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Eisteddfod at Perndale- -










I CHIPS OF NEWS. The Britidi Columbian Governmenthas decided to raise a loar; in London. Six men h?.ve been killed by an explosion of dynamite or. die Jungfrau Railway. Mr. William i'.i ore (Unionist) has been returned unoppose for North Antrim. Sir William iiarcourt is at present in Rome, where he preserves a strict incognito. The police are searching for an office-boy, named Willis, who succeeded in forging his employer's name to a cheque for £ 323 10s., and petting it cashed at the head office of the London, City, and Midland Bank. A hundred thousand persons in North and South Armenia are reported to be in a state of abject misery, while 12,000 Christians in the district of Van are said to be dying of hunger and cold. ° Seven years' penal servitude was the sentence passed on Saturday at the Middlesex Sessions upon a man whom Mr. Littler characterised as a loathiBome brute. Hi-i habit was to break into and sleep in houses from which the occupants were absent, and to leave behind him disgusting letters. The extensive hoot manufactory of Messrs. Pratt, at Kingswood, Bristol, has been destroyed by fire, several thousand pounds' damage being done, and a large number of people thrown out of employment. A ti,iian named Fred Payne was buried beneath the debris when the roof crashed in. When rescued he was found to be suffering Irom injuries to the leg and thi^h. A dreadful accident has occurred at Thornlei^h Colliery, Blower's Green, Dudley, resulting in two men, named George Pritciiard and Joseph Watton, being terribly injured. The men were employed to get down some marl, and in using some powder for blasting purposes a Fhot un- expectedly fired. The men were hurled a con- siderable distance, and were shockingly injured about their heads. At Wednesburj-, four young men, who were strangers to the district, have t ean each sentenced to Feven days' iir.prisonn ent for vagrancy. They were found entering a house at night, wearing shoes with indiarubber soles, and were unable to satisfactorily account for their Conduct. At Bath Police-court William Joseph Lowell, who some years aco achieved considerable notoriety in Bath and elsewhere in consequen e of certain religious services he hel.1, has been remanded on 't charge of bigau:ously marrying Eva Frances Brown, at Bath in 1882, his first wife, to whom he was married in 1876, being then alive. The prosecuting solicitor said the. police would produce his first wife as a witness, and shew that she was visited by Lowell, in the very street from which they were married, as recently as two years ago. At the annual meeting of the Newspaper Press Fund, over which Lord Gleneak presided, the report shewed that the number of members is 1,070, the sum of P,1,662 10s. had been granted to forty-six members and relatives of deceased members, and P,306 to forty-five non-me;: bers. af,26,788 lis. was invested. The remains of the late Right Hon. Sir George F. Bowen, P.C.. G.C.M.G., were interred on Saturday in Kensal Grrell Cemetery. At Croydor, Lilian Ford, a fashionably- dressed and much-jewelled lady, aged thirty- five, South Norwood, was fined 8s. 6d. for being drunk and disorderly. A constable stated that he saw the defendant at midnight knocking off gentlemen's hats. She insisted on having a cab to the police-court. She said she had had too much wine, and dared say she did lots of silly things. The news received from the British Agent at Cabul discredits the sensational statements about the Aireer's health, and, on the contrary. states that his Highness is perfectly well. The Earl of Strafford, Senior Equerry to the Queen, who wan seized with illness on Friday night, is very much better. The police have no clue to the Chelsea diamond robbery yet. But they are confident of arresting the right man. The Countess of Sefton died at her residence, 44, Lennox-gardens, London, on Saturday. In reply to a deputation upon the Inhabited House Duty the Chancellor of the Exchequer s-id he was not prepared to hold out any hope of a reduction. Reduction in taxation was not very probable this year. The police are investigating a daring burglary at Moorfields, London, at which a considerable number of valuable diamond goods were stolen. One pair o solitaires was valued at Lioo. Mrs. Collins, wife of a hairdresser, of Grey- hound-road, Fulham, has given birth to triplets, The Johannesburg policeman Jonee, who was charged with killing Mr. Edgar by shooting him with his revolver, has been acquitted. The Lord Mayor of London has consented to preside at a preliminary meeting of the London committee now being formed in con- nection with the forthcoming Glasgow Inter- national Exhibition of 1901. Another fatal accident is reported in connection with the construction of the new railway bridge at Thwute Gate, Hunslet, Leeds. A riveter, named Thomas Smith, missed his footing and fell from a ti ight, of nearly fifty feet, alighting upon his head, whieh was literally battered in. The Bolton magistrates have committed William Torkington and John Herrick, directors of the Torkington Household Stores, with branches in various parts of Lancashire, for trial on charges o! fraud. It is alleged that they entered into a onspiracy to conceal goods, and buy the business back fcom the reeeiver. Further disturbances are reported at Constanti- nople among the Albanians, and the Russian Ambassador has impressed upon the Sultan the necessity of immediately quelling them. The plague is officially declared to have broken out in Jeddah. M. Welti. ex-President of the Swiss Confedera- tion, has died of a stroke of apoplexy at the age of seventy-three. Sir Salter Pyne has arrived in Calcutta from Afghanistan, having terminated his services with the Ameer. Ue intends to go to America. Several Greeks and Bulgarian Macedonians are said to have been arrested in Constantinople without any apparent cause. After detention and the extortion of money, they were released. A telegram from Brussels states that, evidently despairing of ary chance of intervening in France at present, the Duke of Orleana has left Brussels for Turin, to rejoin the Duchess The millionaire Greek banker, Andre Syngros, well known in Athens for his public liberalitie.. is dead. His will leaves his whole estate, valued at over a million sterling, to various national charitable institutions of Greece. After visiting the Atbara battlefield; the Duke of Connaught presented the Distinguished Service Order to Lieutenants Stevenson, Hall, and Mid- winter. The Duke and Duchess of Connaught have also visited Wady Haifa and Assouan. A party of twelve missionaries has just left London for the work of the Universities Mission to Central Africa, proceeding overland to Naples, v-here they will join the Kaiser for Zanzibar. The party is composed of four clergymen, four ladies, and four laymen. Jane Bessant was, at Clevedom (Somerset), sentenced to a month for cruelty to Arthur Bessant, her stepson, eleven, whom she bad beaten in a barbarous manner day after day. At Coventry, Walter Richard Hancax bas been committed for 'trial charged with uttering « receipt with intent to defraud Ernest Marson, aDd also with perjury. Not approving of her brother getting named* Margaret Noakes, of Wednesbury, went to his sweetheart's house, broke up the furniture, and violently assaulted her, thus delaying the marriage. She was ordered to pay B3. The Pfcvonia passengers have all embarked on board the Portuguese S.B. Vega, and will proceed in her direct to New Yerk. The danger of a further fall of rock at A.IMIo. Switserland, is not yet past, and the early collapse of a mass 400,000 cubic metres in extent may be expected. A rumour is current that Lord Ritchow, who has recently been" fMUng" for the Khalifa, is Returning to England by special order froea headqaartera. It is estimated that 100,000 persons viewed the grave of the late M.. Paure on Friday. Agnes Carter, eighteen, with a baby In her arme, has been sent to prison at Leicester for a month for stealing a puree containing £3 from a nurse at the workhouse infirmary. Mr. Percy Flower, of Swalecliffe, am Ban. bury, who was thrown from his horse while out with the Warwickshire hounds, ia lying in a precarious condition. Benjamin Unwis4 auctioneer, Moiecaasbe, has been acquitted at Lancaster on a chares of obtaining,Z5 by false pretences from Richard Knight, solicitor. The Waterloo Cup. the principal coursiiur event of the year. has been won by Mr. J. B. Thomp- son's Black Fury, which in the final round .beat the Duke of Leeds's La pal, nominated by Colonel MeCalmont. On the night of the draw Black Fmy itas an extreme outsider. At Leicester, Levi PaiHng. Joseph Toone, Junes Marsh, and Henry Healey, carriage MMainertt, employed by the Midland Railway Oowpany, Leicester, have been remanded, efawgad wife steeling t hamper ot fork fl«i

The World,of Pastime. .




St. David's Day.I ----......


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