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TiiH FINKOE TRAGEDY. There are several reports in circulation with respect to the discovery of the murderers, none of which, however, seem to be entitled to much credence. One is to the effect that a servant girl of the family had confessed to the opening of the half-door for the admission of the assassins, whose names she had disclosed to the authorities. Another has it that a man named Hogan has been apprehended near Shinrone, charged with being connected in the massacre. This Hogan's brother was transported some time ago for burning a haystack, the property of Mr. T. Waller. The Bush Tavern and offices in Corn-street, Bristol, have been purchased by the Bank of England, to form their branch establishment in Bristol. A most extraordinary and curious collection of Chinese guns and swords, which were captured from the enemy during the late war in China, by Commander W. H. Hall, at that time captain of the Nemesis, iron steamer, and now the commander of the Royal Victoria and Albert yacht, have been preseated to her Majesty, by the gallant officer, DEATH OF THE EX-KING OF HOLLAND. T!ie Journal da la Ha ye states, that an extraordinary courier, who arrived fYo:n Beriiu at the Hague on Friday 1- last, has brought the deplorable news of the death of His Majesty King William Fred /rick, Count of Nassau. rJ he whole kingdom, it will participate in t)ic (lee,,) into which this unexpected event has plunged the Royal family. An Extraordinary Supplement of the Sf.aats t'ourant says -"At 12 o'clock, Colonel Spongier arrived from Berlin with tile melancholy intelligence that the Almighty- had been pleased to take to Himself Hi., Majesty King William Frederick, Count of Nassau, on the 12th instant., at half- past 8 o'clock in the morning. '•Nothing had given reason to expect, so speedy an end of the life of the venerable Prince. I-Ie had been engaged in business that very morning, and was found by his aide-de- camp sitting in his own chair, struck bv a fit of apoplexy, Mid apparently dead. All the attempts which were imme- diately made to recover His Majesty proved fruitless." The deceased Prince was born in the year 1772, and was therefore at the time of his death ill the 71st year of his age. THE WAR IN CATALONIA. PEUPIGNAN. Dec. 10. The war now carried on between the castle of Figueras and Prim is begining to assume all the atrocious and detest- able features of the civil war in the worst times of Cabrera. Four hundred and seventy-eight, projectiles, between round shot and grenades, were fired at the town of Figueras in tfie. course of yesterday; and at five o'clock this morning the firing recommenced. The 300 Nationals having been ex- pelled from the fortress have again been received by Amelier. Prim refused to receive them otherwise than prisoners of war and the two commissioners who were sent by them to ascertain on what terms they would be admitted into his camp were informed, that directly they arrived they would be placed in capilla preparatory to their being shot. They were not only: refused to be received, but Prim's cavalry charged tliem, while a fire was opened on them by a portion of his infantry. Thirty-five were killed, and many wounded. The remainder retreated to the mountain, where, after, wandering for a day and night, hunger and cold compelled them to return to the castle, where they were, after some delay and difficulty, again leceive(I by Amelier. Almost all the inhabitants of Figueras have quitted the place, and much destruction has been already committed on the houses. Prim intends to seize on the persons of the mother and sisters of Amelier, as well as the female relatives of those in the castle who are yet residing in Figueras, or in the towns within his command. The first-mentioned persons he has already intimated his intention to shoot, if Amelier persevered in his hostilities against the town, or in his rebellion against the government. Such a sanguinary step will of course produce retaliation on the other side; and thus matters will go on, until crimes the most shocking to humanity will have been committed. The entire army of Spain scarcely amounts at the present moment to 38,000 men. It would take more than that number to take the castle of Figueras. Amelier's object in thus holding out is to bring the greater portion of the force to the north of Catalonia, and thus afford an opportunity to the other towns where there exists a hostile feeling against the government an opportunity to raise the standard of revolt. There is no doubt whatever of an understanding subsisting between him and the leaders of the Progresista party in Barcelona, Valencia, Aragon, Andalusia, Madrid, and Gallieia. The disarming of the Nationals enables the military to repress with ease a movement in those places. The direction of the main force of the army on Figueras will leave the localities just mentioned completely exposed, and such is the object of Amelier in thus holding out. M. YORKSHIRE MANUFACTURES.—We are thankful to learn that there are sufficient orders in the town for manufac- tured goods to secure ample employment for the workmen in many branches of the cutlery trade, for those who are willing to avail themselves of it, anent "merrie Christmas." We are told that tlle 11 Bull-week" may be something more than matter of history to the thrifty and industrious, and we sincerely trust it will lead to and be productive of those substantial comforts which were wont to grace a Shefnelder's fire-side, when the head was less carried away by erotchets and theories than in these times, and the stomach better stored with food when men's rights did not consist in a large degree in annoying their neighbours, and in neglecting their own true interests. We learn, too, that in other quar- too, iiii ters the manufacturing population are well employed. In Manchester most branches of trade are brisk, although there is always some falling off at this season of the year. In the Yorkshire woollen markets there is also a lively demand for goods, and a proportionate demand for labour, so that we may fairly hope the bulk of the working classes will be in a condition to welcome Old Christmas in a stSte of comfort and gratitude befitting the occasion Sheffield Mercury. LOUD LYNFDOCii.-We regret to learn that this venerable eI et)ll I and gallant nobleman continues in a very precarious condi- tion, as almost to preclude all hope of his eventual recovery. Drs. Hume and Seymour and Mr. Guthrie are in attendance I ei I I Oil the noble sufferer, and have, since his illness has assumed so serious a character, visited their gallant patient morning anrl evening. Yesterday those eminent practitioncrs met in consultation at his Lordship's residence in Stratton-street, and the annexed bulletin was, shortly after their departure, issued:—" Lord Lynedoch remains much in the same state as yesterday. His Lordship has had some sleep.— J. B. Ilume, M.D., E. J. Seymour, M.D., G. T. Guthrie. Deo. 17." As might be expected, the several days' illness of his Lordship has produced increased debility, and it is feared that from his advanced age, 93 years, his naturally strong constitution will give way to his disorder. His Lordship is in full possession of all his faculties, and till within the last few weeks was enabled to take equestrian exercise every morning, as was his invariable custom for years past. HORRiBLE OUTRAGE AND MURDER.—A murder of a most shocking character, we lament to say, has taken place within our county. It has long been our boast to be singular among the counties of Ireland in our exemption from acts of atrocity; and though the present has nothing to do with party feeling in any shape, it is almost worse. A young woman named M Donagh, servant girl in a family named Bell. in Lowtherstown, was missing from Friday night last, the fair of that town, till Sunday morning, when her body was found in a field ditch near the end of the town. It is certain she was first violated, and her body presents marks of savage brutality. Suspicion almost instantly led to a man in the locality, who was forthwith arrested, and we believe, a seeoud since. The inquest commenced on Sunday before Mr. Trotter, one of the county coroners, and has not yet terminated. Other persons are supposed to be implicated, and we understand there is much excitement in the place. The poor deceased gh-| js reported to have borne an unexceptionable character.—Erne Packet. TEACH THE WELSH. The Welsh appear to me to have all the elements of a good and happy, if not of a great I people and it is therefore devoutly to be wished that, amidst all the evil produced by the late disturbances, this good may, at least, result from it—that the searching in- quiries which in consequence have been made, and are now making, into the conuition of the people, may open the eyes of all classes to a more perfect knowledge of their mutual rights and duties, and that as these are better understood j they may be the more readily accorded and, above all, that 'the Welsh, seeing the interest which the English Govern- ment and people have taken in their welfare, may gradually give up their unfounded and injurious prejudices, and i:ni- tate or rival their brethren on this side of the Severn in that energy of purpose and openness of character to which the latter are chiefly indebted for their past superiority. Herald's Heporter. To effect the desired object a careful consideration of the religious wants of the people, and legis- lative enactments for diffusing a system of education which shall assimilate the habits of thought and action of the Welsh people with those who are tented their countrymen, appear to us the best means of placing them in the proper relation with their landlords and the constituted authorities which the recent disturbances have shown to be necessary. -,I-Ioi-iiiizy Herald's Editor. CURIOUS ACCIDENT.—On Wednesday last, a man wis admitted into our Infirmary, labouring under rathe.i severe injuries, both his ears being cleanly cut off close to his head; his jaw also was fractured, and his finger lacerated. The patient asserted that the injuries were caused by a cart wheel, he having fallen from the vehicle. How the two ears were taken off by one wheel is certainly inexplicable, but tlie man persists in his statement. Rumour ascribes the mutilation to various causes—amongst others, that a jealous lady was at the bottom of the affair.—Brktol Times. OTENING OF THE SPECIAL COMMISSION AT LIVERPOOL. —Mr. Justice Wightman left London on Friday, slept at Birmingham that night and arrived in Liverpool by the train at 4 o'clock p.m. on Saturday. Immediately after he repaired to the judge's lodging, in St. Anne-street, where he was met by Mr. W. Garnett. the high-sheriff of the county, whence, after having robed himself, he proceeded to court in the high-sheriffs carriage. He entered the Nisi Prius Court at five minutes to five o'clock, accompanied by the high-sheriff, the mayor, and the town-clerk. Mr. Shuttleworth, tho clerk of the crown, then read the commission, after which the precept for summoning the grand jury was handed by the high-sheriff to the judge, and by the judge to the clerk. The court was then adjourned to 11 o'clock on Monday morning, when the grand jury will be sworn and the criminal business proceeded with. The calendar contains the names of 9-1 prisoners, six of whom arc charged with murder, 9 with offences against the Miut, and 79 with burglaries, felonies, and other offences of a miscellaneous character. Of these, 23 can read, 34 can read and write imperfectly, 10 can read and write well, 2 can read and write in a superior manner, and 2G can neither read nor write. ACCIDENT TO THE lIoN. CAPTAIN ROUS INIP.-Illtelli- gence was received in town on Saturday, from Rendles- ham-hall, Suffolk, that the II011. Captain Rous, M.P., the hon. member for "r cstmiuster, met with a severe accident on the previous day (Friday), while out shooting with Lord Rendlesham in the morning, the hon. and gallant captain being a guest of his Lordship at the above seat. From what we are informed, it appears the Hon. gentleman's gun burst, and that one of his hands was lacerated to a very serious extent, so as to cause apprehen- sion that it would be necessary to resort to amputation,

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