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MEETING AT CARDIFF TO ADDRESS THE QUEEN, PRINCE ALBERT, AND THE DUCHESS" OF KENT. 4t:1 ()I] 'I liui.s(lay laqt, one of the most numerous and highly respectable meetings ever, convened in the town of Cardiff, was held in the Town-hall, pursuant to a requisition to the Mayor, numerously signed, for the purpose ot adopting addresses of congratulation to Her Alost (Jracious .Maje sty, His Royal Highness Prince Albert, and tier Royal Highness the Duchess of KeItt, on tlw oceasinll of tht) birlh of an heir to the Throne. On the motion of Lord James Stuart, seconded by n. Evans, E-q., I,iiiies Lewis, Esq Mayor, was called to the C air. His Worship having read the requisition briefly adverted to the occasion on which thev had met t"gether. C. C. Williams, Esq in moving the first resolution (fllr the resolutions an.I addresses see our advertising columns,) said, Mr. Chairman, My Lord, and Gentle ilien, the Mayor having stated to you the objects of this meeting, it is unnecessary for me to make any lengthened remarks Oil the happy occasion which has called us together, an occasion which has bad liieeffect of continuing to the throne as its lineal heir a Prince of the House of Hanover, and of giving to Cambria a Pit. NCE—(Ciieers). Mr. Griffith Phillips seconded the motion, which was unanimously carried. Lord Janvs Stuart then rose and said,— Mr. Chair- man and Gentlemen, having passed the resolution which has just been read to you, I take the libertv of comiuir forward to move the Address to Her Most Gracious Majesty. 1 leel that on an occasion like the present, it requires but little to excite feelings of loy- ally and of dutiful attachment to the Throne.— (Cheers.) Gentlemen, at all times, I am sure, that in this part of tll" Country, and amono- the great mass of Her Majesty's subjects, there exists nothing but regard for her Institutions and her Maintenance (Cheers). I have endeavoured in the address which I hold in m> hand, to embody sentiments of loyalty and affec- tion to the Queen, and such as I hope will be generally approved oi—(Cheers). Jmre am 1, gentlemen, that oil this orca-don, DO party FEELING will interfere, but that we shall all be united in the performance ot this .act of affection and duty—(Cheers). If it should he found by any gentleman present, that matters have been omitted which ought to have been inserted, or things inserted which slwlIld Lave been left out, llibll be most wilimg to adopt any suggestions which may be thrown out. Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen,— In an address like the present, it behoves us. not onlv to use language of the utmost affection and duty to Her Majesty, but to speak in the language of truth as well as of loyalty. I hope the observations which I have embodied in the address will be agreeable to what have stated. Mr, Harries seconded the Noble Lord's motion, which was carried with great cheering. Dr. Moore and Captain Howells seconded the third resolution, which was carried unanimously. The Itight Hon. J. Nicholl, M.P., in moving the next resolution, said —Mr. Chairman, My Lord, and Gen- tlemen, I certainly, on the present occasion, have not the same claim on your attention as the Noble Lord who has addressed you, nothaving been arequisitionist, or taken aay trouble in arranging the preliminaries ot the present meeting but gentlemen, although I liave found them ready made, I have had not the less pleasure in listening to the excellent address which has just been read, and which was carried by accla- mation. Gentlemen I have, on the present occasion, to move that an Address be presented to His Royal Highness Prince Albert—(Cheers) 1 he Noble Lord who has addressed you has so clearly explained what the getVeral feeling is in the town of .Cardiff, not on y among those present, but amongst those who are absent, that it is hardly necessary that I should add one word to what he has said, 1 most heartily join with him in the prayer 1 r a large amount ot liappiness for Her .Majesty — a Que;jn- who ever since her accession, has marked her rugn by acts of kindness to all por- tions of the community—(Cheers) I trust that her reign will be prosperous at home and abroad, and that any cloud which hangs over our prospects may b- retained, and that all classes may meet with a return lor their labour and industry — (Ciieers). Gentlemen, having made these tew remarks, I must tu'n to that i' Ins! rioii.s Prince to v luuii you have just resolved that an address shall be presented You are acvare Uiat His lloval Highness, since his in this country, has won golden opinions from classes of all shades of political feeling. He is entitled to our respect and reverence for his domestic as w ell as his punlic virtues, and the unremitting attention and alleclion he has evinced towards Her Majesty, has won the hearts of the people of these realms —(Cheers) kelleve ll"e, tlemen, it is because he has been a good husband. that he has sained the affections ot the people, which are strongly fixed on Prince Albert. Gentlemen, I will not liimrer detain you, but wiil proceed to read the address which, although it was not prepared by in> self, embodies my own opinions and feelings. After reading the address, Dr. NiclioU continued,— Gentlemen, i will not suppose that any one present would offer an amendment to such an address. I am quite sure that it will meet with the entire approba- tlon of all here. I lie motion on the address having been seconded by the Rev. J. C. Campbell, was carried unani- mously. Andrew Miller, FRq., then proposed, and Henry Morgan, E"fJ., seconded the litili resolution. It having been passed unanimously, The Rev. T. Stacey rose and said.-lifi-. Chairman My Lord, and Gentlemen, in presuming to come for- ward with a prepared address, 1 beg to state that! have merely thrown together, as I have on former occasions, a few sentiments expressive ol those opinions which I am fortunate enough to hol,1 III common with those whom 1 have the honour of addressing, of the illustrious Lady to whom it is intended to he pre- sented, I ain sure that no one present will he backward in oifering to Her lloyai Highness congratulations and compliments, expressive ol the feelings we enter- tain of the manner in which she has brought up her illustrious daughter, on an occasion by ulndi her own comforts are so much increased as the present. J.J. Walking, Esq. moved, aud Mr. William Bird seconded the siKtÎl resolution. David Evans, Esq., moved the seventh resolution and in doing so, ti,egged to add the name of the Member for the borough, it having been seconded by J. J. Watkins, Esq., it was suggested by Henry Morgan, Esq., that (is the Nobie Lord present had thought it no degradation to be one of the requisf ion ists, and to attend there that day, he should also accompany the Mayor and Mr Nicholl at the pre- sentation of the étdllrc8S. Alr, .Morgan's remarks- elicited much applause. < The (Ionollrahle Member for the Boroughs trusted that the Noble Lord would accede to the wish of the meeting. The Mayor said,—Gentlemen, I am placed in a situation which is rather strange to me, and perhaps the meeting will excuse me, if f beg to decline making any promises or pledges, as to my presenting the address. I will not say whether 1 wil do so or not, but at all events, I will take care that the address shall be presented in a manner which will do honour to the ancient borough (Cheers). Lord James Stuart,—Since it has been proposed and seconded til-t I should have the honour of being one ot the deputation who are to present the address, I beg to say that 1 shall leel much pleasure in so doing, and also in doing all in my power to promote in any way, the prospenty of this Town-(Cheers). At the same time, as a considerable period must necessarily elapse before a levee will be held, it may be worth while to consider whether it would be right to wait for such a public opportunity, or to forward the address through the .Secretary of State. I he Right Honourable John Nicholl said, it is of course not less ny duty than my pleasure to accom- pany my noble triend and the Mayor, and I trust the Mayor will pledge himself, and that the Town of Cardiff wih have the honour of presenting to Her Majesty, a gentleman who is so exceedingly fit and proper a representative of its inhabitants, and Cor- poration, Mn Nicholl concluded by saying, that in his opinion, cjei.iy in presenting the address would not be construed mio disloyalty, and that the Mayor, accompanied b\ Lord James S.uart, and himself, would aitend the first levee—(( heers), The Mayor then said, (iHlt he had no alternative but to acquiesce in the expressed wish of the meeting—(Cheer^. I Eiward Priest Richards, Esq. then fose, and lo a I very able speech, urged th" propriety- of the address being presented by the Mayor of Cardiff, at th 3 fmt of the Throne. Now," said Mr. P. if hards, «■ ith regard to the measares which imy be adopted,—the winter is coming on, and we fhaii, most probably, have very inclement weather. I do hope and trust that we shall not celebrate this auspicious event by the wanton and wilful expenditure; of a srenT-d iiht- mioation, bnt that we should bear ia mind, the >an!s of our poorer fellow-creatures—(loud cheers)—and that whatever may be subscribed, a considerable pnr- tion of it may be appropriated ftr tiieir benefit — ('Theers). Mr. Richards tbe.n adverted to a letter received from the Rittht Hon. John Nihdl, by the Rev. Mr. Stacey, enclosing a sum of £40, which the donor triHted would form the nucleus of a sum to be appropriated to the use ol thp poor of this neighbour- hood. This letter, added Mr Richards, must have been received by Mr. Stacey before the Hon. Member could have been aware of our meeting of to day. The Hev. Mr. Stacey then read the letter, ot which the following is a copy Merthyrmawr, Bridgend, November I tili. 1S11. Nly Detit- wis meditating within myself, how at Cardiff we could best celebrate the birth of an heir to the Throne, whtn ( read an account of a meeting at Windsor, which solved mv difficulties. I therefore heg to place in your hands .£40, to be distributed in blankets, to the poor of Cardiff, in gratertil acknowledgment of the goodness of Almighty God, in giving to her Majesty, a safe deliverance, nnd preserving Her in the great danger of childbirth, and in grantini)- to the earnest prayers of Her lo; al people, a Prince of Wales. I shall be glad to God that my remittance may form the nucleus of a subscription, from the town and neighbourhood. illy dear "r, I am my dear Sir, Yours very fai tlifullv, JOHN NICHOLL." "The Rev, T. Stacy." E. P. Richards, Esq. then proposed, and Mr. W. A. Bradley seconded the eighth resolution.—Carried. J. J. Watkins, Esq> moved, and the Ri^lit Hon. John Nicholl seconllell the ninth resolution. Cal-rie(l. The Kight Hon. John Nicholl suggested that any gentleman might put down his name for a-delinite sum, for some definite charitable object—(Cheers). The Right Hon. John Nicholl moved, and lHr: Donovan seconded the tenth resolution.—Carried. C. C. Williams, Esq. moved, and the Rev. J. C. Campbell seconded the eleventh resol uti,)n.-Cari, led. The Mayor then left the Chair on its being taken by f). Evans, Esq., the late Mayor, The Right Hon. John Nicholi moved, and Lord James Stuart seconded the last resolution, which con- veyed thanks to his Worship, the Mayor, for his able conduct in the Chair. Lord James Stuart observed, that his friend Mr. Lewis had been elected in a fortunate year, and com- plimented him on the ability with which he had filled the office of Chairman that day. A subscription was then entered into, and the meeting broke up. We hear that it is intended to celebrate the event by a dinner, to be held either on the day when the young Prince is baptised, or that on which he is created Prince ol Wales; w hen, doubtless, all the neighbouring gentry wi'l be present. The ladies' too, will not be forgotten there will be a Rail The times and places of dinicg and dancing we shall duly announce. The Committee appointed to determine on the best means for celebrating the sate delivery of Her Majesty, and the birth ot a Prince of Wales, held their first meeting on Thursday afternoon, when the j subscription to he collected was agreed to be exclu- sively applied to objects of Charity, and that the names of the Clergymen of the Parish, the Rev. T. stacey, and the Rev J.C. Campbell be added to the committee, and also Messrs Vachell, W. C. Demp- sey, and Griffith Phillips. Sinty-eigbt pounds were subscribed at the meeting. Gentlemen were also appointed to solicit further subscriptions in different parishes.


Jit o muoutligfuve. ----------


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