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laritish Association for the Advanco- ment of Bclente. TH ELEVENTH MEETING of the BRITISH ASSOCIATION for the ADVANCEMENT of "Cl#NCE, will be held in PLYMOUTH, commencing 9*1 1 Imrsday, July 29, 1841, and concluding on Wednes- *y-A«gMt4. Mfmhers. and Gentlciahn who are desirous of "•coining Members, may, ofc their arrival, obt#in in «»)• Reception Rooms, at the Royal Hotel, Plymouth. *°1' the Royal Hotel, Devonport, Reference* to ^dgiuB*, and all other requisite information, on and *«ter Monday, Julv 26, frcji 8 a.m. to 5pm JOH-K TAYLOR, F.It S.. General Treasurer. JAMES YATES, F.R.S. Secretary to the Council. •ggt THE SCHOONEl JBSk CELERITY, 1 WILLIAMS, Master, IS NOW LOADING, at COTTON'S WHARF, TOOLEY STREET, LONDON, f-r Crdif. lvewport, Merthyr, Abergavenny, ftrtccn. Monmouth, Pontypqol, Cowbridge, Bridgend, ana placet adjacent, AND WILL POSITIVELY SAIL ON TUESDAY, the 27th JULY, 1841. For Freight, &c., apply to the Ma-ter. on Boar.1 Mr ft. Burton, JIm., Newport; Mr Thomas Richards. Abergavenny Messrs Proaser, and l'rice Brecon, |!J* Smith, the Wharfinger, London; or to Mr Joseph ,r''P« Ajrent to the Cardiff, Newport, and London Shipping Company, at Cardiff. London, July 2!d, 1841. TilE CARDIFF and BRISTOL STEAM PACKETS NAUTILUS, JOHN ALLEN, Commander. LADY CHARLOrTE, HENltY JEFFERY, Commander, ARE iNTENnun TO SAW, 2During the NEXT WEEK, as follows (From ihe Bute Ship Dock.) FROM CARDIFF July 26..Monday Nautilus 9 morning 27..Tuesday Lady Charlotte 10. morning 98..Wednesday.Nautilus II. morning 29..Thursday .Lady Charlotte 12 noon 30.. Friday Nautilus 2 afternoon li..Sattirday oo.Lady Charlotte 8 afternoon FROM BRISTOL. Inly 26.. Monday Lady Charlotte 11 morning 27..Tuesday Nautilus 101 morning 28.. Wednesday .Lady Oliarloite 1 afternoon 29..Thursday Nautilus li afternooll 30.. Friday Lady Charlotte 4 af ernnoa 31..Saturday Natitil,it 5 morning Carriagesand Horses must be along-side an hlllr and half previous to the titne of Sailing, otherwise they Cannot be Shipped, in consequence of Locking through the New Docks. PARF- :-After Cabin, 5s.-Fore Cabin, Ss. Children under 12 Years of Age, 11 al f-1) rice.- Dogs, Is each. A Female Steward attends on Board both Packets. Refreshments may be had on Board, on moderate IttTtnq. Four-wheel Carriage, 21s.; Two-Wheel Carriage. 10s 6d., Horses, 6s. each; Horse and Rider, After Cabin j* Fore Cabin, 7s. 6d.; Cattle, 6s.; Sheep, Is. 6d ihese Fares include every expense. Ollit, Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes. Freijflitefsare requested to order all floods intended for the N A UTII.US to be seat to No. It, Quay Street, or to Robert Chaplin, Cumberland Basin Locks and for the LADY CHARLOTTE, to Clare Street Ilall, Marsh Street, Bristol. Goods will be hauled from the Warehouse* to the Packets. at the expense of the Companies. Merthyr, Newbridge, Aberdure, Cmvhridye, 1iridyend, &*Htriiieht jind Caerphilly.—GooAs forwarded to these Places in Spring Waggons and T,ock-irp Ornal Boats im- ftediately on arrival, nnless ordered by any pitrticitia, Conveyance, in which case they will be deposited in the Steam Packet Warehause till called for.-Freiglit to be Paid on delivery. GoteJs, Package*, Parcels, Stc. forwarded loallpnrs •1 the Kingdom with on' «ielay, when sent to either of tlietr Steam Packet Offices in Cardiff or Bristol. Further information as to Freight, &c. will la '•adily obtained by applying to the Agents. Mr Woodman, Agent, at the Packet Office on the Wharf. Cardiff; or to Mr Jbhn Griffith Jones. Agent. No, It, Quav Street, Bristol, for the NAUTILUS Par. ket; and of Mr Donovan, at the Packet Office, on the Wharf, Cardiff; or to Mr W. B. Owen, 29, Avon Cres- Cent, Hotwells, Bristol, for the LADY CHARLOTTE Packet. NOTICE.—The Proprietors of the above Steam Packets five NtHce, that tliey will not be accountable for any Passenger'* Luggage, nor will they be answerable foi any Goods, Paekages, or Parcels (if lost or damaged by Fire, Leakage or otherwise^ unless Booked at eitbci •« their Offices at Cardiff or Bristo' if above the vulu.- er 40s., unless entered at its value, and Carriage in pin- portion paid for the same, at the time of liooking.- Goods consigned to order, or not taken away before Six O'clock in the evening of the day of landing, wil, be warehoused at the risk and expense of the consignees All goods to be considered as liens, not only for freighi and charges due thereon, but also for all previously liti satisfied Freight and Charges due by consignees to the Proprietors of the said Packets. Disputed weigh's Ot lhf asurement, claims for 10. or damage, &c., cannot fefallawed, nnles a written notice of the same be ieni to the Office on the day of delivery. Britannia Zslfe Assurance Company No.1. PRINCE'S STREET, BANK, LONDON. CAPITAL ONE MILLION. Diredor,s. William Bardgett, HSI) Robert Fglititon, Esq Samuel Bevington, Ihq Erasmus lt.ht. P'os: Wm. Fcchney Black. Esq Aleic. Robert Irvine. John Brightman, Esq Peter Morrison. Esq George Cohen, Esq William Shand, Juu., Willis Coventry. Esq Henry Lewis Smale, ''4 John Drewett, Eaq Thomas 1 weed, Esq. ftefctcal oiffetro. John Sims, M. D.—Ebenezer Smith, Esq., Surgeon. Solicitor. William Bevan, Esq., Old Jewry. ADVANTAGES OF THIS INSTITUTION. A most economical set of Tables composed expressly fOr the use of this Institution, from authentic and COlD, plete data. Increasing rates of Premium on a new and remark. able plan, for securing loans or debts a less imme- diate payment being required on a policy for the whole ,term of life than in any other office. A Board of Directors in attendance daily at Two ^o'clock. Age of the Assured in every case admitted in the All ^claims payable within one month after proof of Medical attendants remunerated in all cases tor the reports. Premium per Cent per A nnum payable during First Second Third Fonitli Remain- Age. Five Five Five Five dcrof Years. Years. Years. Years. Life. I. d. £ d £ s. d. £ d d 20 1 1 4 I 5 10 1 10 11 1 16 9 2 3 8 30 1641 12 21 19 12742 17 6 40 1 16 1 2 4 4 2 14 6 3 7 S 4 3 4 SO 2167& 9 44 5 5 5636137 PETER MORRISON, Esq., Retident Director, London AG ENTS. 'NEWPOR'R Mr A. G. Jenkinto TRPDF,GAR IRON WI)RKr-W. F. Ireland. CARDIFF W. D Horwood, Jhn);. MERTHYR TYDVIL .» —Walter Thompson, Bank PONTYPOOL —Stephen Vernon, Bank 40HEPSTOW —J. L..jfoldwyn, Solicitor. 4JSK ABERGAVENNY -J. Hiley Morgan,slationet wo,mmi)vtji -W. Jenkins; Sutipwr. WANTED, TWO YOUNG MEN, one to keep the Books of i Shop connected with Iron Work*, and Ih. other to attend to the Ironmongery Stores of the sam Woik*. Apply to C. P., if by letter post paid, with name address, and references, under cover, to Messis Mortar and Gardner, N-Atil. MONEY FOUND. AT BRIDGEND, on the 9tli instant, tlirrp wn* FOUND a PURSE, containing a turn of Aloney. which the Finder is anxious to restore to the Owner, and which will be done upon its being satisfactorily id.utified, and the expense of this Adve.tiseuient, &c.. first deducted. For further information apply to Mr Dods, Lit"l«- Gnoll, Ncntb. Glamorganshire General Agricul- tural Society. T"F- SUBSCRIBERS to this SOCIETY are respectfully reuiindtHl that by tbe UuWii and Or*er<. all SUBSCRIP'TIOVS should BE PAID to the Trranner on or "e,'ore tIll' It of JU LY ill each ),r-ar, ant* It 14 as many are still in arrear, it is requested that the re*p<-ctive amounts may be remitted to him. EDWARD B iADLKY, Treasurer and Secretary. Cowbridge, 20th July, 1841. MONMOUTH AND GLAMOaaAN BANK. NEWPORT. JULY 13th, 18H. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Timt tin* FIFTH ANNUAL GEN'ERXL MKKTI^G of this COMPANY. WILL BE HELD on MONDAY, the 9th day of AUGUST next, at the Kt\GS HEAl) IN, in the town of Ni,wioitr. at one,cl.ck in the After- noon precisely, to receive from the Director-i an on- nouncement of the Dividend for the Half Year ending the 30;h of June last; to elect two Directors in the room of two who reiire by rotation and are re-eligible and on other special affairs. By Order of the Hoard. PHILIP JONES, Chairman. Aberdare Canal Navigation. NOTICE IS hereby GIVEN, that the AN- NUAL GENUUAL MEETLN'i or Assembly of the Company of Proprietors of this Navieation, WILL BE HELD at the f'AN VI, OFFICE, on THURSDAY, the 29th day of JULY 184.1. EDWARD LEWIS. Clerk to the Company. Canal Office, July 5th. 1841. ø. TAFF VALE RAILWAY. Alteration of Passenger Trains 1VTOTICF. IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on and LAI after THUHSDAY, the In day of JULY, the Trains will daily leave Cardiff and Merthyr at the undermentioned hours ;—excepting Snndavs. FROM CARDIFF. FROM MERTHYR. II. N. IT. M. 6 AO M. 7 5 A. M. 9 0 do. o ao. I 0 [». M. 1 35 P. M. 5 0 do. 5 20 do. SUNDAYS. 9 0 A. M. 9 20 A- M. 5 0 P. M. 5 20 P. ni. For further particulars of Fares, Time and Stoppages at Stations, reference must he made to the Train Bills, which may he had at any of the Comoany's Stations. The Charge; on Merchandize and Cattle may be known on application at any of the Stations. TaffVale Railway Office, Cardiff, June 17th, 1841. TAFF V A LIS RAILWAY. "IIR DIRECTORS irn now ready to recrivf I TENDERS for LOANt ^f M<*NKY in sums of not less than £ '200, ntion the security of Loan Notes to be i4stie(i under the Company's seal, benrinc Interest at the rate of 6 Per Cent, per annum, payable half yearly, enti- tling the Holders to receive Mortgage debentures of the Company, hearing interest at 5 per cent. per annum, pavable half yearly, deliverable in the month of Fcbruarv, 1843. or 1844. Tenders may be addressed to the Undesigned, at the Company's Office, Cardiff, or to Messrs Glyn, Halifax Mi Is and Co., Bankets, London Mr William Mallard, '27, Smjtll Street, Biistol. JOSEPH BALL. Taff Va'o Railwav Office. Cardiff. Secretary. May 22d, lKtl. TAFF VALE R A I LW A Y Call of Two Pounds Ttn Shillings per Share on Quarter Shares. IM1E DIRECTORS of the TAFF VALE RAIL ) WAY CO M I ANY, acting under the, provisions of their Acts of Parliament. HER' BY GIVE NOTICE, that the PROPRIETORS of QU,TEll SHXRES are REQUESTED TO IA Y. on or before the 26th day of JCI LY, 1S4I. to any of ihe undementionf d Bankers the SUM of TWO POUNDS TEN SHILLINGS on each of their respective Shares. Messrs Gl yn, Hallifax, Mills, and Co London West of England 4" South Wales Distiict Bank.. Bristol I)i"o ditto di to Oaritiff Ditto ditto ditto Merthyr MiSsrsWilki sand Co Merthyr By order of the liourd of Directors. Railway Office. JOSEPH BALL. Secretary. Cardiff, July 2d, 1811. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. Opening Throughout. a BUDD AND BLETCHLY, IN returning Thanks for past Favours, bog to in form tlirir Friends and the Public, all GOODS orderf-d hv them from 'he ANGEL INN. FARRING- nON STilEET, and 69. OLD BAILEY. LONDON, will come direct by RWLWAY, every Mornine and Evening. to Rr,E'I'CHLY'S W,{EHOUS\ THO\! \S STREET, BRISTOL, from wh nee they will b" imme- diately forwarded as directed to all parts of SOUTH WALES and I t EL A N D. Goods for LONDON and intermediate Places, con signed to Bueld and Bletchly, Thomas Street, Bristol, will be forwarded bv Railway Morning and Evening. Parcels nnder 56lbs will be delivered in Bristol, at the Company's rate. t. Goods fetch'd from any part of the City, by a note addressed to J. Bletchlv, Thomas Street. Bristol, June 30th, 18M. BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY. SCIIWEPPE all(] C,)., 10 loose known to (lie Public s as the principtl Manufacturers of ALKALI W AT E H S, could not a!low the increasing approbation of the Medical Profes<ion and the Public generally, for MAGN ESIA in a FLUID FORM, without directing their attention to a branch so legitimately conectl d Wlllt their own previous preparations. The experience of half a century. and the advan'age of powerful machinery, have enabled them to bring Ollt a firsl, rate article, and they now respectfully solicit the attention of the Publ c for their LIQUID MAGNESIA, for cure of Gout. Gravel, Diseases of Children, and (mixed with their Acidulated Syrup) in cases of Sea Sickness in Bottles, at Is, 2s 6d, 4s 6d and 10s each; and old, wholesale, a' theirWareho:tses, 51, Rerners Street. London Liverpool. Bristol, and Derby also by Sutton and Co.. BowChuri.li Yard; Barclay and Son, Farringdon Street; Mr h Edwards and Thos. Butler, St Paul's Church YaTlt; and retail by all respectable Chemists and Patent Medicine V enders. SODA and POTASS WATER and DERATED LEMONADE made as usual on the largest scale, at their four establishments. Each genuine bottle is pro- tected by a label with their name. German Zelucr Water in 9<jart» »ijd Pints, POPULAR AND SUPERIOR PERIODICAL WORKS, PUBLISHING IN GRATTAN AND GILBERT, 51, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON. .!Jfap JIgents, by Appointment, to Her JWajesty's Board of Ordnance. fJRIOR'S VIEWS OF SHIPPING,to be eomp'eied in 10 Parts, price only 2s per part, each part contain. L ing 3 large Drawings, size 20 inches by 134 with descriptive Letterl'ress. Pats 1 and 2 now ready. PRIOR'S DJtA WINuJ BOOK, f acli Part containing 4 pages of D/aw ngs and 2 of Letter Press instructions. To be completed in twenty Parts at fid. The extraordinary demand the Publishers have received for these Works by Mr PRIOR sufficiently prove how much such Publications, at a reasonable price, were noeded by the Public. Parts I to t now ready. BUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. Gilbert's splendid Pictorial Edition, with copious Nues and Life. To be completed in fourteen monthly Is Parts, illustrated by 120 fine Engravings. Parts 1 to 3 now reai'y. GILBERT'S MODERN ATLAS OF THE EARTH, in Monthly Parts, at Is 6d This cheap and highly approved Work wi I be completed in August. The Price including the sixty Maps, wiih the descriptive letter press ("qual 10 720 pages of an ordinary Hvo volume), by ROBKRT M 0 DI E, and the alphahetical consulting Index, of iteat-lv Cil).O,iO places, with their latitude and longitude, and the :0. of the M,ip in which they are to be fo ind will be £ 2 17s, strongly bound in cloth or half bound Turkey morocco extra, £ 3 3s. An editi >u without the Index: price £ 2 10s, in clotTi or £ 2 15s, half Turkey morocco extra. GILBERT'S MAPS OF THE COUNTIES OF EN J LAND, with descriptive Letter Press and the NEW POPULATION RKTURNS: the fiist part wlllappoar on 0 tober I. THE PHILOSOPHY OF GEOGRAPHY, a highl) interesting work, by ROBERT Ntt-DIF, Ehq.; with numerous wid superior Illustrations; Part 1 will be published on October t. A detailed Catalogue of G. and G.'s Maps, Miscellaneous Pub'ications, the Ordnance Survey of England and Wales (including the Prices of the County Maps, and the Environs of the la"e I'o vns. l-stied by t:IC Board), &c., may be had gratis by post, or through the bookseller*, by whom Orders fo. the above Publications are received. GLAMORGANSHIRE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tint the GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE, for the said County, WILL BE IIOLDEV hy '\DJOUHNII"'I' at Pya,I,: DIN, in and for the said County, on WEDNESDAY, the Eleventh day of AUGUST next, at Twelve o'clock at Noon, to take into consideration the Provisions of an Act of Parliament, made and passed in the 2d and 3d year of her present Majesty's reign. intituled An act for the Establishment of County and District Constables, by authority of Justices of the Peace;" and also of another \ct made and passed in the 3d an,l 4th yeais of her Majesty's reign, intituled An act to amend the Act for the Establishment of County and Distiict Constables." more particularly the Appointment of a Chief Constable for the said County; and to make such other Rules, Orders and Regulations relating thereto, as may be thought expedient. WOOD, Cterk oj Peace. Cardiff, 14th July, 1641. BRECUNSHIRE. AN EXCELLENT FREEIIOLD HJLLY FARM FOR 41e fit) iJribatr Cflitttvirt, BLAEN C ALL AN, CONTAINING 200 ACRES, situate ill (lie Parish of LLANTHETTY, let to Mr Jeukin Williams, at the low yearly i-eiit of f64). It is well adapted for breeding young Cattle, and the Sheep Walk is dry and healthy, 0 it is distant six miles from Mer thvr and ten from Brecon. for terms apply to Mr Elias Watkins. the Proprietor, or at the Office of Messrs Mevrick and Davies. Solicitors, Merthyr. IX AN D A FF. Co be iLtf, FOR A TERM OF YLVRS (IF REQUIRED), A MODERN BUILT HOUSE, comprising a Silling Room, Parlour, Five Bed Rooms. Kitchen, Pantry, Wasbhouse, Underground Cellar, and other convenient Oliices; a good Garden, and a (/lenilltil supply of water on the J'rerni.cs; together with (or without) a convenient Suble and a Gig House. There arc good Schools convenient, and coals are very reasonable. For fuither particulars apply to M rEdmund Rees t.tandafr. TOVVxN OF NEATH, GLAMORGANSHIRE 2To lie ar t, AND ENTERED UPON ON TUB 1ST BAY OF MAY NEXT. \LL that Ion* established TAN YARD and PREMISES, now in the occupation of Mr EDWARD THOMAS, situate in WATER fcTREET, in the 'J o.vn of NEATH aforesaid. The above Premises arc conveniently situated with an ample supply of water, and in every way calculated for on an extensive litisinesi. Further parti- clllars may be had on application to Mr Cuthbertsou. Solicitor. Neath. ii R E C 0 N 8 H i R E. AN EXCELLENT FAR ZVT, IN THE VALE OF USK. To be art, AND ENTERED UPON AT MICHAELMAS NEXT. ALL that Messuage, FARM, :md L. A N OS, called LLANDKGEMMAN, situate in the Parish of SAINT MICHAEL CWMDU.and now in the occupation of WAITER PROSSER. The Farm is most eligibly situated near the Turnpike Road from Brecon to Crickhowell, and has a good Right of Common to it- For a view of the Property and for further paiticulars apply at the Office of Messrs IMaybery and Williams, Solicitors, or of Mr Hugh Jones, Auctioneer, Brecon, Every encouragement will be given to a good Tenan'. iSmonafjire curtipttt arrust. NQTICB 1SHKREHY GIVEN, tint the TOLLS arising Irom the several loll Gates uudennen- t ionid, be %et bij Hutttott, To the best Bidder, at the SHIRE HALf" in BRECK- NOCK. on WEDNESDAY, the ELEVENTH Day of AUGUST, 11*41, at the hour of Twelve at Noon, for ONE YEAR, to commence on the 29th Day of Sep- tember. 1341, at Noon. The SUIIlS of money in conjunction with th" Lots are the annual rents at which the same arc respectively Let this year clear of all deductions,-and they will be respectively put up at such stuns. The Bidders most be then and there prepared with sufficient Sureties for payment of the money mOllthly (which Sureties must be personally present at the said Meeting with proper Idtel's of i-e, oiiimendati,)ii ), and no Denter in arrear will be allowed to bid, and they must, if the said Trustees shall require, pay the rent monthly in advance. The first monthly pawnent to be made at the said Meeting, and the other eleven instalments at the beginning of each month. LOT. £ I. The East and West Gates at Trecastle and Senny Gate 701 2. Llanfaes and Tairdeiwen and Tarrall Gates 611 (I'lle at the l,laiifaes ;tnd 'I'iiirderwen Gates are collected this year.) 3. The Watton Gate and Side Gate, and Llan- saintfread Side (;ate and the Penkelly, Cefnbrynich and Groestlordd Gates 600 4. The Pontcumbeth, Crickhowell Bridge and Green Hill Gates, and Pontybrynhirt Side Gikte 952 5. The Pontneathvaughan Gate 25 6. 'I he Cwindu Gate in Devynnock '20 7. Saint John's Gate at Brécknock. 3J7 8. The Bank. White House and Little liall Gatfs, and Side Gates at Builth and Cefn Llandde wy Gate i 370 9. The Grigos Directing Post. Trcfecca and Broynllis Gates aad Llyswen Gate and Side Gate 351 JO. The Llangynnider Bridge Gate, Bwlch, L!an- gorse Gate, and Bwlch, Penypark Gate 380 11- The Furnace and Cerigcochion Gates. 486 12. The Blaentaff. Newbridge, Darren, and CoechcymarGates 569 13. The Court Gate J67 14. The Hay Pound, Dishpool Laue, Glasbury, ir > an(^ Oewsbury Gates 613 lj The Trebanog and Penderin Gates 91 16 1 he Clydach and D.m y Park i>ates 186 17. 1 he Blaenhonddu Gate •••••••••••••• 20 X6459 18. The Nantyflin andTalgarthnoad.Tretower. Genfford, and Talgarth Gates £ 222 The Tolls to be taken will be same as those taken during the Current Year NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that at the said Meeting, new Trustees will be elected in the room of such as are dead. By Order of the Trustees, EDWARD WILLIAMS. Brecknock, July 2J, |84I, Their Clerk, TREDEGAR IRON WORKS, MONMOUTHSHIRE. Drapery Business and Stock, To be Sola fijj ftentrrr, I STOCK IN TRADE of Mr. D. \V. MO.7- HIS, of TREDEGAR IRON WORKS, DRAPER, consisting of every description of Saleable Linen and Woollen Goods, .-ilks. Hats, Gloves, and the various other articles comprised in a Draper's Stock, together with the Good Will of the business, is now offered for Sale by T"lIder. The Stock may be inspected at .'11' Morris's at any time between i\l(.)ND\Y, the 26i h of JULY, and MOND'.Y, the 9th of AUGUST, and ten. ders for the Stock must he sent to the Office of Messrs Perkills and James, oJicit<lrg, Merthyr Tydvil, oil or before Wednesday, the 11th of A ngllst next. This pre- sents a rare opportunity to persons desirous of embark- ing in the Drapery Business, the town is extremely populous, the House and Shop are situate next door to the liiii. are near the Market Place, and nearly opposite the Bank. The Stock may be worth about 1, 200. Pills at two and four months will be taken with ap- proved security. TOWN OF CAERPHILLY. fro be £ oltr by ghtrtimt, By Mr THOMAS WATKINS, Atthe HOAR'S HEAD INN. in the Tow;) of C A E R PHILLY. on Till) USD AY, the 29th day of JULY, 1841, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon precisely, ONK UNDIVIDED MOIETY, HALF PART or SIIA IIE. of and in all ihat substantial LEASE HOLD INN, called th.. BO\I{'S I1g:\D. with the Out Offices, Stables, Garden, and about an Acre of Land attached thereto, situate in the Town of Caerphilly, aud now in the occupation of Mr Nicholas Hopkins. The Pretnis s are held under Lease for the term of 9:1 years from the tirst day of May, 17S9, at the annual rent of £ 7. For further particulars apply to Mr H. T. Williams, Solicit.>r, DyffrjnfrAd, Caruitf, or to the Auctioneer, St Maiy Street, Cardiff. BUYNMAWR. To be SOUl bu 8urtiott, By Mr JOHN WILLIAMS, At the GRIFFIN INN, BRYNMA WR, on MONDAY, the 26th of JULY, 1841, at Two o'clock in the Afternoon, (subject to Coiiditions to be then pio- dnced), ALL lh.it substantially erected and well fre- quented Messuage, Tenement, or Dwelling House, now occupied as an Inn, called THE MOUNT PLEASANT INN, situate at B fYNMAWR aforesaid, within the Parish of Llanclly, in the County of lirecon, with the Stable, Outhouses. Yard, and Appurtenances thereto belonging, late in the occupation of Mr James Jones, and atterwards of Mr Wm. Martin, as Tenants thereof, at the Rent of Xto per annum. The above Premises are well situated in Brynmawr, on the side of the Turnpike Road leading from Abergavenny to Merthyr Tydfil, and are held under a Lease from the Duke of Beaufort, for the Lives of Three Persons of the respective ages of 25. 10, and 8 Years, or thereab uts, subject to the small Yearly Rent of Eleven Shillings. For further particulars apply (if hy letter, post paid) to Messrs Morgan and Batt, Solicitors, Abergavenny. Julv 2, 1841. BRECON SHIRE. About 2000 Acres of Freehold Land FOR SALE BY AUCTION. Mr M. WHIT T I N G T O N Has the honour to announce Irs having received in structiolls frolu thc Proprielor to <Dffcr for &11f O¿? ftttrtioit, At PON TN E D I) VAUGH \N, GLAMORGANSHIRE, on MONDAY, the I6 h of AUGUST, 1841, at Three o'clock in the A ftcrnoon, subject to sucli Conditions of Sale as shall be then produced, LOT I. ALL tlifit Capital FREEHOLD GRAZING FARM and L \N DS, called CHEN W A IN INOG formerly part of the Great Forest of Brecon, containing by admeasurement about 985 Acres of gooJ Pasture Land, within a walled fence, a substantial and gentle- manly Residence, Walled Garden, Court. Beast Mouses for 80 head of Citile, Granaries, Cart Houses and Stabling, and a thriving Plantation of about 10 Acres. LOT 2 — All that valuable FREEHOLD GR AZING FA!M and LANDS, called GOIT'LA VAN NED I), containing bv admeasurement about 596 Acres of good Pasture and Hay Land, within a Walled Pence, a well built Dwelling House, Court, !?arn, Stabling, and a thriving Plantation of about 5 Acres. I.OT 3.—All that FREEHOLD CLOSE or P RCE L of L\N i), called CEFN PERFHTH. containing by estimation about 205 Acres of good Pasture Land. Lor 4— All that MESSUAGE, FARM and LANDS, called BI.XEN NEOf) containing by admeasurement about 47 Acres of excellent Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land. The above Properties are situate in the Parish of Ystradvellta, Breconshire. Lot 1, within One Mile of the Brecon Forest Tram Road, Three from Pontnedd Vaughan, Ten from Merthyr, Four from Hirwain. and a half way between Neath and Brecon Coal and Lime may be had within an easy distance. The Farm Bailiff will shew this Lot. Lots 2 and 3 abound with Lime Stone, and arc we'l adapted for reai-in, Sheep. The Turnpike Boa.) to Brecon divides these Lots. Mr John Williams, the Tenant, will shew them, Lot 4 is bounded on the East hy the River Neath, on the North and West bv Pan'mawr, Property of J. Clavpon, E;q.. and within a Alile of Lot 1, Mr Thomas Powell, the Tenant, will shew the I ot. Particulars may be had of ,I,le),t,ick and Davies, Merthyr; C. R. Mansfi ld, Esq., Solicitor. Swansea Angel Inn. Cardiff; Swan Hotel, Brecon; and of the Auctioneer. Post Ofiice. Neath. FOR SOFTENING THS SKIN AND IM PROVING THE COMPLEXION, GODFREY'S EXTRACT of ELDER FLOWERS ^stanii* unrivalled for its efficacy it completely eradi- ciiftS 'Tan, Pimples, Freckles, Redness, and all Cutane- e ouli f;mperfec:ions; renders the m»S! S >lio»v Complexion delicately clear, and imparts to the Skin a plrasing and healthy .appearance. In the process of shaving it i- invaluable, as it allay* the irritation anil smarting pain and renders the skin smooth and linn. It protects thf skin from tbe eff cts of the cold wiud, and damp atmos- phere, and will be found beyond all praise, to use as a fmnily Lotion on all occasions. Sold in Bottles, price 2 9d. with directions fo using it, by all icspectable MeJiciue Vcuders and Per fuwers. Woodhouse's Ethereal Essence of Ginger. PATP.ONS: ITer Most Gracious Majesty. His Majesty the King of the Belgians. His Majesty the King of tbe Frrnch. His Royal HIghness the Duke of Cillnbridge, and a long list of Nobility. Sir D. Davies, Physian to their late Majesties. Dr J. Johnson, Physician to their late Majesties. J. H. Cllrtics, Esq, Anrist to ditto. Dr Ashwell, Physician to Cuy's Hospital. Professors Pereira, Pilcher, and Millard, And 208 of the most eminrnt of the F-ACalty and by especial appointinmt to his late Mo.t Gracious Majesty as ttIC fOllOWiL)g letter from Sir H. St James Palace. 25th June, 1835. 66 SIR, I am honoured with the King's commands toexl)ress Iiis sense of Yotir polite attell- tion in sending the two Bottles of Ethereal Essence of Ginger. His Maje ty has been pleased to direct me to forward you Ten Pounds ill payment for the same I-'nclosed you m-ill find the m,)xttit. I am, Sir, yours, obed., "To Mr D. Woodhouse." •• H. WIIEATLY. WooDHnusF.'s GINGER still maintains its superiority I in affording ins'ant relief in Cholera Morbus, Spasms. Cramps, I1 latulence.Langour, Hvstencs, IIenrtbu n, I."s, of Appetite, Pa n and Oppression afier Meals; also'hose Pains of th- Stomach alld Bowels which arise from Gouty Plattileticies. Di;eston, however much impaired, -j"s restored to its pristine state by the use ot tins inv.luable preparation, an I the Proprietor earnestly calls ilic. attn, tion of every Fami y to its virtues, particularly at this season, when from the too free indulgence of fruit, &r„ the stomach and bowels become deranged, and too fre qucntlv (from neglect) terminates in inflammation an I the most fatal consequences. This Essence is prqlared solely by E. R.Gregory, Chemist, Church Street, Hack- ney. and Sold in Bottles, 2 s (id, 4s GI, and (ilass Stoppered ones at 10s 6d and 21s each (duty included)—where also may be had Gregory's Family I3i 1 is — a ni> s< safe and efficacious remedy for Bilious and Liver Complaints they neither impair by time, or change by climate, an I- m ly be taken with perfect safety even hv the m i;t deli cate child—in b >x. s, Is ljd, 2s !)J, and 1; 6 1 each. Agent for Merthyr and Dowlais—Jenkins. SALUS POPULI LEX SUPLEMA. DISEASES arising from the irregularities If you'll 8,H'cdi:y removed by erninen Surgeons, of long experience in the Metropolis, CURED within a week,or no charge made for medicine after the ex; ir ,t¡"1I of that of attendance, at 1 |;j Hullorn Hill, fiom e'even till one and at 344, St ran. I one door from Catherine Street, from twelve io two o'elock every day. S'rical attendance at each estab- lishment every evening, from seven to nine. The suffererfrom immoderate in lulgenc of the passions,o;- th" practice of a solitary vice, the destructive eir,.c,s of which are manifested in loss of virility, dorsal consumption, and in many other tiis rdei-s which so often renders life an unvaried scene of despondency, will rcceive, at this establishment, such information, familiarly explained, and a successful mode of s.df cure, pointed out, the result of a series of yeais' practical expeiienee, which will preclude the necessity of a personal interview. Patients may confidently rely 011 a gradual hut perfect restoration of their original bodily powers by strictly adhering to th" rules laid down by the mciiical gentleman attending this establishment, which h .s been supported by the most eminent physicians and surgeons in ihe ,\Ietrop"lis Person5 residing in the remotest part of the country call be treated successfully on describing minutely their symptoms, age, habits of life, &c.,an(i inclosing a remr- tance for lI1edicine, which can be forwarded to any pirtof the world, securely packed, and carefully protected from observation. All letters to bo addressed to NI, 0. W',AY, liP" Holborn Hi I.—Patients, during their indisposition c in be accommodated with apartments in Mr Wray's hous ■, with or without board. Agent for .Merthyr aud Dowlais—Mrs Jenkins. Pilliz LZYIS Purifying Spasifis Pills, Price 2 9d, Is 6d, and 1I5 per box (Observe, the signature of It and L. PERRY and Co., on the outside of each wrapper), ARE well known throughout Europe and America, tt to lie the most certain ard effectual cure ever dis- covered for every stage and symptom of the VrnrreMi Disease, in both sexes, including Gonorrhoea, Gieets Secondary Symptoms, Slricttti-es. Seininil Weakness Deficiency, an I a 11 diseases of the Urinary Pnssnirrs, with' out loss of tunc, confinement, or hindrance from bnsines«. They h ive effected the most surprising cures, not only in recent and severe cases, btu when salivation and all o'her means have failed and are of the utmost iinpo.l- ance to those affheted with Scorbutic Affections, p,i options on any part of the body, Ulceruions, Scrofulous or Vene- real lVnt, being jus' 1 y calculated to cleanse the blood from all foulness, counteract every morbid aifoction, and restore weak and emacipated constitutions to pristine health and vigour. They are particularly recommended to he taken before persons enter into the matrimonial state, lest the indis- cretions of a paient aie the source of vexation io him the remainder of his exiuefice by afflicting his inn icent hut unfortunate offspring, with the evil eruptions of a mali nant tendency, and a variety 9f other complaints, that are most assuredly introduced by the same neglect and imprudence. 0 Messrs P g n R Y expect when consulted by letter the usual Fee of O ie PUltnd. with lilt iuhinh no whatevet- celli be taken of the Communication (pjstane pre paid). Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in I the of tljt,ircai,-s,-ai to the. dtiratiuii of tiic coin- plaint, the symotoms, age, habits of living, and general occupation. Medicines can be forwarded to anypirt of the world no difficulty can occur, as i hey will be sec a re 1 y packed, all.1 carefully protected from observation. THE CORDIAL BALrtl OF SYRIACUM is intended to relieve those persons, who, by ati immo- derale indulgcnce of their pas,ions, have ruined their const ii utions, or in their way to the consummation of that deplorable state are affected with any of those previous symptoms that betray its approach, as the various affec- tions of the nervous system, obstinate gleets, excesses, irregularity, obstructions, weaknesses, total iinpotency, barrenness, .xl'. A pcisoverance in its use has been the happy means of relieving many thousands, a-id of restor ing a great number to the oerm inexit enjoyment of life It is remarkable for its efifcacy in all disorders of the digestive organs, and is especially recommended to those, who, from the irregularities of youthful a:e, hahi s of studious application, or a life of pleasure, have fallen into a despondent state of mind, and th it distressing train of symptoms commonly denominated the nervous. In such persons tiic mmal are not less enfeebled than the cor- poreal, and to tli ii-i a rc nedy that acts with efficacy, without interfering with domestic habits, is peculiarly desirable. Sold in Bottles, price lis each, or the quantity of four in one Family Bottle for 33J including Mrs rs Perry and Co.'s, "Ii known TltEATISE OIl Secret Vice, &) by which one lis Botti" is saved. (0 iserve the signature of IL and L. PERRY and Co., on the outside of each wrapper.) The Five Pound Cases (the purchasing of which wil. be a saving of One Found Twelve Shillings,) maybe had as usual al 4, Great Charles Street. Birmingham, and 44, 9. Albion Street, Leeds, and Patients in the Country who require a course of this admirable medicine, should send Five Pounds by letter which wiil entitle them to the full benefit of such advantage. Messrs Perry and Co., Surgeons, may he consulted as usual al No. 4, Great Charles Street (four doors from Easy Ro v). Birmingham, and No. 44, Albion Street, Leeds. Only one personal visit is required from a country patient to enable Messrs Perry aud Co. to give such advice as will he the msans of effecting a permanent and effectual cure after all other means have proved ineffectual. N.B.—Country Druggists, Booksellers, Patent Medicine Venders, and every other shopkeeper, can be supplied with any quantity of Perry's L'.ni ying Specific Pilis and Cordial Balm of Syriacutn, with the usual allowance to the trade, by most of the principal wholesale Patent Icdidne honsl's in London. Sold by Jenkins, Merthyr Tydvil and Dowlais.

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