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pany. I Cardiff Gas Light and Coke Com- N THE HALF YEARLY GENKRAL MEKTINfJ M of "the PROPRIETORS will he HOLDEN at the GUILDHALL. CARDIFF, on THUUSOAY. *J,e Fifteenth day of JULY n»>xt at Noun, at which the •^WMITTEIJ i#-1)1 HECTORS for the ensuing Year Vkl1« be APPOINTED. E. P. RICHARDS. Caidiff, 28th June, 1841. Clerk. THE CARDIFF and BRISTOL STEAM PACKETS NAUTILUS, JOHN ALLEN, Commander. LADY CHARLOTTE, HEltY JKFFERY, Commander, ARE INTEKOKD TO SAIL Durinjr llie NEXT WEEK. a* follows, iflBStteie (From the Bute Ship Dock.J FROM CARDIFF July 5..Monday .Nautilus -6 morning 6.. Tnu,hiy Lally Charlotte 6 morning 7.. Wednesday.Nautilus 6 morning H.. Thursday. r.ady Charlotte 7 morning 9..Friday Nautilois 7 morning IO..Satuiday .Lady Charlotte 8 morning FROM BRISTOL. July 5.. Nt ond ay l.ady Charlotte 7 morning 6..Tuesday .Nautilus 6 morning 7.. Wednesday Lady Charlotte 8 morning 8..Thursday Nautilus 7 morning 9..Friday Lady Charlotte 9 morning 10.. Saturday Nautilus. 8 morning Carriages and Horses must he along-side all hour and half previous to the lime of Sailing, otherwise they cannot be Shipped, in conseqitence of Locking through the New Docks. PARER :-After Cabiii, .-Fore Cabin, 3s. Children under 12 Years of Age, If al f-I)r ice.- Dogs, Is each. A Female Steward attends on Board both Packets. Refreshments may be had on Board, on moderate IUrnR. Four-Wlieel Carriage, 2 1, Two-Wheel Carriage. 10s "d.; Hordes, 6*. each; Horse and Rider. After Cabin ■JJ*; Fore Cabin, 7s. 6J.; Cattle, 6s. Sheep, Is. 6d •These Fares include every expense. q;21 Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes. Freighter* are requested to order all Goods intended for the N A UTII.US to he sent to No. H, Quay Street, or to Robert Chaplin. Cumberland Basin Locks; and for tin* KADY CHARLOTTE, to Clare Street Hall, Marsh STREET, Bristol. Goods will be hauled from the Warehouses to the Packets, at the expense of the Companies. ftferlht/r, Aeit-bridge. Aberdure, Cowbriilge. Tiridgend, Liegiltrissett t apid Cie*rl)ltilly.-Goo,is forwarded to these Illaoes in Spring Waggons and Lock-up Canal Boats im- •Mediately oil arrival, unless ordered by any particular CONVEYANCE, in which case they will be deposited in the Slealn Packet Warehouse till called for.-Freiglit to be Paid on delivery. Goods, Package", Parcels, &c. forwarded loallpar'S •1 the Kingdom withou' delay, when sent to either of t lac r Stearn 11acket Oflices in Canlilr or Bristol. Further information as to Freight, Sic. will lie '*ADILY obtained by applying to the Agents. Mr Woodman, Agent, at the Packet Office on the WHARF. Cardiff; or to Air John Griffith J nes. Agent, No. 1-2, Quay Street, Bristol, for the NAUTILUS I'ac. KET; and of Mr Donovan, at the Packet Office, on the ^'HAR Cardiff; or to Ilr W. B. Owen. 29, Avon Cres. I!eoit. Hotwells, Bristol, for the LADY CLIARLOTTK racket. NOTICE.—The Proprietors of the aliove Steam Packets Rive Notice, that they will not be accountable for any Passenger's Luggage, nor will they be answerable for any Goods, Packages, or Parcels (if lost or damaged HY Fire. [.callage or otherwise) unless Hooked at either of their Offices at Cardiff or Rristo' if above the valiif of 40s., unless entered at its value, and Carriage in pro- portion paid for the same, at the time of Booking.— ,| consigned to order, or not taken away before Six | clock in the evening of the day of landing, will be warehoused at the risk and expense of the consignees All goods to be considered as lieiiq, not ouly for freight F alld charges lite thereon. but als,) for all previollsly un- | *»Usfied Freight and Charges due by consignees to the I 'Oprietors of the said Packets. Disputed weights ineaoireinent, claims for loss or damage, &c., cannot I allowed, miles a written notice of the same be scut to THE OlRce on the day of delivery. I TBS REGENT HOTEL, LEAMINGTON SPA. DREACH AND JEFFERY i BEG most rcsppctfully to nrqiiaint the Nobility, 4 -1.3 Clergy, Gentry, and F.imili>s, that the above ESTABLISHMENT being entirely REFITTED, they flatter lilelitvt-lves it is replete with every comfort for the rereptioll of those seeking the IIErlJU;\lI':NT OF A I CQU .ItY MANSION or the Society of a Table I D'Hote. The arrangements of the Dining and Drawing | ROOMS have engaged very particular attention, and the ^•ISINE and Cellar so appointed as the Proprietors hope I (WILL lflave no room for disapproval to the tastes of the ) epicure or Valetudinarian. t TO j Odd Fellows 8c Druid Lodges. JOSEPH POWELL, CARVER AND GILDER, High Street, Merthyr, and Neville Street, J A hcrgavenny, MANUFACTURER OF REGNIIA, BEAUTIFULLY carved and gilt in various cluste a:>d ELI-sr.int dc,igns, also manufacturer of frames for Warrants, Emblems, &c.. in a great variety of licli ornamental, lIld, and plain fancy wood patterns, picture and gJa-s IRAIUES new gilt, looking gla-ses silvered, prints and I paintings mounted and framed. A new and splendid ^I'GALIA for sale; may be seen in Merlhyr for a few DAYS. All letters to be addressed to the Hoot Inn, Merthyr. # x j MANCHESTER UNITY [ or Independent Odd Fellows. j) I^IIE uwdmiamcd Lodges in the MKRI'HYR L T" DISTRICT will hold their ANNUAL PRO- CRSSIONS on the following dals:- MONDAY, JULY 2f>th, at Three o'clock in the ) Afternoon, [ Cambrian Cross Keys Merthyr lydvil "itwgdJoeth While Lion Ditto |C«radoc Upper Greyhound Ditto 'inple of Peace Kising Sun. Ditto ^leilhonenGlanTaff. King's Head. Ditto (1'1.nple of Peace Kising Sun. Ditto !Nl('illioiiciirilari'l'aff.Kiiig's Head Ditto ^">ot| Samaritan. Heath Cock Ditto | "iit'ustry .Bee Hive Ditto -OiV/)4 Y, AUGUST 2J, at Three o clock in the j Afternoon, I 1-11lr4 3oba Russell. Greyhound Meilhyr Tydvi • LiJierty. Globe Ditto ftnec Llewelyn. C ms Keys. Ditto CyfartJjfa Castle. Lamb and Flag Ditto elcoine Retreat .Three Maiiners.. Ditto '"Noah':1 Ark J)uk(' of ')' (Irk.. Ditto ^ady Charlotte Gb.ba lillio ^adarn Graig Cymry. Dvnevor Anns Ditto ^f'endly.Mountaineer..Six hells Ditto 'iend in Need.RIh ola Arms Ditto MONDAY, AUGUST 23£1, at 12 o'clock at Noon. Dowlais I" or Bertie Bitte Arms Ditto Prospect of Hope Vulcan, Ditto ..New I iiii Penydarran handle of Wales .White Hart !)o-»lais MONDAY, SEPTEMBER nth, at Three odock in the Afternoon, 'r.went Pell Merlhyr Tydvil ^ock of lloreb Taff Vale Railway. Ditto Glamorganshire Bee..Swan Ditto The attendance of Visiting Brothers is cordially ••■icited. THOMAS VAUGHAN, June 30th, 1841. C. S. Merthyr Savings' Banlr. THF, TRUSTEES, MANAGERS and other* tlio OHiiTrs of the above Institntion, A HE, HKRKBY RHQUKSTEl) to MUKT at the VKSTRY ROOM, in the Town of MRRTIIYR TYOV(L, at Klevcn o'clock in t'le Forenoon of THURSI)\Y, the Oth day of JULY instant, in onlu to investigate the affairs of the Bank. ED. NIOIIGAN, Sec., pro ten. Merthyr Tydvil, July 1, 18-11. VALUABLE AGENCY. rl^HE Advertiser is desirous of mnkinsc arrange- metits witli parties of respectability in this and adjoining Counties, for Conducting AN AGKNCY of considerable importance, possessing superior claims upon general patronage,—which will yield large and constant profits,—and may be advantageously attached to a-iy respectable business or occupation. The time and attention requisite to a proper superin- tendence, will he but triflitig, coryiparcil with the 'pt-enniary advantages to be derived from the engage- ment which wi'l he found in every respect well worthy of immediate notice. No Letter wi I he replied to which does not contain the name anti address of the writer, as strictly honourable confidence may he relied upon. It is also expected that a Postage Stamp will he enclosed to free the answer to the first letter of enquiry. Address (free) to Mr Mansfield, 130, High Street, Southampton. GLAMORGANSHIRE. SUMMER ASSIZES, 1841. nE HJnIl SHERIFF HEREBY GIVES NO- L TICE, that the COMMJS ION to hold the ASSIZI-.S for this COUNTY will be OPEN I'M) at the GUILDHALL, in the Town of C i ItDIFF, on SATUR- DAY, the Third day of JULY next, and that the Jiitlee will go into Court on MON D\Y MOIIING, the Fifth day of July. at Ten o'clock, when and where all Grand and Petty Jurors, and all Persons under re- cognizances to prosecute and give evidence against, and all Persons employed in the prosecution and defence of all Criminal Prisoners, are required to attend. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY ALSO GIVEN, that all Magistrates, or their Clerks, arc to annex the Deposi- tions and Recognizancrs together in each case, and to deliver them to the Clerk of Assize iu Court, on opening the Commission. Swansea, June 23, 1841. SHERIFF'S ORDINARY. R. AINSLEY f3 ESPECTFULLY beg* to inform those Gen- Itlemen who intend DINING with the 1IKJII SHERIFF, that the ORDINARY will he provided at the CNRDIFF ARMS, oil SAI UUDAY, the 3d of JULY. Dinner to be on the Tabic at Three o'clock precisely. Cardiff Arms 23d June. 1841. GLAMORGANSHIRE. IV OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tint the Justices of tlic Peace of this Comity, nt their General Quin-ter Sessions of the Peace, holden at Neath, on the 29111 day of June instant, /lesu/ved-o'TIo:,t a Chief Constable, for the said County, he appointed under the Statute 2<1 and 3d Victoria, c. 93 that his Salary sliall be 1:300perinntirn, and EI50 for his horse and all other expenses." Any Person desirous of the appoin'ment is requested to send Sealed Testimonials of Qtialifii ation to the Clerk of the Peace, at Cardiff, on or before Friday, the 23d day of July next, indorsed County Police." By order of the Committee, WOOD. Clerk if the Peace. Cardiff, 29tli June, ISil. III TAFF VALE RAILWAY. Alteration of Passenger Trains NROTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on and after THURSDAY, the 1st day 0f JULY, the Trains will daily leave Cardiff and Merthyr at the undermentioned hours ;—excepting Sundays, FROM CARDIFF. FROM MEUTIIYR. it. M. if. M. 6 SO am. 7 5 A. M. 9 0 do. 9 2 ) do. I 0 P. M. 1 35 )'. M. 5 « do. 5 20 do. SUNDAYS. 9 0 A. M. 9 20 A M. 5 0 p. M. 5 20 p M. For further particulars of rares, rime, and Stoppages at Stations, reference must he. made to the Train Hills, which may he had at any of the Company's Stations. The Charges on Merchandise and Cattle may be known on application at any of the stations. Taff v.,ie It ail way Office, Cardiff, June 17th, 1541. "TXfjF'vaLE RAILNVAY. fI^HK DIRECTORS nro now ready to receive I TENDERS for LOANS of MONEY in sums of not less than £ 200. upon the security of Loan Note: to be issued under the Company's seal, benring Interest at the rate of (j PerCent. per annum, payable half yearly, enti- tling the Holdeis to leceive Mortgage debentures of the Company, bearing interest at 5 per cent. per annum, payable half vearly, deliverable in the mouth of February, 1843. or 1844 Tenders may be addressed to the Undci>i £ r>eri, at the Coivip;tiiy' ()ffi('e, (:!mr(lity. or to (,:y-ii, I] ilifax Mi Is and Co., Bankos.London; h Wiliialll Mallard, 27. Smill Street, Biistol. JOSEPH B.U.L. Taff Va'e Railway Office. Cardiff. Secretary. May 22d. 1841. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. Opening Throughout. BUDD AND BLETCHLY, IN reluming Thanks for past Favours, beg to in- form their Friends and the Public, all GOODS ordered hy thelll from the ANGEL INN, FARKING- DON STREKT, and 69, OLD BAILEY, LONDON, will come direct by RMLWAY, every Morning and I.ei,int!,to Bf,l.,I,(,Iil,y,s W,\III-Hou.,ill, ,I,il()m \s STREET. Rlll.STOL, from wh-nce they will be imme- diately forwarded as directed to all parts of SOU1H WVLES and l (EHNI). Goods for LONDON and intermediate Places, con- signed to 15udd and Bletchlv, Thomas Street, Rristol, will be forwarded I-v Niorlitio and Evening. Pare Is under 56'.bs will be delivered in Itristol, at the Company's rate. Goods fetch'd from any part of the City, by a note addressed to .). Bleichly, Thomas Street. Bristol, June 30th, 18U. WORMS DESTROYED. \/TEDlCINE never witnessed a wore important 1>JL l"i«coverV than in PRITCHETI'S VEGETA- RLJo; VB.tMIKi'GR, a Remedy that, contrary to all other. neither purges, vomits, nor otherwise affi-cts the j constitution; requires no confinement, has neither taste nor smell, and is so harmless that it may be taken by an infant of an hour old yet i.ever, in one instance, failed destroying every worm in the body, of which ample and undoubted testimonies arc given with it. It 's the actual discovery of a medical practioner of eminence who may be readily referred to, and who solemnly as- serts it contains not a particle of calomel, scammony, gamboge, or other drastic article. PR.ITCHEIT's VKGKTABLR VERMIFUGE, is pre- pared by BARCLAY and SONS. No. 9.5. Farringdon Street, (late D. rrilchett); and sold in large packets, price 2s. 9J. sufficient for a grown person, or three small children; or in small packets, price Is. l £ d. sufficient for a child sold also by all Medicine Venders in Town And Country. fl." Observe the Name of BARCLAY and SONS, on the Stamp affixed to ellch Packet of the Powders, without which they cautiot be genuine. POPULAR AND SUPERIOR PERIODICAL WORKS, PUBLISHING O GRATTAN AND GILBERT, 51, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON. Map Agents, by Appoin'ment, to Her Majesty's Board of Ordnance. RUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, Gilbert's splendid Pictorial Edition, with copious Notes and it ) Life, to be completed in fourteen monthly Is Parts, illustrated by 120 fine Jin<T4vings. l'arts I to 3 now reat'v- ° GILBEUI S MODERN ATL'S OF THE EATtTII, in Monthly Parts, at Is 6J. This cheap and highly approved Work will be completed in August* The Price including thp ixty Afapi, with the descriptive letterpress (rq..al to 720 pages of an ordinary 8vo volume), hy Ron:i!T Mimic, and the alphabetical consulting Index, of m arly CO.000 places, with their latitude nnd longitude, and the No. of the M->p in which they are to he found will be £ -2 17s, strongly bound in cloth or half bound Turkey morocco extra, £ 3 3s. An edition without the Inder price 10s. in cloth or £ 2 15s, half Turkey morocco extra. PiilOR'S VtEWS OF SHI PPING, to be completed in ten Parts, price otily2* per rart.ach part containing three larr. nra,jnl! sizp. 20 inches hy 13.], with descriptive. Letter Press. Pa ts I and 2 now ready. pill [()It's DRAWING nOOK. fach Part containing 4 pagp of Dlawins and 2 of Letter Press Instructions. To he comtjlete(I in twenty Parts at Gd. The extraordinary demand the Publishers have received for these Works by Mr PRIOR sufficiently prove how much such Publications, at a reasonable price, were nseded by the Public. Parts I to 8 now resulv. GILBERT'S MAPS OF THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND, with descriptive Letter Press and the NEW POPULATION HET!'RSS the first part will appear on 0, loller 1. » THg PHILOSOPHY OF GEOGRAPHY, a highlv interesting work, by UOBKRT Ml'DIE, Esq.; with numerons and superior Illustrations; Part 1 will he published on October f. A detailed Cataloijue of H. and G.'s Maps, Miscellaneous Publications, the Ordnance Survey of England and Wales (including the Prices of the County Maps, and the Environs of the large To-vns. issued by the Board), &c., may be had gratis by post. or through the booksellers, by whom Orders for the above Publications are received. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. OPENING THROUGHOUT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the LINK WILL BE OPENED THROUGHOUT to BATH, liitis r°L, and B ttDGEWATER.for the CONVEY ANC E of PASSENGERS, PARCELS, CARRIAGES. HUKSLS, GOODS,and CATTLE,on WEDNESDAY next, the 30th insta. t. There will be an ALTERATION OF THE TRAINS ON AND AFTER rii k,r DAY, particu'ars of which inav t,e kn,,wn by application for Truin Bills, ifter Saturday. the 2fith instant, at any of tho Company's Stations. rhCir.°.±C.LI)OVVN 'RAIN TO BltlSTOL WILL HE DISCONTINUED, instead of which a TRAIN will leave PADDINGTON at 11 o'clock. A.M.,FOR BATH and BRISTOL. LONG TRAINS WILL RUN AS UNDER:— A.M 8 o'clock to Cirencester, Bath, Bristol, and Bridgewater. 10 11 1. It 1. — II to Bath and B,istol. 12 to Ciienccster, Bath, Bristol, and Bridgewater, P.M. 2 to Cirencester, Bath. and Bristol, with a Train from Bristol at 7 o'clock to Bridgewa'er. — 5 lo Cirencester,Bath, and Br stol. — 8 55 ——- Mail Train to Cirencester, Bath, Bristol, and Bridgewater. The Journey to Bridgewater will be performed in about Five Hours and a half; and the Fares by Railway— 1st Class, 38s.; 2d Class, 26j. 6.1. By Order of the Directors, t CHAS. A S UN DERS,) „ June 25th, 1841. TIIOS. OSLER. > Secretaries. GLEBELAND, RIERTHYR TYDVIL. O lit Set, AND KXTRRED UPON IMMEDIATELY. ALL that ROOMY HOUSK and PREMISES lately in the occupation of Mr IIOWEJT, Grocer and Chandler, containing a Comer Shop, Parlour, Sitting ltooin, four Bedrooms and Garret, two Kitchens, two Cellars, and Back Court. Also, a RACK BUILDING adapted for Cottages, Stable and Carthouse, or Workshops. For lurther particulars apply to Mr James Adams, tenant thereof, who is about to remove to other Pre mises. N.B. The House can he conveniently converted into two separate Establishments at a Hiding expense. TOWN OF NEATH. GLAMORGANSHIRE iria be Urt, AND ENTIWFD UPON ON TIIF. 1ST DAY OF MAY NEXT. ALL that long established TAN YARD and PREMISES, now in the occupation of Mr EDWARD THOMAS, situate in WATER STREET, in the Town of NEATH aforesaid. The above Premises are conveniently situated with an ample supply of water, and in every way calculated for carrying on an extensive Business. Kiirther parti- culars may be had on application to Mr Cuthbertson, Solicitor, Neath. GLAMORGANSHIRE. NOTICE IS HERF.BY GIVEN, that the TOLLS arising at the RUMNlOY BRIDGE GATE lltiU be lict fjL) Unction, To the best Bidder, at the CARDIFF A INN ill CA 'DIFF, on SATURDAY, the 3d Day of JULY next, between the Honrs of 12 and 2 o'clock in the Afternoon, for any term not exceeding Three Years (at the option of the Trustees then present). Whoever ,hall be declared the best Hiilder must at the same time uive Securities to the samfaction of the said Trus- tees, f ir payment of the Rent at such times as they may direct. R, LEWfS REECE, Clerk to the Trustees oj the said Bri lye. Cardiff. J'lnc 5, 1841. BHECONSHIRE. AN EXCELLENT FREEHOLD HILLY FARM FOR ;.41t by PriUatf Contract, BLAEN CALLAN, CON PAINING 200 ACRES, situate in the c Parish of LL AN TH E I I Y, let to Mr Jeukin Williams, at the low yearly rent of ,£60. It is well adapted for breeding young Cattle, and the Sheep Walk is dry and healthy. It is distant six miles from Mer- thyr and ten from Brecon. for terms apply to Mr Elias Watkins. the Proprietor, or at the Office of Messrs Meyrick and Davies Solicitors, Merthyr. GLAMORGANSHIRE. VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE AND COAL MINES. To be olb b!1 Auction, By Mr M. WMITTINGTON, At the CASTLE INN. NEATH. on THURSDAY, the 5,li day of AUGUST next. at Two o'clock in the Afternoon (Li), order of the Mortgagee, under a power of Sale), subject to such Conditions as will be then produced, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given A LLthnt MESSUAGEor TENEMENT, FARM -t* and LANDS, commonly called or known as NAN I STA LON, otherwise NANS IWLLION, situate and being in the several Parishes of Ystradgunlais, in the County of Brecon and Cadoxtoti juxta Neath, in the County of Glamorgan, containing by estimation 120 acres, or thereabouts. The situation of this Property is well adapted for the erection of lion Works, having a plentiful supply of Coal ;,nd Iron Ore upon the Estate, with the command of two fillf, streams of water. There are Six Seams of Coal, containing in the aigregate 40 feet or thereabouts, the s-ams of Iron Ore are also very productive, and have been proved to be of a very rich quality. This Estate is also of great value, considered as the key to all the minerals under the Drim Mountain, several hundred acres in extent. The property is situate Six Miles from the Neath Canal, at Aberdulais, and Three from the Swansea Can,il, at Yniscedwin, to which place there is a ready communica- tion by a Railroad, which passes through the Property to neighbouring Quarries of Limestone; and a Hallroad to the Neath Canal may be made at a very moderate expense. There is also a valuable right of Common upon the Diim Mountain attached to the Estate. A small piece of the waste ground, containing 60 perches or thereabouts in extent, has been let for a term of which 87 years are now unexpired. at the annual rent AL and the Estate will be sold subject thereto. An abstract of the powers under which this Property is Sold will be produced at the time of Sale. For further particulars, and to treat for the Purchase by Private Contract, app:y to Mr Montague Grover, Solicitor, Cardiff; or to the Auctioneer, Neath, MERTIIYR TYDVIL. Eo be £ ottr by Auction, By Mr THOMAS DAVIES, At the NEW MARKET, MERTHYR. on MONDAY next, the 5th of JULY, 1841, at Two o'clock in the Aftei-noozi, r|"MIREE HUNDRED WINCHESTERS of ex- I client ENGLISH -MALT, TWENTY S VCKS of FLOUR, mid a quan'ity of useful HOUSEHOLD FUUNITURK, comprising Chairs, Tables, and various other Domestic Requisites. The whole will he Sold without reserve. FREEHOLD PROPERTY. To be £ oltr tiv urtion. fly Mr THOMAS DA\ IES, Auctioneer, At the BUSH INN. in MERTHYR TYDVIL, in the County of GLAMORGAN, on MONDAY, the 12th day of JULY next, betwe-n the hours of Two and Three oVock in the Afternoon, A1,1, ihfif MESSUAGE, FARM LANDS, and /1L PREMISES, called CWM COTlIY. situate in the Hamiel of FOREST, in the Parish of MERTHYR 1 YDVIL aforesaid. CWM COTHY consists of a GOOD FA!tM HOUSE AND CONVENIENT OUTBUILDINGS, all in excellent Repair, together with nearly 100 ACRES of ARABLE, PASTURE, MEADOW, and WOJD LAND. it is situated in a HIGHLY INTERESTING MINERAL DISTRICT, divided from the Gellygaer Great Mountain, whence the DOWLAIS IRON COMPANY obtain the Minerals to supply their Extensive Works, by a Brook only and the well known GELLYGAER C0\L MEASURES run under the »hole of it. and these msy be opened and worked and the Coal sent t« Market at a very reasonable expense, the communication with THE PORT OF CARDIFF by means of THE TAFF VALE RAILWAY heing a most easy and convenient one, as the Lancaiach Branch of that Railway passes within about half a mile of the Property; the whole of the PREMISES AllE WITHIN A RING FENCE, and are bounded on the East and West by Two Rivulets which, at all seasons, afford ample ST RE VMS OF WATER, running N(irtli -inti South with a good full the whole length of the l'arin, anil are Ciip;ih'e of being diverteiJ to any part of it for the pmposes of Machinery or other- wise; there arc several HUNDREDS of FINE an.1 VALUABLE MAIDEN OAK and other TIMBER TREES, and many Acies of EXCELLENT COP PIC E.WOOD of about Eight Years' growth now standing upon the Property. For further particulars apply to Mr David Lewis, the Proprietor, at CWIn Cothy, nt-ar the Quaker's Yard to Messrs Petkins and Junes, Solicitors, Merthyr Tydvil; or, tothe A uctioijeer, litisli liiii, NIertliyr l'yavil. BRECONSHIRE. VALUABLE ESTATE, FOR SALE, mo be JJernnptorilv Soltt bv Euctton, (Under a power of Sale.) By Mr HUGH JONES, At the SWAN INN, in the Town of BRECON, on SA TURDAY, the 21th day of JULY, 1841, subject to such Conditions as shall be then produced in Three Lots (or in One Lot, if it should be so decided at the time of Sale). LOT I. 4LL that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, and LANDS, culled or known by ihe Name of TYH. Rill 0 G, otheiwise Tyr David Howell Walter, with the COEDC VE thereto adjoining and belonging, containing together, by a -measurement 74A. 2r. 30r. (more nr le-s). and now in the occupation of David Davies, at the low Yearly Rent of £36. LOT 2.— .ill those Two Pieces of Arable and Pasture LAND. known by the Name of Caer Ty Newydd, containing together, by admeasurement 3A, JR. 2411. (more or less), part and parcel of the said Tenement called Tyr Pentirriog. no v also held by the said David Davies. at the low Yearly Bent of .£.3, LOT 3.—All that TENEMENT and lANDS. called or known by the Name of Pentre Bach. containing, by admeasurement, 30 Acres (more or less), and now in the occupation of Thomas Thomas, at the low Yearly Rent of £ 24. The several Land-, above described adjoin one another, and are situate in the Parish of Llanthetty, in the County of Brecon. The Tram Road leading from Talybont towards Trevil, and thence towards Sirhowy and Beaufort, runs through the upper pans of Lots One and Three and the several Lots taken together, present a very eligible 1'roperty for Persons trading on the Talybont Tram Road, or for Investment. For a view of the Premisrs, apply to the respective Tenants, or the Auctioneer; and for further particulars to Air David Lloyd U anies, Qlicilor, Llaudover/t 2u JUQC, HH I, The Celebrated Manchester Medicine! A TKINSON'S ROYAL INFANTS' PRESER- VATIVE. —This popular medicine lias been prepared anil sold by the l'roprietors upwards of Forty years, during which time it has attained so high a reputation as to he almost in ileneral not only in lireat Bntain hut in every civilised country of the G'ohe. The Preservative was originally intended as an Antidote to those pernicious medicines for children which have Laudanum for their chief and only active Ingredient its success has fully answered the intent. It is aneffieacious Carminative, intended as a preventive against, and a cllre for, those complaints to which infants arc liable, as Affections of the li wels. Diffictit Teething, Convulsions, Rickets, &e-. is an admirable a-sistant to nature during the progress of the Hooping Coiwh, the Measles, and the Cow Pox, or Vaccine Inoculation ntid its efficacy is fully established by the fact that upwards of 100,000 bottles are annually seld in Great Britain alone! and, it msy he added, that this medicine is so perfectly innocent, that it may be given with the greatest safety immediately after birth! Prepared only by 150BER T BANKER (nephew and succcssnr t, and formerly pnrtr\er with d,c Ntc Mr A tkitiiann, the discovorrr of this invaluable tnrd k 'uh ) No. I, Market rlacp. Manchester, and sold in bottles af Is I.Jd 2h 9J and 4s 6d each. Sold mail bv all respect- able Druggists and Medicine Venders in Town and Country; and wholesale bv Messrs Batclav and Sons. 95, Fnrringdon Street; W. Sutton and Co., 10, Bow Church, yard F. Newberry, 45 St. Paul's Church-yard E. Edwards, 67, St raul's Church-yard; and T. Butler, 4, Cheapside, London. N.B. Please to be particular in asking for Atkinson's Infants' Preservative, and in observing the name of Robert Barker, I. Market Place, Manchester." upon the government s'amp afiixed over the cork of each bottle of the genuine med cine. BEWARE OF C(IIIN'TFRFI.'ITq. AGFNTS.— Jenkins Merlhyr T\dvil and Dowlais J and Mr Davies, Merthyr Tydvil. SELECT MEDICINES, Prepared by H. CONGREVE, Peckham, near London. (^ONGREVE'S BALSAMIC ELIXIR, for Cou-hs, J Colds, Asthma, and Pulmonaiy Consumption. One or two tea Spoonfuls of the above valuable Preparation act like a charm in allaying the asthmatic spasms, unloading the air vessels of tough phlegm, and removing the irritation of 'lie windp'pe,on which cough and oilier pulmon ry complaints depend. Price Is lid, 4s 6d, 1 Is, and 22s I,eri)o-,tic. For further inform- ation, read the Bill of Directions which accotnpa ies each Bottle. Published by request. ASTONISHING CURE IN CONSIJM I'TION, WHICH DHïEI) MEDICAL SKILL. No. 2, George Sircet, Old Kent Road. Surrey, •' August 4, 1840. SIR,—T consider it a duty I owe to yoli and to the public at large, to exprrss my s ticere thnnks for the benefit I have, experienced fi-O in your valuable medicine —the Balsamic Elixir. I can L i;tire. yott I have been dreadfully afflicted with the disorder my medical at tendant called Pulmonary Consumption, attended with a dreadful couali, of so much violence that I dare, no' lie ill one position fur fear of being choked. I continued in this h"¡,1ess condition for upwards of ten months, beill" told by mv Physician that I could not recover. I was at length recommended by a lady, who had seen your pamphlet, and witnessed the wonderful effects of your Balsam, to give it a trial, as my last rosourcr, for I never expected to survive my affliction; hut, hy the blessing of Almighty God. with the aid of your Elixir my cough (which had broken several b!ood vessels, and reduced me in appearance to a mere skeleton) was completely subdued and the ruptures healed. I cannot close this brief and imperfect outline of mv case (for I am unable to give m »re than a mere outline no words can fully describe the benefit I have derived from the medicine, and my case was pronounced hope- less), without wishing, from my very heart, that others. who may be similarly afflicted, may meet with some friend who would advise them to try it without preju- dice. and persevere in its use; for I have the fullest con- iidonce that they will, in such cases, derive from it substantial benefit. I am, Sir, your most obedien, servant. E. THOMPSON, ,-To Mr Congreve, Peck IJllm." DR. FLEMMING'S QUININE AND CAMPIIOK PILLS, A highly approved remedy for Indigestion. Nervo-n, Bilious, anil Liver Complaints, Lown-ss of Spin's, Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, Fever, Rheu- matism, Pilins in the Loins, Headache, Dimness of Sight. Heartburn, Flatulence,^ &e.— Patronised by his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, These valunble Pills never nauseate the Stomach and interru t Digestion. They are peculiarly mild and dncarinus never fail to create an npi)e itt for, and a relish of ft)o(i-ltct as a beneficial cordial on the nerves —in short, they resuscitate, revive, and strengthen the entire sys em, and regulate the bowels in a manner never before accomplished by medicine.— Sold in Boxes at Is 14d, 2s 9d 4s 6d, &c. Agents for the the aho"e Medicines— HAN N A Y & Co., 53, Oxford Street. London. Sold also by Mrs JENKINS, Druggist, MerlhyrTjdfil. And may be had of most Chemists and Booksellers. See that '■ II EN R V CONG REV7 E" is signed acioss the Government Stamp. Just published, in Demy Octavo, By Mpssrs PERRY "wi Co., Consul ting Siirgcotis, 4, Great Clirries Street, Birminaliairi, and 41, Albion Street, Leeds, II.UJSTRATUD BY EIGHT FINK ENGRAVINGS, A PR ACTICAL TR K AT1SR on Disorders arising r\ from a vitiated state of the Blood, including nhserva- tinns on their baneful effects. The Work is embellished with Engravings representing the deleterious influence of Merc-iry on the external appearance of the Skin, by Eruptions on the head, face, and body, to whi-h are added very extensive observations on Debility, brought on by youthful impropriety, all its attendant sympathies and dangerous consequences considertd. The whole accompanied by explanatory Engravings and multifarious remarks on Weaknesses, &c., with the most approved and safe mode of treatment and cure, without confine- ment or interruption from business; and general instruc- tions for the perfect icstoration of those who are incapa- citated from entering into the holy state of Marriage, by the evil consequences ansing from early irregu- larities. or syphilitic infection. This invaluable Work will h- secretly inclosed with each box of Perry's Purifying Sppcijic Pills (I'rice 2s 9<i, 4s 6:1, and lis) and the Corditd Balm of Syriacum (Price lis and 3:3" per bottle), and is pointed out to Suffering Humanity as a Silent Fiiend, to he consulted without exposure, and with assured confidence of success. TilE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM Is a gentle stimulant and renovator of the imp ired functions of life, and is, therefore, calculated to afford decided relief to those who have weakened ihe powers of their system, and fallen lutn a state of chronic debility. In such persons, the appetite is generally defective, and the relish of life almost subdued; they are wanting in that activity of mind and energy of conduct which their affairs require, and partly from conscious weakness, partly from excessive apprehensions, arc liable to sink despondently into a premature grave. Such as these, under Divine Influence, the Cordial Balm of Syriacum will restore to the enjoyment of all the comforts of life. As nothing can be better adapted to help and nourish the constitution, so there is nothing more generally ac- knowledged to be peculiarly efficacious in all inward wastins: loss, of appetite, indigestion, depression of spirits, trembling or shaking of the hands or limbs, obstinate coughs, shortness of breath, or consumptive hhits. Sold in Bottles, price lis each, or the quantity of four in one family bottle for 33s, by whicli one lis bottle is saved. v observe, none are genuine without the signature of H. & I,. PER H Y and Co." may be had of all Medicinc Venders throughout the United Kingdom, Ameiica, and the Continent of Europe. The Five Pound Cases (the purchasing of which will he a saving of One Pound I welve Shillings;) may be had as usual, at either of the Establishments and Patients in the Country who requite a course of this admirable Medicine, should send Five Pounds by letter which will entitle them to the full benefit of such ad- vantage. Messrs Perry and Co., Surgeons, may be consulted as usual at No. 4, Great Charles Street (four doors from Easy lIow). Birmingham, and No. 44, Albion Street, Leeds. Only one personal visit is required from a country patient to enable, Messrs Perry and Co. to give such advice as will he the means of effecting a permanent and effectual cure after all other means have pioved ineffectual. N.H.-Country Druggists, Booksellers, Patent Medicine Venders, and every other shopkeeper, can be supplied with any quantity of Perry's Purifying Specific Pills and Cordial Balm of Syriacum, with the usual allowance to the trade, by most Of the principal wholesale Patent Medicine houses in London, .Sold by Jeak R$Mcitbyr Tydvil and Dowlais. "Woodhouse's Ethereal Sssence ol Grinder. PATRONS: Her Most Gracious Majesty. IPs Majesty the King of the Belgians. His Majesty the King of the FrenchT Hi> Ivoyal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, and a lon lit 0: Kobility. Sir D. Davies, Physi. an to their late Majesties, t ii o -S°n' ^ys.cian to their late. M»j<*stiea. J. II. Curties, Esq, Auaist lo ditto. Dr Ashwell, Ph\sician to Guy's Hospital. Y°,rS 1Vr,'i!'i'. Pi'cher, and Millard. And of tn<! m »st eminent of the Faculty nnd by (Special »ppoinrrn^rit to iii. late Mo.f Gracions Majesty, as the folio* ing letter from Sir H. VVheatly testifies — St James Palace,2.r>th June, 1835. "S IR, I ;4ni ht'lllourld with the King's commands to express his Majesty's sense of vour polite atten- tion in sending the two ltoules of Ethereal Essence of f>ingcr. His Maje-ty has been pleased to direct me lo forward you Ten Poim4|^jj[ payment for the taint. Enclosed you will find the amount. "I am. Sir, yours, ohed., "lo Mr D. Woodhonse." »< H. WHEATIY M ooiMi.itisi. s (ilNOP.R still maintains its superiority in Cii(,Ier, Spa-ti S' Cramps, !• laiulence.Laiiijonr. Hysterics, Heartburn, Loss ol Appetite, Pa n and Oppression after Meals; alsothose ains of the Stomach and Bowels which arise froin Gouty latulencies. Digestion, however much impair, d, is restored to its pristine state, bv the use of this invaluable preparation, and the Proprietor earnestly calls the atten- tion of every Faulily tn its virtues, particulaily at this season, when from the too free indulgence of f,it, & the stomach and bowels b.-come deranged, and too fre- quently (from neglect) terminates in inflammation and the most fat.. 1 consequences. This Essence is prepared solely by E. R. Oregory, Chemist. Church Street, Hack- ncy. and Sold in Bot:leq.%2- (;d, 4s 6 1,and (Jlass Stoppered ones at 10s 6J and 21s caeh (duty iiicl(i(led)-wliere also may be had Gregory's Family Pills-a in,.st safe and efficaciovis reinedy for P)ilit)us art(] l,iver Uotz)pla;t)ts- they neither impair by time, or change by climate, and nny be taken with perfect safety even by the most deli- cate child—in b <x.-s. Is lid, 2s 9d, and 4i 6,1 each. Agent for Merthyr and Dowlais—Mrs Jenkins.

London, Friday, June 25.


Maox's AGE.

[No title]