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"ERASER'S MAGAZINE for OCTOBER, price -M_ 2s. 6d., contains? The Kuighta of Aristophanes N0. II.—The Legend » n°k^* 1 Elder *»««« Poet—Some Recalleeifonsof J&m" Hogg. No. I.-The Churcb-The French Plutarch L Cartn',cbe'. Highways and BywaYI. Ya. II. Littl,- Poinsinet Tht'y-th of J"Jia Howard-Con- 1 of Dr. P.rmetN Bis, on |fce Wning of SbaUpwre. By. Will, Magi* ||„0.pw Carlos, Christina, and the. 9^b Qu„tiQn-The Last Even,f St. John.V A Lajr of thfi Scottish Mist—A in the Second Year of the Reign of Que*n Victoria-Two Son- nelA on a late Soaring Expedition to the Lqtdl. By Sir Morgan O'poherty. r J«me« praser 215 RegemStreet, London; and J. E. Bibb. Merthyr Tydvil. fust Published, Price I. Boards, By THOWaj PRICE, Merthyr Tydvil, and tp»y be had o of tbe Boekse'lera in the Principality; of Mr It. Richard*. Np 2. Nelaon Street, fcristol: Mr R.. Morn«; Welsh Hloofcaefler,. Liverpool r and H. Londonn(f8< 6 Psuyer Alley, Paternoster Ro*v A NEW and Enlarged Edition of a WELSH *NI\KN<5WSH DWT'OKAftX. by the We. R^, BlCHARJJS. Coy.ch,«nch, Glamorganshire wherein. the Welsh word^are qften exemplified W select quotations from celebrated ancient Authors to which are annexed, Wel»h and English BMyology, and a |e collection of Welsh Proverbs; and to the whole is prefixed a compeudiouik W.obN %K.aipmar, with the rules in BDgluh. N.H.-The Grammar may be had without the Dic- tionary. at la. stitched, or, la. Od. in boards. In the Press, and will be published earlv In Jan««rv ijext, Price 2s. stich-d, tbe SEVENTH EDITION of that ancient and weti-known Welsh ii A •Mm™, Y prif oi^rdd'- bj ,i!S. R.'v Tbeopbitus B»»ns, Mangatnrnareh, Breconnhire. WABfTSn, A T 1R°N WORKS h> South Wales, an Agent itoMim Work.n( h* f°nveyW»ce of Minerals from Ihe Works iQd CoMi",p»' to act as Clerk of ^_Mfe„C,h,lIlic acquainted with the working of Railways. "d !»" makebitusft I p useful, would meet .with encouragement. SALARY f 120 PER ANNUM. ^[?n.e n**c' *pply wha cabnot produce strong testi- tftuation" 1 comP€t*acy to *he duties of the Application with testimonials and references, to be made. by letter, post paid, to Box 40, Post-Office, Swansea. Sept.. 13,1839. OPENING OP TKE BUTE SHIP CANAL. "1' ,f. Cardiff, September 25th, 1839. AT A MEETING of the COMMITTEE, held that d*y, at the Guild Hall, for arrAiiging the programme at the OPE^NU of this CANAL. on! WEDNESDAY, the 9th of OjCTOBER next It was resolved,—That alt persons who intend beinsr1 present and Joining the ProQesiJon tp copdijct the Mar- quis of Bute to his Canal ai\d Docks, 'are xequested to' meet on the Castle Ground, Cardiff, at Seven o'Clock in the Morning. • Hit Lordthip having kindly accepted ao. iavitation, to a Public Dinner on that day, I ( Ordered.-That the Dinner be at the Cardiff Arms, at RivecfQto^k Tickets, 2Qs. each. ) That it may be ascertained for hpw many dinner is to be provided, i Ordered,—'That no Tickets be issued after Six o'Cflock' on Saturday Afternoon, the 5th pf October. Ticket* far tbe Dinner' to be had at the GuiM Hatt.j Cardiff, during the following week, between the hoars of; 12 aad 4 in the Afternoop, except Saturday, the 5th ofj October, on which day they will be issued until 6 o'Clock.j In the Evening there will.be. a Ball at the Angel Inn.: Dan«;ing to commence at 9 o'Clock. Tickets, 7s. £ d.j fach, to be had at the Post-office. None will be issued' after Saturday, the 5th of October. a After the.first Ship.ba? entered the Gates, there will; be Prizes for Boat Races, Sailing,.Rowing, and Scullingi Matches- ,The particulars of which will be published in tbe'èoufse"of the week. In the Evening there will be a Grand Display of Fire Works. That these resolutions be inserted in the Merthyr Guardian, Cambrtan, Monmouthshire Merlin, and Bristol Jourrtot CHAS. C. WILLIAMS, Chairman. CARDIFF. Opening: of tbe Bute -Ship Canal, Ootobe* 9, 1S39. 'T'HE BALL WILL BE AT THE ANGEL INN. Dancing to oooiibimms ,t| 9 e1ciock. VISCOUNTESS PATRONESS. THE.MAYOR, J. BHUCB PRYCE Esa.,fStewarDS T. W. BOOKER. ESQ ySTEWABDS* W. Hi DftACON^, Esa., > Cardiff, October 3d, 1839. Xo ..). To tJae Xndependant Order of Odd Fellows of the-Manchester Unity. IT HAS BEEN RESOLVED that our ORDER JOIN in the CEREMONY of opening the Bme Ship Canal. on Wednesday the 9th instant, when the company of Vising Officjers and Brothers wiH be esteemed; • „ wiU Pweed in order from the Castell Caerdydd Lo«|ge. »o the C«,U Grounds, at half-pest 6 o'clock in tbe Morning. MARK MARKS, N. G. 4 ¡, U<;t.MIydd L()dge- JNO. t N. C.rdiff, 1<t October, 18W. TAFF VALE BllLffAY. Call of Ten Pounds pfer Share. THE Directors of the TAF'F VXtE RATLWAY COMPANY, mctipg under tlic Proviftions of the Act of Incorporation, hereby giyc Not«e, tix«t th^ Tro- ?rj» A* ,are ^fluired.to pay on or before the t0^Tr nex1, ,0 *nyoM Sf the undermen- tiou,-d H&fikem, the sum of Ten Pounds on each of their nxpcciive Shares, viz. ffMn/p"' Westminster Banks. London BsLk *«»d South Wales District Ditto I" Cardiff. Ditto TV ° ° Bristol. Messrs Wilkin. o I>itto Merthyr. Nationul P nJ Co Merthyr. M^Zu,HV,nC, B»nk Cardiff. W £ tP7n*y?dG,Mn0r«aDSh'reBa»k- By Order of the Board of Directors, JOSSPH BALL. "■il. Ofe.. S.„ «»-»»• P. & J. LEWIS, BOF cansannor, EO to inform th«sh-Fri«irf. =. j — they have taken ihe House ublio ,h*' KDWARO BttADLKY, Esq.. in Cfiwu l?,J?5cuPied b> tboy intend OPENING on TUesnAv PPE» wbict OCfrOBElC with an entiw new m 8th of STOCK, comprising, a splendid aasort^^f*1/ „tlMlw «»e whole has been purchased on the most adv.m. o«« term, at tne present unprecedeFlt,d JprS" •w determloed to Mil i0r the smallest shadHf mmA by the strictest attention to business, they thwsnpport which it will be their constant end«Xr u, W "D IMMEDIATELY, in the Linen and Wooll ASSISTA NT conrersant In the Welsh Bwjjiwr' fe nW> M ,0 *bll,ty "Ml integrity will br Appb to Lh and J. Lewis. Cowbridge. Po«t paid ir*»«aWt Ooom, S7th Sept., 183Q. I: Y GWYR ITORIAID. MR GOLYDYDD, gan roal nn o, ddybenion eich Newyddiadur yw trosglwyddo gwybodaeth am bethau, ac amgylchiatteu a gymer le yn eih plith fel dyiiolion, i*r dyben hyny yr ydym yn gofyn eich hy- nawsedd am roddi llei'r llinellau canlynol, tnewn rliyw gohgl o'ch Newyddiwiur clodwiw, i hyspysn i'n cyfellf,. ion it phawb yn gytfredln fod Gorymdaith a Gwledd Flynyddol y Gwyr, Iforiaid, Merthyr a Dowlais, i gymeryfl- lie ar y. 7fed, DdyO d a fis Hvdref nesaf. Yn Gyntaf. fod Cyfrinfa.Ifor Dowlais i ddechren ei tliakli arA naw o,r gloch o dy Mr Prosser, arWýdd Arfan'V Breniii, (IClng's'Arlns)À Yn ait, fod Tydfil Merthyr,! gychwyn am haner aw wedi WytR yn y borau, a dy Mr Thomas, arwydd Y Carw Gwyn, (White Hart), fel V gallom, gyd-gyfarfod yn arwydd yr Aradr (Plough) ar gyfrjnfa sydd yn cartrefi yn y Hp dywededig» ac yna i gydtino fel tair cyfrinfa, i gymeryd garymdakh o gylch Ppwlais. ac i ddychwelyd i dy^addoliad y Bedyddwyr, Ile y a y Parchedig John "er%.yii pregethu. SUaDBAK BOWH if 'V' EUY, NEAR BRISTOL- JAMES GARAWaY, Manager above Establishment, begs leave respectfo'ly to announce, that he hac just received his Annual Importation of Dutch Bulbs, in fine condition, consisting of the best double and single Hyacinths, tie double early and late Tulips, Narpissus, Jonq»iU, Anemoi)<*> Raniinculas Gladioli. &c.« all under name, and true to their kino, al*a Mixtures of the atmve Sorts. ,l U J; Galso invites ileetilidli to a superior collection of Double Dahlias now in Bloom, is well as to the general Stock of thft old-establijbei Concern, which is, as here- to fore, very extensive, and of the finest description. Every article will be rtndued 8S cheap •• at y N ur. sery i» th« kingdom. „ Designs for Copseryatories. Forcing, Hot and tireen- house*, jviti plans for Pleasure Grounds, Kirch?n and Flower Gardens, &c. furnished hy a competent from this Establishment; who will attend to lay-out the same if required. Respectable Garden^A and Bailifl* beard ot on application at the Kiusery. OLAJjaOROANSHlBS- TXTOTICE IS HEREBY OlVE&t that the 2,Y Vox' GENERA^ <U?ART^ SESSION9 of the PE&.&E for the said County fvill IIbe widen Ou TUESDAY,tbefirxEEXTH DAX of OCTOBER nej.t, t At the Town Hall.in the Town of SWANSEA tnthe tatd Comity, on which day the Magistrate* to* ™ee and proceedta Court at 'Eleven ofthedockikthe Fore he Gr^JuryvoiU thenbe^u. at ^hickt^Prp^tor, and Witnesses are directedto attend and prefer ^$of Tpdicfment. All Appeals at>4 Traverse* »». with the ClerTt of the Peace before eUten ^lock of go* All Bin* Zhd 'Demands re)*W to the Pri- lie Expenditarh of the 'Cdiinty mvist be the office of the Clerk of the P* J™™ before the Session*, or they will *°* *e a settled at such Sessions. AU Persons who hav y ot Appeal to bring before the Sessions, are to be prepa d to .proceed on the same on Tuesday mornings cept in cases relating to Bastardy, wl1' hearii uh^il ^d.neAday morning's Court. A Oits given or'ahowed ^ft/' fUe Churl, must be same Sessions, or tIiey. will not he afterwards allowed. ,2he several acting Magistraus within the said are fe- quested to retwia all, Depositions, relating to felonies and Misdefneanor* to be prosecuted at the same ,Sessions, into tfig,tjficeicf..the .Clerk of the Peace at Cardiff, on4>r before Prxtay, the 11th Day of October nestl Gmrdiff, September lAth. ,vOl) D, 1839. :é Clerk of Peace. GLAjylORGANSJEftRE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That at the GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the Peace to.be holden at SWANSEA, in and for the said County of GL\MO.UGAN, on TUESDAY, the FIFTBBNTH day of OCTOBER ne^t,,the Justices then and there asse.mbled:wiJI_t Tlveof. th, Clock at Noon of such day, proceed to take )nto consideration the provisions of an Act of Parliament made and parsed in the'Second and Third year of the refgn of her present Majesty, intituled An Act for the establishrtkent of County and District Constables by the authority of Justices of Peace," and enter into such resolutions and o-rders relating to the adoption thereof, or otherwise, as may be deemed expedient. Dated this Twenty, first day of September, 1839. By order of the Lord Lieutenant, and on the requisition of Five Justices of the Peace acting in and for the said County, WOOD. Clerk of Peace. VALE OF GLAMORGAN. ZO b.,e <&oi £ Auction, (JJJI Offer of the True fee for Sale) i At the BEAR lNN, in' the Town of COWBRIDGEj on TUESDAY, the 15th day of OCTOBER, 183 between the hours of two and four in the Afternoo (subject to such conditions pf sale ait shall be then produced), j A LL that undivided Moiety of and in a certaiii FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, or DyyELLiNG-l HOUSE, witli suitable Out-buildings, caned TRALLWMt and. of and lri a certain Freehold Tenemetft or Far adjoining the House, comprising, by a recent admea4 surement, 122A. 3r 1'3P,-» (he the'same more or less)! situate in the paiish of l-anlilid, in the said Countyl And'alaoof and in a certain Leasehold Estate, calleij RHYD LETHIN and fAKM WEN, containing by admeaf surement, 9A. 2R. 29p.. (be the same more or less.) | The freehold Estate is well wooded-the Lands ar. of a good quality, containing a due proportion of Arabli and Pasture—Coals -neat' and very cheap —-There ar^ celebrated pae-ksdf Fex-bounds and HanieR kept in tht neighbourhood, and excellent cock-shooting —The pre: mises ale about 6 miles .from the Town of Bridgend, and about 5 miles frotn the rown of Co.wbridgo, both good Markets, through each of which Towns the Bristol and Milford Mail pftsses daily, and the Swansea and (Gloucester Coach, with a branch to Bristol, on alternate j days.. For a view of the Premises apply at the House; and for further particulars to E, Basaett, Solicitor, Lan- twit Major, near Cowbndp. Letters to be free of poiltage. BRECONSHIRE. I' .d:.<; A Favourable Opportunity to qfntkmen Farniers, hrmters, Butchers, and Vlhera. < I. 1ro be Sum ^wftiott, By Mr JOHN JONES, On TUESDAY, the 22dday of OCTOBER. 1839. at PENMILART FAttM, in the Parish of PENDEUIN, within Three Miles of the Borough of Merthyr, ELEVEN HUNDRED WELSH SHEEP, &c. &c., the prbp^ty of Mr John Jones, M ho is about leaving the above Farm w»s'*t,0« of 400-Fat Wethers, 450 Ewes'. 250 freQaf >n part of.'whicb are of a large si»e, »nd lu;Iab|e' exceeding good quali'V« a'l of which n?,i,„hi Horse Lots; lefhandsome'Ttfountain Ponie's. 1 Draught Horse. 1' Riding Mare and'Cblt. „ in the Forenoon, and Sale to commence at 11 o doe* '» the whole will be disposed of in one my. Six ftforith^Credit will be givtn on Approved Security. x Glebeland, Merthvi,, Oct. ist, B It EC'O N Valuable Farms for Sale. TO be Solf auction, By Mr T. PRICE, of BaiRh, At the K.ING'S HEAD INN,in on MONDAY, the «4th day of 0CTOJJKK.,IW. at One o'clock in the Afternoon.. Loxl- A LL those Two Messuagres FARMS and LAND^, A. called TYR.PEN-L^ECH and TYK-Y-COCK- SHOOT, sit„ate In the Paris of L^gynn^^the ^.d '4"0OT, sittiate in the Plitill of Ltangyno County of Brccbn, in tbe occup^llon Lot 2.—All that Messuage or »'ith the Appurtenances, situate lfl Builth, formerly called by the name of the BbLL INN, Ute in the occupation of Mr Hugh Penry Powell, and [low of Mrs Davies and her Son Ma: Thos. Davies. For further particulars apply at tiko. Office of Mr ChWCb. Solicitor, Brecon. TO BE LET, ON LEASE OR OTHERWISE. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, A HOUSE, fit for a Family, situated between two Post and Market Towns in Wales, with or without about 80 Acres of Land, (or any part thereof), to suit the convenience of a Tenant. Coal is reserved gratis for the Boase, aud Sporting abounds in-the neighbourhood. Apply to Evan Davies, Tyflagarw, near Neath, Gla- morganshire, or to the Proprietor, H. E. Evans, Esq., at the place. > MONMOUTHSHIRE. So for Onr SUtcttott, By Messrs- PHILLIP]}# SON, At the GtfcfcrfrOTTND HOTEL, AJURGAVENNY, on TUESDAY, the Eighth gqqf OCTOBVR. 1839, at Two o'OVftck in the Afternoon, subject to the con- ditions then to be produced, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract. rPHE LOWER PENTRE ESTATE, fa tbe 1. Parish of Llanwenarth, One Mile from- Aber- gavenny, on the Hrecon Road; consisting of a very desirable Fainity Residence, with Tweflt Six Acres and a half of Orcharding, Meadow, and Pasture Lands. For particulars, and to treat for Sale, apply to Messrs Gabb and Secretan, Solicitors. Abergavenny. Letters of application to be post paid; CARMARTHENSHIRE & BRfiCONSHIftE. HWIlLY VALCABLE AND PESIRABI-E FREEHOLD ESTATES FOR SALE. Co he OnJ Itp auction, (WITHOOT RESERVE,) AVooVCASTLR HOTEL, in the Town of LLANDO. ni v m lhe Codnty of CARMARTHEN, on MOM. DAY,-the 21st day of OCTOBER next, between the hours of One and Three o'clock in the Afternoon, subject to conditions of Sale to Be then ikbd there produced), QEVERAL important and highly V«I«ble FREE- HOLD ESTATES, FARMS and LA^DS. situate in the Town of Llandovery, and in the'Parishes of Llanfair-ar-y.bryn, Llandineat and Motbrey, in the County of Carmarthen. And at the CASTLE HOTEL in the Town of BRECON, on TUEStttfY, the 22nd day of OCTOBER next, eer. tain FREEHOLD ESTATES, in the Papahes of Llan- wr,Vtl< and ^lewchurch Tvr Abbott, in the County of Brecon.' N Printed particulars of the Lota may be had 21 day. previotis to the Sale, at the respective Offices of Messrs Roy, Blunt, Duncan and Johnson, Solicitors, Lothbury, London T>avid Lloyd' Harries. Esq.. Messrt Jones a)td Bishop, Solicitors, Llandovery and of Messrs Vaughan and Bevan, Solicitors, Breconf PEMPROKESHIRE. IMPORTANT TO CAP2T&USTS. 1HK TERMS and CONDITIONS of SALE of the truty important and rich liroaitctive Batiites of Bttngeston, Allestoti, Kingston, Lamntaston-,—Estates at Grove-Underdown House and Lands. Underdown and Coquet, Kingsfold and Pennar in- the Parishes of Saint Mary's and Saint .Michael' Pembrokeshire;—. Lowder-fawr. Lowder-fach, Pencaynydd-fawr, Mellan. y-wern in the Parish of bf orvit -EdtateA in and about theVilhage of P-vbesion-Vinor in the Pariah of Castle-baythe. and. Tyloses and Twapersesj in the Parish of Neverntogether with Houses aad Gardens in the Parish of Saint Thomas, in the Town and County of Haverfordwest, have been left with Messrs. Crowder and Mayard, Mansion House Place' London and Messrs. GoOae and Philpott, Land Agents, Haverford- west, who are authorized to. treat for the same by Pri- vate Contract. TOWN AND BOROUGII OF PEMBROKE. MR GOODE Begs to announce that he wiU oflVr for DubUt. ttomprtitum bp Auction, ^t the.LION INN. P.W«0KE, „„ SATURDAY the 2ird day of NOVEMBER next, at 10 o'dpek in the Afternoon in Two Lota. I. followio? ^ALUABLE FREEHOLD HOUSES and PllbMISl'-S, vn. LOT I.-TtiRFE HOUSES with extensive premises, situate at the eoHS^oPJJ"! Darklhno, having a frontage of feet to the Mall> Sureet.and in a very eligible situation for bu^inesj. HOUSE and. GARDEN in the occupation of v llj,» ^avit»g a frontage to the Main Street of,?l fe?l» a Garden extending b'actwards to the Parage, pleasantly situated for aresi- "deticre Or biisinc^ ■ Mr Thomas Wa«k»ns will shew the premises, and particulars maybe had of Mr Gibbon, Solicitor, Pem- broke, Mr Johri Tamlyn. Land Agent and Surveyor, Mountain HaH, or of H. Pi Goode and Phi|p<m, Haver- foi-dwest- Haverfordwest, 1st Oct., 1839. PEMBROKESHIRE. TO C A P-X* Aljg T s MR. ÇOODE, Has been honoured with instructions to &TU (1)> Auction, At the CASTLE IVST. ^^JP^RrtWEST, on SA. TURDAY, the*0V«?MBER, 1839. at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, IN ONE LOT, ri^HE Imprbpriate fjTHtS o* lhe Rectories o| | the several Pa"*b*i?f,H*n«<n»an, Llanddo. an4 Maenclochog, together^h the pypeUla, rilltof pteT sentation to the united Vicarages of-theae parishes. J The Impropriåle; Tithhve, Wkî commuted int. fixed Rent Charges, a* nrttowa .ir- s. d. M*«it<jlm»n.g g I.landilo 22 0 0 Maenclochog .KJ0 0; 0: "< £ W 6 8 The Income of the several Vicarages will be as follows:- LLANOOIM AN. £ I, d. Tithe Commuted into a Rent Chaise' 33 15 4 Uninvested Money in the hands of the Trus. tees of Qa«en for which they pay 31 percent 19 0 0 Renu of Lands jointly with Ltandilo 35 0 0 ILANDILO, Tithe Commuted into a Rent Charge. 11 0 0 Uninvested money as abOve; £ 400 at 31 per oent 13 0 0 MAENCLOCHOG. Tithes commuted into a Rent Charge 50 0 0 Uninvested Money as a.btlu.£400 at 3i per cent. 1300 A Parliamentary Grant of £ 452 12s. 4d., also tminrested at 3pereeat 18 II 6 Paiaonage Housa and Glebe, worth about -1500 I' "1' J;t". iw 14 10 Mr Goode, in calling attention to the Sale of this novel and safa Investment, begs to refer the'Public to tbe pe*utiar eonstruclion of the 82-«nd 83;sectioas of the Tithe Comtnntation A«*. which gives the aw^er of Rent r€barges; of -the. above de*cri{Uian(-a.-prior (plain to the fcandowner jothe recovery of his RenU> with a more f sutoimary and simple mode of recovery r also, a pro. vision which gives, as an ultim»t«m, a claim to posses* «iou of the Land ui^til the Reftt Charge is paid, thus ihafcitfg it a more secuje Investtnent than the norcH. dfFWehbtd EftaWj*; • desirous of making a tertaih provision in ChurcN for* ibll, will find this an opportunity seldom to tre-met with. The nttinvfcsfed Money may be laid out in purchasing part of the impropriate Rent Charge, and thus increase the Vicar's Income, and tbe remainder tbe Landowners would doubtless gladly purchase. The present incumbent is the Rev. James Propert Williams, aged about 36 years. ■ Further patticnlars may be had of Mr Gibbon, Solicitor. Cembroke; Mr John Tamlyn, Land-agent and Surveyor fountain, Hall; or, H P. Goode and Philpott, Lan<i- veo-&, HayerfonlveBt* ietteit to be poat paid. j ■■ Brecknock and Abergavenny Canal Navigation. NOTICE IS HEREBY GiyEN, That the next HALF-YEARLY MEETING, ot Assembly of the Company of Proprietor, of the said Navigation, will be held at the ANGEL INN. in the Town of ABERGAVENNYf on lhe 17th day of OCTOBER next at 12 o'clock at Noon. i JAMES PEIRCE. Clerk to the Cmnpany of Proprietors. Canal Office, Abergavenny, i6 Sept., 1839* Great Bargains in Piano Fortes. AN opportunity, Suc], ai but »ery seldom occurs, now presents itself, for purchasing PI AN ) FORTES —a temptation indeed which Oj scarcely be resisted. The following are the Prices of _e of the Instruments, and the Names of the Manufacturers, which carry their f own recommendation:— I A Six-Octave MICROCHORDON, with Ogee Fell, tu Collard and COLLALD;* 88 Guineas; usual price 48 Guineas. Two Sin-Octave SQUARES. with Metallfc Plates, by COLLARD and COLLARD; 33 Guineas; usual price 40 Guineas. A Six-Octave GRAND SQUARE,with Plate and long Sounding Board, by Tomkison 3i (kineasi usual price 43 Guineas. A Six-Octave SQUARE, with AffetAllic Plate, by ^OMKlsON 31 Gnineas; usual price4CGuineas. A Six-Octave PICCOLO, by WORNUB 27 Guineas; usual ptice (for Catb) <0 Guineas, A Second-Hand Six-Octave COTTAGE, by WORNUM, 8 Guineas. II A Six-Octave SQUARE, with Metallic Plate, and the latest improvement, by GANGE; 21 Guineas; usual price 38 Guineas A very superior Six-Octave GRANt SQUARE, with Metallic Plate, by CLEMENTI and G> 89 Guineas; (secondhand ) A Six-Octave SQUARE, with Metallic Plate, by COLLARD and COLJURD, 27 Guineas. At J. COCKRAM'S MUSIC-WAJEHOUSE, 6, LOWER ARCADE, BRISTOL, Where an early inspection is respecfully invited. PIANO-FORTES LET ON Fire. The full value given in Cash for Second-Hand In- struments. 30.. XiSSfttXNG'S GENUINE HORSE MEDICINES. Prepared from the original Recipes (ate in the Posses lion of GEORGE BOTT, of Nottingham), by BARCLAY alld SoNS, the sole Proprietor*. LEEMING'S ESSENCE forLanenesa in Horses: a certain-Cure for oU Strains or Swellings, Slips and Strains of the Shoulder, Stifle, Hough, Whirlbone, Knee. Fetlock, Pastern, and Coffin Joints, Strains of the !Ik, Sinews, &C. price 2s. 6d. per bottle. LEEMING'S MIXTURE, for Cholics. Gripes. Belly-ache, Fevers, Coughs, Colds, Strangles, Yellow Staggers' &c. price 4s. per bottle. LEEMING'S SPAVIN LINIMEHT for Spavins, Spleuts. and Strains in the Back Sinews, price 2s. 6d. per pot. LEEMING'S SHOULDER MIXTURE, for Sore Shoulders and Swellings, Galls of the Collar or Saddle, ctct Price -Is., per bottle. BALSAM, for all F nah or Old Wounds ;In Horses; price Is. per bottle. OBSdv E :—None of then Medicine* can be Genuine, mimsm the Names of" BARCLAY and SONS. Farringdoa, -Saree. London." are affixed; they having purchase» 'the Original Recipes from the Extcutorr of Geerge Hett. of Nottingham. TPHEILE ii Qotkiog more reoaarkahie Jn ihe «o- cial habits of tbe present day, md more particularly in those of the last century, than o: general disregard to the maxims of prudence in regard to health and enjoy- ments Hence the vast multitudes who having aequlroo. the portiou of an enfeebled constitution, are doomed to the class of habitual invalids. Thflr minds anxious, un. steady, or sluggish, and their bodies weak, the natural fncms of life are discharged libotiously, .-ith,Pein and difficulty. For this state of tervous derangement, the celebrated Cordial Balm of Syriacum, will be found to have peculiar efficaey, strengthening the languid system and shedding new hope on the mind. A perseverance in iis use has been the *»»PPy means of re- lievmg mllOy thousands, and of reSt<"ioH a gTeat numher to the permanent enjoyment of life, It is remarkable for its efticacy in all disorders of the tstive organs, and is especially recommended to those 050. from the irTW lanwes. of youthful age, habits olatudious a lic.Odon* or a life of pleasure, have fallen in» despondent state of mind, and that distressing trs* of symptoms com- monly. denominated the NERVOUS. *n such persons the mental are not less enfeebled;llan the corporeal and *nd Strains of the Shoulder, Stifle, Hough, Whirlbone, Knee, Fetlock, Pastern, and Coffin Joints, Strains of the' *ek'Sinews, &c. price 2s., 6d. per bottle. LEEMING'S MIXTURE, for Cholics. Gripes. Belly-ache, Fevers, Coughs, Colds, Strangles, Yellow Staggers' &c. price 4s. per bottle. LEEMING'S SPAVIN LINIMEHT for Spavins, Spleuts. and Strains in the Back Sinsws, pricc 2s. 6d. per pot. LEEMING'S SHOULDER MIXTURE, for Sore Shoulders and Swellings, Galls of the Collar or Saddle, ctct price Is. per bottle. ■ BALSAM, for all F nah or Old Wounds ;'n Horses; price Is. per bottle. Obse«V E :—None of these Medicine* can be Genuine, mimsm the Names of BARCLAY and SONS, Farringdoa, ■Street, London." are affixed; they having purchase» 'the Original Recipes from the Extcutorr of Geerge Hett. of Nottingham. TPHEILE ii Qotkiog more reoaarkahie Jn ihe «o- cial habits of tbe present day, md more particularly in those of the last century, than » general disregard to the maxims of prudence in regard to health and enjoy- ments Hence the vast multitudes who having acquired the portiou of an enfeebled constitution, are doomed to the class of habitual invalids. Thflr minds anxious, un- steady, or sluggish, and their bodies weak, the natural fqnetions of life are discharged Uboriously, with .pain and difficulty. por t}ljs statG { tervous derangement, the celebrated Cordial Balm of Syriacum, Will be found to have peculiar effic»cy> strengthening the languid system and sheddinn new MP* oa the A perseverance in iis use has been the *»»PPy means of re- Mevmg many thousands, and of reSt<"ioH a numher to the permanent enjoyment of life, It U remarkable for its efticacy in all disorders of the dtg«t>*« organs, and is especially recommended to those *ho- from lh? irTW lanwes. of youthful age, habits o/«'udious application^ or a life of pleasure, have fallen in» despondent state of mind, and that distressing trs* of symptoms com- monly. denominated the NERVOUS. *n such persons jhe.mfnUl are not less enfeebled^" the corporeal and to thetn a remedy th*t acts whh «««"*• w,th??t ,nter- feriftg wjth, domestic habits, i* oeci^Wy desirable. Its primary object is to relieve those persons, by an immoderate indulgence of their pawons, have ruined their oonstitntioiia »nd Wrought on aporfert toftM d°r«**r or, in their way to the consummatitn of that deplorable T a°y>,lre.affected with any of those previous syrtiptoms that betray us approach, aa the v»tto«» affections ef, the nervous system, obstinate ulects. involuntary emissions, excesses. itregularity, weakness tod impotencv. barren: B^Ma°,P SYRIACUM generally administer* "ot confined to these alone: the valetudinarian by birth, who ha. re- carved from hit parents the inhe««taftce <rf a diseased and unprol.fic fraj^e—tbe delicate few*1* whoav 1U 'm;- mured and inactive life, together *'th tbe 'oder^te use of tea and other weak aud w*ery aliment*, has, without any faultof h brought op >11 the calam.to„. symptoms Of a consumptive habit, so<« are without timely !w)nCe S'.nkin8 imo Premature RU M no M' under Divine Infloeiee, the CORDIAL BALM OP SYRI ACUM will restore to the enjoymant of all the comforts of life |t is anfersally admired being pleasant to the taste'and Kent,y ««"inges the fibres of the stomach, and e>«ea that pr0per tCU<m> To tKg°0d ^'8estion requires In the young it will Jfford health, strength, and spirits, in place of lassitude debility, and to the aged and mdrm it will assuredly famish treat relief and comfort, by gently and safely •»v'goraUI>g ,he s^aea- It will not g,ve immorality buti* be in the Power of medicine to gild the autn'mn of declining years, and calmly and serenely protract tbfl.cloPe °* ,ife beyond its narrow span, this restorative is c*Pa^'e °f efiecting this grand desideratum. This Cordial ia highly esteeioed *n l^e East and West Iinlies for nourishing and invigorating the nervous sys- tem and acting as a general nn debilitated constitutions, arising from jfili«M complaints contracted in hot climates. The studious, as well as the sedentary part of the community, should never be without the Cordial Balm of Syriacum, wbtcb retnoveadiseases of the head. invigorates the, mind, improves the memory, and enlivens the imagination. :Sold ia Botilea, price lis, each, or the quantity of four in one Family Bottle for #3s.»Jby which one I Is. bottle is saved, duty included. £ »ld by all .Medicine Venders in this town; also in every other town and city througliout the United King. dom, America, aud the Continent of Europe; and may he had at><qost of the Ne«*p»p«f Offices. Prepared only by ^RRY & Co., Surgeons, 4, Great Charles-street^ Birmingham, and 23, Slater- street, Liverpool. S3*" Observe, none are genuine without the signature of B. and L. JIIsaaV, and Co., impressed ja a stamp on tpe Outside of each wrapper, to imitate which is felony of the deepest dye. Messrs Perry and Co., Surgeons, may be consulted as usual at No. 4, Great Charles Street. Birmingham, and 23, Slater Street, Liverpool. Only one personal visit is required from' a country p*f,ent»t(? enable Messrs -Perry and Co. to give such, .advice as will be the. means df.j effecting a permanent and ettectual cure, after all other means have proved inrf'4"^ That efficacious Jledicme, the cejebrated PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS, t Prepared by Messrs Verry, P^e 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis. For tIwt care of SCURVY. sCnOFULA AND YEN-ERE. These invaluable Pills MAY be, taken with the greatest* *«ferecy; they occasion anca to business, loss oi- time, or restraint of diet» and are the most safe, speedy, pleasant, and efficacious redy ever discovered for the, complete curd of 'these wisidious aad malignant. diseases. A TREAT3SE ON SYPHlUTlC DISEASES is given with each bOX. odeaaibtRit, the different stages of the complaint and the proper methods of treatment, by attending to which the patient is certain to cure himself, with secrecy and safely. N.B.—Country Drugg|gt*» °°°ksellers, Patent Medicine Venders, and every other Shopkeeper, can be supplied with any quantity Qf,obe,,Coidial Balm of Syriacum and Perry's Purifying SpeciM ills, with the usual allowance' to the Trade, by all other wholesale Patent Medicine' Houses in Loudon. S414 by Mr Davi4 Morgan, Merthyr Tydvi\. ( BRISTOL and NEWPORT STEAM PACKETS USK AND GLAMORGAN, WILL BAIL WILL SAIL During the N EXT WEEK, «■ follows i FROM BRISTOL. o.t. 7-. Monday 9 morning &• ^Tuesday 10 morning I 9.. Wedneaday 8 morning 10..Thursday 8 morning ii.-Priday 8 morning o 86 morning PftOM NEWPORT. Oct. 7 ..Monday 10 morning 8..Taeaday morning I ftoWednacday, 11 morning to..Thuraday -_Ili morning I.. Friday "7 ntorning i 71 mornaftg. FAItFS:-After Cabin, 4os.-Fore-Cabin, ta.-r-Chil- dren under 12 Years of Age, Half-price.- Dogs, Is. each. Four-Whecl Carriage, 20a.; Two-Wheel ^itto, 10s. Horses each,-5s.; Two-Wheel Carriage or light Phaeton, drawn by ope Horse with one Passenger, 15s.; Horse and Rider, After-Cabin,7s.; ditto Fore-Cabin, 6s. (C?»The Proprietors of the above Steam Packets GIVE NOTICE thatthey will not be accountable for any Passenger's Luggage, nor will they be answerable for any Goods, Package, or Parcel (if lost or damaged) unless booked at either of their Officesin Bristol or Newport; and if above the value of 40s. entered at its value and Carriage paid for the same at the time Of Booking. Gooas, Packages, and Parcels should be delivered at the Packet Office, one hfour (at least) before the time stated for Sailing. PONTYPOOL AND ABERGA VENICY .-coaches Daily between these places and Newport. TREDEGAR IRON WORKS, through Abercam, New. biidge, and Bedwellty, and a braoch from Newbridge to Nantyglo.—A Coach Daily, between these places and Newport; arriving at Newport about 10 o'clock morn- tag, and starting at 1 o'clock afternoon. Apply at the Bristol General Steam Navigation Com pany's Office, Quay, Bristol; or at the Paeket-O/Sces Ko wnham- Wharf, H ot wells > and, Rodney Wharf New P°«- JOHN JQNBS, Agent, THE CARDIFF and BRISTOL STEAM PACKETS ifrAtJTILTIS, JOHN ALLEN, Commander. LAD* CHARLOTTE, H. T. PARFITT, CoinmandeV, are 1ntewt>b6 to SAIL j1|\ Diirinff the NEXT WEEK, as follows (VPith liberty to Tow Vessels.) M FIWM CARDIFF. ¡ Oct. J.. Monday 8 morninjr S..Teesday .Lady Charlotte 8i morning •a..Wednesday Nautilus. 4 afternoon IO..Thursday .Lady Charlotte 9j nuirning li.. Friday Nautilus.^ morning I2..Saturday .Lady Charlotte 7 morning FROM BRISTOL. Oct. 7..Monday .Lady Charlotte 9 morning 8..Tuesday HauUlus. 94 morning Wedllelday .f..arJY, Charlotte 5 morning 10.-Thursday Hautiju* 6 morping 11..Friday, Lady Charlotte 6 mqrning 12..Satiwdajr.Niatailus. 6j or Th«L^pening of the splendid £ >i>CXS and BASIN ooastruct^l by LORjj -*UTfi having been tiled WBDNESDAY morniug the 9th, the NAUTILUS will leave BRISTOL on the day preceding a' half past nine in the Morning; the LADY CHARLOTTE at Five o'clock in the Morning of Wednesday, so as to give PARTIES from BRISTOL an opportunity of being In present at so interesting a Ceremony the NAUTILUS BRISTOL in the Evening, after the SPEC- 1 Av/Lihi is over. C-rriageSaod Horses to be along-side an hour previous to the time of Sailing. FARES After Cabin, 5s.—Fore Cabin, 3s. Children under 12 Years of Age Dogs, Is. each. A Female Steward attends the Ladies'Cabin. Refreshments may be had on Board, on moderate terms. lof°6d~WT?e' <t?rrria8ei Ditto drawn by One Horse each- U' Two-Wheel Carriage, 10s. Cd.; Horses, 6s. 7s. 6d • ^'der. After Cabin, 9s. Fore Cabin, expense. SIleeP* These. Fares include every Notes', ^°l aCCOUnta^e ^ot any Goods without Shipping the N'a n'ti'iVrore1ueste,J to order all Goods intended for Robert C„ L,US « be Sent to So- 13' QUIV Str^etJ or to LAIIY -oul f11' Cumberland Basin Locks; and for tbe to Clar. Street Hall, Marsh Street, Bristol. hauled from the Warehouses to the s, at the expense of the Companies. Lt^Hhyr% Nabridge, Aberdnre, tfowbridge, Bridgend, "etit,an4_Ca*rphitiy.~Q6odt* forwarded to these ,a Spring Waggons and Lock-up Canal Boats im- 0ll,ar«vai. <u>les» ordered by any particular a, ysnce, in which cape tl^ey. will ba»: deposited in the oteam 1 ncket Warehouse till caljed for.—Freight to be PAid On deliv',ery- ofth^ Parcels, ttc. forwarded to allparts »me Kingdom without delay, when pent po either of their tteako Packet': Q.ffiv.Cs i%i Cardiff o/ Brjstol. Further information- as to Freight, Stc, will bl readily obtained by applying to, *he Agents. Mr Woodn^n, Agent, at the Packet Office on the v i« Or to Mr Jihn Griffith Jones, Agent, No- l2,Qn»y street. Bristol, for^the NAUTILUS Pac „ ^nlof ™r Donovan,- at. the Packet Officet on the Wharf, Cardiff; or to Mr W. B. Owen, lfi, Avon Cres- Packet e'U' BrUt0,» {ar tbe LADY CHARL01TE • Proprietors of the above Steam Packets give Notice, that they will not be accountable for any Passenger s Luggage, nor will they be answerable for *ny *• Packages, or Parcels (if lost or damaged by r ire, Leakage or otherwise) unless Booked at either E A*T ces at Cardiff or Bristol, if above the value of 40s., unless eutered at it^,value, and Carnage in pro- portion paid for the same, at the time of Booking.— Goods consigned to order, or not taken away before Six o'clock in the evening of the day of landing, -will Aie warehoused at the tiik and espence of the consignees. All goods to be couriered as liens, not ouly for freight andcharijea doe (hereon, but also for all previously un- tati4fted Freight v and Cbarges<due by consignees to the .Proprietors of the said Packets. Disputed weights or tneSsurement, claim* for Ids* or daraage. &c., cannot be allowed, unless a written notice of theslme be sent to hjs p^ffice on the d^y;of delivery, j ^J^O ^those a^ictec^ &c.&c. There UI QO 111e<Udne to hlgber and Indr-f 'ilaitierous L testlmoniars hvt, bee. G(ail* on'! R|»^^io^W*/Vfroitt all part, of ?he°Kinfdoin. and^very Tigkio «»»c,eiy'1 ^jrKreat efficacy U acknowledged, the recent tbe Chevtller de la Garde, Ch«tnberla(1ii to StanlsUire. of Poland, I» one «if fa* most convincing proof* ol th^lr f rvat and eatraordinary virtue,. Similar effects were also W*Wpceabyine Rev. Dr Blomberg, of MUperton Hill, "Yarkshlre, Chaplain to his late Majesty, Rector of Ctipplfgate, London, wtio, with inplrit of the 1cia<te*t hu- manity, votontiirtly«ave hU testimony to thetr bapuy effects Cases bav« "r04n>ltUoe lo'e 1>eeu Published, as transmitted by or who can bear testimony 10 their extraordin»ry elBcacy from Mr Smeetoo, Leeds, Mr fire wry, Derby, Mr Noble, Boston, Mr Prury, Lincoln, Mr Haturjby. Barton, Mr ILAII, 04in«bon>agf>. Mr OaMaeJv BanbUry, Mr May, EtcthaItJ, Mr ly^ifc.r, atalssesfcury. Mr Chihg,,Ija lineetton, end a multitude of otbas.throogUout tbe. Kingdom, parlcularly in Luadon and it's vicinity, too numerous for insertion in an advertisement. TT,e afflicted'with''those (ormeollrig diseases, Oout, libeu- maite Oout, Rheumatism, tiiuabago. Sciatica, Pains in the Head and Fuce, often mistaken for the Tooth Aclie, Tic Doioreux, &c., wtll find from the use of this Medicine, thit s6eenfr relief fbr wblcii It is so celebrated. And while t etflcicy U UnpinflWed'for (be foregoing diseases, -it mtisi be cngolat-jry. to the aiflictfcd%Uh G'.ut, to be assured that It oossesses the property of presenting the disease flying to tile ^alnt.»tomsclil'or other Thai part. j Seld'by Thomfts Frout, 229, Strand, Loudon; anll by WI, apnoiriiment, by Mr D Morgan, Druggist, Merthyr Tydvil i kir Phillips, Card; Mr Farror, Monmouth; Mr William, iirecou i Mr Williams, Newport: and all respectable ifedicine. Venders thioughojil the Kingdom. Price 2s, 3d. per bo* Ask for Blair's Gout and dbenmatlc pitls, and'observe the naaae and address of "Thomas Proat, 329, Strand, Lond on Impresed.on the Go-ernloeitt SUmp, a«X«d to each Box of the CkotUa^ MedldQS, :0.1. V».# LUCRATIVE PARTNERSHIP. £ 1,000. WANTED a PARTNER to ADVANCE in an Established Concern, in^, the A J? BUSINESS, situate in one of the most nourishing Iron Districts in Monmouthshire, where the n k are greal an(i unaccompanied by risk. As this *ri bear the most scrnpulotts investigation, it will be useless for any party to apply who cannot prove, in the nrst instance, that they have the monev at immediate command. Address, post paid, to C. D. Post Office, Abergavenny, "wIth real address.