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SOCIETIES FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE, AND THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS. The annual meeting of the above Societies, as stated in our last, was held at the Town Hall, Aber- gavenny, on Thursday week; the Lord Bishop of Lianditif, in the chair. I In order that our report of the important proceed- ings of the day may appear the more connected, we shall repeat here his Lordship's opening address. He commenced by stating that it had been usual on such occasions to announce the order to be observed. Before doing so, however, he wished to make a remark or two, by way of introduction. There were a lew encouraging aspects of the times. These did not appear within those walls, for he had ex- pected a much larger attendance, but he thought it might be useless to wait any longer. He could not but hope that there was a greater interest abroad than the aspect of the present meeting seemed to indicate. Since the meeting last year, there had been a great improvement in the public mind, and that improve- ment was going on every day. They had been for several years past threatened with storms, but he hoped those storms had for ever passed away, and that they now should be favoured with a clearer atmosphere. They had now to guard against the dangers connected 9 1 with prosperity, and to make a proper use of the in- creased advantages which they now enjoyed,—the ad- vantages arising out ol the state of things on which ,e 11 they were now entering. When things took merely their usual course—when there was the same routine of business to attend to, the public mind grew indiffe. rent. It needed some special excitement,which could not always he expected. This, he could not but re- peat, was too apparent on the present occasion. He hoped that a sense of duty would always stimulate them to exert themselves in thgaacred cause in which they were engaged. His lordship then stated that the reports of the societies would now be read, and that a series of resolutions would be offered to the meeting by several gentlemen who were then present. The annual account of District Committe of the Society for promoting Christain Knowledge, will be found in our advertising columns. The annual account of the District Committee of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge will be found in our advertising columns. F. H. WILLIAMS, Esq., rose and proposed the first resolution:— That the Reports of the District Committees of the Societies for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, now produced; be adopted." The reports having been read, he begged to congra- tulate the meeting on the great good that had already been effected, and he hoped that improving as these Societies were, in activity and usefulness, no efforts would be spared to continue them under the same favourable auspices. The Rev. WM. POWELL, Vicar of Abergavenny, seconded the resolution. He wished that some one more competent had been called upon to discharge the duty which was assigned to himself. He was labouring under severe indisposition, and there- fore would not be able to address them at any length but he could assure them that no man's heart was more warmly attached to the object they all had in view at that meeting. He oeuld not help, however, telling them an anecdote which related to himself. In the year 1839, he had to carry up the contributions of the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, to the Parent Society. As soon as he entered the Society's rooms, in company with a friend of his from the West India Islands, he was introduced to a gentleman who was styled the Secretary of the Society of West India Proprietors. He thought this was a strange title, but found that the business of his friend was to make entries of the different supplies sent out to our West India Colonies. Amongst them, he observed that cart-whips and fetters were not forgotten. But a very important change had recently taken place, and he had the pleasure of informing the meeting that in one of the last cargoes, instead of cart-whips and fetters, Bibles had been sent out. It was unnecessary for him to dwell on the benefits of this change but while a decided and noble victory over slavery had been achieved, much remained yet to be done in the West India Islands, and he trusted that by the prompt adoption of proper measures, that most magnificent grant of twenty millions for the emancipation of the slaves would not be entirely lost. In the very room, in which they were then assembled, he had the honour of supporting a petition in favour of immediate emancipation. There was; indeed, an Opinion generally entertained at the time, that we should not be too generous at the expense of others, and that we should bear a part of the burden our- selves. He spoke for himself, he was most willing to bear his own part, and he sincerely hoped that, at length, that grant would fully redeem this country from the multitude of sins of which it was guilty in its management of those Colonies. The Rev. Gentleman, who evidently laboured under severe indisposition, was repeatedly cheered in the course of his brief address. His Lordship then put the resolution, which was carried unaminously, as were all the succeeding reso- lutions. W. BEVAN, Esq., moved the next resolution :— That this meeting, being seriously impressed with the conviction of the evils existing in the social a»d moral state of a large portion of the labouring classes in this country, now more especially arising from their exposure to the arts and devices of those who are most active and persevering in their endea- vours to lead them into courses of sedition and infi- delity,—and being deeply sensible of the admirable tendency ot the Society for Promoting Christian Know- ledge to counteract those evils, by the promotion of sound Christian education, and the distribution of the the Holy Scriptures, the Liturgy, and other moral and "hgious publications,—earnestly calls upon the public for increased exertions and support." He commenced by observing that the principle em- bodied in the resolution which he had just read, was so self-evident, that it' did not require powerful ad- vocacy, otherwise lie would have declined the task, imposed upon him. But he would say that if ever there was a time when we were called to respond to tLe appeal which was now made to them if ever there was a time to make extraordinary exertions, ]I to forego all superfluities, to retrench unnecessary ex- penses, that time was, unquestionably, the present; when infidelity and licentiousness were arming eK1 selves against religion, and making such awful an desolating progress through the land. They were, on every side, using the very same kind of jne™8 an appliances, which were employed for the diffusion o Christianity itself. They had their missionaries their tracts—their meetings and reports. He refer- red especially to the pernicious system, propagated with such unceasing energy and assiduity by that unhappy man Owen, the apostle, as he may be called of socialism. It was, indeed, deplorable that in this country, in the full light of Christianity, men should not only become themselves the children of Satan, but that they should be so unwearied in their endeavours to delude the ignorant and unsuspecting youth of our land, to become their followers in the paths of destruction. It was, Indeed, truly melancholy to think, that their efforts should be sosuccessful. It was a dark and mysterious dispensation which permitted such a state of things but it was not for them to pry into the secret arrangements of Providence; their duty was to consider how the evil migftt be med He believed they would most effectively Wo so, by en- couraging the Society which Was named in the reso lutio^and in doing this,they should not forget the other, which contemplated the diffusion of Gospe lg Foreign lands. The missionary who went fortu to preach the glad tidings of joy to the benig e bitants of heathen countries laid aside every tnoug personal comfort, he plunged into the dark fores ai noisome swamp and as he made fresh incursions, ie planted on the newly acquired territory the stan ar of our common faith. And what did he ask in re turn? Enable me to live," he said; "give me a food and raiment and I will still, for you and ior in> Saviour, go on conquering and to conquer. ]s was not much, there was nothing unreasonable m tins demand. How incalculable were the services whicb he performed. If much was given to him who pre- sented a rcup of cold water in the name ot Chnst, what would be considered as-due to him who offered the cup of salvation to parched and thirsty souls- They might be confident that while they la- boured in this good work they would prosper, "he reports were favourable and if .they continued, with increased zeal, to labour in faith, the Lord of hosts would be with them, the God of Jacob would be their refuge. The Rev. HUGH WILLIAMS, in seconding the reso- lution, said, that it had been brought on in so able a manner that it was unnecessary for him to add any remarks. He would only say that he felt great pleasure in seconding the motion. The Hon. W. RODNEY proposed the next reso- lution That this Meeting is desirous of expressing its thankfulness to Almighty God for the increased suc- cess with which he has been pleased to bless the exertions of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in. Foreign Parts, by awakening additional interest in Its behalf in this kingdom, and extending the knowledge and belief ot' die Gospel in the sphere of its labours, in our widely extended and most Important dependencies; and is desirous of testifying that thankfulness by rene.ved zealin the and by earnestly soliciting the assistance ot all wii are anxious for the propagation ol the religion Christ, through the instrumentality of our belove Chu-ch." He said that it was with great pleasure he rose V> move the resolution with which he had been entrustea. L>id he conceive it to be necessary to dilate on merits of those societies whose common interests they had met to advocate, he should, indeed, shrink from such a task, conscious, as he was, of his inability to do justice to the subject. But happily no such necessity existed. Those societies were too well known and the incalculable good which had been effected by them was too well appreciated to require any feeble attempt on his part to commend them to the favour of that assembly. He would not occupy the time of the meeting with any remarks on that subject, but would leave it to the Gentleman who was immediately to follow him, whose eloquence had on other occasions, rivetted their attention, and left a lasting impression on their minds. Before he sat down, however, he could not refrain from stating that having passed five years of his life in India, he often had opportunities of wit- nessing the unwearied labours of the missionaries there; and he had frequently heard from the converted Hindoos of the merits of those excellent men, who had left their native land, to spread the blessings of our holy religion among the inhabitants of a distant and uncongenial clime. They sought not the praise of men but looked for a higher reward. While in India he had witnessed the most revolting- scenes: but many of them had now happily passed away. He had seen the immolation of a young and lovely female (no un- common occurrence at that time,) who.as she clasped the cold corpse of her husband, her feelings excited to the highest pitch of madness by some intoxicating drug, wildly cried out, in a moment I shall be with him in happiness." Such scenes as the one he had just described were once familiar, but he was glad to be able to state that, in proportion as the Gospel had been spread, these barbarities were gradually discontinued- If such mighty benefits had already resulted from this society, the friends of humanity and religion would not, surely, allow it to want the funds necessary to aid it in pushing forward its beneficent operations, until that happy period had arrived when "the earth should be lull of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." The Rev. THOMAS WILLIAMS, of Lanvapley, (who was received with animated cheering) seconded the resolution. He said that before entering more im- mediately on the task which was assigned to him, he would wish to correct an erroneous impression which was very generally prevalent with regard to these Societies for many persons conceived that by sub- scribing to one, they were contributors to both, and that the connection between them was so intimate that their funds were in common. It is essential, he thought, that it should be distinctly understood that the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and tile-ISociety for Propagating the Gospel, were separate and distinct, each having a definite and peculiar sphere of labour, and each entitled to assistance and support. He felt it necessary to state this, as he fre- quently met persons who imagined that they were assisting in the objects which the Society for Propa- gating the Gospel had in view, while in fact they were not contributors to its funds. He would now, f;,lIov- ing the resolution entrusted to him, gire ?w,?ej;1Uf8 of the foreign operations of that Society. And, rs in British India there two new prelates a e to our church, and the heart of Bishop Wilson was gladdened by this timely aid,—he was no Inger left to labour alone in the vast territory of Hmdostan. The past year had brought tidings from that land, at which our ears may tingle while our hear s r«yoi They were strange tidings, and unlooked for by many, but not strange to those who had watched ^gradual progress of the gospel there. menT'. I and we are now entering th*'rdifficulties and forth sowing, perhaps with tears at tne hindrances which beset them, and now Long since it was said, by one of India's a „ precious seed is vegetating in the hearts o ie > i •< • • A t T-miera and Ddrriporc and now it is appearing. At Jamer f a vast increase has been given to the _„nminrp;i after family, village after village, the icfclatry—and, at this moment, catechumens care of Mr Jones and Mr Driberg 11 received from 60 villages, and 400 converts ha^e recei eu Christian baptism. Nothing has been^ prematurely, no wordly motives ha liave the necessary sacrifices have been « narrowly been carefully instructed, their watched, and then, after the lapse of tv tjl(ly evidence has been obtained of their s ,y' have been admitted by baptism into the • ]ijs head man of one village, when conve ,lf(\S a pagoda to Mr Jones, and that £ g^wilson, but Christian church—the hrst, says i' sej not, he would trust, the last to undergo t change. To this church the Archdeacon gave a s appropriate and acceptable gift, an old pu P1 om ffjlLionary Oburcllrf C.U. P«'h*P»- the voice of Martyn, of Corrie, and of rhomason may have been heard. It is a remarkable fact, that at al- most the same time similar scenes have occurred at Kishnagur, a station of the Church Missionary bo ciety, and even greater numbers have there become obedient to the faith—4000 catechumens, in numerous villages, are now receiving Christian instruction, and 1200 have already been baptized. rI he same hand, that of the apostolic Wilson, has recorded each event with joy and with thanksgiving. The progress of education is shaking the foundations of idolatry. 'Cal- cutta (says an active missionary) is no longer an hea- then city, nor is the rising generation there idolatrous. But this is no reason for relaxing efforts for the spread of gospel truth in In lia. Many are passing from one extreme to the other: from worshipping many gods, to acknowledging none. It was thus with Mohesh Chander Ghose, that interesting student of Bishop's College,—it was thus with Christina Mohana Banerjia, who, as an ordainetf minister of the church, preached a funeral sermon on his friend in the chief church at Calcutta. But they were brought to a right mind; multitudes, however, remain in the cold regions of infidelity and unbelief. They are taught in schools of European learning to dsplse their own religion, but no other » «e before them he natives, however, can value the eftect though they regard not the principles ot a religious education. A Hindoo brought his son to a missionary and desired admittance into a Christian school-not with any de- sire of his becoming a Christian, but because he saw that those who were thus taught were more obedient and orderly than such as were nurtured in the govern- ment schools, where every book is admitted but the Bible, and were any one may be a teacher but a minis- ter of religion,—a strong testimony this from a heathen to the value of Christian education. The late Ra. mohun Roy, too, who knew his countrymen well, said that they had no such prejudice against Christian schools as to prevent them availing themselves of the advantages which were there afforded, and he there- fore urged upon the government a less timid policy— and added, in proof of his opinion, that for ten years he had declared to the Indian authorities that suttees mio-ht be abolished, not only without fear of awaken- ine discontent, but with almost general acclamation; and "what (said he) was the result, when this tardy act of mercy was consummated did it produce mur- murings or discontent? no, thanks, thanks. At Bishop's College, and in the seminary for catechists at Vepery, this society was engaged in the work of education in its most important lorra. They were training up the future religious teachers of India, and from that college natives as well as Europeans were c-oine forth to proclaim the everlasting gospel to their to whom he had alluded before, had both received their education there. Before he left the subject of India he would mention a new and important scene of labour, upon which the CllClstIan Knowledge So- ciety had just entered. They had voted X500 to send a mission, of enquiry amongst the Nestorian Christians of Rdrdistan, desiring to assist in invigorat- ing these feeble churches, and i« improving their condi- tion, so that they may again become flourishing branch- es of the living vine. Could this wish be realised, much o-ood might be expected for Northern Asia: for once, as he learnt from Ecclesiastical History, the Nestorian Christians had carried the gospel into C(liua™d Ti £ tary. And why not again ?-should 't please the Jd quicken them oiiceio»r«l» J*.u-hfc Eastern men with eastern manne > .s valuable labourers in the Asmtm ciety was preparing for them a ve ,ed t() (he dee Scriptures; and as they sti PP be hoped Bible as their standard of truth, m them from its more general circulatio <( ForeJgl| And here he would urge the £ la,r»s objected to the Translation Fund. Many, be kn otliers to ;ts constitution of the Bible bof^y' ld not be content versions; but he trusted they woul but with raising objections to an< important would join cordially in, Promot ,fip circulation of the part of our society's labours languages. He Word of God in various t^u^ t()0> t|iere were would now turn to Australia. ar'nest calls to re- signs of encouragement, but,^ tions. Strange as it newed exertions and extem ed l dition lefc these might seem, when in 1787 tne nr i gend a8lnglc shores for that land, it was not p 1 j 0JJ the re minister of the Gospel; and it was^ of monstrance ot an individual, the company. Leeds, that a chaplain was ad lgo8 wefe But two, however, from that P rtet| annually six provided there and thus we « I tlieir Sp,ruual thousand convicts with no pio^ |i(V;oUS and moral instruction, no effort for thei «> the example of training. Allusion had been m' Iialj done there the French in Lower Canada^, rovjsi0n for the what we had not, made a rijo what was service and maintenance of t"|ieir conquests of the conduct of the Spaniards colonv, they set old, when they purposed to piai a(ter'stan,l, the up a pole where a ^allov^ ^^e(1 a cross, the site of emblem of justice, and they n^"a Eflg[and a future church, the emblem of g^ind neglected thought but of the ensigns ot ju.1>t > • JnTqw bo'.h the symbol and the substance .o w £ however, by Bishop Broughton s • being done. The society had undertaken to contn bute to the maintenance of thirty-two additional clergymen, of whom nineteen had already sailed and when the first four landed, the Bishop said that "He felt as if four years were, added to his life." It was pleasing, too, to find, that amongst the colonists them- selves,upwards of f 13,000 had last year been collected for churches and schools, and that thirty-two new temples to God were now in progress. Still the desti tution is great, and of some portions of that territory the Bishop gives a most appalling account—"They are living (says he) in a state of concubinage almost w promiscuous, without books, without means of instruc- tion, without the observance of the Sabbath, without God in the world." The North American colonies again, the first and perhaps the most interesting scene of the society's labours, call loudly for aid, and still had urgent need of help. The Bishop of Montreal savs, after returning from his visitation, that it would r, break the heart of any one concerned for the spiritual interest of his fellow-creatures to see the destitution of the vast tracts which I have traversed;" and he tells of districts of fifty or sixty miles extent without a single pastor. The poor colonists too, bitterly lament their deprivation a whole mass of petitions was last ses- sion presented by Mr Packington, earnestly pressing their case upon the consideration of the House of Commons, which has sanctioned the withdrawal of the grant, and claiming the preservation of the clergy re- serves, as an eventual provision for the public means ofgrace among them. Some affecting statements too, he (Mr W.) had lately read in the letters of the Stewart missionary, Mr Green. He says, that in one of his many rides from station to station, on his perambulations amongst his scattered flock, he over- took a poor woman, who, without any observation of his, said, Sir, the government does not use us well or kindly; twelve years have I been here, and but once enjoyed any opportunity of joining in the public service of the Church, and never have I partaken of the Lord's Supper, excepting one single time with the Wesleyans. We can sometimes, indeed, (and we are thankful for that,) attend their preaching: but that does not go to our hearts like the service of our own church, in which we were born and bred, and for which our forefathers bled." Again, by another poor settler he was assured that, Amidst all the discomforts and drawbacks of an emigrant's life, none equalled the misery they felt in being shut out from the means of grace." And as a most striking instance, at once, of destitution and attachment to the ordinances of the Church, in the western wilderness, Mr Green men- tions that a child was brought by a parent to the Pro- pagation Society's Missionary, at St. Catherine's, one hundred miles, for Christian baptism, and that, from no peculiar attachment to the individual, but simply as to the nearest minister of his father's Church. The case of Canada, however is not solitaty for in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and the other North American colonies, the same'destitution exists. The society is, however, now making enlarged efforts to supply the want, and travelling missionaries have been appointed, in some measure'to meet the exigency. Still the call for help from British North America is loud, pressing, and urgent, and must not be heard in vain. Of the Western Indies he would not speak, as much had been already said on that part of the subject. But he would, in conclusion, mention a plan which had been attended with much success at Grantham, for the inerease4of the society's funds. It was this: to have a sermon in each parish on some week day summer evening, and to divide and arrange this duty amongst the neighbouring clergy. By this means, the funds of that district had been raised from X13 to £100 in a few years. And he knew not why, with his lordship's sanction, this plan might not be adopted here. He wonld now only urge the import- ance of the subject, the necessity of increased exer- tions, and express his hope that the society would be enabled to widen, enlarge, and extend its operations in every quarter, and in every land. „ The Rev. Gentlemen concluded by seconding the resolution, and sat down amidst loud and general applause. The BISHOP then rose and said, I must now beg to be allowed to deviate, in some respect, from the usual order of proceedings. But, per- haps, when I state the object of that deviation, it will appear to ,be so in form rather than in sub- stance or rea'ity. I am far from wisliing to weaken the effect of the very interesting and serious ad- dresses to which you have just listened. I most sincerely hope that the feelings awakened by them will not pass away, but that the seed sown will fructify abundantly; but I must say that there arc colonies at home, that within twenty miles of this town there arc large districts of the country, with a swarming population, almost destitute of the means of grace. Wlien I have passed through those regions, tiie pro- phetic image of another pcple, in a similar state of moral destitution, has been irresistibly brought to my mind,—441 saw all Israel scattered upon the hills, as sheep that have not a shepherd." I cannot but trust that a remedy will soon be provided for this crying evil. But when I speak of the evil, and am desirous to find a remedy for it, I am far from wishing to break in upon the funds provided for other purposes. I could not find it in my heart to do so. But there is a class of persons on whom I would wish to call, and on whom we have every right to call, Ttiit class have. indeed, not altogether denied tho use of their wealth for the purpose to which 1 refer •, yet it is quite evident that their exertions in providing religious instruction have been utterly disproportionate to tho increase of population, and the advancing and flourishing state of the. country. When I say that on this class rests the obligation, I am supported by all the history of our country. By whom were churches first erected? Thev wero not raised by carrying the box around for contributions, but by the munificence of those gentle- men who derived their wealth from the produce of the soil. They felt this to be one of their first duties; and parish churches were not only built but liberally endowed by the lord of the manor. A portion of the annual produce of their property was set apart for the maintenance of religion; and this regu- lation was afterwards confirmed by the law3 of the land. Such was the origin of the endowments of the national church. But if the produce of the soil be considered liable to such a demand, should not the wealth derived from the bowels of the earth be brought under contribution for si mi lur Purposes ? If I, by birth or any other accidental cir. cuinstance, were put in possession of such wealth, I -hould fuel it to be my duty to provide for the reli- gious instruction of those whose labour Was the source of my own income; and snould (eel ashamed to leave this duty to others, wbcn l had fm,ds sufficient of my own. I should feel that 1 owed it to the God whom I served, that l should endeavour to find a house for God in every district. And in the performance of this sacred obligation, I trust it will not be thought enough to provide a shelter merely for the worshippers of the Most High. Shall the house of the servant be adorned with every kind of costly decoration, while the Ark of God is consigned to a mere hovel1 IVC have all edifying example in the inspired King of lsrael- When contemplat- ing the work of budding the temple, a work, which, for wise reasons, lie was not permitted to effect; lie said, Lo, 1 (lvvel j" !U1 house of cedars, but the ark of the covenant ot lie Lord rprnaincth under curtains!" He did not wait to be prompted by the Priests. He felt uneasy and ashamed to be enjoying all the splendour of wealth, while the visible memo- rial to his people of their duty to God was meanly provided with a covering* And when restrained from his purpose by diviuo command, he "did what ho could;" he made ample preparation for the work which his son was to execute. To that son he said, Of the old, the silver, the brass and the iron, there is no number. Ar,ise,therefore, and be doing, and the Lord be with thee." I will not dwell longeron the sub- ject,lest what I stnteshould appearan invidiousallusion to any of those who have been happily placed ill the cir- cumstances of wealth and influence which I have just described I am quite sure, however, that all who hear ine will fully acquit me of the charge of at- tempting to raise a feeling of disrespect towards those persons. But we often require to be roused to a sense of duty, and many of our most sacred obligations have remained unfeft, until our minds have been publicly directed to them. All present will concur with me, when I aver that that is generally the ease. There is a silent progress of opinion which enlightens and improves the public mind upon the most impor- tant subjects. I might instance the slave ques- tion. How many look back with astonishment at their apathy while it continued in its almost unimaginable horrors. This iudifferenco did not arise from the absence of good principle, but from the simple circumstance that we are the creatures of imitation, and no one bad taken tho lead. This remark has a very wide Application. We may live in the total neglect, and even in ignorance ol some duty of paramount importance. When our attention has been directed to it, and tho thing is done, we look back with wonder on the state of darkness in which we bad before existed. In seeking to supply the deficiency which I have pointed out, we should not rely on the funds raised by such institutions as thechurch building society, for their resources arc designed to assist the poorer districts of the land and it is unjust to draw on them for help, where help ought not to be required. Before I quit this subject, it is right that 1 should state that much has been done by many of those gen- tlemen whose wealth is derived from the manufac- turing districts of our country. It is well known that a church has been built and endowed by the house of Guest. It is a siii.,Il one, indeed, and very in. adequate to the wants of that populous and important i)ltt-e but this circumstance is a recognition of the principle on which I have just been insisting, and evinces a laudable anxiety to discharge the obliga- tion which I have mentioned. The name of Hill cannot be pronounced without exciting feelings of the highest esteem. The name of Homfray also merits from us, and from posterity, every mark Of respect. Among these men, instances may be found of noble generosity and Christian concern for the popula- tion which they have drawn. around them; but they stand rather as-giiides to point out the course which others ought to pursue, than as persons who have completed the benevolent design. Whilst the tide of population has been advancing, they serve merely as landmarks to shew us where the chan- nel lies. Beyond, there is a vast expanse, over the greater part of which there are no beacons, no pilots, no buoys; an ignorant population is left to the mercy of the elements, to be "tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doc- trine. Such, I am sorry to say, is the condition of myriads in this diocese. I hope that my words which are now heard will be conducive to the great object which I have at heart. There are already indications of the dawn of a brighter day. I am authorized by an individual of eminence, Sir Benjamin Hall, to state that lig heartily supports this view of the case. He contemplates, having a great interest at stake in the mining districts, tho building two churches; and I trut that tho example will bo extensively fol- lowed, that the feeling will spread, and that edifices will be reared, corresponding in character with the in- creasing wealth of tho country. If we build mag- nificent country houses, with all the appendages of greatness, if our stables, and bnrns, and farm bouses, and even our cottages, all indicate a progress in wealth and elegance, sllal I we be content to suffer our churches to remain unimproved, or rather I might say, to sink in comparison with what thev were centuries ago, when the wealth of the country was not a tenth part of what it is at the present day ? There is then, I am happy to say, a prospect of better things. Besides the names 1 havealready mentioned with honour, there is an indivi- dual of this town engaged singly in a munificent work of this kind, whose name lam restrained from mention- ing by the singular feelings of delicacy which forbid so public an avowal But the fact is well known to almost all who are now present. I am glad, however, to be able to bring under the notice of the meet. ing a public resolution of a Company recently formed at Rhyinney. Tho Directors of that Company have made a noble declaration of their opinion on this subject in a report presented at the annual general meeting of the Proprietors, held on the 21st of November, 183S. I shall not detain the meeting by reading the who'e of that important document. I shall only request your attention to one extract. It is to the following effect;—That the Company having caused to locate on what were before almost barren mountains, a population of 8000 souls. and that number increasing daily, and nearly the whole of that population residing on the Freehold Pro- perty of the Company, in the Parish of Bedwellty, in Monmouthshire, at a distance of nearly five miles from the parish church, the Directors beg leave to express their unanimous opinion that the Company are upon every principle, moral and religious, bound to provide and endow a church for the use of the tenants of the Rbymney Iron Company and others, and they recommend the proprietors to authorise the trustees of the Company, to convey in such manner as shall be necessary, for the purposes of a church and churchyard, and minister's house and garden, and they recommend for the endowment of the same, that the proprietors should authorise and order the Direct- ors of the Company, from the funds of profits unap- propriated in their hands, to invest in the years 1839 and 1840, so much money as will in these two years, purchase the sum of £20003 per cent consols, and £2000 3 per cent reduced, or such other securities of equal amount of income, ill conformity with the regulations required by law for the endowment of churches, to be for ever appointed for the maintenance of the minister and the repairs of the said church." This report containing this passage, as I said before, was read to the Proprietors at their last annual general meeting. I will now read the resolution adopted unanimously by the Proprietors at that meeting. It is this That the Proprietors do give their full approval to the report of the Directors on the subject of the church and schools, and do hereby authorizo tlie Directors and Trustees, to do and take all such measures as may be neccssary to carry the said re- port into full effect." It may appear a little informal to move a resolution from the chair, but it is only so in appearance; yet if anyone objects to the proceeding I will waive it for the present, and shall content myself with merely giving notice of it, and postpone the consideration thereof to the next meeting. I trust, however, that I may be allowed to brinst it forward now, for I am sure that none present will object to it when they hear it read. It is this: — That the thanks of this meeting be given to the Di- rectors of the Rhymney Iron Company for their noble declaration, recognizing the solemn obligation they are under to provide the means of religious instruc- ic tion to the multitude they employ, to build and en- dow churches and to establish schools for the education of poor children." I have prepared another resolution which advances, thu matter a step further. It is to the following effect: "That this meeting entertains a confident hope that the Masters and employers of the population col- lected in the mining districts of this diocese, will act upon the principle voluntarily avowed by the Rhym- ney Iron Company, and will apply a portion of their profits arising from the labour of this population to the building and endowing- of churches and schools for their religious instruction"" But I will not now propose this for the adoption of the meeting. [ s|Jajj 0'n,y gjve notice that when we next meet I shall bring it forward I shall be satisfied if the former one shall now be confirmed. The Rev. Prelate's address of which we have only given an imperfect sketch was listened to throughout with the profoundest attention and the deepest interest, and elicited frequent and loud applause trom all present. The Rev, W. Ctt,WLEY rose to second the motion. He said that he was quite unprepared for the lionotii, of seconding his Lordship's resolution; he would only say that it had his heartiest concurrence and support. His Lordship again rose, and said that lie begged to correct all omission, which had strangely enough cscapd him, m enumerating the names of those who had dis- tinguished themselves in providing religious instruction for those whom they employed name of Bitiley should never be forgotten. •f'rl Irv'NO tlien moved, "1 hat the next anniversary meeting of these Societies be held at Chepstow." ■ He said that the resolution which he had just submitted to the meeting appeared to be so much a matter of form as almost to require no remark He wished however, to make one or two observations. It was five years since his Lordship had given a new character to their annual meeting- The arrange- ments were 80 made that, through the medium, of the platform, sound and useful information respecting the operations ot thosesocieties should be drued.through the country, and sueh an interest excited in favour of them as should secure for them such support as would enable them, the more fully, to realize the great and good objects they contemplated- The success which had already been experienced spoke for the excel- lency of the course pursued. Now, his Lorslup had commenced a second course, and he hoped that the observations of their diocesan, uPoa 1 e ?nterestlnJ? aud important subject which he had so ably introduced that day, would not be without their effect.. He was sure that the result would be watched with deep interest Seconded by the Rev. J. C. PROSSEK. His Lordship then left the chair; when W. A. WILLIAMS, Esq., proposed the following resolu- tion: That the warmest thanks of this meeting be offered to the Lord Bishop for the efficient and con- stant support and patronage given by his Lordship to the District Committees of this county-and for his kind and able presidency on this occasion." He said that this resolution was seldom accom- panied with lengthened remark; and now this was the less necessary as their excellent diocesan had resided among them for many years. His unwearied zeal and exertions in promoting the interests of that church, of which he was so eminent an ornament, were so well known as to require no formal eulogium. These societies were at present in a state of improve- ment. They had been under a cloud, and in the difficulties which the directors of their interests had encountered, they had always applied for counsel to his Lordship;-and to his advice and patronage, it was chiefly owing, that D.°"'e institutions had been revived, and restore" to their present flourishing state. His Lordship might reply that he did only his duty. But if all persons of station and influence performed their duty with zeal and efficiency, as his Lordship had done, the good effected would be in- calculable. The Rev. J. A. GABB/s^onded the resolution which was carried by acclamation. The Bishop in returvivg thanks said, that he would not detain them in giving expression to the feelings awakened in his mind by the kind remarks which I had been made on his past He would only say that, next to the appr°va'°f his own conscience, nothing could be more l?1"3,1 him than the approbation of those whom he highly esteemed. He was glad to perceive that since the procedings had commenced the meeting had become gradually more crowded; and, that there was no just foundation for the slight dissatisfaction w 1Gh he had at first ex- pressed. The scene was somewhat altered, and he Was much more full of hope. Ile would close by reminding them that incessant vigilance and activity were necessary; it was whi^le meu slept that the enemy's machinations succeeded. A doxology was then sung, and the meeting se- parated. The collections made at the doors amounted to £10 £ »., thus making in all £ 35. a



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