and respected 11::< it appears, conducted a successful spionuiii chance. His election among the first ti.:< e sli^uid be an assured thing, and the eke- icre,ve should rally round him. There apj«cars to have been some misappre- hension co ii.ee..i over cur paragraph in refer- ence to Mr David Morgan, grocer, a candidate in tb;■ above Ward. We made use of the phrase "with no past r.commendatiens in his fivour." While tliib has. been held bv some to ri.-f.t-c-; discreditably cn his character, we inferred by such an expression that lie had done but tittle in connection with public move- ments. "111 practically unacquainted with the duty of administrative bodies. We do not desire t-o question his personal integrity, nor infer y,lrll any suspicions on his character. which we know to be of high and fine stand- ing. He may justly represent the Ward, but we leave the matter entirely without further £ reiorcnco. --(;- The long-locked tor event is almost upon us, and public interest is being gradually aroused. Hi- preliminary preparations.in this ward are far from being enthusiastic, and the only de- mensirntiou of any activity has been confined more 01 k-c; to pure canvassing Wrok, and winch has in more than one quarter occasioned a little hostility. Still, matters have been gte.nerally quiet, and public demonstrations and meetings been restricted to a limited few. The -election addresses naturally have figured conspicuously, and the famous election i cries are fredy distribulerl through the place. Through such mediums the views. opinions,and promises of the respective candidates are given publicly. It would certainly be an unusual thing ii any candidate departed from the cus- ternary procedure, and. indeed, no relax is displayed in the conten's of same. A glance at the various addresses will suffice to show that (,:1it.(..y is at random, and \Y0 have tc express profound surprise at some claim-, j pressed forward. -{)- This contest is surely to be keenly fought. Though a disparity in merits may be easily discerned, such qualifications are often ignored fo- the Leadicean tactics of miner crb, who j have practically but inferior qualifies to advo- | cats the furtherance of their cause. The dis- i trict. has had an unquestionably fahhful re- presentation in the past, and whoever succeeds in the present contest, it is to be hoped no effort will be spared by the elected persons to serve the Ward in the best interest. faithfully, and efficiently. Wo do not anticipate such an impracticable occurrence as the Í1,1ll12dia:e and permanent reduction in "he rutes. If such would tiake, place it \0111d only be the natural result of a temporary decrease in the expen- diture, ard not due to any miraculous effort of any member. A policy in fvour of minimising the rates when demand is made upon them is purely frivolous, and incompatible with the interests of the Ward and parish, and the fur- therance of judicious schemes. In such a dis- trict as Ystradyfodwg. efficiency must be re garded r. foremost necessity, and the expen- diture will consequently be purely absolute. -0- Mr David Morgan is a new aspirant entirely for public honours, but enters the field with no little confidence. He is welLknown to the neighbourhood at large, having been in the locality for a period of over 30 years. Mr Morgan's keen eye and business tact are in- coni rovertibie traits in bis character, and this has been amply demonstrated in the unique manner which he has made rapid strides in business circles in Trecrky. He is one of the largest individual ratepayers in the Ward, and his minute attention to the transaction of the ratepayers' money would be assured to the beet of interest. He is thoroughly in favour of supporting all measures and desirable im- provements of progressive principles without going to unnecessary expense. We agree on principle with him there, for the welfare ot the community is surely worthy of the fore- most attention. That the rates are, and will, b spent for legitimate purposes can be accep. ted as a fact. Mr Morgan, in his address, pays reference to the much-needed completion I of streets and drains. There is much to be said in favour of this argument, and Mr Mor- gan's ideas -are perfectly consist em. —o— I' Mr Morgan wm surely receive much support and confidence from the electorate. He has done much locally in the furtherance of the cause of the working man. to whom he can unboastingly claim to be a friend. He will undoubtedly make a good Councillor if elected. --0-- Mr Morgan is sparing no effort for the fray, and despite the fact that he has been una- voidably away during the last week, and which has handicapped him greatly, he is held to be well supported, and standing a splendid chance He is issuing a final call to the electors ni the form of a neat card, with special request for support and votes. —O— Mr John Samuel is a candidate again, with acknowledged superior knowledge and ability. His appearance in the field is as welcome to one section a" it is despised by another. We cannot reflect upon Mr Samuel's capabilities without paying high tribute to his educational status. In this capacity he has, from a boy- hood on a collier's hearth, by dint of persever- ing and striving ambition, promoted himself forward to a standard of merited excellence. H" certainly has claim to come forward as a candidate for this election, for about two years ago he made a noble fight, against terrible odds, and in a comparatively strange land. when lie contested the adjoining Ward against Mr Wight. The present occasions will afford- th, people an opportunity of restitution. -0- Mr Samuel, in his address, also makes refer- ence to the much needed improvement of the back streets, but in a moderate tone. He is quite entitled 10 give publicity to the deplor- able state1 of affairs in the bye-streets, but only premises to call the attention of the Council to the stele of affair. with a view of moving towards 'nuking an ¡, i iempt r. t securing im- provement at the hands of the estate-owner- or their partial support to save the privats owners the great burden of expense. If we remember rightly. Mr Samuel has in the past acted as a member of deputations waiting upon the estate agents to remedy the defects allu- ded to. or promise contribution towards assist- ing the respective owners. Mr Samuel there- by knows his He made reference to many sad occurrences in the lower part of Treorky. and which really need attention. His experience and skill in all matters relating to mining, geology, surveying, and architectural- work. are demonstrating proofs of his ability to sen-c the raaepaycrs in almost any direc- tion. while financial matters are sure of h: close attention. He is undoubtedly qualified (Continued on page 8 )