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- - - ---------------' PENILLION

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-————————————————————' r80R ICKš KMil R CHI mBvst III* 11111 v tfiat 0' lis. GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. A MARvellous jremedy. IT IS MORE THAN GOLD TO ME. IT SAVED MY LIFE.' If you suffer Pain in the Back or Loins or between the shoulders, this remedy wih cfie«t ually move it. GEORGE'S PILE If you are troubled with Irritation of the Bladder, Suppression an<? Retention AND OFTHEWHTER, Stone or Graveh the only SAFE AXD EFFECTUAL EKMBDY ever T> A T7-T-.T DTT T C offelec TO the Worn! is CRTOKGK & PILE AM) GKAVKL PILLS (jJLA Vj?jL PlLLa If the Water is aigb Coloured, Thick, and depositing much Ser^mpni- ln<?« no time, procure a £ •>* of GEORGE'S FILLS, and you will BOfcn be mam a^jain. GEORGE'S l^?our. Kidne?s rind Liver are si uppish and out of order, this Remedy will j)yr t* a those impurtBiiT organs, open ap iheir clogged passages, and t J-AjJb ■*>-V,U promote the secretion or healthy bile ami. other vital fluids. GILA VEL 11 you are a martyr to Indigestion, Biliousness, and Constipation you have a PRR T" O ST- RK KKMKDY in GKORGE'S PILLS. If you suffer from any B.nvel disorder, such as Piles, Constipation, Flatulence, Colic, yon have here a RKMKDY you can always rely upon. If 0\1 suffer from Palpitation, ard are afraid that your Heart is affected you will find these pills an EFFKCTUAL K GEORGE'S! If you suffer from Headache and Giddiness. GEORGE'S PILLS will remove PILE AND pains sooner than any other known medicine. r, T> J T Tirr T f'l1 p;li" a!u'r Kat:r; £ r, and f^el Drowsy and Listless, one dose of (jrJtA f EL flJjJjO GKOliGK S PILLS will act like a charm. It your food t urns .tour and rises into the mouth, a few doses of this HEMED't j w.il make your troubles a tlling of the past. If yon feel Nervoun, Excitable, and Low Spirited a perfect A-NTIDOTE Will GEORGE'S PILE be 'ound in GMOltGB'S PILLS A 7VT) an A VVT "pi■ ..Tastem.1 he mouth, a single dose of GKORGE'S AND GKA\ EL PILLS at bedtime will clear the tongue before the dawn PILLS of another day. 6 If sleep fails to give you Rest, try GEORGE'S PILLS. They will make your hed easy, sleep reireslnng. and revive your strength. It you teel unfit for Exertion, Weak and Limp, this REMFDT will restore your GEORGE'S your Ufea osrength, and will make labour and exercise the enjoyment of PILE jtrS nf'r vnur^v^vrT'T^ ^usea and Vomiting at the thought of eating, ,x of 5xLOHGK & PILLs> will make your Meat and Drink both Savoury and A V7) rieasant. If your Blood is impure, it will Iteep open all the important outlets of the GRA VEL S US g-lve ffee exlt to all Gross Humours, and no Blood Impurities r WI' be teen bursting through the Skin in Pimples. Blotches, Sores or Boils. PILLS ,tl0us, ,s of Pase? has removed from the Blood, root and branch, Rheu- maac, bcorbutie, Scrofulous taints that have defied all other Remedies. -\<?u ,.a,, e a tendency to Dropsical Swellings, this Remedy, by its action upon the kidneys and Skin, will soon bring relief. GEORGE'S infeVur of Sulty of BreatL:ng'this Kerne<iy wi!1 prove a friend to y°° It will change your constant ailing to Freedom from Pain. PILE It will change the sallow complexion to the Bloom of Health. ,T7^ It will change your sickliness to V igour; your langour to Activity; and your AJS1) general debility to firmness of sinew and muscle. GRA. VEL I* Aperient, and therefore removes Constipation. It is Antibilimis, an<l T)TTT p «ilf. therefore, correct all the Irregularities of the Liver. It is Diuretic, and ST±la^O will, therefore, ktep open the water passages. It is Tonic, and will therefore. give tone and vigour to the Digestive Organs. It is Blood-Purifying and Nerve- Strengthening-; it is therefore, ALL YOU WANT. GEORGE'S FILE Three Forms of this Vegetable Remedy AND No. I.-GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. GRA. VEL JILLS No. 2.-GEORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS. No. 3.—GEORGE'S PILLS FOR THE PILES. THESE WORLD UENOWKKD PiLLS ARE SOLD EVERYWHERE, IN HOXE. AKII 2s 9d EACH Proprietor: J. E. GEORGE, M.R.P.S., UlRWAIK. f'Jî.;M. "2 I TEFTH r 11 <yr TEETH! | TEETH! | THE ECONOMIC DENTAL CO., (Late Mr Henry Pearson. Surgeon Dentist), I 192. COWBRIDGE ROAD, CANTON, CARDIFF 10 minutes run by tram from Taff Station. I ARTIFICIAL TEETH. A Complete Set from 21s. PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Teeth Extracted by Gas, 35. Pd., also by Ether, Cocaine, &c, (administered by a Doctor 01 Dental Surgery). Decayed Teeth Stopped (Painlessly) with gold, amalgam, and other lillinge, from 2, 6é1" thus pre- serving for use and mastication Teeth that are other- wise needlessly extracted. 4488 Train fare allowance to country patients SPECIAL NOTICE. PIESOLD'S MINERS £1 Is. WATCH. Guaranteed for two years. Correct time- keepers. Best value for the money. '.4 JVI. E. PIESOLD, WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER, 187, YSTRAD ROAD, PENTRE. Repairs of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, &c., done on the premises by skilled workmen. P.S.-Shortly removing to Mr David Bowen's premises, two doors above. 4530 BSTABLISHBD IN 1836. FOR THE PROTECTION OF TRADE. S T U B B S I MERCANTILE OFFICES (STUBBS* Ltd.), 42, GRESHAM ST., LONDON, E.C. Subicribers, by obtaining timely information, through THE STATUS ENQUIRY DEPARTMENT, MAT AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS. EVERY TRADKR SHOULD READ STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE, With which is issued a Supplement, containing LISTS OF CREDITORS I tniDER ALL THE IMPORTANT FAILL-RRS. THE COMMERCIAL REGISTERS COIFTAW MORE THAN liT NINE MILLION ENTRIES. £ )EBTS RECO V ERE D PROMPTLY AND REMITTKD TO SUBSCRIBERS On TUESDAY and FRIDAY in each Week. BRANCHES at SWANSEA, CARDIFF. Aber- deen. Birmingham, Blackburn, Bradford. Brighton, Bristol, Belfast, Cork. Croydon, Dublin, Dundee, Edinburgh, Exeter, Glasgow, Hull, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London (West End), Jianchpster, Newcastle. Norwich. Nottingham, Ply- mouth, Portamouth, Sheffield, Southampton, Sun- derland. SUB OynCxs. Clarn bridge, Derby, Dumfries, Gloucester, Greenock, Grimsby, Halifax, Hanley, Huddersfield. Inverness, Ipswich, Limerick, London- derry, Middlesboro', Newport (Mon.), Northampton, Oxford, Perth. Preston, Reading, Stockton-on-Tees, Torquay, Walsall, Waterford, Wolverhampton, Worcester, York. TRitys.-El la, 22 21 £ 3 3s, C5 fls, according to requirements. ) PROSPECTUS forwarded on application to any of the above Offices 3077 Manly 1)fEN. Why suffer the pains and misery caused by Nervous- ness, Premature Exhaustion, and Wasting VVealcness ? Send for my book, which S'IOWS how every man, young and oid, can be thcnmuhly and quickly cured without STOMACH MEDICINE or ELECTRICITY. Specimens of letters received, and guaranteed genuine I cannot find words to express how thankful I am. I used to think I never would get cured. I wish I had seen your advertisement. at first, I should have I ^ved many pOUTld8,-G,F.1." I have carried out your instructions, and am now perfectly well.— J.F." Book sent sealed, post free, for two stamps. J. GUKAT HVSSXLL tiiuMmr, W.V. Send at once and be cured. U Years' Continuous Sneers EVEHY 1.A.N OUFFRRING from -NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY should send for a vahmble pamphlet explaining how all nervous and organic derangements niav be suceessfullv treated without stomach ntedica- tiiu. The method is easy and pleasant, and will effect; a perfect- ana permanent cure, bout sealed, Post Free, AcUirtss— K. NOKTON, f>9 & 6'\ Chancery Lane, London. W C. .<» Years. HOKTON'S I X L. PILLS are guaranteed to cure Priva E( ases, Discharges, and Com- plications R>F the Urinary ansl Sexual Organs, ia cither sex, whether acquired or constitutional, aiso gravel and pains in '.h" back warranted free FROM mercury. Sold i I boxes, 4s. each. Sent DOST free by tile propr;-tor, G. D. HORTOX, M P.S. (from the bircnn^BAM General Hospital1, OS, AF-ton Roaa Nortn, Birmingham. Adrice and Letters Answered Fre". Have never B"EN .nowii to fail. ISole ASPNFC f">r Pr.ntypii.1A anri District — Mr O. Dawks, rji^mist. Mi!) str -ef-. 4122 PHLNTINF» oi all IciaJs. LETTEKPRESS and LITOOGKAL'IT IC, D' NO promptly at the GLAMORGAN FBKK PUESS C'ltics. The Farcolf p-.&T affording GROAT facilities for rapid trans- I mission of parcels, the Management vrill HENCE forth avail tnen-soJves of it to forward PARE/AS of C>EV Jars, &c., TO their many E/LCNC- •S:mors ORDERS r.xecuted by KCTURN OF 1.0 &0 r Ui, LADIES MA D A ME FRAIN'S WORLD RENOWNED REMED IES. At 4/6 Post Free. For Ladies' Ailments & Irregularities. GUARANTEED to have the largest sale in the Kingdom, and certified by one of the leading public analysts to contain nothing injurious. The most delicate can take them. Established for many years at the present address. The remedies have stood the test of nearly a century, and are guaranteed to be perfectly harmless. Consultations free daily. Don"t suffer any longer. Write to MADAME FRAIN, The Medical Institute, la, Hacknev Road, London, N E. (Opposite Shoroditch Church). The Wife's Practical Guide, contain- ing a store of information to health will be forwarded post free on application, Testimonials are being received daily. 4554 A D A M E DESWANE'8 SPECIAL FEMALE PREPARATION "FEARLESS." THE above Preparation, now named FEAB- jL LESS," has been sold with the G^eateot^ success in South Wales since 1892. It is pre- pared to meet all cases at 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and 109 per Bottle. In pending kindly use your own judgment and state which you desire, and ) will send off immediately, carriage paid. If ALL OTHERS have been USELESS, do net despair, as "FEÁRLES" will relieve aften others fail. Actio;-q speak Louder than Wordi," This is proved by the great successes that are daily taking place. N.B.-See that the Govern- ment Stamp is affixed to every Bottle; nonty are my Special Female Preparation without^ Do not delay, but write at onco to MADAMJa DESMANE, 23, Station Terrace, Pontyprickf (opposite upper entrance to Taff Station). Attendance Daily. Advice FRYE and strictly private. 4281* IMPORTANT TO J A DIES Valuable and Never-failing Remedies for all Irregularities and Obstructions, however ob- stinate or longstanding, and never fail to bring about the desired effect, as testified to by hundreds of cases it is without parallel in medical science avoid useless pilis liaq Jsaved thousands trouble, illness and expense. Stamped envelope for Price List. Numerous testimonials; the only effectual remedy on earth.—A. Das^aix.. Box 432 Laoffdale, Waltham-tow. London. 4508 PE-N-'I'Y ROYKL TOWLE'S AND STEEL PILLS FOR FEMALES QUICkLY CORRECT ALL IRREGULARITIES, REMOVE ALL OBSTRUCTIONS, and veliize the distressing symptoms so rath the sex. Boxes, 1/11 and 2/9 (the latter contains throa times the quantity), of all Chemists, or wÍll ba sent anywhere, on receipt of 15 or 34 stamps, by tne Maker-E. T. TOWLE, Chemist, Not- tingham. [42833 Beivare of Imitations, injuriozLf. and worthless. WOMEN'S AILMENTS. IRREGULARITIES, &c.-A having "rled In vain every advertised renx-ilv, has at la«i dis- covered a Simple Cure, which wiii net. in a few tours, no matter how stubborn the case. JBona-fide eufferert can get it Frkk OF CHARGE by enclosing stamped envelope. Don't experiment vit], Worthless Pills, Mixtures, Cones, and other mjunons nostrums. Write at once with full HOPE A: CONFIDENCE fo Mrs O. ST. CLAIR, 46, Southampton BuildiagB, Chancery Lane. London .60J Kor HORTOX'S Orij^mal l or Females on!v. BENEDICT I'JLLS- Female only. ri"WOUSANDS of Testimoni;ils have been ireeiveel 1 from nil parts. Females of all shou'ri tako them, as they at once remove all o.'jstruetic-ne, na matter bow obstinate, or from whatever cause &riwng. In boxes, ;d., 1;1., and 2s. 4,1. svnt poit, free, under cover, Id. extra, direct by the Proprie-or. G. D. HORTON, Chemist (from the Birminnbam Lying- in Hospital), Aston Road North, Aston, Banning ham or from my Agent, Mr O. Davies, Chemist. Mill Street, Pontypridd and District. Cannot be had from other chemists. N.R.— r?one frenuine unless V>"iring '5. D. HOltTON "ill red letters ticross iauei. ?. evtera frfe.. 9423 CHILDREN'S HAIR. « HAGON'H CLEAXSKK. DKSTROYS NITS. &i- and *?AKBS CHILDRKN'3 li.AlR (.ROW BLAUTI- yff Ft; CURLY, bori't S nose. A.Iady jisrite? I have HAG</N'S i'cr the last H» years for ;r v j;rls, ^they now have Beautiful G :-KV HAIB in prea' ahutidance." 1-1\ y most Ch mists, aud any Chemist wl'.J o-Aain it if atked, jisrite? I have U..è,j HAG</N'S i'cr the last H» years for ;r v j;rls, ^they now have Beautiful G :-KV HAIB in prea' ahutidance." 1-1\ y most Ch mists, aud any Chemist wl'.J o-Aain it jf atked, bUl insist, 011 HAGOS'S nothing else will 611 UottU-s, frr. 9d. 2 IV- !s. 4rl. Sole Maker: HAC* c)li, Cbeiiast, Cjjwbw


