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MONMOUTHSHIRE MfCHAELMAS QUARTER SESSIONS. These Sessions commenced on Monday week. The following magistrates were on the bench. Lorm GRANVILLE SOMERSET, Chairman. C. II. Leigh, Esq., Lord —Taddy. Esq. Lieutenant Francis M'Donnell, Esq. Sir B. Hall. Bart., M.P. Thomas Fotherijill, Esq. "W. V.Williams,Esq., M.P. Thomas Reece, Esq. K. Blakemore, Esq, M.P. William Needham, Esq. J. Bailey, jun., Esq., M.P. I Rev. James Coles. Hon. William Rodney Rev. J. B. Davis. Colonel Lewis Hev. J. Irving. Charles Marriot, Esq., An item of 10s. in the account of Mr Edwin Richards, high constable for the Monmouth divi- sion, was objected to by the finance committee. It was for printing billets for the soldiers who were quartered in Monmouth, to save time, in order that the men should not be kept standing in the street after a long march, while 40 or 50 billets were being written out. Lord G. Somerset said that the charge did not appear to be warranted by the Mutiny Act, and therefore it could not be ordered. CONSTABULARY FORCE.—The resolution of last Quarter Sessionv, relative to this subject, also the proceedings at a special sessions on the same, to- gether with a letter from Lord Granville Somerset, to the Clerk of the Peace, previous to the special sessions, in which his Lordship recommends the postponement of any decision on the subjeot, until the present sessions, having been read, Lord G. Somerset, at great length, submitted his views to the bench. His Lordship went into a minute detail of the expense which the adoption of the bill would impose on the county, which he estimated at 94, 100 The number of constables which it would be in the power of the magistrates to appoint, would not be adequate to the suppression of any extraordinary riot or disturbance, if such should occur; and in those cases, it would be necessary to have recourse to the assistance of special constables, as at pre- sent. His Lordship also alluded to a difficulty arising out of the construction of the 24th clause of the act, with respect to the boroughs of Newport and Monmouth, which were included in the Muni- cipal Reform Act, which do not possess separate courts of quarter sessions, and in which it would not be in the power of the magistrates to appoint constables, while the boroughs would be liable to pay the rate levied for the support of the force. His Lordship stated that he had submitted this point to the Secretary of State for the Home De- partment, and had received a reply from Lord Nor- aaanby, in which he admitted that the point was one of difficulty, and that the opinion of the law officers should be taken upon it. Sir Benjamin Hall thought it inexpedient to adopt the act at present and would recommend that the consideration of the subject be adjourned till after next session of Parliament, when such alterations may be made in the act as it undoubt- edly required. A resolution was then passed, postponing the further consideration of the act until a future ime. The following is the substance of the letter ad- dressed to the Magistrates at the adjourned Ses- sions, by Lord G. Somerset:— Dear Sir,—As I do not intend to be at Usk on Tuesday next, I will thank you to make myexcuses to the magistrates who I hope will attend there; and I will further take the liberty of suggesting the course which I conceive it will be most expe- dient to be pursued with regard to the County Con- stables Act, which I trust will by that time have reached you, although I have not yet seen it. Col- lecting, however, its provisions troin the bill which was printed, with most of the amendments made on it in the House of Lords, I believe nothing can be done with advantage in regard to its main provi- sions until the Quarter Sessions in October next. The whole act is to be set in motion by the Justices in Sessions, (regular or adjourned) reporting to the the Secretary of State that the ordinary peace offi- cers are not sufficient for the preservation of the peace, protection of property, &e. at the same time declaring how many constables are needed, and whether for the whole county or for certain por- tions of it, and the rates of pay expedient to be given to chief and other constables. The Secretary of State is empowered to make rules for the go- vernment pay, clothing, &c., of the constables, which he may submit to the Justices, and which they may remark upon and when these rules shall have been promulgated, the Justices in Sessions are to appoint a person qualified according to the rules (and subject to the approval of the Secretary of State) to be chief constable. The number of constables is limited to one for every one thousand inhabitants, according to the last census; and counties may agree with each other to appoint the same chief constable for adjoining counties, or parts of counties. The chief constables are to have the appointment of all the other constables, subject to the approval of Justices in Petty Sessions, and also of the superintendents. He is likewise to have the power of dismissal of the constables. The dis- position and government of the constables is also vested in him, subject to such lawful orders as he may receive from the Justices in Quarter Sessions, and to the regulations of the force, as is laid down by the Secretary of State. The borough towns, with corporations under the Municipal Act, are ex- empted from the operations of this Act. But, there is a nice point as to their paying. All paid con- stables tinder local acts cease, wherever this act is brought into operation; but the appointment of parochial constables is preserved, and they may, 1 think, receive fees as heretofore, but no regular payment. Having thus stated the outline of the provisionsof this Act,it appears to me that it is one not to be acted upon without very mature deliber- ation. If once adopted you can never again get rid of it for the exertions now made by individuals and by unpaid constables will assuredly cease, never to be revived, when you shall have once esta- blished a paid and organised constabulary force. It must further be remarked that the present amount of force which may be established is totally inadequate to the preservation of the peace against such alarming assemblages as have lately been congregated, The population of Monmouthshire, according to the last census, was under 100,000. You have to deduct from that about 10,000 for New- port and Monmouth, (I am writing hastily, from memory,) that will reduce the number on which to calculate your amount of constables, of all ranks, to S9,000 thus you will have,supposing the whole of the county to be included in the arrangement, at the most, S9 constable?. It would be impossible to congregate all these on one spot; and supposing they were to be so congregated, not being in the habit of acting together in large numbers, they would have neither the physical nor the moral power to sufficient to controul or disperse two or three thousand of the mining population; and you would still require military or special constables in case of serious riots, or tumultuous meetings. I I look upon these constables, therefore, as only of use in thief-taking, and ordinary rows or riots. In that point of view they be very beneficially used, and their appointment may be expedient; but I have thought it rignt to call attention to the less favour- able view of the subject, less by expecting more from their appointment than is likely to be the fact, too little consideration should be given to the sub- ject before a determination is adapted, and too little regard paid to the heavy burden which the esta- blishment of this force must entail on the districts which are to defray the expenses, or the whole counties or only parts of counties. I may as well observe, that the districts must be the Petty Ses- sional Divisions, and not less; so that, supposing any agricultural parishes which do not require a police officer five times in the year are united in a Petty Sessional Division with a maunfacturing pa- rish, the agricultural parish will have to pay its proportion of its expense of the new constabulary force, without deriving any additional advantage in return for the burden thus cast upon it- It would, of course, be matter for very mature deli- beration, what pay might be given; but I presume one of the rules "ill be, that these constables are not to take fees, or derive advantages beyond their pay and allowances, consequently, taking all items into account, I can hardly make the average annual expense of each constable less than f 50; thus, for 89, we should have to raise yearly O £ "4450., besides the extra pay and charges of the chief constable. One may, therefore, say that thus a fourpenny rate per annum would be necessary in Monmouthshire, in addition to the heavy charges which we are about to incur for the alterations of our prisons. Before, therefore, we come to discuss this most important and most extensive subject, we shall do well to get a thorough knowledge of what is the ex- isting state of the paid police force in Monmouth- shire. To attain this object, I would propose that the Magistrates on Tuesday should confine their operations to gaining information and, in order to acquire it, inquiry should be made of the Justices of each Petty Sessions, through the medium of their respective Clerks, on the following points- 1. The number of constables (not parochial con- stables). 2. The way in which they are paid: whether by fees or regular payments, or by both. 3. The amount they receive distinguishing the amount received from fees and that which they re- ceive from regular salary, in each year. 4. The statute, if any, under which they are paid by salary, if they receive a regular salary. 5. The amount of rates levied to defray the ex- penses of constables in each parish, where consta- bles are paid from rates or from parish money. 6. The whole amount dedicated to the expenses of constables in each parish, whether from public or private sources. 7. Whether any, and if any, how many special constables have been sworn in during the last twelve months in each parish or district, according as it may be most convenient to make out the re- turn. 8. The expenses inourred by their calling out special constables, distinguishing the several pa- rishes or districts. 9. The sources whence these expenses have been defrayed, or are to be defrayed. 10. To any observations on any of the foregoing heads of enquiry a query might be added, as to the opinion of the Justices of the efficiency of the pa- rish constables. The Clerks of the seveml Petty Sessions should be directed to return answers to the Clerk of the Peace on or before the 5th of October. The Clerk of the Peace might arrange the returns in a tabular form, so as to have them printed, and in the hands of the acting Magistrates about the 11th or 12th of October; or, at all events, ready for the meeting of the Quarter Sessions on the 14th of October. The Magistrates will thus have before them full means of determining how far it may be expedient, on the 14th of October, to recommend the adoption of a paid constabulary for all parts or any parts of the county, and also the sort of rate of pay which should be suggested. Perhaps Mr Waddington would draw up these queries in a tabular form, pre- vious to the meeting on Tuesday next and, by cir- culating them in that mode (when amended and adopted), there will be more probability of the Di- visional Clerks returning replies in a regular man- ner: and their replies, therefore, will be more easily rendered into a shape fit for circulation amongst the Magistrates, when they are received. If time permitted, I would have suggested that the replies should be submitted to the Committee of Accounts, in the week preceding the Quarter Ses- sions but I fear there would hardly be time subse- quent to that meeting, to have the digest of the re- plies printed and circulated. Of course, however, these are details of which the Magistrates, after consultation with you, can form the best opinion; but I hope they will excuse me for troubling you with this somewhat lengthy exposition of my views. My excuses are also due for not being present at Usk on Tuesday but, as I feel nothing can be done besides preparing for future discussion by seeking to obtain information, either in the way suggested by me or otherwise, I think I need not incur the ex- treme inconvenience of a jouruey toUsk from hence for that sole object; but I have therefore adopted this mode of laying before the Magistrates what appears to me the most eligible course to pursue. It is a subject of great importance, to which the go- by cannot and" ought not to be given, and which we must discuss aud determine on the 14th of October next. 1 am, dear sir, yours, obediently, To A Jones, Esq. G. H. SOMERSET. NEW HOUSE OF CORRECTION.—The conveyance of the scite of the intended building, had not been perfected, as it was found that the signature of a person resident in America, was requisite, and the necessary documents had been forwarded, for the purpose of execution, but they had not yet been returned. MONMOUTH GAOL.—The report of the Visiting Magistrates stated that the gaol continued to be much crowded during the last quarter: that much drunkenness was found to prevail among the debtors, but that no case of detection had occurred that the Chartists were on the prison allowance, but that they had not been made to wear the prison dress, nor was their hair cut like that of the other pri- soners. J. F Vaughan, and J. E. W. Rolis, Esqrs., were added to the list of Visiting Magistrates. THE CHARTISTS —A petition from Vincent, Ed. wards, and Dickenson, at present confined in the County Gaol, in pursuance of the sentences passed upon them at the last Summer Assizes, was read, in which the petitioners set forth that Mr Baron Alderson, the judge before whom they were tried, expressed a wish that they should not be subjected to any other inconvenience than confinement, and that not-ithstanding they were suffering uuder a more rigorous discipline than persons of political offences, have heretofore been, that their health suffers in consequence of being confined to the pri- son diet; and praying that they may be allowed the free use of books, pens, ink, and paper, and to pro- vide their diet at their own expense. Mr Blakemore said that it would be necessary to take into consideration the statement relative to the health of the prisoners, but with respect to the free use of books, his opinion was that the indiscrimi- nate introduction of books into the prison, might lead to much mischief and inconvenience. Aftera few words from some other Magistrates, the matter was dropped. COUNTY RATE.—The returns ordered for the pur- pose of more equitably adjusting the county rate had not been made from the divisions of Newport, Christchurcb, and Bedwelty. The subject was postponed to next Sessions. Mr Gabb, clerk to the Magistrates of the Aber- gavenny division, applied for remuneration for the trouble he had b(-en put to in making the return for his division, being read, Lord G. Somerset said that if the Court had the power he thought the compensation ought to be made. COUNTY HALL.-An order was made for £50 for the purpose of providing furniture for the new rooms which had been recently added to the Court. A letter from Mr O. A. Wyatt, agent to the Duke of Beaufort, stating that his Grace had determined to raise the rent of the ground, over which the new rooms had been erected, from two guineas to five guineas per annum, was read. Mr Blakemore expressed his surprise at the com- munication he had not the remotest suspicion that the ground was not the property of the county, or he would not have consented to the expenditure of a shilling. Mr Jones said that they were yearly tenants of the Duke, and that he claimed as lord of the manor. A committee of Magistrates was appointed to in- quire into the subject, and to report to the next Sessions. SALARY OF COUXTY SunvevoR.-The Rev. R. Roberts withdrew the notice he had given of a motion te reduce the salary of the county surveyor trom £ 100 to JE50. COUNTY RATB. An order was made for a lid. rate. The Coroner's accounts were passed, and it was ordered that in future accounts the Coroner's own charges, and the additional expenses, be kept in separate columns. Mr Williams gave notice of a motion to raise the salary of the hall-keeper from five guineas to ten guineas per annum. The Court then adjourned. SECOND DAY. Several of the Magistrates who were present yes- terday attended today. Mr Summers Harford was also on the bench. The Overseers of the Parish of St. ilrary, Swansea, appellants; the Overseers of Newport, respondents. The order in this case was quashed. Overseers of Chi-istclalirch, appellants Overseers of Launceston, respondents. Leave was given to enter and respite. 11 Overseers of Llanrucldal, appellants Overseers of Monmouth,, respondents. Order confirmed with costs. Overseers of Ragland, appellants; Overseers of Monmouth, respondents. Order confirmed. POWDER !%I IGAZI-.IZF.-ITr Daniel applied to the Court to grant a license to Mr Herbert Williams, of Newport, to erect a magazine in the parish of Nash, near Newport, for the purpose of storing un- limited quantities of gunpowder. License granted. James Hardwich, 18, was indicted for stealing a watch, on the 7th of August, the property of J ohn Palmer, of the parish of Trevethin. Guil ty- Nine months' imprisonment in the County Gaol, and hard labour. George Vaughan, 47, was indicted for stealing, at Chepstow, on the 15th of August, a piece of bacon, the property of Philip Giles. Guilty—The pri- soner pleaded Guilty to a second count, charging him with having been previously convicted of felony. Twelve months' imprisonment in the County Gaol, and hard labour. Edward Wag.staff, 25, was indicted for stealing, on the 2nd September, at Blanavon, a gold ring and one shilling and sixpence, the property of Harriet Millington. Guilty—Nine months' imprisonment in the County Gaol, and hard labour. Charles Levels, 26, was indicted for stealing, on the 8th of August, at the borough of Monmouth, an India-rubber coat, and other articles, the property of William Goode, The prisoner pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to six months' imprisonment in the House of Correction, and hard labour. William Adams, 29. was indicted for a burglary in the house of Thomes Jon,,S, in the pirili of TrevetTiin, and for stealing therefrom a watch and several articles of wearing apparel, the property of the said Thomas Jones. Guilty—Ten years trans- portation. Isaiah Letots, GS, was indicted for stealing at Xewport, on the 3Jlh September, a pair of trowsers, the property of Wm. Haim. Guilty-Two months' imprisonment ia the House of Correction, and hard labour. Margaret Davis, 38, was indicted for embezzling, on the 5th of August, at the parish of Machen, two shillings and fourpence, the property of her master, William Jones. Guilty-Six months' im- prisonment in the House of Correction, and hard labour. Thomas Brooks, 46, was indicted for stealing, on the 3rd August, at the parish of Trevethin, a pair of boots, the property of John Gundy. Not Guilty. Henry Spinner, 19, Thos. James, 18, Thomas Lewis, 15, Thomas Harris, 12, and Robert JVil- liams, 15, were indicted for stealing, in the parish of Trevethin, on the 29th August, a box, containing 9s. od. in silver and copper, and a jar containing gin, the property of Mr Barnabas Brough. The Jury returned a verdict of Guilty against all the prisoners. Spinner and James were sentenced to four months' imprisonment in the County Gaol, and hard labour. Lewis, in consequence of the cha- racter he had received, was sentenced to three months' in the House of Correction, and Harris to two months, and to be twice privately whipped. Williams (who was convicted on another indict- ment of burglary, and sentenced to transportation for ten years) was sentenced to one week's impri- sonment. David Griffiths (but on bail) was indicted for re- ceiving a ewe sheep, the property of John Jones, of Langeview, knowing the same to have been stolen. The Jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty. There were two other indictments against the pri- soner for receiving sheep,, one the property of Thomas Dunn, the other the property of Hannah Jones, knowing them to have been stolen. There was no evidence offered on these indictments, and the prisoner was acquitted on both. John Harris, 18, John Finer. 17, and Robert Williams (who was convicted with four othei-R, as stated above, for the robbery at Mr Brough's, at Pontypool), were indicted for a burglary on the night of the 18th September, in the dwelling house of Summers Harford, and others, at the parish of Bedwelty, and stealing therein a quantity of shop goods, and also two half crowns, the property of Messrs. Harford and Co. The Jury returned a ver- dict of Guilty, against all the prisoners; and they were severally sentenced to be transported for ten years. William Smith, 22, was indicted for stealing, on the 24th August, at the parish of Trevethin, a coat, waistcoat, and trowsers, the property of James Whatley. Guilty—Three months' imprisonment in the House of Correction, and hard labour. Charles Price was indicted with Thomas Ed- munds, for stealing, on the 12th of Sept., at Usk, a pair of scissors, the property of Thomas Charles. The bill against Edmunds was ignored by the Grand Jury. The prisoner received a good character from several persons. Lord G. Somerset said he would leave it to the Jury to say whether the scis- sors were taken with a felonious intent, or merely as a frolic (though a dangerous and improper one), but with the intention of being returned. Vefaict —Not Guilty. Thomas Vinecombe, 50, pleaded guilty to an in- dictment charging him with having stolen, on the llth October, at the borough of Newport, five do- mestic fowls, the property of Frederick Blew. To be imprisoned two months' in the House of Correc- tion, and kept to hard labour. James Duffield, J8, was indicted for stealing, on the 8th October, at Newport, a coat and waistcoat, the property of Charles Newman. Verdict—Not Guilty. John Ma-fon, 20, was indicted for stealing, on the 23rd Sept., at the parish of Trevethin, a coat, and a shirt, the property of Michael Reardon. Verdict —Not Guilty. THIRD DAY. Ilenry Tiasherville, 21, was indicted for stealing, on the 24th Sept., at the borough of Newport, a silver watch, a cloth jacket, and is., the property of James Pascoe. Guilty—Nine months' impri- sonment in the County Gaol, and hard labour. Reuben Stokes, 26, was indicted for stealing, on the "22nd Sept., at the borough of Newport, several articles of wearing apparel, the property of Charles Watkins. Guilty Eight months' imprisonment in the County Gaol, and hard labour. Tamar Cunvin, 24, was indicted for concealing the birth of her male child, to which she gave birth at the parish of Abergavenny, on the 12th of August last. The Jury returned a verdict of Guilty, and the prisoner was sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment in the County Gaol, and such labout- as should be suited to her condition. Richard Brace, 21, was convicted of stealing, on the 20th August, at the parish of Abergavenny, a lamb skin, the property of Joseph Roberts, and sen!enced to twelve months' imprisonment and hard labour. Henri/ Phillips, 20, was indicted for violently as- saulting John Jordan, a constable, wfhile in the execution of his duty, at the parish of Trevethin. on the 31st August last. Guilty—To be impri- soned for six weeks, and kept to hard labour, and to enter into his own recognizances in the amount of Lio, to keep the peace for 12 months, and to be further imprisoned until he does so. There was a second indictment against the prisoner for an as- sault on the other constable,but no evidence having been adduced, he was acquitted. David Davis, William Davis, and John Davis, (out Oil bail) were indicted with Richard Evans, (not in custody), for violently assaulting David Morris, at the parish of Bedwelty, on the 2nd of August last. T he Jury returned a verdict ofGuilty, against David Davis and William Davis, and ac- quitted John Divis. There was a second indic- ment against the same persons, for assaulting Daniel Robert", arising out of the same transaction as the foregoing. The three prisoners were con- victed. David Davis and Will. Davis were sen- tenced to one fortnight's imprisonment on each indictment; and John Davis to one month's impri- sonment on the latter indictment. Articles of the peace were exhibited by Joseph Wilcox, against Evan Evans, who was ordered to enter into his own recognizances of E20, and to find two sureties in 10. each, to keep the peace for 12 months towards Joseph Wilcox, and all her Ma- jesty's subjects. The violent and indecent conduct of Evaus during the investigation, produced much confusion in Court. Robert Parry traversed to an indictment for an assault on John Morgan. The bills against the following persons, were ignored by the Grand Jury :_VVilliam Jones, Mar- garet Jones, Thomas Richards, Thomas Skinner, William Jones, Francis Thomas, John Wilson, George Rawles, Thomas Edmunds, and Thirsa James. In one of these cases, in which the Grand Jury had ignored the bill, when Counsel applied for costs, Lord G. Somerset said that he felt much dis- inclined to grant costs in the case referred to; and he wished that greater care would be taken in send- ing cases for trial. He wished to state publicly, that he would often take the sense of the magis- trates, as to the propriety of allowing costs in cases of ignored bills. The amount ot oosts paid by the county, was really enormous.



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